ROSELEY is a market-town, in the parish of its name, and franchise of Wenlock ; 146 miles N.W. from London, 25 N. E. from Ludlow, 13 S. E. from Shrews­bury, and 4 E. from Wenlock ; situate on the Severn, which river separates it from Madeley, Ironbridge, and Colebrook-Dale; and on the road from Worcester to Shrewsbury. In ancient records it is written Bur­wardesley, probably deriving that appellation from a family of the name of Burward, to which it formerly belonged. It consists principally of one long street, with smaller ones branching off irregularly, leading to the different collieries and other works ; the former of which are extensive. Their produce is chiefly ap­propriated on the spot to various iron furnaces, pot­teries, &c. as well as to the manufacture of glazed pipes (for which it has been long noted), fire-bricks, tiles, &c. The town is within the jurisdiction of the borough of Wenlock : courts-leet for the manor are held in the town-ball, in April and October; at the latter of which four constables are appointed : and a court of requests, for the recovery of debts under held generally every alternate Wednesday. The places of worship are, the parish church, a chapel of ease at Jackfield (in this parish), two chapels for Baptists, and one for the Wesleyan Methodists. The church, which is dedicated to St. Leonard, has, with the exception of the tower (which is of stone,) been rebuilt of brick. The living is a perpetual curacy, in the patronage of the Blythe family: the Rev. Townsend Forester is the present incumbent. The market is held on Wednesday; and the fairs on the last Tues­day in April, and the 28th of October. The parish of Broseley contained, in 1811, 4,850 inhabitants; in 1821, 4,814; and in 1831, 4,299; the reduced popula­tion being attributed to the depression of the iron trade.

MADELEY, or Madeley Market, is a parish and mar­ket town, in the same liberties as Broseley ; the town extending to COALBROOK-DALE, which is accounted a part of it, and connected therewith in its trade and history. The iron-works of this parish are consider­able; the forges, mills, and steam-engines, with all their vast machinery, and the flaming furnaces and smoking lime-kilns, form a spectacle horribly sub­lime; while the stupendous iron arch, bestriding the Severn, gives these scenes a yet nearer resemblance to the ideas in romance. This famous bridge was built

in the year 1779, the whole having been previously cast in open sand ; all the principal parts were erected in three months, without any accident to the work or workmen, or the least obstruction to the navigation of the river. The span of the arch is one hundred feet six inches, and the height, from the base line to the centre, forty feet ; the total weight of iron being three hundred and seventy-eight tons. This great work, which has given name to a part of the parish, IRONBRIDGE, has every claim to attention as an effort of great mechanical genius. The places of worship are, the parish church, dedicated to All Saints, chapels for Wesleyan Methodists, and one for Roman Catholics. A new church is about to be erected for the accom­modation of the inhabitants of Ironbridge. The living of Madeley is a discharged vicarage, in the patronage of Sir Edward Kynaston, Bart.: the Rev. George Edmonds is the present incumbent. The house of in­dustry, erected in 1797, at an expense of about £1,100. is a commodious building. At COALPORT, two miles from Ironbridge, are the china manufactories, which are well worth the minute inspection of the visitant; as indeed is the whole of this curious and romantic neighbourhood; where may be seen winding glens, vast hills, and hanging woods: while the bosom of the noble Severn, which so essentially contributes to the prosperity of this district, in bearing away the ar­ticles of trade produced here, adds also to the general beauty of the country through which it glides. The market is held on Friday at Ironbridge ; and the fairs at Madeley, on the 26th of January, the 29th of May, and the 12th of October. The parish of Madeley con­tained, by the census of 1821, 5,379 inhabitants, and by that for 1831, 5,822.

BENTHALL is a village, in the parish of its name, within the liberties of Wenlock, situate two miles and a half N.N.E. from that town. There are two pottery works in this neighbourhood, which give employment to many of, the inhabitants; and the river Severn, which flows through the parish, provides the means of distributing the articles manufactured to various parts. The church is dedicated to St. Bartholomew ; and the living is a perpetual curacy, in the gift of the vicar of Much Wenlock. The population of the parish at the last census (1831) was 525, being fewer by 111 than it contained in the year 1801.

