Extracts from
Wellington Journal & Shrewsbury News
relating to Broseley and District
Broseley Local History Society
2nd January 1932
HOSPITAL COMMITTEE.—A meeting of the above was held recently, Mr. J. Harrison being in the chair. The hon. treasurer, Mr. W. T. Hudson, presented a statement of accounts to date, showing a balance in hand of £18 11s. 6d. Allocation to hospitals, etc., were made as follows: Royal Salop Infirmary, £5 5s.; Eye, Ear and Throat , Hospital, £5 5s.; Iron-Bridge Dispensary, £3 3s.; Shropshire Sanatorium, £2 2s.; Shropshire After-care Fund, £1 1s.; making a total of £16 16s. to be distributed.
DANCE.—On Boxing Night a carnival Cinderella dance was held in the new St. Mary's Hall, and upwards of 100 people attended. Mr. Clay acted as M.C., and there were various competitions. Mr. G. Cross (Benthall) won a cake, and Miss Kathleen Price a doll. Spot dance prizes were won by Mr. B. Gough and Miss May Hudson, also Mr. Jones (The Lloyds), and Miss Oakley. The refreshments were provided by the ladies' catering committee. The Rector and Mr. G. Britton were responsible for the arrangements, and the proceeds were for the new St. Mary's Hall fund.
WILLEY ESTATES COMPANY.—The half-yearly farm rent audit was held on Dec. 23 at the Forester Arms Inn, and afterwards the tenants were entertained to dinner by Lord Forester in the "Forester" Room, where upwards of 40 sat down to an excellent repast, catered for by Mrs. T. Smith. His Lordship presided, and was supported by Major the Hon. C. Weld-Forester, Major Rowland Hunt (Linley), Rev. C. S. Jackson (Broseley), Rev. G. F. Hales (Willey), Mr. Hugh Welsh (secretary and agent), Messrs. C. F. Wadlow, F. C. Howells and T. I. Griffiths. With dinner over, and the loyal toast, proposed by Lord Forester having been drunk with musical honours, the rest of the evening was spent in toasting and harmony. Mr. W. E. Davis, who presided at the piano, commenced the musical part by singing “15th Century Melody." The toast of the evening, "Our Landlords," was proposed by Mr. C. F. Wadlow in his usual able manner, and seconded by Mr. T. I. Griffiths, and the healths of Lord and Lady Forester, also Major Cecil and Mrs. Forester, were drunk heartily. Lord Forester responded, and thanked them for the cordial manner in which the toast had been received. Major Forester also replied, expressing his appreciation and thanks. Mr. F. C. Howells proposed, and Mr. W. Thomas seconded, the toast of "Capt. Hugh Welsh" (the secretary), to which Mr. Welsh replied. The popular toast in connection with this gathering, "Fox hunting," was proposed by Mr. T. R. Chatham, who coupled with it the name of Major Rowland Hunt, who responded, giving his interesting views on fox hunting and agriculture, and appropriate with this Mr. John hear, by request, gave his " Hunting Song." The toast “Our Visitors" (Major Hunt, the rectors and Mr. W. E. Davis), was given by Lord Forester, who cordially welcomed them to the festive board, and the Rev. C. S. Jackson responded. Other vocal items were given by Messrs. Dennis Downes, T. I. Griffiths, Hugh Welsh and W. E. Davis. "Our. Hostess," was proposed by his Lordship, who spoke of the excellent way in which the catering had been done. He also expressed sorrow at the recent death of Mr. Tom Smith, and as a tribute the company stood in silence.
OBITUARY.—The death occurred on Dec. 21 after a short illness, of Mrs. J. Garbett, of 25, Woodlands Road, Broseley. The deceased, who was 61 years of age, was a native of Broseley, and well known and highly respected in the neighbourhood. She is survived by a husband, two sons and two daughters. The funeral took place on Dec. 24. The service was conducted at Broseley Parish Church by the Rev. C. S. Jackson, and the interment took place at Broseley Cemetery. The chief mourners were Mr. S. J. Garbett (husband); Mr. B. Garbett and Mr. J. Garbett (sons), Mrs. D. Cookson and Mrs. A. Sherwood (daughters), Mr. T. Miles (brother), Messrs. Cyril Garbett, W. Garbett, Cecil Garbett, G. and T. Miles (nephew), Mr. E. Oakley and Mr: E. Cookson. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by the following:— Loving husband and son, Jeff; Daughter Doris, Eric and grandson; Son Bert, wife and children; Daughter Amy and Albert; Mrs. Humphries, Betty, John and Eric; Mrs. H. Griffiths; Mr. and Mrs. Enoch Cookson; Mr. and Mrs. Harrison; Mrs. Rogers, Mr. T. Ball, Sybil and Stan; Auntie Jennie, Wilf and Ciss; Cousin Mary, Emma and family; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bowen and family; Cyril and Gertie; Brother Tom and nephews; Mr. and Mrs. Lane and family; Edward, wife and family; Mrs. Miles and family.
A WRIST DRIVE organised by the committee of the local branch of the Wrekin Labour Party was held in the Town Hall on Boxing Night. There were 25 tables engaged, and Mr. John Beaman carried out the duties of M C. The prizes were distributed by, Mrs. E. C. S. White to the following: Highest score during the evening, Mr. W. Lewis; I, Mrs. K. Deavall; 2, Mrs. E. Morris; 3, Miss N. Higginson, Madeley; travelling, Miss A. A. Horton; 1, Mr. A. V. Oliver; 2, Mr. G, S. Boden ; 3, Mr. Alfred Aston; travelling, Mr. H. Oliver; consolation, Mrs. J. Hall and Mr. H. Day; sealed numbers, Mr. W. Meredith, Mr. W. Thomas, Miss E. Lewis and Mrs. Clifford Hall. At the close Mr. J. Beaman proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs. White, which was seconded by Mr. J. Casey. The refreshment department was in the charge of Mrs. J. Beaman and Mrs. G. Sneyd, and the secretarial duties were carried out by Mr. T. Goodall, and Mr. J. Casey was the treasurer.
WESLEYAN CHURCH.—The annual prize-distribution in connection with the Sunday School, took place on Sunday afternoon, when 128 scholars received prizes according to merit for good attendances at school during the past year, as follows: Seventeen scholars received the special "Round O Prizes" for complete attendance; 25 first prizes, 46 second prizes and 40 third prizes. Mr. F. C. Howells (Field House) presented the prizes.
CRICKET CLUB DANCE.—A dance organised by the committee was held on Monday in the Town Hall. The M.C. was Mr. Bert Wase, and the ladies' committee was in charge of the buffet.
9th January 1932
OLD BAPTIST SUNDAY SCHOOL.— The Christmas party was held on Dec. 31, when the children sat down to an excellent tea in the Schoolroom. They then adjourned to the chapel, where carols were sung, and the pastor (Rev. T. Lloyd-Morgan), presented the prizes. Each child also received a text card, sent by 'Mr. R. N. Moore (Madeley). Returning to the schoolroom, they received a visit from Father Christmas (impersonated by Mr.. W. Penson), who presented each child with a gift from the Christmas tree, also a parcel from old Sunday School members. Before leaving, each child was presented with a bag of nuts, oranges and apples. During tea-time the pastor received a telegram from an old Sunday School scholar, wishing the Sunday School every success in the coming year, also regretting her absence. The arrangements were ably carried out by the teachers and friends.
BROSELEY WOOD MISSION. — Monday the choir, concert party and school children were entertained to tea, following which an enjoyable time was spent in games of all descriptions. The special feature of the programme was a surprise visit by Father Christmas (Mr. A. Blake), who distributed gifts to the delighted choir and children, which were greatly appreciated. When leaving they were also presented with buns, oranges, nuts and sweets. Afterwards the choir, Bible Class and football team were invited to partake of supper, which was generously provided by friends of the mission, and the repast was very much appreciated by the guests. A hearty vote of thanks was proposed by Ald. Nicklin; this was endorsed by the rector (Rev. C. S. Jackson), and seconded by Mr. E. C. S. White. Mrs. T. Powell suitably responded on behalf of the helpers. Afterwards the guests amused themselves with games and dancing.
POLICE COURT, Tuesday.—Before the Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murphy), Lord Forester, Sir Chas. Yate, Ald. J. Nicklin and Mr. E. J. Exley. — The Mayor wished all the Court a happy and prosperous New Year.- On the information of P.-C. H. Dodd (Broseley), Henry Roberts, Posenhall Smithy, Henry Boden, 49, The Mines, Benthall, William Ball, Bridgnorth Road, Broseley, and William Roberts, 8, Chapel Road, Broseley, were charged with riding pedal cycles without front lights on the morning of Dec. 18, at times varying between 6-29 and 7-12 a.m., at Broseley Hospital crossroads, and were each fined 5s., including costs.- Robert Watling, Folley Farm, Broseley, charged with driving a horse-drawn float without showing a red rear light, at the same place and date, at 6-5 a.m., was fined 5s., including costs, and Harry Walmsley, 11, Carver's Road, Broseley, was also fined the same amount for riding a pedal cycle without a red rear light or reflector.
At a meeting of the district council on Wednesday (Alderman J. Nicklin presiding), a vote of sympathy was passed by the meeting with Capt. E. D. Collins on his recent accident, and hopes for his speedy recovery were expressed.—It was stated that he is progressing very nicely.
Mr. F. W. Derry (town clerk) reporting on finance, said that the general district account which stood, with credit, to the amount of £515 17s. 6d. after cheques had been drawn that day amounting to £184 17s. 2d., the credit balance would be £331 0s. 4d. as against a credit of £795 at the corresponding period last year. He stated that £74 6s, 8s. had been paid into the water account daring the past month, reducing the debit balance to £115 4s. 9d. With a few cheques being signed that day the debit balance would be increased to £123 14s. 5d. This was a little more favourable than at the same period last year, when the debit balance was £232 13s. Taking the two accounts together they were £360 worse off than last year this being account
16th January 1932
HOCKEY CLUB DANCE.- A successful dance organised by the committee of the Broseley club was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday, there being an attendance of upwards of 130. Messrs. Lister's once orchestra provided the music, and Messrs. H. Watkins (Queen Street) and Gerald Oakley carried out the duties of M.C. Spat dance prizes were won by Miss Enid Davis (Benthall) and Mr. Hanley (Iron-Bridge), also Miss W. Ledger (Wellington) and Mr. S. Jones (Wellington). The lady members of the club were in charge of the refreshment department and Miss M. Hartshorne ably carried out the secretarial duties.
WEDDING.—On Saturday the wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church, the Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector) officiating, of Miss Alice Olive Jessie Walker (third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Walker, of 2, Birch Row, Broseley) and Mr. James Hatton (third son of Mr. and Mrs. James Hatton, of 4, Duke Street, Broseley). The bride, who was given away by her brother, Mr. William B. Walker, of Ford, Salop, was attired in a dress of white Indian silk, with a hat trimmed with orange blossoms, and carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums and maidenhair fern. Her bridesmaids were Miss Teresa Walker (sister) and Miss Lily Hatton (sister of the bridegroom, and they wore blue crepe-de-Chine dresses with hats to match. Mr. Ernest Wright (brother-in-law of the bride) acted as best man. After the ceremony a reception was held in the Congregational Chapel Schoolroom.
"SOCIAL."—The usual was held on Wednesday when an excellent programme was given, consisting of cornet duets by Messrs. Ellis and Hudson, songs by Mr. E. Hudson and Mr. S. Downes, coon songs by the Jackfield Minstrels (with banjo accompaniments), and a laughable farce by Messrs. Shinton and party. A short dance and votes of thanks to the performers terminated a pleasant evening. Mrs. Clay and bliss B. Perkins provided the accompaniments, and Mr. 1'. Price acted as M.C.
23rd January 1933
IN MEMORIAM.- A handsome clock, the gift of Mrs. Bromwich (The Calcutts), has been given in memory of her sister, Miss Emily Jones, who during her life-time was an earnest church-worker. The clock is fitted with a bras plate, suitably inscribed.
THE WEEKLY “SOCIAL” was held on Wednesday and there was a good company. Games were palyed, and caused amusement. Songs were given by messrs Price, Hudson and Cross, and a splendid display of gymnastics and balancing by Shinton’s party, including feats of strength by a visitor. The rector announced that the proceeds that evening completed the paying of the piano debt, with a small balance in hand. Mrs Clay was at the piano throughout the evening, which closed with a short dance.
BRITISH LEGION. — A largely attended meeting of ex-Service men, called for the purpose of forming a local branch of the Legion, was held on Jan. 15 at the Lion Hotel. Capt. Cyril Potts, M.C. (Broseley), took the chair, and the speakers were Capt. J. J. Statham (Birmingham, organising secretary of the West-Midland Area), and Mr. C. Womersley (Shrewsbury, lion. secretary of the Shropshire Council of the Legion). Capt. T. Nightingale (Birmingham), area employment officer, was also present. The chairman said the British Legion was an extremely good thing, and they ought to get a branch started in Broseley.- Capt. Statham then at great length in a very interesting way, explained the objects of the Legion, its ideals and principles, and all that they tried to achieve in the problems which arose from time to time in the straggle against unemployment, the fight for pensions, the relief of distress, and in the cause of the widows and orphans. — Mr. Womersley also gave some helpful information with regard to the procedure and the assistance which would be given by the County and added that by forming a branch that night they would be doing their bit. - Afterwards it was unanimously decided form a branch, and the following officers were then elected:—Charman (pro tem.), Capt. C. Potts; hon. secretary. Mr W. W. Ward; hon. treasurer, Mr. E. C. S. White, and the headquarters of the branch to lie at the Lion Hotel.—Mr. Walter Lloyd, hon. secretary of the Coalbrookdale branch, congratulated those present on having formed a branch, and said it was badly needed in Broseley. He paid tribute to the county secretary for the help he had given to his branch. - At the close the chairman proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers, also to Mr. Ward for taking the initiative he had done. This was seconded by Mr. White. A vote of thanks was also accorded Capt. Potts for taking the chair.
PARISH CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL PARTY. - The annual tea-party and concert were held on Jan. 14 in the Town Hall. In the afternoon, with the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector), presiding, the younger scholars sat down to an excellent tea, which was handed round by the teachers and elder scholars. They then returned home to come back later with their parents, and in the meantime the elder scholars and teachers took tea, which was served in the Conservative Room below, for which Mesdames Benbow, Onions, Pountney and Mrs. Evans (caretaker), undertook the arrangements. Afterwards, when the parents and scholars had all assembled, the prize distribution took place. The prizes consisted of books and certificates, and were distributed by Mrs. P. R. Cottrill (The Grange), many of the scholars receiving a seven years' prize. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs. Cottrill, on the proposition of the rector, who also thanked Miss Potts, Mrs. Wase, Mr. Vincent Davis, and all the teachers for their help, and Mrs. Cottrill suitably responded The entertainment followed, and the programme consisted of :—Song (in costume), by the Kindergarten "Japanese Butterfly Land"; recitations, Miss Margaret Millward and Master Geoffrey Benbow; sketch, with songs, "The Coming of Spring," by the older girls; and song (in costume), "Here comes the dream man," by the Kindergarten. Miss M. Oswell and Miss I. Kenyon were responsible for the training of the Kindergarten and Miss Potts and Mrs. A. Wase for the elder girls. Handbell selections were also given by the Tower Boys' Octet under the direction of Mr. A. J. Garnett, and a missionary sketch. "Seeing and believing” by the younger boys, trained by Mr. J. B. Dixon. The programme concluded with a little play, written and produced by Sirs. Walter Davis, entitled "A New Year's Party," and acted by the elder scholars. At the close cheers were given for Mrs. W. Davis, Miss Potts, Miss M. Oswell and the rector. On the following evening the entertainment was repeated for the public, and was attended by a good audience, the proceeds being devoted to Sunday School funds.
UNITED BROTHERHOOD. — The monthly meeting of the "Men's Own," was held in the Wesleyan Church on Sunday afternoon, and was largely attended. Lord Forester (Willey Park), occupied the chair, and was supported by the chaplain, Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector of Broseley), who led the meeting in prayers, and also read the lesson. The special speaker was the Rev. H. S. Darby, of Hadley, who gave an address on "Regarding the spirit of man." Miss Ivy Lister (Iron-Bridge), was the soloist, and sang, "Angels ever bright and fair," and "O, for the wings of a dove," to the effective organ accompaniments of the hon. secretary (Mr. J. A. Hartshorne). The items were interspersed with hymns from the Fellowship Hymnal, under the conductorship of the precentor (Mr. F. S. Francis). The secretary, after tanking his announce-meats on behalf of the congregation, thanked Lord Forester, Miss Lister and the speaker. The Rev. Darby said the closing prayer.
The funeral at Miss Mary Ann Nicholas, formerly of Field House, Broseley, whose death occurred at an advanced age at her residence, Moor-end Lodge, Cheltenham, on Jan. 14, took place on Monday at the Parish Church. Deceased had been in failing health for some few years, and passed away after a short illness.
Miss Nicholas was the eldest daughter of the late William Nicholas, partner in the firm of Messrs. Pritchard, Gordon and Co,, bankers, of Bridgnorth and Broseley, since taken over by Lloyds Bank. Ltd. For about 14 years after the death of her mother 40 years ago, she continued to reside at her home, "Field House," and for reasons of health left the district same 25 years ago, and took up residence at Cheltenham. During her life-time in Broseley, she was a prominent member of the church, and the Nicholas family has done much for the Parish Church. The last surviving member of the family is her youngest sister, Mrs. E. W. Shorting, of The Lawns, Broseley.
On Monday a, memorial service was held at S.S. Philip and James's Church, Cheltenham, conducted by Canon Ballard, and it was attended by deceased's personal friends. Afterwards the body was conveyed from Cheltenham by motor-hearse to Broseley, where it was met at the church gates by the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector). Mr. E. C. S. White (lay reader), the surpliced choir, the family mourners, and the following residents of the town and district:—Mr. J. A. Downes (late bank manager), Mr. F. R. Cottrell (present bank manager), and Mr. William Andrew (representing Lloyds Bank, Ltd.), Alderman J. Nicklin, Mr. J. Davies, Messrs. A. Wiggins, F. S. Francis James Walford, Jos. Jones and George Pearce (Iron-Bridge), and waiting in the church were Capt. and Mrs. A. H. Thorn-Pudsey, Miss Tailer and the Misses Potts (The Deanery)), and many other people to whom deceased was well known, attended the service. The bearers were Messrs. G Pearce (deceased's coachman), W. Butler, C. Pearson and H. Evans. The service was conducted by the Rev. C. S. Jackson. Mr. Walter E. Davis presided at the organ, and for the opening played Mendelssohn's "Funeral March." The cortege entered the church with the choir singing the hymn, " Thine for ever." The 23rd Psalm, " The Lord is my Shepherd," was sung, and in place of the lesson the rector read selected passages from the Gospel of St. John and St. Paul's letters. The hymn, "Abide with me," was also sung. At the close the organist played the "Dead March" (" Saul"), and the procession left the church to the singing of the Numo Dimittis, and proceeded to the family vault in the churchyard, where the interment took place.
The family mourners were:—Mr. C. E. N. Shorting, Hereford (nephew), and his two sons, Wilfred and Frank, Mr. E. H. H. Shorting, The Lawns, Broseley (nephew). Mrs. I. E. Shorting and Mr. John and Miss Mary Shorting (the widow, son and daughter of the late Canon Shorting, nephew), of St. Albans, also Miss B Brooke, deceased's companion Maid.
In the evening the Parish Church ringers gave a half-muffled peal on the bells.
Cyrus Jacks, Benthall View, Broseley, was charged with driving a motor-bus without two independent and efficient bakes, and Renfred Henry Summers, Brook House, Dale End, Coalbrookdale, the owner of the bus, was charged with allowing the vehicle to be worked without two efficient brakes.—P.-C. James said that on Jan, 1 he received information that an accident had occurred in Waterloo Street, Iron-Bridge, and ascertained that a motor-bus, driven by Jacks, had collided with the rear of a stationary motor-car, When spoken to, Jacks said that the brakes were no good, Witness accompanied Jacks in the 'bus for a distance of about 200 yards, and when descending a slope in the road he asked Jacks to apply the foot brake, but it failed to pull the vehicle up, The hand brake was in order, When charged, Jacks said that the foot brake was useless, but the hand brake was good, and he had called the attention of his “boss" to the foot brake, Continuing, P.-C. James said that he afterwards interviewed Summers, who said that on the day previous to Jan, 1, he drove the bus up some of the steepest banks around Wem, and the brakes were then all right,
They had recently been re-lined, and he told the driver to adjust them, It was the rule for a driver to adjust his own brakes, because they wore out quickly owing to the steep banks in the district—The Mayor (to Summers): How many passengers will the bus seat?—Summers: Fourteen, sir, — The Mayor: Don't you realise what a serious position you place yourself in by using a bus in such a condition?— Summers: The brakes only wanted adjusting.—The Mayor, in announcing that Jacks would be fined 15s., and Summers 30s,, and 10s, special costs, said that it was very important that such buses should have efficient brakes, and he expressed the hope that that case would serve as a warning,
Cedric Watkins, The Close, Broseley, and Eric Rowe, The Mines, Benthall, were charged with cutting three holly trees, with intent to steal, the property of Percy Thomas Whiteman, Wyke Farm, Much Wenlock, and doing damage to the extent of £2.—Defendants admitted the offence.— Prosecutor said that he noticed three holly trees badly cut, and brought the case forward as a warning, as considerable damage had been done to trees and fences,—P-C, Dodd (Broseley), spoke as to inter. viewing defendants, who expressed regret.—The Rev. C. S. Jackson appealed for leniency on behalf of defendants, and the Bench bound both defendants over. — Mr. Whiteman intimated that he did not wish to claim any damages, and the Mayor expressed thanks to him for his action.—Defendants were each ordered to pay 4s costs.
30th January 1932
PARISH. CHURCH.—The annual vestry meeting was held in the Town Hall on Jan. 21, and fairly well attended. The rector (Rev. C. S. Jackson), presided, and he was supported by the retiring churchwardens, Mr. E. H. H. Shorting (rector's warden), and Mr. W. T. Street (people's warden). The rector said that in electing his warden, he proposed making a change, as be did last year. He said he was sure he was voicing the opinion of everyone in saying that Mr. Shorting had fulfilled his office in a business-like and statesman-like manner, and after thanking him for his efficient help and loyal support, he said he had pleasure in asking Mr. Street to be his warden. — Mr. Street, in accepting, said he felt that there were others more fitted than himself to undertake the office. — Mr. Wiggins then proposed, and Ald. J. Nicklin seconded, that Mr. Shorting be elected people's warden, which was carried unanimously. Mr. Nicklin said it was only a change over from one side to the other, and Mr. Wiggins remarked that they were two good wardens, and had worked well together. Mr. Shorting thanked the meeting for proposing him, and said he was willing to fall in with their wishes, and accepted the office. He stated that Mr. Street and himself had established a record of attendance.- The annual parochial meeting then followed. The treasurer (Mr. A. E. Wiggins), presented a statement of the accounts for the past year, which showed receipts of £350 10s. 9d., and expenditure of £374 16s. 11d., with a debit balance due to bank of £15 4s. He stated that the collections were down £23, but the free-will offerings were only £1 less, as compared with the previous year. The accounts were duly passed.—The rector said they proposed to exercise strict economy during the present year, owing to the bad time the country was now passing through.—Mr. Shorting submitted the Town Hall accounts, which showed a satisfactory balance in hand. He also presented the Town Hall charities' account, and these were also passed.—The sidemen, representatives to the Ruridecanal Conference, and the Church Council were each in turn re-elected en bloc. At the close the rector expressed his sincere thanks to the wardens, Mr. White, the treasurer, sidemen, and all the helpers for the great assistance they had given during the past year.
WHIST DRIVE.—The local divisional whist drive in connection with the Wrekin Conservative and Unionist Association was held in the Town Hall on Jan. 22. There were 20 tables occupied, and Mr. E. C. S. White undertook the duties of M.C. Col. Baldwin-Webb, M.P., send a telegram expressing regret that he and Miss Webb were unable to be present, owing to a prior engagement. Mr. G. H. S. Lester (secretary and agent), was present during the evening. The prizes were distributed by Miss Wayne (Benthall Hall), who was introduced to the company by Mrs. George Potts. The prize-winners were: —Ladies: 1 Mrs. Jos. Oakley (Benthall), 2 Mrs. W. Meredith, 3 Miss Irene Tisdale. Gents.: 1 Mr. J. B. Wilkes, 2 Mr. L. Cartwright, 3 Mr. G. Embrey. These thus, qualified to compete at the final drive, to be held in Wellington next month. Mrs. Potts, in proposing a vote of thanks to Miss Wayne, announced that this lady had kindly accepted the office of chairman for the local women's branch. The refreshment department was in the charge of members of the ladies' committee.
BROTHERHOOD.—Under the auspices of the United Brotherhood, Capt. Durham, secretary of the White Cross League of the Liverpool Diocese, paid a visit to the town during the present week, and on Sunday afternoon addressed a special meeting of the Men's Own in the Wesleyan Chapel. There was a large attendance of members. The rector of Broseley (Rev. C. S. Jackson, chaplain of the Brotherhood), presided, and he conveyed an apology for the absence of the president (Mr. Hugh Welsh, Willey Old Hall). At intervals Fellowship hymns were heartily sung, with Mr. J. A. Hartshorne (hon. secretary), presiding at the organ. The chairman welcomed Capt. Durham, who thanked the members for the good attendance and fine singing. He took for the title of his discourse "Psychology," and introduced his subject in a very interesting manner. The "Blessing," pronounced by the chaplain, closed the meeting. During the week Capt. Durham also held meetings for boys and youths over the age of 14 years at the Broseley Mission and the Town Hall.
The death occurred on Saturday of Mrs. Elizabeth Francis (wife of Mr. Wm. Francis, of 7, Church View), at the age of 80 years, after a short illness. Deceased had been an invalid for some few years. It was only as recently as October last year that Mr. and Mrs. Francis celebrated their diamond wedding. Mrs. Francis was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. George Davis, partner in the late firm of brick and tile manufacturers, Broseley.
The funeral took place on Wednesday at the Parish Church, and the interment was in the Broseley Cemetery. The body was conveyed to the church and grave on the church wheel-bier, and the bearers were Messrs. T. Edwards, H. Mason, J. Colley, and E. Gittings.
The Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector) conducted the services both at the church and the graveside. The funeral was attended by the following friends: Messrs. John Mear, Wm. Andrews, W. E. Price, H. H. Wase, Cyril Edwards, and James Walford, and in attendance at the church were Mrs. W. Edge, Miss M. Edge, and the district nurse (Lady Forester Hospital). The family mourners were:—Mr. William Francs (husband), Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Francis, London (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Francis, Willey (son and (laughter-in-law), Mr. Edwin Francis (son), Mr. Fred Francis (son), Mrs. R. Collier (sister), Mr. G. Collier (nephew), Mrs. M. Davis (sister-in-law), Mr. Walter Davis (nephew), and Mrs. Roden.
Beautiful wreaths were sent by the following:— Husband; Will and Em; Tom, Joyce, Tommy and Geoffrey; Edwin and Bertie; Fred, Sarah and Myra; Mrs. Collier; George, Annie and Teddie; Mrs. E. Davis and family; Mr. and Mrs. Andrews; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Price; Mr., Mrs. and Miss Edge; and Mrs. Roden. The funeral arrangements were undertaken by Messrs. T. Meredith and Sons, Broseley.
SCOUTS' ENROLMENT.—An interesting ceremony took place on Jan. 21, the occasion being the enrolment of 16 Scouts and two Cubs, members of the 1st Jackfield Troop. The enrolment Was conducted by the rector, Rev. Mason (Group Scoutmaster), in the presence of the County Commissioner (Lord Forester), B. R. Speake, Scoutmaster P. N. Smith (assistant Scoutmaster), and G. S. Cross (assistant Cubmaster). Lord Forester spoke highly of the smart appearance of the troop, and gave very helpful advice with regard to Scouting. The enrolment was preceded by a lantern lecture, the pictures shown on the screen being excellent views of the Jamboree at Arrow Park in 1922. The rector gave splendid readings regarding the slides. The members of the Girl Guides, under Capt. W. Perkins, kindly entertained the Scouts, Cubs and Brownies to light refreshments at the close.
SUNDAY SCHOOL PRIZE-GIVING. —This event took place on Saturday in St. Mary's Ball. A sumptuous tea was provided, after which various games were played. A lantern show, "Alice in Wonderland," followed, the readings being dramatically given by the rector. "Clever Clarence," made a welcome reappearance after a lengthy absence, and caused roars of laughter. The prize-giving followed, each scholar receiving a prizes. Votes of thanks were accorded the rector and staff for their efforts, and the children gave hearty cheers, and each child was presented with an orange on leaving for home. The lantern was manipulated by Mr. P. Smith.
WEEKLY "SOCIAL." — This event took place on Wednesday, when there was a record attendance, and an excellent programme was carried out (arranged by Mr. D. Hearn), Miss Ivy Lister (soprano), and Mr. J. Bowen (humorist), gave splendid items. Mr. Osborne (Broseley), gave exhibitions of weight lifting, and Miss Boyle and friends exhibitions of classical dancing. Mrs. Clay, and Miss Perkins provided the accompaniments. Votes of thanks to the performers were given, and the evening closed with a short dance, Messrs. D. Hearn and P. Price acting as M.C.'s.