POST OFFICE, Broseley, Hannah Guest, Post Mistress.- Letters from LONDON and all parts arrive every day at ten minutes past twelve, and are despatched every afternoon at twenty minutes before 3.

POST OFFICE, IRONBRIDGE, William Smith, Post Mater.-Letters from LONDON, &c. arrive every day at twelve, and are despatched every afternoon at three.-Letters from BIRMINGHAM arrive every evening at six, and are despatched every morning at a quarter past eight. ­-­Letters from SHREWSBURY arrive every morning at quarter past eight, and are dispatched every evening at six.


Barnes Rev. William, Madeley

Bartlett Rev. John, Marnwood

Darby Richard, esq. Coalbrook-Dale

Dutton Mr. John, Madeley

Edmonds Mrs. Ann, Madeley

Edmonds Rev. George, Madeley

Edmonds William, esq. Madeley

Ferriday Miss Ann, Madeley

Ferriday Robert, esq. Madeley

Forester Lord John George Weld, Willey park

Forester Rev. Townsend, Rectory

Jeffries Rev. Clement, Madeley

Jones Rev. Daniel, Broseley

Jones Rev. Thomas, Broseley

Patrick Mrs. May Ann, Madeley

Williams Rev. John, Broseley

Yates the Misses -, Madeley


Not otherwise described are Day Schools.

Aston Mary, Coalbrook-Dale

Baylis Ann, Ironbridge

Baylis John Cox, Ironbridge

Bonner William, Broseley

Carter Mary, Madeley

Evans George, Broseley

Greathead Mary, Ironbridge

Harvey William, Ironbridge

INFANTS' SCHOOL, Coalbrook-Dale Ellen Evison, mistress

INFANTS' SCHOOL, Madeley-the Young Ladies of the Village mistresses

INFANTS' SCHOOL, Ironbridge­ Sarah Nickless, mistress

Jones Rev. Thomas (gentleman's boarding) Broseley

LANCASTERIAN SCHOOL (girls'), Coalbrook-Dale-Martha Michael, mistress

Micklewright Thos. Madeley wood

Onions Jane, Broseley

Onions Samuel, Little Dawley

Taylor Ann, Ironbridge

Thomas John, Broseley


(See ales Fire, &c.. Office Agents.)

Baylis William (to the MADELEY WOOD Co.) Coalport

James George (to T, W. & B. Bot­field) Coalport

Smith William (to the MADELEY WOOD Co.) Lloyds


 Smith Samuel & Son, Madeley


Anstice William Reynolds, Madeley

Court Matthew, Ironbridge

Pritchard & Sons, Broseley

Tanner John, Ironbridge


Bywater George, Ironbridge

Hartshorne George, Broseley

Smith Samuel, Madeley

Walter Samuel Elliot, Ironbridge


Barclay John, Ironbridge

Everall Mary, Broseley

Jones Edward, Ironbridge

Jones Stephen, Ironbridge

Milner George Jacob Ironbridge

Onions James Madeley

Rogers Mary, Ironbridge


Darby and Co. Coalbrook-Dale­ (draw on Sir Japes Esdaile and Co. London)

Pritchard John, George and John Broseley-(draw on Barnetts, Hoare & Co. London)

SAVINGS' BANK, Ironbridge­ William Smith, actuary- (attend­ance monthly)