A WHIST DRIVE, in connection with the Divisional Drive, organised by the Wrekin Conservative and Unionist Association, was held on Jan. 22 in the Coalport Coffee Room. Mr. W. C. Weyman carried out the duties of M.C., and 11 tables were engaged. The prize-winners were:—Ladies: Mrs. Gather, Mrs. Goodall and Mrs. Aston. Gents.: Mr. C. Jones, Mrs. Smith (playing as gent.), and Mr. Harrington; lowest score, Miss Gallier. The first six named are entitled to compete at the final drive, to be held at Wellington in February. Mrs. W. C. Weyman presented the prizes, and was accorded a hearty vote of thanks.
6th February 1932
THE DEATH of Mrs. Fanny Harrison (wife of Mr. George Harrison), of 6, High Street, occurred on Monday at the age of 56 years, after an illness lasting over 12 months. Deceased was the fourth daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. John Clay, of Lincoln Hill, Iron-Bridge. Mrs. Harrison formerly worked for Messrs. Craven Dunnill and Co., Ltd., Encaustic Tile Works, Jackfield, where she was engaged as a dust tile presser for over twenty years. — The funeral took place on Thursday at the Parish Church, the service being conducted by the Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector). The bearers were Messrs. E. Gallier, John Hall, E. Millward, James Hall (jun.), P. Archer and John Edwards. The family mourners were:—Husband; John (son); Mr. and Mrs. James Britton (son-in-law and daughter); Mrs. Emily Danks, Birmingham, and Miss P. Clay, Birmingham (sisters); Mr. James Clay (brother); Mr. John Harrison (brother-in-law); Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lloyd (brother-in-law and sister-in-law); and many nephews and nieces. The interment took place in the Broseley
BOAT INN FLOWER SHOW COMMITTEE.—A general meeting was held on Jan. 29, and Mr. T. Pritchard presided. It was decided to hold the annual show in September, and Mr. E. Hodge was appointed treasurer, in place of Mr. M. Fox, who had resigned owing to ill-health. Mr. G. Harrington and Mr. W. Storey were appointed joint secretaries, and a strong working committee was formed.
WEEKLY SOCIAL.—On Wednesday various games were played, and Miss Jones (Dawley) delighted the company with her singing of both sentimental and humorous songs. Mrs. Clay and Miss Jones provided the accompaniments. Votes of thanks to all helpers, and a short dance, brought a pleasant evening to a close.
THE ANNUAL LICENSING SESSIONS for the Borough of Wenlock were held at Iron-Bridge Police Court on Tuesday, before Messrs. W. Roberts (chairman), W. Bishop, W. G. Dyas, J. S. Barker, C. H. Parker, and Colonel Sir C. Yate, Bart. — Superintendent R. W. Barber gave his annual report, which showed that there were fifty-four licensed houses in the borough, twenty-two beerhouses "on," two beer houses "off," and nine grocers' licenses, a total of 87 licenses. There was also one registered club and one billiard license. The population of the Borough of Wenlock was 14,152, which, excluding grocers' licenses, gave an average of 181 persons to each licensed house. During the year ending ten persons were proceeded against for drunkenness. Nine were convicted, and one was ordered to pay the costs, as against six persons proceeded against in the previous year. Nine of the ten persons were residents. During the year no licensed houses were proceeded against under the intoxicating liquor laws and the licensed houses and the club had been conducted satisfactorily. The report drew the attention of the justices to the unsatisfactory sanitary accommodation for males and females at a number of licensed houses, and stated that separate accommodation should be provided for male and female customers and also for the licensee and family. — The chairman said that, on the whole, they could congratulate the borough on the report. He referred to the fact that the population of the borough had been increased by reason of the Electric Power Station. He added that with regard to the unsatisfactory accommodation at the houses mentioned the licensee would no doubt be acquainted with what was expected to be done either by them or the landlords. In conclusion he voiced the congratulations to Superintendent Barber on his report. — The chairman said during consideration of the renewal of the licenses, that the justices objected in open court to the renewal of the license of the Royal Exchange, Madeley, on the grounds that it was not required for the needs of the district. They instructed Superintendent Barber to serve notice of objection on the licensee of the house and the matter would be considered at the adjourned licensing meeting to be held at Much Wenlock on March 1. The renewal of the license of the "Labour in Vain" Inn, at Horsehay, would be adjourned as there was an application for a temporary transfer, and the others licenses would be renewed. — An application for a temporary transfer of the license of the "Labour in Vain" Inn from W. O. Fletcher to William G. Reed was granted.
13th February 1932
LATE MRS. M. E CHARLTON.—The death occurred on Saturday, at her residence, 42, Church Street, after a short illness, at the age of 76, of Mrs Mary Elizabeth Charlton, widow of the Rev. E. B. Charlton, formerly rector of Tattenhill, near Burton-on-Trent. Upon the retirement of; Mr. Charlton from the ministry in 1924, he and his wife took up residence in Broseley, and Mr. Charlton died in 1926. Mrs. Chariton was the eldest daughter of the late Rev. Price (vicar of Little Marde, Herefordshire) and she was a sister-in-law of the late Mrs. Edward Bagnall Potts, of Bank House, Broseley. Deceased, since residing in Broseley, had taken an active part in the affairs of the Parish Church and was a member of several of the committees, also a district visitor. She survived by three sons and three daughters. — The funeral took place on Wednesday, and was attended by Messrs. E. H. H. Shorting and W. T. Street (churchwardens), Messrs. A. C. Downes, F. R. Cottrall, C. Instone, C. Edwards and Dr. Reynolds. At the church were Mrs. D. L. Prestage, Capt. and Mrs. E. D. Collins, Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. Street, Mrs. Broadhurst, and many other members of the church. The bearers were Messrs. Walter Bagley, George Jones, James Hall, senr., and James Hall, junr. The Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector), conducted the service, which was choral, and, with the surpliced choir, he met the cortege at the church gates. The choir sang the hymn, "Blest are the pure in heart," also the 23rd Psalm, "The Lord is my shepherd." Miss Watkis presided at the organ, and at the close of the service played Chopin's "Funeral March," whilst the cortege left the church to the singing of the Nunc Dimittis." The family mourners were:—Rev. W. E. Chariton, vicar of Uttoxeter, and Mr. G. D. Charlton of South Africa (sons). Mr. Alfred Price, of Dawlish, Devon, and Canon L. H. Price, of Manchester (brothers), Misses Edith and Helen Price, of Saltash, Cornwall (sisters), Mr. J. Nock, Pool Hall, near Wolverhampton (son-in-law), Miss Potts and Miss May Potts, The Deanery, Broseley (nieces). Other members of the family and many relatives were held up by the heavy fall of snow, and were prevented from attending the funeral. The interment was in the Cemetery, in the same grave as her late husband.
PARISH SOIREE. — The annual parochial soiree was held in the Town, on Tuesday, the rector (Rev. . S. Jackson) presiding over a gathering of upwards of 150. Miss Hilda Watkis (Parish Church organist), opened the programme with a pianoforte solo, and also provided the accompaniments for the other musical items, which were contributed by Miss Marjorie Tyldesley (of the Manchester concerts), who was a guest of the rector, and who had kindly assisted at several other functions in the district during the previous few days; she delighted the large audience with her numerous songs. Mr. F. S. Francis gave "Take a pair of sparkling eyes," and "Absent,” and Mr. W. E. Davis also sang. Members of the G.F.S. performed an amusing sketch, entitled " Mangling Done Here," and Mr. Carrington-Bailey (of Wolverhampton), entertained the company with his humorous stories and monologues. Refreshments were partaken of at the interval, for which the arrangements were carried out by the ladies of the social committee and other helpers. Afterwards the rector had his usual short talk with the company, in which he reviewed the work of the parish during the past year.
BROSELEY WOOD MISSION. Art enjoyable concert was given on Feb. 5 in the Mission Hall by the Jackfield Mirth Party. A pleasing programme was splendidly rendered and each item well received by a delighted audience. The proceeds were for the piano and music fund. The Rector (the Rev. C. S. Jackson) accorded a vote of thanks to the artistes for their visit, which was heartily responded to, and the singing of the National Anthem brought a very pleasant evening to a close. — On Monday a whist drive was held in the hall. There were eighteen tables occupied, and the prizes were presented by the "Mission Queen" (Miss Betty Blake). The proceeds were for the mission football club's fund.
UNITED BROTHERHOOD. — The annual "social" was held on Monday in the Town Hall, when over 100 members attended and spent a most enjoyable evening. The chaplain (the Rev. C. S. Jackson, Rector of Broseley) conveyed an apology from the president (Mr. Hugh Welsh, of 'Willey Old Hall), for unavoidable absence. The committee had engaged Mr. H. Carrington-Bailey (entertainer), of Wolverhampton, who provided the "laugh" with his many humorous items. Miss Marjorie Tyldesley (contralto), of the Manchester concerts, again kindly assisted and received a great reception. Mr. F. S. Francis (tenor) contributed a song, and Mr. W. E. Davies gave a pianoforte solo and also provided the accompaniments throughout the evening. A humorous sketch entitled "The Photographer," was given by six members of the Merry Makers Concert Party. During the interval refreshments were handed round, the arrangements for which were carried out by members' wives and friends. The hon. secretary (Mr. J. A. Hartshorne), on behalf of the company, voiced sincere thanks to the artistes and lady helpers for the excellent entertainment, and this was endorsed by the chaplain.
At the Chester County Court on Wednesday, Abraham Wolfson, commercial traveller, of Bridge Street, Broseley, claimed from the Crosville Motor Services, Ltd., Crane Wharf, Chester, £13 17s. 6d. damages in respect to an accident in which his car was involved on the road between Towyn and Llanegryn, on Nov. 5.
Wolfson conducted his own case. He said that he was driving towards Towyn in an open car and was approaching a blind right-hand bend. He blew his horn, but met no response and continued to drive on. A motor-bus owned by the defendant company came round the corner at a fairly fast speed, and wheel marks measured after the incident showed that the track of the 'bus was three feet from the near side of the road. He jammed on his brakes immediately he saw the 'bus, and swerved to the near side of the road. In doing so the near side of his car struck a wall at the side of the road.
The 'bus driver said that Wolfson was driving with the sun in his eyes and at too fast a speed. His 'bus had passed Wolfson's car before the accident occurred. When he returned some time later, he asked Wolfson to move his car. Wolfson started the car and collided with the wall a second time.
The Deputy Judge (Mr. R. Smilie) said that he had never heard a litigant in person bring out the salient facts so clearly in cross-examination, and conduct his case with such skill and ability as Wolfson. It almost made one believe that he had missed his calling. However, before he could recover damages lie must prove that he was forced to damage his car to avoid greater damage through the negligence of the defendants' driver. This he had not done and judgment would he given for the defendants with costs.
LENTEN SERVICE were held on Ash Wednesday. The school teachers and children attended service at 9 a.m., and Holy. Communion was celebrated at 9-30. In the evening a lantern service was held and beautiful views of ancient Greece and Rome were shown, also views of the Holy Land. The Rector explained the views and Mrs. Mason presided at the organ.
CONCERT. — The Madeley Wood Melody Makers gave a concert in the new Coalford Sunday School, assisted by Mr. E. W. Smith, Mr. L. Bridge and Miss Joyce South, in aid of the Broseley Ancient Order of Foresters juvenile outing fund. Mr. B. J. Wilkinson (Iron-Bridge) acted as chairman and choruses were rendered by the party, songs by Miss G. Hayward, Miss J. Smith, and Mr. W. Hurdley, and a duet by Miss M. Morgan and Miss D. Wolley. Those taking part in the sketches were the Misses M. Morgan, G. Hayward, M. Hayward, D. Wolley, and L. Armstrong, and Messrs. W. Smith, W. Hurdley, S. Hurdley, and L. Bridge. A humorous item was given by Mr. W. Smith and pianoforte solos by Mr. B. W. Smith. Before the final item the chairman thanked the members of the party for their entertainment.
A CARNIVAL DANCE was held on Feb 5 in the new St. Mary's Hall, organised by the Church Council entertainments' committee, the proceeds of which were for the St. Mary's Hall fund. The hall was gaily decorated and attracted a company of about 140 people. Mr. Stanley Watkins (Broseley) carried out the duties of M.C. Lucky-spot dance prizes were won by Miss Gittings and Mr. H. Doughty. The winner of a competition for a cake was Mr. A. Skitt, and for a porkpie, Mr. W. Gallier. The refreshment buffet was in the charge of toe ladies' catering committee.
PARISH SOIREE. — The first annual soiree was held on Saturday in the Schoolroom, and was well attended. The Vicar (the Rev. C. S. Jackson, Rector of Broseley) presided between games of cards the following artistes helped to make the evening a success:—Miss Tyldesley (Manchester), Mr. F. S. Francis (Broseley), Mrs. S. Williams, Mr. Waiter Dodd. The Parish Church choirboys sang "John Brown's Body," Mrs. Whitehead kindly presiding at the piano in the absence of Mrs. E. Instone. During the interval refreshments, provided by the ladies' committee were handed round. At the close the Vicar thanked all the artistes and the helpers, adding that he hoped the soiree would he an annual affair.
20th February 1932
To the Rating Officer for the Borough of Wenlock, in the said County of Salop.
To the Superintendent of Police for the said Borough of Wenlock.
To the Clerk to the Licensing Justices of the said Borough of Wenlock.
To Thomas Benjamin Venn, of the "Tumbling Sailors", Jackfield, in the County of Salop.
To the Wrekin Brewery Co., Ltd., The Brewery, Market Street, Wellington; and
To all others whom it may concern.
I JOHN ARTHUR HARRIS, now residing at the Old Queen's Head (otherwise commonly called and known as "The Vaults"), High Street, Iron-Bridge, in the Parish of Madeley, in the Licensing District of the Borough of Wenlock, in the County of Salop, Licensed Victualler, do hereby give Notice that it is my intention to apply to the Adjourned General Annual Licensing Meeting for the said Borough of Wenlock, to be holden at Much Wenlock, on the 1st day of March Next, for an Order sanctioning the REMOVAL OF A JUSTICES LICENSE, now held by Thomas Benjamin Venn, authorising the said Thomas Benjamin Venn to apply for and hold an EXCISE LICENSE to sell by retail any intoxicating liquor for consumption either on or off the premises situate at Jackfield, in the Parish of Broseley. in the County of Salop, and known by the sign of "The Tumbling Sailors", from such premises to a house and certain premises situate at High Street, Iron-Bridge, in the Parish of Madeley aforesaid, and now known and to be known by the sign of "The Old Queen's Head" (otherwise commonly called and known as "The Vaults"), and which premises The Wrekin Brewery Co., Ltd., of The Brewery, Market Street, Wellington, in the said County of Salop, are the owners, of whom I rent them, and which premises are occupied and kept by me as a Licensed House under the said sign of "The Old Queen's Head" (otherwise "The Vaults").