Davies Francis, Broseley

Davies Richard, Ironbridge

Edwards John, Ironbridge

Edwards Joseph, Broseley

Felton William, Madeley

Handley Francis, Coalbrook-Dale

Jones Rebecca, Madeley

Parker John, Coalbrook-Dale

Parsons William, Broseley

Wallett Thomas, Coalport

Walton Richard, Ironbridge

Wilkinson Sarah, Broseley


Gother Francis, Benthall

Grice Peter, Madeley Wood

Griffiths John and Edwin Francis, Coalport


Smith William, Ironbridge

Walter Samuel Elliot, Ironbridge


Bailey John, Coalbrook-Dale

Barker John, Madeley

Betton Richard, Ironbridge

Blocksidge John, Coalport

Booth John, Broseley

Burnt James, Broseley

Crowder John, Broseley

Cureton Edward, Madeley Wood

Dodd Thomas, Ironbridge

Dovey Richard, Madeley

Franklin Edward, Ironbridge

Franks Thomas, Madeley Wood

Garbett Thomas, Benthall

Howard William, Ironbridge

Lewis & Ford, Ironbridge

Parsons Edward, Broseley

Price John, Madeley

Roberts John, Coalbrook-Dale

Stodd William, Coalbrook-Dale

Weeks Richard, Broseley

Williams William, Broseley

Woodruff James, Ironbridge

Yates Francis, Madeley Wood

Yates Richard, Madeley Wood


Bartlam Charles, Ironbridge

Fenton J no., Broseley & Ironbridge


Barton John & Edwd. Ironbridge

Cock Roger, Hodge Bower

Davies George, Madeley Wood

Davies Thomas, Lloyd's head

Davies William, Lloyd's head

Edwards Edward, Ironbridge

Evans Robert, Broseley Hartshorne

Hezekiah, Broseley

Onions John, Broseley

Poole Richard, Broseley

Roden John &Thomas, Jackfield

Roden Samuel, Broseley

Smith Samuel & Co. Madeley

Thompson James, Lightmoor


Barclay John, Ironbridge

Legg Francis, Broseley

Legg William, Broseley

Nevett John, Ironbridge

Nevett Samuel, Ironbridge

Nevett Thomas, Ironbridge

Nickless James, Madeley Wood

Smith Charles, Broseley

Smith John, Broseley

Smythyman John, Broseley

Squires Richard, Broseley

Thompson Thomas, Madeley Wood


Barnett Thomas, Ironbridge

Booth Henry, Broseley

Cartwright Charles, Broseley

Cartwright George, Broseley

Cartwright James, Broseley

Cartwright James, jun. Broseley

Cox John, Coalbrook-Dale

Crump William, Broseley

Delves Joseph, Coalbrook-Dale

 Delves Thomas, Ironbridge

Gough Thomas, Broseley

Harris James, Madeley

Harris James, jun. Madeley

Knowles George, Broseley

Page John, Ironbridge

Page Thomas, Broseley

Pearce Thomas, Broseley

Raby John, Madeley Wood

Wilcox John, Madeley

Wilcox William, Madeley


Edwards Edward, Ironbridge

Hartshorne George, Broseley

Lloyd John, Ironbridge

Perks George, Madeley

 Poole Thomas, Broseley


Edge Benjamin, Coalport


Rose John & Co. Coalport


Oakley Jesse, Broseley

Wheeler Richard, Ironbridge


Cannadine Isaac, Ironbridge

Rogers Thomas, Ironbridge

Williams William, Ironbridge


Brown Henry, Ironbridge

Cock Roger, Hodge Bower

Cotton Richard, Ironbridge


ALLIANCE, Thomas Graham, Coal­brook-Dale

BIRMINGHAM Jno.Harvey, Broseley

GLOBE, Humphy. Charlton, Broseley

NORWICH UNION, Edward Smith, Lloyds

SALOP, John Jones, Benthall

SUN, John Tanner, Ironbridge


(See also Shopkeepers, &c.)

Bailey William, Coalbrook-Dale

Franks Benjamin, Madeley Wood

Glazebrook James, Ironbridge

Inett Thomas, Coalbrook-Dale

Milner Betsey, Ironbridge

Oakley Jesse, Broseley

Rose Samuel, Coalbrook-Dale

Smith Charles William, Ironbridge

Smith Henry(& cheese factor) Ironbridge

Wild Thomas, Broseley

Wright Benjamin, Coalbrook-Dale


Baugh George, Ironbridge

Poole Thomas, Ironbridge


Shingler and Son, Ironbridge and Madeley Wood


Guest Charles, Broseley

Lister Thomas, Broseley

Smith Henry, Ironbridge .


Tontine (& posting house) Thomas Jones, Ironbridge


Clayton Charles, Madeley

Hill Stephen, Benthall


Addenbrook, Pidcock & Co. Lightmoor

Botfield Thomas William & Briah, Coalport



Onions John, Broseley


Davies Richard, Ironbridge

Ha wood John (& wire worker)Ironbridge

Smith Charles William, Ironbridge


Bailey William, Madeley Wood

Burnet Abraham, Broseley

Cox Brooke, Madeley Wood

Davies John, Broseley

Evans Thomas, Madeley Wood

Hartshorne George, Broseley

Jenks Thomas, Ironbridge

Lloyd John, Ironbridge

Nickless William, Ironbridge

Smith Samuel & Son (& builders) Madeley

Turley William, Broseley


Patten John, Benthall

Smith William &Co. Lloyds


Baker Jeremiah, Broseley

Charlton Henry, Ironbridge

Edwards Edward, Ironbridge

Ford John, Ironbridge

Glazebrook James, Ironbridge

Mellor James (woollen) Madeley

Perrin William, Broseley

Weare William, Ironbridge

Wright Benjamin, Coalbrook-Dale


Ashwood Jeremiah, Broseley

Birch Thomas, Broseley

Blanthorn James, Ironbridge

Blaze John Walker, Broseley

Boycott Richard, Ironbridge

Bronghall Joseph, Madeley

Burton John & Edwd. Ironbridge

Chune George, Coalbrook-Dale

Davies Stephen, Ironbridge

Dickinson Barnard, Coalbrook-Dale

Dyas Charles, Madeley

Gough Thomas, Broseley

Guest Charles, Broseley

Lister Thomas, Broseley

Lloyd Benjamin, Coalbrook-Dale

Lloyd Thomas, Jackfield

Lumley Charles, Coalport

Morgan William, Benthall

Page Thomas, Broseley

Smith Edward, Lloyds

Smith Samuel & Son, Madeley

Till Thomas, Madeley Wood

Wellings & Onions, Coalport

Wright Benjamin, Coalbrook-Dale

Yates John & Francis, Ironbridge


Ashwood Jeremiah, Broseley

Morgan George, Coalbrook-Dale

Morgan William, Broseley


Armstrong Mary Ann, Ironbridge

Griffiths Martha, Broseley

Sanders Martha & Matilda, Ironbridge


Andrews Richard, Madeley Wood

Jones Benjamin, Madeley Wood

Jones Thomas, Madeley Wood

Peters Richard, Broseley

Weston William, Madeley Wood


Brandford Thomas, Coalbrook-Dale

Crowder Leonard, Ironbridge

Evans Robert, Madeley Wood

Evans Thomas, Madeley Wood

Hinsley John, Madeley Wood

Jenks Edward, Ironbridge

Jones Richard, Broseley

Smith James, Broseley


Bryan Widow, Broseley

Legg Richard, Broseley

Pinner Samuel, Broseley

Roden John, Broseley

Roden Noah, Broseley

Roden Samuel, Broseley

Roden Sarah, Broseley

Shaw Richard, Broseley

Southorn William (manufacturer of the most superior quality of pipes) Broseley


Farnell John, Benthall

Lloyd John & Co. Benthall

Myatt John, Jackfield


Lloyd Andrew, Madeley

Owen Thomas, Madeley

Richards Thomas, Broseley Wood

Edward, Ironbridge


Burton Jno. & Edward, Ironbridge

Goodwin George, Ironbridge

Roden Samuel, Benthall


Bartley Thomas, Madeley

Blocksidge John, Coalport

Burnet Abraham, Broseley

Burnet William, Broseley

Clark William, Ironbridge

Crowther John, Broseley

Davies John, Broseley

Davies Thomas, Lloyd's head

Evans Thomas, Ironbridge

Fennell Thomas, Coal port

Fletcher Sarah, Coalbrook-Dale

Harper William, Madeley

Hartshorne Hezekiah, Broseley

Harvey John, Broseley

Instone John, Broseley

Jones John, Madeley

Lees John, Madeley

Lloyd John, Broseley

Lloyd Thomas, Madeley Wood

Lloyd Thomas, Lloyd's head

Nevett Enoch, Broseley

Page Mary, Broseley

Pearce Thomas, Broseley

Picken Thomas, Madeley

Putts Thomas, Lloyd's head

Poultney Samuel, Broseley

Roden Samuel, Benthall

Rushton Valentine, Madeley