Given under my band this Sixth day of February, One thousand nine hundred and thirty-two
Monday.- Before Deputy Judge W. H. Williams.
Claim for Professional Fees.
A claim was brought by Francis Lowe, house and estate agent, The Square, Broseley, for £5 professional fees, against Mrs. Birchell, licensee of the Elephant and Castle, Broseley.
Mr. B. Hayes (Shrewsbury) appeared for plaintiff, and defendant was represented by Mr. B. J. Gwynne (Messrs. B. Gwynne and Son, Wellington).
Plaintiff said that Mrs. Birchell asked him to obtain a tenant for the house, and he introduced a prospective tenant, but Mrs. Birchell refused. Other people also had visited the house in regard to the tenancy.
Mr. Gwynne: Is it usual for a tenant under a brewery company to find a new tenant for a house?- It is not usual, but it has been done in many cases.—Have you ever known a case where a tenant of a licensed house has arranged for a new tenant with out the consent or knowledge of the brewery company?- Not without consent.
Mrs. Birchell said that she had never given Mr. Lowe instructions to secure a tenant. She had said to him that as her husband had died she had got tired and might give up the tenancy some time. Mr. Lowe then said that he could get her a good tenant, but she told him that it was not under notice. The next day he brought a man to the house, but the man said he did not want the tenancy. He only required rooms. Other people viewed the house, but she did not interview them, or allow them to go over the house. Since then she had had notice to quit.
Mr. Hayes: Mr. Lowe advertised for a tenant in the JOURNAL?—Yes.— Was not that very strange if he had not had instructions?—It was.
In further reply to Mr. Hayes, Mrs Birchell said that she did offer to pay after she had received a solicitor's letter. The letter frightened her, and she did not know what to do.
Mrs. Birchell said that when she heard that an advertisement had appeared in the JOURNAL she spoke to Mr. Lowe, who told her that the house was not named in the advertisement.
His Honour adjourned the case to the Shrewsbury Court for the production of the advertisement and other evidence.
CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST ASSOCIATION.— The annual meeting of the local men's branch was held on Wednesday in the Town Hall, with Mr. C. A. Potts in the chair. The hon. treasurer (Mr. E. H. H. Shorting), presented a statement of the accounts for the past year, and this was duly passed. Lord Forester was again elected president, and the retiring officers, Mr. C. A. Potts (chairman), Mr. Hugh Welsh (vice-chairman), Mr. E. H. H. Shorting (hon, treasurer), and Mr. W. H. Pountney (hon. secretary), were unanimously re-elected. The committee, less three members who had left the district, were re elected en bloc, and Messrs. C. T. Harrison and G. H. Bryce were added, in the place of those who had left. The chairman and treasurer were elected as delegates to the Divisional Council, and Mr. C. A. Potts as representative to the Divisional Executive Committee.
QUIET HALF-DAY.—In connection with the Wenlock Deanery Sunday School Association, about 40 members and seven local clergy met at Broseley on Saturday for the second annual quiet half-day. The proceedings opened with a short service in church, followed by two addresses by Canon Rowe (Vicar of Royton, Lanes.). Tea was afterwards partaken of at the Rectory. Miss Kerr (diocesan Sunday School organiser) was unable to be present. The members afterwards assembled in church for evensong, when a third address was given by Canon Rowe. Miss Potts presided at the organ.
On Feb. 8 one of the oldest and most respected inhabitants of the town, in the person of Mrs. Rebecca Tonkiss, of 8, Barratt's Hill, passed away after an illness of two weeks, following a period of failing health for about two years, at the ripe age of 86
Deceased was the widow of Mr. James Tonkiss, encaustic tile maker, who pre-deceased her in August, 1921, and for many years since and previous to her death, she had made her home with her grandson and granddaughter, Mr. and Mrs Arthur Tonkiss at the same address. She had been a member of the Church of England all her life, and for 20 years was a member of the Broseley branch of the Mothers Union. She is survived by five sons and three daughters, with whom sympathy has been felt.
The funeral took place on Saturday at the Parish Church, and the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector) conducted the service. The body was conveyed on the church wheel bier, the bearers being Messrs. C. Pearson. W. Harris. W. Roberts, W Shaw, R. Ashwood and J. Edwards. The family mourners were:- Albert. Frank and George (cons), Jennie and Laura (daughters), Mr T. H. Jones, Shifnal, (son-in-law), Messrs. Arthur Tonkiss, George Turner (Madeley). Aubrey and George Tonkiss (Coalport), and Leslie Young, Hoylake (grandsons), Messrs_ George Taylor (Wrexham), and J. D. Perkins, Jackfield (nephews). The following friends attended:— Messrs. D. Jones (Jackfield), W. E. Jones (Iron-Bridge), C. T. Harrison, T. Bickley, J. Slater. F. L. Francis. A. H. Ayres S. W. Colley. The interment was in the Broseley Cemetery in the grave of her late husband.
Beautiful wreaths and other floral tributes were sent by the following:— Dick and Harriet and family; Edith, George and family (Madeley) Albert and Cis (Shifnal); Frank, Nance and boys; Jenny, Alec and Leslie (Hoylake); Sam, May and family (Australia); George, and Ethel (Shrewsbury); Laura, Tom and Sydney (Shifnal); Hilda. Jim and family (Todmorden); Arthur, Edith and Guy; Eva, Ted and family (Madeley); Mrs. Taylor, Frank and Fred (Harley); Doris, Jim, Marion and Sam (Manchester); Gladys and Cecil; Mrs. Taylor (Shrewsbury); Mr. and Mrs. J. Downes and family; Mr. and Mrs. Pearson and Mary; Flo and Tom; Will Harris; Mesdames Benbow, Onions and Molineux; Members of Mothers' Union; Benthall Cricket Club Committee and players. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. T. Meredith and Sons, Broseley.
27th February 1932
A SMOKING CONCERT was held on Feb. 19 at the Club, at which there was a large gathering of members. In the unavoidable absence of the president (Lord Forester), and the chairman of committee (Dr. Boon), Mr. F. S. Francis took the chair. An excellent miscellaneous programme was sustained by the following artistes:—Mr. T. Griffiths (violin), Mr. A. Hewitt, Iron-Bridge (songs), who also, with Mr. Cecil Cox gave duets, Mr. F. S. Francis (solos), and Mr. E. Heighway (Dawley) , who gave humorous items, which evoked great applause. Mr. W. E. Davis (Parish Church choirmaster), provided the accompaniments on the piano, and also (at special request), gave an amusing monologue.
UNITED BROTHERHOOD. — The Monthly meeting of the "Men's Own" was held on Sunday afternoon in the Town Hall, where there was an attendance of over 100 members. The president (Mr. Hugh Welsh, Willey Old Hall), was chairman', and he was supported by the chaplain (Rev. C. S. Jackson, rector of Broseley), who led the meeting in prayers, and also read the selected lesson. The special speaker was Mr. H. James, of the Wolverhampton Brotherhood, who brought with him Miss Lloyd (soprano), who filled the musical part of the programme with renderings of " Nearer, my God, to Thee," " Great Lord of Life," and " Rock of Ages." Mr. W. E. Davis (organist), provided the pianoforte accompaniments. At intervals appropriate Fellowship hymns were sung, under the conductorship of Mr. F. S. Francis (precentor). At the close the hon. secretary (Mr. J. A. Hartshorne), expressed grateful thanks, on behalf of the members to Mr. James and Miss Lloyd.
OBITUARY.—The death occurred on Tuesday at the Lady Forester Hospital, Much Wenlock, of Mrs. Doris Parr, aged 25 years, wife of Mr. Percy William Parr, coal merchant, of Mill House, Foundry Lane, Broseley, after a serious illness, lasting only a few days. Much sympathy has been felt with the bereaved husband, who is left with three young children, a daughter (six years), and two boys younger. Deceased was the elder daughter of Mrs. and the late Mr. George Scoltock, of High Street, Much Wenlock. Mr. Parr has recently taken over the tenancy of the Elephant and Castle in Street, Broseley, and had only partly moved into the premises last week, when his wife, following upon the strain of recent family illness, was taken seriously ill with pneumonia.
CRICKET CLUB.—The annual meeting was held on Feb. 19 in the "Forester" Room, and was well attended. Dr. J. G. Boon occupied the chair, and the hon. treasurer, Mr. C. Owen Jones, presented a statement of the accounts, which showed an income of £64 14s. 2d., and an expenditure of £69 19s. 3d., thus increasing the small debit balance brought forward from last year by an additional Mr. Jones said he regretted the fact that the membership had gone down.—The joint secretary (Mr. C. Rowe), gave his annual report for the past season, and stated that many matches had to be abandoned owing to rain, but, in spite of this the second eleven had a successful season. He gave particulars of the averages as follows:— First eleven: Batting, Mr. F. Dodd, 29.13 per innings; bowling, Mr. F. Dodd, 11.21 per wicket. Second eleven: Mr J. Shaw, 10.67 per innings; bowling, Mr. W. Thomas, 6.21 per wicket. —Lord Forester was again elected president of the club, and the list of vice-presidents was revised, and then re-elected en bloc, Messrs. W. R. Shaw (Chirbury), W. E. Davis, J. W. Price and Mrs. T. Smith being added. Dr. Boon was unanimously re-elected chairman of the committee. The Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector), was re-elected captain of the first eleven, and Messrs. P. E. Hartshorne and F. W. Perkins were elected as vice-captains. As captain and vice-captain of the second eleven, Mr. C. Rowe and Mr. Ernest Harris were respectively elected. Messrs. E. Brown and C. Rowe were re-elected joint secretaries. Reference was made with regret to the resignation of Mr. P. E. Hartshorne front the office of joint secretary during the past year, in consequence of his business engagements, and it was resolved that a letter of appreciation of his valuable services to the club be sent to him. Mr. C. Owen Jones, hon. treasurer, and Mr. A. J. Garbett, match secretary, were re-elected. The committee were re-elected en bloc, and Messrs. Harry Mason, J. Beaman and F. Williams were added to same. Mr. E. Whitmore and Mr. E. Brown kindly accepted the nomination as umpires again. A vote of thanks was accorded the auditor, on the motion of Mr. C. Owen Jones. Dr. Boon then presented the prizes to the players as follows:—Mrs. Boon's prize, for the best batting and bowling averages, first eleven, which were both won by Mr. F. Dodd; Dr. Boon's prizes for similar performances second eleven, won by Mr. J. Shaw (batting), and Mr. W. Thomas (bowling); Mr. C. F. Wadlow's bat for the highest score in any one match in the first eleven was won by Mr. P. E. Hartshorne (72). At the close Mr. W. Oakley, in proposing a vole of thanks to the donors of the prizes, also to the chairman for presiding, spoke highly of the help and interest taken in the club by Dr. and Mrs. Boon, and Dr. Boon suitably responded.
CONGREGATION CHURCH FUNCTION. — A social evening and entertainment were held in the Schoolroom on Wednesday. Mrs. P. Archer organised the event, and the proceeds were for the purchasing of new benches for the schoolroom. Mr. W. Hill presided over a good gathering. The programme consisted of action songs by the concert party; solo, Miss Annie Lloyd; Master W. Archer gave a recitation, and Master P. Archer took the part in character), of "John Peel" in the action song; lullaby song, by the Sunday School children; dance, Miss Peggy Sherwood, who also took part with Miss Mary Hurdley in a dance and duet; sketch entitled "Clothes Mangled Here," by members of the G.F.S. Miss E. Owen provided the piano accompaniments.
Death has removed, following a week's illness, a greatly respected and popular resident of the town in the person of Mr. George Hurdley, which occurred at his home, 27, Church Street, on Monday, at the age of 74. He leaves a widow and one married daughter, with whom much sympathy is expressed. His only son was killed in action in the war in 1917.
Deceased, who was a native of Broseley, was gifted with a generous nature and a genial disposition, which gained for him a wide circle of friends. From the time of leaving school he had been engaged on the clerical staff of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd., tile manufacturers, up to the time of his retirement with a pension about eight years ago. He was one of the oldest members of the Ancient Order of Foresters, and for a period held the post of secretary of the local Lodge, and later that of treasurer.
Mr. Hurdley was a great follower of sport, and for many ears was a playing members of the Broseley Cricket Club, and when in his prime, had assisted other local cricket eleven for a period. Previously he had assisted other local cricket clubs. After retiring from playing he officiated as umpire on numerous occasions for various clubs in the district. He was an active member of the Broseley Social Club.
The funeral took place on Thursday and was attended by Alderman J. J. Nicklin (managing director of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd.), Mr. P. E. Hartshorne (representing Broseley Cricket Club) and the following members:—Messes. A. Scott, C. Owen Jones, A. J. Garbett, E. Whitworth, - Goodall, and H. Mason; Mr. F. C. Howells (managing director of Messrs. Craven Dunnill and Co., Ltd.); friends and neighbours, Messrs. George Roden, F. Powell, A. O. Jones, C. R. Jones, H. H. Wase, F. S. Francis, James Roberts, Cyril Edwards, and many others. Mr. E. W. Jones (Droitwich) and Mr. A. A. Evans, (Worcester), contemporaries of deceased in sport, also attended.
The body was conveyed on the Church wheel beir, preceded by members of deceased's friendly society, and the bearers were Messrs. A. J. Humphries (cashier of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd.), J. Jacobs (formerly of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd.), B Meredith, W. Taylor, H. Gough, and Walter Hartshorne.
A service was held in the Parish Church, conducted by the Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector) and the family mourners were Mr. and Mrs. H. Jones, Cleobury Mortimer (brother-in-law and sister); Mr. and Mrs. James Hurdley, Lightmoor, and Mr. and Mrs. John Hurdley, Manchester (brothers and sisters-in-law); Mr. W. Green, Streetly, near Birmingham (son-in-law); Messrs. James, George and Harry Hurdley and H. Hurdley Jones (nephews); and Miss Elsie Hurdley (niece) the interment was in the Broseley Cemetery, and the Foresters' oration at the graveside was read by Mr. Hedley E. Bowen (secretary).
Amongst the beautiful floral tributes were wreaths from the directors of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd., and the staff, Broseley Cricket Club, and Broseley Social Club.
5th March 1932
The funeral of Mrs. Doris Parr (whose death was announced in last issue) took place at Wenlock Cemetery on Feb. 26, in the presence of a large number of relatives and friends. Her sudden death has aroused much sympathy for the bereaved husband and three young children, both in Wenlock and Broseley. Deceased was in her 25th year.
The service was conducted by the Vicar (the Rev. J. W. Isherwood), the bearers, being Messrs. C. Russell, A. Seabury, C. Davies, and Evan Evans.
Among the mourners were Mr. P. W. Parr (husband); Mrs. Scoltock (mother); Messrs. Leslie and George Scoltock (brothers).; Mrs. Gittins, Aberderwyn and Miss Gittins (aunt and cousin); Mr. A. Scoltock (uncle): Mr. D. W. S. Parr (father-in-law); Mr. F. T. Parr, West Bromwich (brother-in-law); Mr. D. G. Parr, Sleaford (brother-in-law); Mr. J. B. Parr, Wolston (brother-in-law); Mr. J. Parr, Ross (uncle); Mr. J. Parr, junior (cousin); Mrs. T. Taylor; Mrs. Smith, Oswestry; Mr. T. G. Thompson; Mr. L. Wallett, Iron-Bridge and Mr. P. N. Smith, Jackfield (representing Coalbrookdale High School Old Boys' Association); representatives of Messrs. Butler and Co. Ltd.; Mr. P. Hartshorne, Broseley; Mr. H. Watkins; Mr. A. Childs; Mr. E. Hands; Mr. E. Hands, jun.; Mr. E. Davies; Mr W. Fothergill; Mrs. Edwards, Ludlow; Mrs. Bell, Shrewsbury; Mr. B. Onions, Broseley; Mr. Rowbrey, Broseley; Mr. H. Lloyd, Broseley; Mesdames Corfield, Evans, Roden and Potts, and the Misses Rogers and Seabury (neighbours); etc.
Among the many wreaths were the following:—Daddy, Dorothy, Billie and John; Mother, I.eslie, and George; Auntie Matt, Dorothy and Muriel: Auntie Nellie, Wenlock; Uncle Will and Auntie Lizze, Wrexham; Dick and Edie (cousins); Uncle Jack, Jessie and Emmie, Oswestry; Mr. and Mrs. Taylor; Gerald and Marg.; Jack and Marg.; Fred (brother-in-law); Uncle John and all at Burton, Ross; A. M., and L. Thompson; Mr. and Mrs Sarjeant; Mrs. M. A. Jones and Tessa, West Bromwich; Hilda; Allan; Mrs. Fothergill, Dorrie, Billie and Annie: Mr. and Mrs. T. Edwards, Grannie, Nellie and Jack, Ludlow; Mr. and Mrs. Bell and family, Shrewsbury; Mr. and Mrs. Scoffing and John; Messrs. W. Butler and Co. Ltd., Wolverhampton; Lady Catherine Milnes Gaskell; All at The Lea; All at 63, High Street; G. Elcock, Shrewsbury; Dorothy and Harry, Smithfield View; Mr. and Mrs. Lovatt, Bridgnorth; Mr. and Mrs. Northwood and Joyce: Neighbours, Foundry Lane; Mr. and. Mrs. Hands and family; Mr. Sankey and Olive; Mr. and Mrs. Faulkner and family; Mr. E. B. Higgs and family; Mr. and Mrs. E. Massie and family; Mr. and Mrs. Sid Evans; Mr. and Mrs. E. Duckett and family and Mrs. Cooper; A. Childs and E. Grainger; Mr. and Mrs. C. Duckett; Mr. and Mrs. A. Carter and Jack; Mr. and Mrs. Davies; Mr. and Mrs. Russel; Mr. and Mrs. Rowbrey; Mr. and Mrs. P. Morgan; Mr. and Mrs. Galliers and Fred; Mrs. C. Langford; Miss Langford; Mr. and Mrs. Haynes; Mr. and Mrs. Ogilvie; Mr. and Mrs. Cleeton; Mr. and Mrs. H. Watkins: Mr. and Mrs. S. Edwards; Arnold, Mrs. Norrey and family; Mr. and Mrs. Minton and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Griffiths, George and Jap; Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Clarke; Alice Rowe; Mrs. Smith and family; Mr. E. Davies, Pollie and Olive; Mr. and Mrs. Watkins: Mr. and Mrs. W. Thomas: Mr. and Mrs. C. Thomas; Mr. and Mrs. N. Davies and Ken: Mr. and Mrs. T. Hewlett and children; Mr. H. Langford; Mr. and Mrs. L. Jones; Mr. and Mrs. E. Davies, and Miss N. Weale.
DISTRICT COUNCIL.—At a meeting of the District Council on Wednesday (Ald. J. Nicklin presiding), the Town Clerk (Mr. F. W. Derry), reporting on finance, stated that the March precept had been paid into the general district account, which stood in credit to £607 8s. 8d. He gave details of cheques being drawn that day amounting to £287 2s. 3d., which would reduce the credit balance to £320 6s. 5d., as against £636 1s. 9d. at the corresponding period last year. In the water account, he said, £79 14s. 5d. had been paid in by the collectors during the month, which now showed a credit balance of £24 18s. 1d., and after cheques had been drawn that day, there would be a debit balance of £58 11s. 11d as against £109 10s. 11d. last year, the account being about £50 better off this year. He stated that he had hopes that the water account would he balanced by the end of the month, which would close the financial year.—The collector (Mr. Fenn) reported he had collected £244 6s. 10d. of the current half-year's water rate, leaving a gross outstanding account of £161 10s. 8d., which he said was about the same position as last year.—He was instructed to press for the payment of the outstanding portion of the rate. - Mr. Fenn (as housing agent) said that he had heard from the architects that the first four of the new houses of the present contract on the King Street site would be ready for occupation on March 15, and he was instructed to arrange with the applicants selected for these houses to take over the tenancies on that date.
The Surveyor presented an estimate of the cost of piping the Benthall brook for a distance of 260 yards from Barratt's Hill, amounting to approximately £260.—The meeting decided to approach the Barrow Ward with a view to getting them to share the expense, and, if agreed to, the work would he done in sections. The Surveyor stated that the repairs to the groyne in the River Severn at Jackfield were being carried out, and over 140 tons of stone had been placed there which was now about to be cemented in. He said the work would then hold all right if the bottom did not sink.—Members who had inspected the work were agreed that it was a sound job.- The tenders for the scavenging for the coming year were considered, and that of Mr. G. A. Lane, Broseley, for £90 was accepted on condition that the contractor's men were insured against accidents.- Mr. Howells called attention to the condition in which the roads were left after being cut up for repairs, etc., to drains, water pipes and gas extensions, and the officers controlling this work were instructed to see that the roads were put back in proper condition and new work carried out as far as possible by crossways through the roads, which would avoid the bump to traffic passing over.—The question of repairs to the Pritchard Memorial was again discussed.- Mr. Shorting said that he was still hopeful that the offer of £50 for the repairs would be forthcoming, and the surveyor was instructed to obtain an estimate for the repairs.—Mr. Callear (water engineer) stated that he estimated the cost of replacing the bad 3in. main at Jackfield for a length of 150 yards with 1½in. steam pipes would be £34 11s. 3d., or, with 2in. pipes, £37 18s., including labour, and he was given authority to carry out the work if and when required.
A WHIST DRIVE, organised by the committee of the Broseley Domino League, was held on Wednesday in the Town Hall, and was well patronised. There were 27 tables engaged and the duties of M.C. were carried out by Mr. I. B. Wilkes. Mrs. Dromgole (Crown Hotel) distributed the prizes to the following:-1. Mrs. Arthur Pountney, 2 Miss Lily Evans (Iron-Bridge), 3 Mrs. Dromgole, 4 Mrs. James Clarke, consolation Taylor; 1. Mr. M. May, 2 Mr. H. Chard, 3 Mr. W. George, 4 Mr. A. Hailey, consolation Mr. Leonard Cartwright. Sealed number prizes were won by Miss C. Garbett and Mr. A. Halley. At the close Mrs Dromgole was accorded a vote of thanks on the MO-Lion of the M.C. (Mr. Wilkes), who had also had the pleasure a few minutes previously of handing to Mrs. Dromgole the third ladies' prize. Mrs. Evans (caretaker), with the assistance of Mrs. G. Taylor and Mrs. Davies (Colemore Farm), catered for the refreshments. Mr. A. E. Pritchard ably carried out the secretarial duties, and the proceeds were for the Domino League's funds.
BURIAL BOARD.—The quarterly meeting was held in the Board Room at the Town Hall on Wednesday, Alderman A. A. Exley presiding. The Clerk (Mr. F. W. Derry) stated that £39 5s. for fees had been paid into the account during the past quarter, which now showed a debit balance of £2 4s. 7d., and cheques being drawn that day would increase the debit to £40 14s. 3d. He said that the £35, the year's contribution from the general district account, which was being paid over that day, would make the debit £5 14s. 3d.—The superintendent stated that the fees received were a record for that particular quarter in consequence of a lot of monumental work having been carried out.—Arising out of a complaint received, a member asked the best way in which to deal with late funerals, frequently occurring much after the appointed hour and causing much inconvenience. Mr. J. Davies said it was not always the undertaker who was to blame for the delay, and the clerk was instructed to write the undertakers that they must carry out the arrangements strictly to the fixed time.
Much Wenlock magistrates were occupied for some time on Tuesday in hearing an application by Mr. Vernon Steventon, barrister, Shrewsbury (instructed by Messrs. R. Gwynne and Son, Wellington), on behalf of the Wrekin Brewery Co., for the removal of a seven days' license from the Tumbling Sailors, Jackfield, to premises known as the Old Queen's Head, or the Vaults, Iron-Bridge, where a six days' license was in existence.
The magistrates were Ald. Roberts (chairman), Ald. Bishop, Ald Nicklin, Col. Heywood, Mr. W. O. Dyas, Mr. J. S. Barker and Mr. C. H. Parker.
Mr. E. Bygott (Messrs. Henry Lee, Bygott and Eceleston, Wem), objected to the application on behalf of the Shrewsbury and Wem Brewery Co., and objection was also raised by Richard Alfred Jones, the owner of the Crown Inn, Iron-Bridge, and Wm. Spencer, licensee of the Crown Inn.
Mr. Steeventon said that the Tumbling Sailors was a very old house, dating back to before 1850, and it was situated in a low position on the riverside. For some time trade in the Jackfield district had been decreasing, with the result that last year the sales at the Tumbling Sailors amounted to approximately a little more than a barrel of beer a week. The Wrekin Brewery Co., who were the owners of both properties, had gone to considerable pains to make the old Queen's Head into an up-to-date house, and something like £1,200 had been spent on the premises, to bring them up to modern requirements. Mr. Steventon submitted that his application was a reasonable one. At the present time, he said, the Queen's Head was the only six-day licensed house in Iron-Bridge. All the other houses opened on Sunday, and the licensee had been approached by numerous customers as to whether it would be possible to get a seven-days' license. There was also a possibility of the catering side of the business being developed, and he (Mr. Steventon), said that he could not see why the old Queen's Head should not come into line with the other licensed houses at Iron-Bridge. He also considered that the Wrekin Brewery Co. were acting in a very generous spirit, and were prepared to forego one license.
John Arthur Harris, the licensee of the Queen's Head, said that he had been approached by a number of customers as to why he did not apply for a seven days' license, as it was an inconvenience for them to go to another licensed house on Sundays. Witness said that he sold about three barrels of beer a week, and a large quantity of bottled beer. There was also good catering accommodation, and he had been approached by the Birmingham Angling Society and the National Cyclists' Union on the matter.
James Hickman, architect and surveyor, Wellington, submitted details of the alterations which the Wrekin Brewery Co. had carried out.
Mr. O. D. Murphy, managing director of the Wrekin Brewery Co., said that his company purchased the Tumbling Sailors from the old Wrekin Brewery Co. in 1902, and the Queen's Head was purchased in 1920. His company spent over £1,200 in making the Queen's Head up-to-date, and he said that from time to time he had had requests for the premises to be opened on Sundays.
Thomas Benjamin Venn, licensee of the Tumbling Sailors, said that he had held the license since 1927, and was quite agreeable to the removal.
Richard Alfred Jones, owner of the Crown Inn, Iron-Bridge, objected on the grounds that the Wrekin Brewery Co. had got six houses within a distance of a quarter of a mile, and that catering could be provided at one of the other houses.
Wm. Spencer, the licensee of the Crown Inn, also raised objection, and said that he had catered for Birmingham anglers for some time.
Mr. Bygott, who objected on behalf of the Shrewsbury and Wem Brewery Co., who owned the Three Tuns Inn, Iron-Bridge, said that additional accommodation for Sundays was not needed.
Mr. James Plant, secretary to the Shrewsbury and Wem Brewery, supported.
Supt. Barber intimated that the police offered no objection to the removal.
After retirement, the chairman said that the Bench had decided unanimously in favour of the application, which was accordingly granted.
12th March 1932
MOTHERING SUNDAY was ob served in the Parish Church. Celebrations of Holy Communion took place at 8 a.m. and 11 a.m.. There was a good congregation in the evening, when Mr. P. Smith effectively rendered the solo, "Jerusalem", and Mrs. Mason sang a solo, the verses of which were composed by the Rector (Rev. F. R. Mason), who also preached an eloquent sermon. The service concluded with the singing of "Home, sweet home".
LENTEN LANTERN SERVICE.- These were continued on Friday in St. Mary's Hall. Some beautiful slides were shown, the subject being "Christ, the Conqueror", the Rector giving the readings. Mr. P. Smith manipulated the lantern.
CHURCH MEETINGS. — The annual vestry and parochial church meetings were held on Monday at the St. Mary's New Hall. The Rector (the Rev. F. R. J. Mason) occupied the chair, and a good number of parishioners attended. The business of the first meeting was to elect wardens and sidesmen for the ensuing year, and the rector again nominated Mr. John Hearn as his warden. Mr. Sidney Williams was elected people's warden in the place of Mr. Hayward Davis, who had ably occupied the office for several years, and whose resignation was accepted with much regret, he having left the parish. The sidesmen were re-elected en bloc, and some additions were made to the list. The business of the parochial church meeting was then proceeded with, and the treasurer (Mr. T. J. Hearn) presented the financial statement for the past year, showing a credit balance of £8 1s. 4d., which was considered very satisfactory and duly passed. Representatives to the Diocesan and Ruri-Decanal Conferences were chosen, as also were the members to constitute the new Parochial Church Council. The revised electoral roll was also presented.
PARISH CHURCH. — On Sunday, in accordance with the custom which has prevailed here for a few years past. Mothering Sunday was reverently observed. At evensong, which was conducted by the Rector (the Rev. C. S. Jackson) upwards of fifty members of the Mothers' Union, in the charge of Mrs. J. G. Broadhurst (enrolling member), met at the Rectory, and, dressed in black, with white caps, marched in procession to the Parish Church for divine service. The procession was led by the rector, with Mr. Gerald Oakley as cross-bearer, and Mrs. E. Taylor carried the Mothers' Union banner. At the south entrance they were met by the choir, and proceeded to their seats to the singing of the processional hymn, "Brightly gleams our banner." This was followed by the introit hymn, "Breathe on me, Breath of God," and the mothers gave a sweet rendering of the mothers' hymn, "Thy Kingdom Come on bended knee." A baptismal service was included in the proceedings, and the infant child was presented with a Bible from me mothers as-a souvenir of the occasion. The congregational hymn was, "He who would valiant be." The special preacher was Dr. W. G. Ivens (foreign missionary of the South Sea Islands), who gave an impressive address. The offertory hymn was "Thy Hand, O God, has guided," during the singing of which the collection was taken by members of the Union. After the blessing the mothers sang the vesper hymn, "God of all grace," and the service closed with a recessional hymn, and the procession returned to the Rectory for disrobing. Miss Watkis presided at the organ, and Mr. W. E. Davis (choirmaster) conducted the singing. A very large congregation attended the beautiful service and the offertory was for Church expenses.