Speak Thomas, Broseley

Weaver Charles, Broseley

Wilcox Henry, Ironbridge

Wilcox 'Thomas, Madeley Wood

Williams William, Broseley


Aston Mary Ann, Ironbridge

Delves Jane, Ironbridge

 Patten Elizabeth, Benthall

Raby Seth, Ironbridge


Brookes John, Madeley

Edwards Edward, Coalbrook-Dale

Fifield William, Broseley

Gourley Daniel, M. D. Madeley

Lister John Matthews, Broseley

Procter Richard, Ironbridge

Rowland Hugh & Son, Ironbridge

Thursfield Richard, Broseley

Wyke Richard, Broseley


Blanthorn James, Ironbridge

Blodwell James, Madeley Wood

Delves Thomas, Madeley Wood

Fowler James, Broseley

George John, Broseley

Gething James, Coalbrook-Dale

Hammersley Isaac, Ironbridge

Heaford William, Coalbrook-Dale

Humphreys William, Ironbridge

Johnson John, Broseley

Jones Stephen, Broseley

Morgan Philip, Madeley

Shotton Richard, Madeley Wood

Thomas Thomas, Broseley


Carrington William, Broseley

Evans Richard, Broseley

Goodwin Benjamin, Ironbridge


Albion, John Lloyd, Broseley

Ash Tree, William Travis, Jackfield

Black Swan, William Potts. Jackfield

Block House, John Davies, Madeley

Wood Bridge House, John Wellings, Coalport

Cape of Good Hope,J ohn Turton, Broseley

Coalport Inn, Samuel Price, Coalport

Coopers' Arms, John Owen, Ironbridge

Craven Arms, Robert Owen, Horsehay

Crown, Roger Cock, Hodge bower

Crown, Samuel Matthews, Broseley

Crown, Sarah Reynolds, Madeley Wood

Dog & Duck, Edward Williams, Lloyds

Dog, Samuel Amphlet, Broseley           

Duke of Cumberland, Thos. Davies, Broseley

Duke of Wellington, Martha Jones ,Broseley

Duke of York, Thomas Rutland, Broseley

Elephant & Castle, Edwd. Lister, Broseley

Foresters' Arms, Wm. Edwards, Broseley

Fox, John Davies, Broseley

George and Dragon, Matthew Thompson, Madeley Wood

Golden Ball, Brooke Cox, Madeley Wood

Grove, John Ferrington, Coalbrook-Dale

Half Moon, George Richards, Salt house

Hammer, Samuel Jones, Madeley Wood

Hand and Tankard, John Smythyman Broseley 

Hat & Lamb. William Shingler, Madeley Wood

Hole-in-the-Wall, George Wilks, Broseley

King's Head, Ann Higgins, Broseley

Labour-in-Vain, Thos. Morris, Horse hay

Lake Head, Joseph Cope, Madeley Wood

Letters, Ann Jones, Coalbrook-Dale

Lion, John Law Broseley

Lloyd's Head, John Transom, Lloyd's head

Lord Hill, John Burgess, Broseley

Lord Nelson, Noah Hill, Broseley

May Pole, Charles Jones, Broseley

Meadow House Geo. James, the Meadow

New Hill Pitt, &s. Till, Madeley Wood

New Inn, Elizabeth Lloyd, Benthall

Old Crown, Thomas Holloway, Broseley

Old Red Lion, William Wilson, Broseley

Park Tavern, Mary Ward, Madeley

Pheasant, Adam Jones, Broseley

Plough, John Smith, Broseley

Queen's Head, Harriet Fowler, Ironbridge

Robin Hood, James Bailey, Madeley Wood

Rodney, George Lloyd, Coalbrook-Date

Royal Oak, Charles Dyes, Madeley

Royal Oak, Robert Richards, Jackfield

Royal Oak, Thomas Wild, Ironbridge

Severn Trow, Ann Lloyd, Jackfield

Ship, Ann Adams the Werps

Spirit Vaults, Thomas Lister, Ironbridge

Spotted Leopard, Robert Jones, Benthall

Swan, Benjamin Lloyd, Coalbrook-Dale

Talbot, George Boycott, Ironbridge

Three Horse Shoes, Sarah Lees, Madeley

Three Tuns, Richd. Boycott, Ironbridge

Tumbling Sailors, Elizabeth Richards Lloyd's head        

Turk's Head, Francis Richards, Madeley Wood

Werps, Thomas Beard, the Werps

White Hart, Sophia Mantle, Ironbridge

Retailers of Beer.

Bailey John, Coalbrook-Dale

Davies John, Broseley

Edwards Edward, Ironbridge

Evans George, Ironbridge

Gather Francis, Benthall

Hargreaves Rebecca, Coalport

Harris Thomas, Ironbridge

Holt Richard, Madeley

Law Elizabeth, Madeley

Lloyd Edmund, Lloyd's head

Lloyd Thomas, Madeley Wood

Lloyd William, Broseley

Lisseter William, Ironbridge

Millington Elizabeth, Broseley

Oakes Thomas, Salt house

Poole Thomas, Ironbridge

Poole John, Broseley

Rogers Thomas, Ironbridge

Williams John, Madeley

Williams William, Broseley


Chune George & Joseph (& timber surveyors) Coalbrook-Dale

Griffiths John and Edwin Francis, Coalport

Griffiths Robert & John, Broseley

Horton Samuel, Coalport Smith Samuel & Son, Madeley


Blakeway Thomas, Broseley

Burroughs James, Ironbridge

Lisseter William, Ironbridge


Broadhurst Thomas, Broseley

Farr James, Madeley

Griffiths Robert & John, Broseley

Hill Edward, Ironbridge


Lister Thomas, Broseley


Brown John, turner, Madeley Wood

Brown Samuel, hosier, Ironbridge

Burnet Henry, smallware dealer, Broseley

Gwynn James, basket maker, Broseley

Musgrave William, wharfinger, Coalport

Parker Elizabeth, nursery and seed dealer, Ironbridge

Smith Edward, porter dealer,

Lloyds Smith J no. Home, drawing master, Broseley

Stormont John, patten maker, Ironbridge

Weager Israel, block and pump maker, Madeley Wood           

Madeley-John Powis, master WORKHOUSE,



To LONDON, the Salopian (from Shrews­bury) calls at the White Hart, every morning at ten; goes through Shiffnall, Wolverhampton, Birmingham, Strat­ford-upon-Avon, Oxford, Henley-on­-Thames, Maidenhead and Slough.

To BIRMINGHAM, the Royal Mail (from Shrewsbury) calls at the Ton­tine, every morning at half-past eight; goes thro' Shiffnall & Wolverhampton.

To CHELTENHAM, the Hawk (from Shrewsbury) calls at the Tontine, every forenoon (Sunday exceted)at half-past eleven-the Hibernia (from Liverpool) calls at the Swan, and the L'Hirondell, calls at the Tontine, both every after­noon (Sunday excepted) at half-past two; all go through Bridgnorth, Kid­derminster and Worcester..

To LIVERPOOL, the Hibernia (from Cheltenham) calls at the Swan, even forenoon (Sunday excepted) at half-past eleven; goes thro' Shrewsbury, Wem Whitchurch and Chester-and the' L'Hirondell, calls at the Tontine, at the same hour ; goes through Shrews­bury, Wrexham and Chester.

To SHREWSBURY, the Royal Mail (from Birmingham) calls at the Tontine, every evening at half-past six-the Hawk (from Cheltenham) calls at the Tontine, every evening (Sunday excepted) at half-past five-and the Salopian (from London) calls at the White Hart, every evening at six.


To BIRMINGHAM & WOLVERHAMPTON, Pickford and Co., and Crowley Hicklin, Batty & Co. from the Coopers' Arms, Ironbridge, every Wed. and Sat

To LUDLOW, William Marston, from the Three Tuns, every Wednesday.

To SHREWSBURY, Richard Parry, from the Crown, Broseley, every Tues. & Fri.

To WENLOCK, William Marston, from the Three Tuns, every Wednesday.


To BRIDGNORTH, BEWDLEY, GLOUCESTER, STOURPORT, TEWKESBURY & WORCESTER, John Lloyd and George Goodwin, from Coalport and Ironbridge, daily, to meet the Fly Boats of Ames and Co. who forward goods to all parts of the Kingdom.

To SHREWSBURY, the same Carriers, weekly.