19th March 1932
The death of Mr. Martin Fox, at the age of 61 years, occurred on March 11 at his home, 193, Severn Terrace, after a brief illness following failing health for some few years. Deceased was a native of Iron-Bridge, but had resided for about 12 years in Jackfield, where he was well known and highly respected. He is survived by his wife and two daughters, with whom much sympathy has been expressed throughout the district. Mr. Fox had been connected with the roofing tile trade practically all his life, and had worked for Messrs. William Exley and Sons, at their Coalport roofing tile works for upwards of 30 years, first as tile fittings maker and for many years later as foreman of the making department up to the time of his retirement six months ago, and was a valued servant of the firm. Deceased was one of the oldest members of the Modern Masons Friendly Society, Madeley branch, and at one time held the office of secretary. He interested himself keenly in the Boat Inn flower show society, of which he was a member of the committee. In sport he was, in the early 90's, a prominent playing member of the Iron-Bridge football club, and during that period won four medals when playing under the Shropshire Amateur Football Association,
The funeral took place on Tuesday and was attended by a large number of friends, and many of his late fellow workmen. Mr. W. E. Price represented the firm of Messrs. William Exley and Sons. The bearers were Messrs. W. T. Hudson, Thomas Langford, J. Morgan, A. Hill, Charles Smith, George Harrington, John Gallier, and T. Pritchard. The service was held in St. Mary's Parish Church, the Rector (Rev. F. J. R. Mason) officiating, and during the service the hymn, "Abide with me", was sung. Mrs. Mason (the Rector's wife) presided at the organ.
The family mourners were:—Mr. and Mrs. W. Pillinger (son-in-law and daughter), Miss Ida Fox (daughter), Mr. Charles Fox, Iron-Bridge, and Mr. William Fox, Iron-Bridge (brothers), Mr. and Mrs. T. Aston, Coalbrookdale, Mr. and Mrs. F. Cooper, Gloucester, Mr, W. Jarrett, Hadley (brothers-in-law and sisters), Mr. Frank Ball, Jackfield, and Mr. John Ball, Wellington (brothers-in- law), Mr. T. Ball, jun (nephew), Masters James and Denis Pillinger (grandsons); also Messrs. C. and F, Jones (Rochdale, Lancs.),
The interment was in the Broseley Cemetery, and healthful floral tributes were sent by the following:- Wife and daughter (Ida); Nellie, Billie, James and Denis; Charlie and family; Will and family; Kate, Tom and family; Mitt, Fred and family; Frank; Arthur, Maud and Mona Stanworth, Montreal, Canada; Jack, Sally and family; All at Hadley; Mrs. Gallier and family; Mrs. Ellis and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Perkins, Winn and Ethel; Sarah Ann, Tom and Laura; Mr., Mrs. and Fred Jones, Rochdale; Mrs. James Poole and son; Mr. and Mrs. George Morris; William Exley and Sons; Workpeople of Coalport Tile Works; Boat Inn Flower Show Committee. Mr. James Davies, Broseley, carried out the funeral arrangements.
DARING ROBBERY.—Between Saturday night and Sunday morning a safe at the Co-operative Society's Sabrina Cafe was, it is believed, removed through a window at the rear of the premises. The safe, the back of which had been cut out, was found about mid-day on Sunday, in a small coppice off the Buildwas Road, about a mile from the cafe. Near the safe was found a crowbar, large hammer and a small hand truck. Monies contained in the safe had been removed, and books and papers were strewn about in the vicinity. It is understood that there was no appreciable amount of money in the safe at the time.
POLICE COURT, Tuesday.—Before the Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murphy), Lord Forester, and Messrs. W. Roberts, W. Bishop, W. G. Dyas and J. S. Barker. —A n application was made by Mr. J. W. Littlewood, solicitor, Wellington, on behalf of Allen Edward Stewart, manager of the Plaza Cinema, Iron-Bridge, for permission to give a show on Good Friday evening.—Mr. Littlewood stated that the film would be of an educational or religious nature, and appropriate to the occasion. He pointed out that permission had been granted in the Wellington, Oakengates and Dawley districts, etc. The cinema had a good reputation, and was carefully and ably managed, and the manager had received numerous requests for it to be opened.—The Bench retired, and on their return, the chairman announced that the application was refused.—John Griffiths, 30, Quarry Road, Broseley, was charged with stealing a quantity of cord wood logs from Benthall Edge Wood, value 9d., on Feb. 22.—P.-C. Taylor stated that he met the defendant coming from the direction of the wood carrying a sack. -Witness asked him what was in it, and defendant replied, "Just a few sticks." Witness examined the sack, and in addition to the logs he found a saw. The defendant took him back to the spot from which he had taken the logs, and said, "I am very sorry, I did not know I was trespassing." — John George Broadhurst, Broseley, stated that notices of trespass were put up on account of the damage done to ash and oak saplings.—The chairman said that the Bench had decided to treat the defendant under the First Offenders' Act, and he would be bound over for 12 months on payment of costs, amounting to 15s.
At about 4-45 p.m. on Wednesday an outbreak of fire occurred at St. Mary's Rectory, the residence of the Rev. F. J. R. Mason (Rector of Jackfield). The fire broke out in the bathroom, which was occupied by the Rector at the time and was caused by the back-firing of an oil apparatus, the Rector's clothes being ignited. He rushed downstairs to extinguish his clothes, and in doing so he was rather badly burned about the hand. He then returned to the bathroom and found that the room had taken fire, and he immediately went with all speed in his car for help and to call the local fire brigade.
Information of the fire quickly reached P.C. Dodd (Broseley), who hurriedly cycled to the Rectory after first calling to Mr. George Meredith, a member of the fire brigade, who quickly followed to the scene and gave most valuable assistance at the most critical moments.
Fortunately at that time many people were corning home from the works in the neighbourhood, and soon a, large crowd had assembled, many of whom gave good help and from whom P.C. Dodd organised a bucket brigade, while other assisted in removing the furniture from the burning house to the Rectory grounds.
The Broseley brigade upon arrival were hampered in their work–owing to the somewhat isolated position of the house—by an insufficient supply of water, the nearest fire hydrant being some few hundreds of yards away, and the only water available was from the small service laid on to the premises.
The Iron-Bridge fire brigade followed, and later the Wellington brigade, who most promptly responded to the call. The strenuous efforts of the workers enabled them to confine the fire to the portion of the house adjoining the bathroom, which was gutted and the staircase leading to the upper storey was burned also. Considerable damage was done to the timbers of a large portion of the roof above, causing the collapse of the roofing tiles, this being a great source of danger to the helpers during the progress of their work.
By 7 p.m. the fire was extinguished and the house was considered sufficiently safe to be left.
Much sympathy is felt with the Rector and his wife in their misfortune.
An accident which resulted fatally occurred at 12-40 p.m. on Saturday, on the Bridgnorth road near the junction of the road leading to Barrow. Mr. Peter Henry Corfield, gardener, of 31, Barrow, riding a pedal cycle, was proceeding from Broseley to Barrow, when he was involved in a collision with a motorcar travelling in the same direction and being driven by Mr. Joseph, commercial traveller, residing at Benthall Villa, near Broseley. Mr. Corfield was knocked down, and, upon the occupants of the car going to his assistance, he was found to be suffering from head injuries. He was in an unconscious state and was immediately conveyed in the car to the Lady Forester Hospital, Broseley, where he received medical attention. The injured man, however, did not regain consciousness and died at 2-10 p.m. on Monday.
On Wednesday the Wenlock borough coroner (Capt. A. H. Thorn Pudsey) opened an inquiry at the hospital, there being a jury of nine, with Mr. E. C. S. White (Broseley) as foreman. Inspector Evans (Iron-Bridge) acted as coroner's officer.
The Coroner said that he proposed only taking evidence of identification that day, and that the inquest would then be adjourned to enable, the police to complete their inquiries.
William Frank Corfield, residing at Stoke Court, Ludlow (groom-chauffeur), son of the deceased, gave evidence, and said that his father was 69 years of age. Deceased had enjoyed good health and had been in regular work up to 12 months ago, and for some time since had worked four or five days per week. Witness saw deceased after the accident on Sunday at the Lady Forester Hospital; he found him unconscious and breathing very hard. On Monday at 9 a.m, he was called to the hospital to see his father, and stayed with him until 2-40 p.m., at which time he died, and he did not regain consciousness from the time of the accident. He said his father was not deaf at all; he could hear distinctly, and his sight was good. Deceased had ridden this particular bicycle constantly for six years.
The Coroner then adjourned the inquiry until March 23rd at the Town Broseley.
26th March 1932
The adjourned inquiry was held on Wednesday, touching the death- which occurred in the Lady Forester Hospital, Broseley—of Mr. Peter Henry Corfield, gardener, of 31, Barrow, who died from injuries received in a collision between his bicycle and a motor car on Saturday; March 12. The inquiry, which was held in the Town Hall, Broseley, was conducted by the borough coroner (Capt. A. H. Thorn-Pudsey). Mr. G. M. G. Mitchell (Shrewsbury) appeared for the driver of the motor car involved, and Mr. Geoffrey Peace (Wellington) for the relatives of the deceased, while Supt. Barber (Bridgnorth) represented the police.
William Frank Corfield (son of the deceased) said his father's hearing was quite good.
Dr. J. G. Boon, medical officer to the Lady Forester Hospital; said that deceased had sustained a fracture of the skull, and a fracture above the right ankle. He never regained consciousness, and died at about 2-45 p.m. on March 14, from a fractured base of the skull. The back of the head was also very badly abrased. The injuries were consistent with having been violently thrown off a bicycle. Answering Supt. Barber, witness said he would not say deceased was deaf. He would perhaps have to speak to him in a little louder voice than to an ordinary person, but it was hardly noticeable.
Car Driver's Evidence.
Joseph Wood (20), of Benthall Villa, Benthall, near Broseley, commercial traveller, in the employ of A. S. Henry and Son, merchants and shippers, of Manchester, stated that at about 12-20 p.m. on the Saturday in question, he was driving a motor car from the Iron-Bridge road to the Bridgnorth road, travelling in the direction of Bridgnorth, and he turned the corner on his near side by the Willey Park Lodge, and changed into top gear from the third gear, and then gathered up speed to about 20 miles an hour. When he got round the bend of the road he saw a cyclist several yards ahead on his proper side, going in the direction of Bridgnorth. He had a 400-yards' vision of the road there. Witness sounded his horn several times on account of the man in front, and of the Barrow turning, before trying to pass the cyclist. He pulled out towards the centre of the road to pass the cyclist, who then turned into his car without any warning whatever, and collided with the left-hand near wing of the car, damaging the wing and the side lamp. The wing, he thought, must have knocked the rider off the machine on to the road. The cyclist had started to turn for the Barrow road a good 20 yards away from the turn, and gave no signal at all that he was about to turn. In trying to avoid the cyclist witness ran on to the grass path. He pulled up his car at the mouth of the Barrow road, and reversed back to the spot of the accident, and with the assistance of Mr. Wilde (one of the occupants of the car), took the deceased to the Lady Forester Hospital. He stated that he had a good electric horn, which was very loud, and which it should be quite easy for anyone to hear. Witness had his wife with him in the front seat of the car, and Mr. Wilde and Mr. Marlow were sitting behind.
Replying to Mr. Peace, witness said it was a closed car, and he was not in a hurry. He admitted that they were going to a football match at Birmingham, for which they had seats booked.
Thomas Marlow, haulier, of Lord Hill -Inn, Broseley, who was sitting in the rear of the car, gave corroborative evidence, and said he considered that neglect on the cyclist's part, in not giving any warning of what he was going to do, was the cause of the accident. In reply to Supt. Barber, witness said he was a motorist, and he estimated that the car was travelling at a speed of about 20 miles an hour. He did not think it was possible to avoid the accident.
Cecil Wilde, mechanic, of Benthall Villa, another passenger in the car, corroborated the previous witness's, evidence.
Heard a Thud.
Phyllis Edith Sneyd, 20, Carver's Road, Broseley, lady gardener at Dunge House, which is situated near the scene of the accident, said that she was by the white gate at the back of the house when the accident occurred. She did not actually see that part of the road when it happened, but she heard a thud, and a motor car travelling rather quickly, came down the road, applied its brakes at the mouth of the Barrow road, and she saw three men get out of the car and run back up the road. She did not hear a sounded at all.
P.C. H. Dodd (Broseley) submitted a plan of the scene of the accident, with measurements of the roads and the distances of the tracks of the car, and brake marks.
The jury after a short retirement, returned a verdict of "Accidental death," with no one to blame, but expressed the opinion that more care might have been exercised in the stopping of the car before the accident.
The Coroner recorded a verdict accordingly.
Mr. Mitchell on behalf of Mr. Wood, asked to have it recorded how dreadfully sorry he was that the accident had occurred. The Coroner and jury expressed sympathy with the relatives, with which Supt. Barber associated himself on behalf of the police.
Judgment was given in the Court of Appeal on Tuesday in the case, involving a number of Shropshire landowners, in which there was a dispute as to the payment of compensation in regard to the erection of overhead electricity cables.
The appellants were the Minister of Transport and the West Midlands Joint Electricity Authority, who appealed against a decision by Mr. Justice Macnaghten that the Minister was not the proper person to assess the amount of compensation payable to landowners on whose property electric cables were erected compulsorily under the Electricity Supply Act, 1919, and that claims should be assessed by an arbitrator.
The defendants were William James Pitt, of the Albynes, Bridgnorth: Lord Forester and Cecil George Wilfrid Weld-Forester, carrying on business as the Willey Estates Company, of Broseley, the Rev. Charles Strathnairm Jackson. of the Rectory, Broseley, and John Todd, of Mill Hill, Brompton, Northallerton, Yorkshire, all of whom denied the right of the Minister of Transport to assess the amount of compensation, and contended that it was assessable under the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation) Act, 1919.
The action Was in the nature of a test case, and the Master of the Rolls (Lord Hanworth), in delivering judgment, said that the decision to be given was important, for it affected a large number of cases where rights were required to erect pylons and to carry electric lines across lands in the areas which had been allotted to various authorities for the development and provision of electrical power. It was not suggested that the authorities were to acquire those rights without paying for them. It was fully accepted that there was a legal right to be paid compensation, but the contention was that Section 22 of the Electricity Supply Act provided a short and easy method whereby compensation could be, assessed. The question lay within a narrow compass. Did Section 22 in its reference to "terms conditions, or stipulations as they think just," Include the settlement of this compensation? The section itself contemplated that consent might be given unconditionally, and, although the Attorney-General called attention to the words “as they think just,” and rightly said that the Court ought not to presume that any injustice would be done by any one entrusted to exercise those powers, the words seemed inappropriately placed in a clause which was to enable compensation to be awarded for rights acquired or lands taken. Reading the statutes as a whole, he could find no necessity to read into the proviso to Section 22 the power for which the Attorney-General contended. One other matter must be referred to. A question was raised, though not fully argued, whether the Minister of Transport could bring an action for a declaration. He would not discuss it, but it was right to point out that this judgment could not be quoted as an authority that he was able to do so. For those reasons the appeal must he dismissed. On the question of the application of the Acquisition of Land (Assessment of Compensation), Act, 1919, he agreed with Mr. Justice Macnaghten, and with the observations of Lord Justice Slesser, which he had had an opportunity of reading.
Lord Justice Slesser and Lord Justice Homer also gave judgment, dismissing the appeal.
2nd April 1932
NATIONAL CHILDREN'S HOME. —The recent house-to-house collection taken in the district in aid of the Home, resulted in a total amount of £7 16s., which has been duly forwarded to headquarters by the local hon. secretary (Mrs. C. Thomas, Broseley). Its safe receipt has been acknowledged with grateful thanks.
A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE, organised by the committee of the Cricket Club were held in the Town Hall on Easter Monday. The floral decorations were kindly lent by Mr. J. G. Broadhurst. There were 17 tables engaged for whist, and Mr. T. Goodall carried out the duties of M.C. Dr. Boon (chairman of the club) presented the prizes to the following:-1 Miss C. Casey, 2 Mrs. C. Pearson, 3 Mrs. M. Molineux; 1 Mr. E. C. S. White, 2 Mr. N. Grafton (Iron-Bridge), 3 Mr. A. Hailey. A vote of thanks was accorded Dr. Boon on the motion of Mr. E. Whitworth. A good company attended the dance which followed, and Mr. H. Watkins (Queen Street), acted as M.C. The refreshment department was in the hands of the ladies' catering committee, and Messrs. E. Brown and C. Bowe (joint secretaries of the Club), were responsible for the arrangements.
Tuesday, before the Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murphy), and Messrs. W. Bishop and E. J. Exley.
An order confirming the transfer of the seven days' license of the Tumbling Sailor's Inn, Jackfield, to the Old Queen's Head, also known as 'The Vaults," Iron-Bridge, in the name Of John Arthur Harris, was made. — The Mayor did not sit during the discussion of this matter.
Dennis Oakley, of 22, High Street, Broseley, butler, was charged with riding a bicycle and being towed by a motor vehicle without authority, on the Broseley-Iron-Bridge Road, on March 17, and pleaded guilty. P.-C. Dodd (Broseley) gave evidence, and Supt. Barber said this was a case under the new Act, and only one case in the Borough had come before the Court before, and he did not think a was, sufficiently known that it was an offence for a cyclist to hold on to a motor' vehicle when travelling. He did not wish to press the case, but pointed out that it was a dangerous practice. — The Mayor said the Bench had decided to deal leniently with defendant, and would dismiss the case on payment of costs (4s.), but hoped it would be a warning to others.
A very pretty wedding took place at the Parish Church on Easter Monday between Miss Ellen May, eldest daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. Arthur Cleobury, 2, Barber Street, and Mr. Lewis C. Dipper, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Dipper, Warwick. The bride, who was given away by her father, was prettily dressed in a gown of white crepe-de-Chine, with a spray of red roses. Her Brussels net veil was encircled with a wreath of orange blossoms. She carried an ivory-backed Prayer-Book and wore a brooch (both gifts of the bridegroom). She was attended by four bridesmaids—the Misses Elsie and Clara Cleobury (sisters), and the Misses Ida and Mary Davis (cousins)—whose dresses were of green crepe suede, with yellow satin sashes. The chief bridesmaid (Miss Elsie Cleobury) carried a shower bouquet of daffodils, while the younger ones had posies of yellow crocuses; all wore brooches, (the gifts of the bridegroom). The duties of best maxi were undertaken by Mr. Arthur Davis (Coalbrookdale), and the Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector) officiated. Mr. M. Davis (cousin of the bride) at the organ played appropriate music at the commencement and close of the service. The bride, in a going-away outfit of woodland green crepe-de-Chine, with coat and hat to match, later left with the bridegroom for Rugby, where the honeymoon is being spent. The happy couple were the recipients of numerous beautiful presents.
On Easter Monday a pretty wedding was solemnised at the Parish Church, the officiating clergyman being the Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector). The contracting parties were Miss Winifred Agnes Wood, third daughter of Mr. B. Wood, builder, of 46, Bridgnorth Road, and Mr. Albert Chard, Warrington, eldest son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Chard, Broseley. The bride, who was given away by her brother (Mr. John Wood), was charmingly attired in lupin blue lace and georgette with coatee, hat and shoes to match. She carried a bouquet of rose tulips and wore a platinum chain (the gift of the bridegroom). The bridesmaid in attendance—Miss Annie Roberts—was dressed in olive green crepe-de-Chine, and wore a platinum pin, in which an emerald was set (a gift of the bridegroom). Her bouquet consisted of yellow double tulips. The duties of groomsman were carried out by Mr. S. Steele (Prestatyn). The ceremony was attended by a large number of friends. Later, a reception was held in the Forester Room, where many guests were entertained. Afterwards the happy pair left for Warrington, where they will reside. Among the large number of wedding presents was one from the Broseley Amateur Dramatic Society, of which the bride has been hon. secretary since its formation, and a cheque from her late employers, Messrs. Potts and Potts.
THE DEATH occurred on Monday after a long illness of Mr. William Morris, Tuckies Hill, who was 63 years of age and had served for 45 years in the employ of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd., Jackfield. Deceased was a member of the Jackfield prize silver hand committee and other local charities, and he leaves a widow and two daughters. The funeral took place at Broseley Cemetery on Wednesday. A service was conducted by the Rev. F. J. B. Mason (curate of Jackfield) at St. Mary's Church, where the hymn, "Lead, kindly Light", was sung. The chief mourners were the widow; Miss Lucy Morris (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. E. Potts (son-in-law and daughter), Messrs. C. and J. Morris (brothers), Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilson (brother-in-law and sister-in-law), Miss E. Morris (niece), Mr. J. Brittain (cousin), Mr. Walter Morris and Master Cecil Morris (friends). There was a large number of wreaths, including one from deceased's workmates and one from the directors of Messrs. Maw and Co. Mr. G. Adams read the Foresters' oration at the graveside.
EASTER SERVICES.—At the evening service the choir gave a rendering of the anthem, "They have taken away my Lord". The church had been prettily decorated by the lady members of the congregation. The Rector preached a splendid sermon suitable to the season. Mr. G. Edge presided at the organ.
THE WEEKLY "SOCIAL " took place on Wednesday, when there was a very large attendance. The Jackfield silver band was present and gave several selections in splendid style, under Bandmaster W. Ellis. Mr. E. Hadley delighted the audience with renderings of his songs. Games and a short dance closed a very enjoyable evening. Mrs. Clay presided at the piano, and Mr. P. Price acted as M.C.
A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE were held on Monday in St. Mary's New Hall, the proceeds being in aid of the New Hall fund. Mrs. Foster (Birmingham) presented the prizes to the following whist winners:- 1 Mrs. 3. Gallier, 2 Mrs. E. Poole, 3 Mrs. Foster: 1 Mr. Foster, 2 Mr. W. Gallier, 3 Mr. J. Maiden. A vote of thanks was accorded Mrs. Foster, on the motion of Mr Stanley Watkins. Mr. and Mrs. Foster kindly returned their prizes to the committee for use on a future occasion. A company of about 30 attended the dance. Messrs. S. Watkins and N. Hudson ably carried out the duties of M.C.s, and valuable assistance was given during the evening by Messrs. I. Cross; J. Dodds and P. Price.
9th April 1932
THE WEEKLY "SOCIAL" was held on Wednesday. There was an exceptionally large attendance, and an excellent programme was given. The Madeley Guild Quartet Party rendered items, and songs were given by Messrs. E. Stephen (Iron-Bridge), and Jinks (Madeley). Violin and piano ducts were played by Messrs. Shepherd and Cowdell (Madeley), and Mr. Gregson and party performed a sketch. Mr. E. Jones, jun., rendered piano solos and Miss Boyle gave recitations. Mrs. Clay, Mr. Cowdell and Mr. Jones presided at the piano for accompaniments, and also for the short dance which followed. Votes of thanks to the artistes brought a very successful evening to a close. Mr. L. Hearn acted as M.C., and received valuable assistance from Mr. P. Smith and N. Hudson.
THE FUNERAL took place on Saturday, at Broseley Cemetery, of Miss' Phyllis Goodall, third daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Goodall, of Mona Terrace, whose death occurred at her home on Easter Monday at the early age of 17 years after an illness of about twelve months. Deceased was well-known in the district, and was very popular amongst her many friends. Previous to leaving school she was captain of the C. of E. School net-ball team, and for many years was a patrol leader of the 1st Jackfield St. Mary's Girl Guides. After leaving school she was employed as a tile sorter up to the time of her illness at the works of Messrs. Maw and Co.; Ltd. The full company of Girl Guides attended the funeral in the charge of Capt. Winnie Perkins, and also a large number of friends. The bearers were six members of the St. Mary's Institute. A service was held in the Parish Church, which was conducted by the Rector (the Rev. F. R. J. Mason), and during the service deceased's favourite hymn, "Jesu, Lover of my Soul," was sung, Mrs. Mason presiding at the organ. The family mourners were the father and mother; Mr. and Mrs. M. Owen and Mr. and Mrs. W. Meredith (brothers-in-law and sisters); Messrs. Harold and Leonard Goodall (brothers); Mrs. J. Evans, Manchester (aunt); also cousins and one niece. Amongst the many beautiful wreaths were tributes from the Girl Guides, her fellow workmates, the sorting-house girls, and the members of the St. Mary's Institute.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday, kid. J. Nicklin presiding.—An application from Mr. Watling, Folly Farm, Broseley, for a license of a slaughterhouse at Jackfield, brought forward from last meeting, was granted Conditionally for a period of 12 months. —The Clerik presented the architects' (Messrs. G. Riley and Son) report on the present contract for four pairs of non-parlour type houses on the King Street site, which stated that these were now practically completed and that work estimated at £150 for paths, fencing, etc., was all that now had to be done to complete, and on the architects' certificate a further cheque for £966 was drawn that day in favour of the contractors.—The Housing, Agent (Mr. Fenn) stated that all the houses, with the exception of one, were now in the possession of the selected tenants.—It was stated that there was a number of names still on the waiting list. The Clerk, reporting on finance, stated that the general district account showed a credit balance of £288 19s. 9d., and the water account a debit balance of £61 1s. 7d. —Mr. Fenn (collector) reported that he had collected £355 10s. 3d. of the water rate for the half-year just closed, and that the outstandings amounted to £28 7s. 11d., which was about the same as last year. He stated that he was now issuing summonses against the defaulters.—Mr. C. Thomas (sanitary inspector) reported various cases of nuisances in the district, for which orders were made.
The Surveyor (Mr. F. Richards) submitted estimates he had received for the repairs to the Pritchard Memorial, and it was arranged for the surveyor to meet one of the firms who had tendered for the work and go further into the matter.—Mr. Jas. Davies suggested that they should accept the anonymous offer of £50 towards the repairs which had been made through Mr. E. H. H. Shorting, and any little extra amount that might be required should be met by the Council.
PARISH CHURCH SUNDAY SCHOOL. — On Saturday fifty of the elder scholars (youths and girls), and the teachers, in the charge of the rector (Rev. C. S. Jackson), and Miss Potts (superintendent), had an outing to Birmingham. They travelled in motor coaches, starling from the Rectory at 12-30, and the journey was made via Bridgnorth and Wolverhampton. The party included the Sunday School football team, who made that the occasion for playing their return match with Birmingham St.. Lawrence's College! Club, and upon reaching Birmingham, they were met by Mr. Hargreaves of the College. The players proceeded to the Y.M.C.A. playing fields, where a very pleasant game, refereed by Mr. S. J. Price (Broseley), resulted in a win for the College by 5 goals to 3. In the meantime the rest of the party who stayed in the City, made a tour of the principal shops and places of interest, and later met the players again, when all were entertained to tea at the College cafe. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded their hosts on the motion of the rector, to which Mr. Hargreaves responded. Afterwards they dispersed to visit either the picture houses, theatres or other places of amusement, re-assembling at 9-15 pm. The arrangements were ably carried out by Mr. S. J. Price.
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. - The re-opening service was held on Sunday, the church having recently been renovated, re-decorated, and relighted. The preacher for the occasion was Mr. R. Birch (Shrewsbury), whose eloquent discourse was highly appreciated. Solos were rendered in excellent style by Mr. E. Stephan (Iron-Bridge), entitled "Mate o'mine" and "The Blind Ploughman." Suitable hymns were also sung, and Miss E. Owen presided at the organ. Despite the very bad weather which prevailed that day, there was a congregation present.
16th April 1932
WHIST DRIVE.—On Monday a large company spent a pleasant evening at whist in the Schoolroom, organised by Mrs. J. B. Oakley (Benthall Farm). There were 24 tables occupied, and Mr. George Whitmore carried out the duties of M.C. The prize-winners were:-1 Mrs. C. Harrison, 2 Mrs. F. Davis; 1 Mr. P. Bagley, 2 Mr. A. Cartwright. Mrs. A. Wilde (Benthall Villa), kindly presented the prizes, and was accorded a vote of thanks by the vicar (Rev. C. S. Jackson), who also expressed thanks to Mrs. Oakley for promoting the event, the proceeds of which were for the Schoolroom fund. Miss M. Oakley carried out the secretarial duties, and the refreshment department was in the charge of Mrs. Oakley and the ladies' committee.
A CARNIVAL DANCE, organised by the local Shirlett Sanatorium After Care Committee, was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday. Dancing commenced at 8 p.m., and was kept up until 2 a.m. Mr. Bert Wase carried out the duties of M.C. A large company attended, amongst whom were the Mayor and Mayoress of Wenlock (Mr. O. D. and Mrs. Murphy). Dance novelties were handed round, and streamers were in abundance, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. Lucky spot waltz prizes were won by Mr. P. Davies (Dawley), and Miss P. Davis Broseley), and Fox trot prizes by Mr_ Denis Oakley and Miss M. Lloyd. These prizes were distributed by Mrs. George Potts (Benthall House), and Mrs. T. C. Gibbs (Jackfield). The refreshment buffet was in the charge of the Jackfield Ladies' Catering Committee. The proceeds were in aid of the after-care fund.
23rd April 1932
WESLEYAN CHURCH.—Re-opening services after the completion of interior renovations, were held on Sunday. The special preacher both morning and evening was the Rev. Alfred Woodward (superintendent minister of Wellington circuit), who delivered two eloquent sermons, and the choir, under the conductorship of Mr. Christopher, with Mrs. A. Harris at the organ, ably rendered the anthems, "Send out Thy light" and "King of Kings." The duet, "Our Blest Redeemer," was also rendered at each service by Miss Rene Bennett (soprano), and Mrs. A. O. Jones (contralto). Good congregations attended each service, and the collections taken in aid of the Renovation Fund, amounted to £6 8s.
FORMER RESIDENT'S MARRIAGE. —On Saturday an interesting wedding was solemnised in Christ's Church Cathedral, Hamilton, Canada, the contracting parties being Miss Helene Wigmore, younger daughter of Mrs. Wigmore of Hamilton, and the Rev. F. H. Wase, rector of St. James' Church, Guelph. The bridegroom is the second son of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Wase, of Broseley, and has resided in Canada for nearly; twenty years, being ordained to the ministry in 1923. The ceremony was performed by the Right Rev. D. T. Owen, Bishop of Niagara, assisted by the Very Rev. L. W. Broughall, Dean of Niagara, the service being fully choral. The bridesmaid was Miss Kay Wigmore, sister of the bride, and the Rev. Wilfred Heiderson, of Christ's Church Cathedral, acted as best man. A reception was afterwards held in the Parish Room ad joining the Cathedral, and the happy; couple later left for Ottawa, where; the honeymoon is being spent. To mark the occasion a quarter peal of Grandsire doubles (1,260 changes, being 10½ six-scores, each called differently) was rung on the bells of the Parish Church, Broseley, in 45 minutes by the following: Wm. Hartshorne, treble; T. Meredith, 2; A. J. Garbett, 3; L. Hewitt, 4; A. H. Meredith, 5; and C. Smith, tenor; conducted by Mr. A. J. Garbett.
BROSELEY WOOD MISSION. —Entertainments were given in the Mission Hall before crowded audiences on April 11 and 13, and on Monday, by the choir ;and children, when the following took part: Cissie and Nora Sandlands, Messrs. W. Carter and W. Griffiths, Mary Perks, Freda Jones, Jennie Venn and Betty Blake, Mr. J. Carter, N. Humphries, and Betty Plant, Olive Simmonds. The special feature was the sketch, "The Old Geyser," the characters being taken by Messrs. A. Blake, G. Garbett, G. Potts, W. Carter, W. Griffiths and Miss N. Blake, which evoked roars of laughter. Miss Nancy Humphries was the accompanist for the singing, and Miss Betty Blake played for the dances. The chair was taken on the Wednesday by Mr. E. C. S. White, and a vote of thanks was accorded the artistes by the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector), and on Monday by Mr. J. Nicklin, who also thanked the performers.
THE DEATH occurred on Saturday of Miss Julia Millward, at her home, the Albion Inn, High Street, at the age of 71 years, after an illness lasting nearly six months. Deceased was a native of Rednall, and came to Broseley about 46 years ago, to the Albion Inn, and since the death of her mother, was the licensee up to the time of her death. She was much respected in the district, and during her residence in the town had been a supporter and worshipper at the Congregational Church. The funeral took place on Wednesday at the Broseley Parish Church, the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector) officiating. The bearers were Messrs. 'I'. Humphries, W. Watkins, J. Hall (senior), C. Maiden, .lack Hartshorne and T. Sea-bury, and the family mourners were: Mr. Ezra Millward (nephew), and Mr. T. H. Bickley. Several friends and customers attended. The interment was at the Broseley Cemetery, in the grave of her late mother. Amongst the many beautiful floral tributes sent were wreaths from Messrs. Butler's. Brewery, Wolverhampton; Messrs. Deighton's, Bridgnorth; her customers, and the members of the Congregational Church.
A WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE were held in the St. Mary's New Hall on April 15, when 14 tables were occupied for whist, and a company of about eighty attended the dance. The winners of whist prizes were: 1, Mr. Fletcher, Iron-Bridge (playing as lady); 2, Mrs. Goodall; 3, Miss Thomas (Coalport); 1, Mr. Jones (Iron-Bridge); 2, Master Aldridge (Madeley); 3, Mr. O'Dell (Iron-Bridge). The duties of M.C. for the whist were carried out by Mr. J. Dodd. Mrs. Preece (Coalport) kindly presented the prizes, and was accorded a vote of thanks on the motion of Mr. Isaac Cross. Mr. N. Smith (Madeley) proved a capable M.C. The proceeds were for the New Hall fund.
THE WEEKLY SOCIAL was held on Wednesday. A good company was present, and an enjoyable programme was gone through. Mr. P. Heighway (Broseley) delighted the company with solos on the French horn, and also with vocal solos. Messrs. P. Price and H. Pryce gave fine renderings of their vocal duets. Mr. Gerald Edge accompanied the singers, and shared with Mrs. Clay the playing for the dance which followed. Mr. I. Dodd rendered valuable assistance. Votes of thanks to the artistes and helpers brought a pleasant evening to close. Mr P. Price acted as M.C.
30th April 1932
In a brook at Tickwood, Buildwas, the skeleton was discovered of George Henry Barber (28), tile works labourer, of Benthall, Broseley, who had been missing since August, 1930. At the inquest at Madeley on Wednesday no evidence was forthcoming to show the cause of death or how deceased came to be there, and an open verdict of "Found dead" was returned. The remains were identified by deceased's father by means of a pair of shoes found near the skeleton.
PRESENTATION.—A pleasing little function took place on April 22 at the Scout Room, Broseley Wood, which took the form of a presentation to Scoutmaster Captain H. R. Perkins, to mark the occasion of his forthcoming marriage. The present consisted of an oak inkstand with revolving calendar attached, which had been subscribed for by the present members of the Broseley Boy Scouts and the old Rovers, on whose behalf A.S.M. J. Evans performed the ceremony, following which Rover N. Goodwin made a short speech in which he paid high tribute to the good influence the captain has over the troop.Capt. Perkins in thanking them, said that the kind act was greatly appreciated, and he hoped that the troop would pay him a visit in the near future at his new home in Bridgnorth.
THE DEATH occurred on Sunday at his home, of Mr. Albert C. Williams, youngest son of Mrs. and the late Mr. W. Williams, of Cobwell Road, Broseley Wood, at the age of 47 years, after an illness of one week. Deceased, who was a single man, had lived with his widowed mother and sister in the house where he was born. He was of a quiet and sympathetic nature, and a regular worshipper at the Congregational Church, where for over fifteen years he held the offices of deacon and treasurer. He was highly respected in the district, and by the management and workpeople of the Wrekin Brewery Co., Ltd., Wellington, where he had been employed for the last 20 years. He was a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters (Wem branch). Much sympathy has been felt with the family. The funeral took place on Thursday. A service was field in the Parish Church, which was conducted by the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector), and the interment was in the Broseley, Cemetery. The bearers were Messrs. E. Whitworth, C. Harrison, F. Williams, P. Hinton, J. Boden and T. Tilling. The family mourners were: Messrs. Henry and Arthur Williams (brothers); Philip Williams (nephew); Mr. James Teece and Mr. R. Mainwaring and his son (Dorington); also Mr. J. T. Williams (director of the Wrekin Brewery Co. Ltd.), the deacons and officers of the Congregational Church, and members of the local branch of the A.O.F. Mr. P. Archer read the Foresters' oration at the graveside.
7th May 1932
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. — On Sunday a memorial service was held in the above church to the late Mr. Albert C. Williams, who passed away on April 24. Deceased had been a faithful worshipper and member of the church, and had carried out the duties of deacon and treasurer in a most efficient manner. Mr. A. O. Jones was the preacher at the service, and also gave a very effective rendering of the solo "O rest in the Lord" ("Elijah"). Suitable hymns were sung by the congregation. Mr. A. Hill (deacon) expressed the sympathy of the members with the relatives in their great loss, saying how difficult it would be to replace deceased, he having been of great worth and noble character. At the close the organist (Mr. E. Owen) played the "Dead March". The church had been draped in black and white.
PRIZE SPANIELS.—At the second open show of the West of England Ladies' Kennel Society, held at Cheltenham on Wednesday, Mrs. S. Harvatt, of Broseley, was among the winners of premier prizes in the Clumber Spaniel classes.
UNITED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES.- A special meeting was held on April 29 in the Forester Room for the purpose of hearing Mr. Fryer, of the Royal Salop Infirmary Management Board, Mr. Fryer gave a very interesting address and fully explained the needs of the Institution, making a strong appeal for financial assistance. It was unanimously decided to make an effort to augment the annual contribution, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Fryer for his visit.
CONSERVATIVE AND UNIONIST ASSOCIATION.- A meeting under the auspices of the local women's branch was held on Wednesday in the Conservative Room at the Town Hall, when about 90 members were present. Miss Wayne (chairman of the branch) opened the meeting and introduced Lady Acton, who, as president of the branch, occupied the chair. Lady Acton, upon taking the chair, expressed her great pleasure at the warm welcome given to her at that, her first, public appearance in Broseley, and said that while it might be news to some of them that she was not yet of an age to have her name on the voters' list, she would endeavour faithfully to carry out her duties as president, fully realising the difficulty of following anyone like Lady Forester, whose desire to be relieved from office was, she felt sure, received with the very greatest feeling of regret by the branch. Miss Brew (London), the special speaker for the afternoon, then addressed the meeting, stressed the fact that while they were Conservatives they were also Unionists. She then outlined the policy of the National Government, stating that it stood for fair play, honest dealing and good salesman-ship. A very hearty vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. Pearson and seconded by Miss Horton, was accorded Miss Brew, whom, it was felt, had enhanced the already great reputation she gained in Broseley during the election campaign. Miss Wayne then called on Mrs. Evans, who proposed, and Mrs. Archer seconded, that the thanks of the meeting be given to Lady Acton for presiding. The proceedings closed with the National Anthem, and tea was then served.
At a meeting of the District Council on Wednesday (Ald. J. Nicklin presiding), the clerk presented the report of the architects (Messrs. G. Riley and Son) on the present contract of four pairs of non-parlour type houses on the King Street site, stating that the houses were not yet completed owing to the wet weather having impeded progress of the external work. On a certificate for the work done to date, a further cheque for £50 was drawn in favour of the contractors.
Reporting on finance, the clerk stated that the general district account stood in credit that day to the amount of £289 19s. 11d., and that cheques being drawn to the amount of £108 0s. 7d., which included £94 11s. 1d. against the surveyor's department, would reduce the credit balance to £181 19s. 4d., as against a credit balance of £451 12s. 4d. at the corresponding period last year. In the water account, payments in made by the collectors of £13 9s. 4d., during the month, had reduced the debit balance to £47 12s. 3d., as against a debit balance of £47 12s. 3d. last year. There were no cheques drawn that day. The collector (Mr. Fenn) reported that he had collected £14 12s. 8d. of the balance of last half-year's water rate since the last meeting, and the outstanding amount was now £13 7s. 2d., which corresponded with the defaulters' list placed before the meeting
The surveyor submitted a letter from Mr. Hugh Welsh, agent for the Willey Estates, complaining of the state of the fences surrounding the Isolation Hospital. The surveyor reported that his estimate of the cost of erecting a fence of 330 yards with four strands of barbed wire including 60 posts was £12, with labour extra. As this is a matter for the Borough Council to deal with, the town clerk was instructed to bring it forward at the next meeting of the full Council.
The surveyor reported his inspection with the builder who had tendered for the repairs of the Pritchard Memorial, and stated that the structure was found to be perfectly upright, and there was no damage. The meeting decided that, if the anonymous offer of £50 towards the repairs made through Mr. Shorting, still stood good, the Council would stand the extra cost of about £10, and he prepared to have the repairs carried out. Mr. Shorting promised to do his hest in the matter.
The water engineer (Mr. A. Callear) reported that all the water rents had been collected for the last half-year.
14th May 1932
BAND CONCERT.—On Sunday the Coalbrookdale silver band gave an open-air concert in the Square, which was well attended. The programme was excellently rendered under the conductorship of Mr. Fred Aston (bandmaster). A collection was taken for the new uniform fund.
The death of Mr. Frederick Oakley occurred on Monday at his home, 1, Barber Street, at the age of 74, after a short illness.
Deceased had established and carried on a successful business of coal merchant and haulage contractor up to the time of his retirement about 12 years ago, and since then had enjoyed good health until his recent illness. He was a staunch member of the Wesleyan Church, and also one of the oldest members of the Court "Rose of the Green," A.O.O.F. Gifted with a most genial and kindly disposition, he was highly respected and well-known throughout the district. He leaves a widow, six sons and three daughters. Much sympathy has been expressed with the family in their loss.
The funeral took place on Thursday, the bearers being six of his old employees. A service was held in the Wesleyan Church, conducted by the Rev. S. Body, and a large congregation attended. Mr. J. A. Hartshorne presided at the organ, and played appropriate music as the cortege entered the church. The hymns, "Now the labourer's task is o'er," and " Peace, perfect peace," were sung, and at the close of the service the organist played the " Dead March" in "Saul." The family mourners were:—Fred, John, Edwin, Walter, William and Ernest (sons), Edith and Jenny (daughters), Mr. R. Smith and Mr. H. L. Reynolds (sons-in-law), Mr. William Oakley (brother), also grandchildren and nephews. Many members of the Wesleyan Church, members of his Friendly Society, also a large number of friends and residents of the town, followed, including also the Mayor of Bridgnorth (Ald. G. Jones), Mr. 13. Moore (Much Wenlock), and Mr. John Sheward (Dawley).
The interment was in the Broseley Cemetery, and Mr. P. Archer read the Forester's oration at the graveside.
Tuesday.—Before the Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murphy), Sir Chas. Yate, and Messrs. J. Nicklin, G. G. P. Heywood, W. G. Dyas, and J. S. Barker.
William George Lewis (23), 3, Kinley Cottages, near Wellington, farm labourer, was charged with using a motor-cycle on April 11 without having in force a certificate of insurance in respect of third party risk, at Willey Furnace, Broseley, and pleaded guilty.—P.C. Dodd (Broseley) stated that he saw defendant riding the machine and asked him to produce his certificate of insurance. Defendant produced one which the officer found had expired on April 9, 1932, and which referred to another motorcycle and not the one defendant was then riding. He said the owner of the motor-cycle was Frederick Brown, of Leegomery, and that he had had the machine only since the Saturday before, with a view of buying it, while his own machine was being repaired. From inquiries made later, however, it was found that the machine had been transferred to defendant on April 9.—Defendant was fined £1, including costs.
Arising out of the foregoing case, the same defendant was further charged with using a motor-cycle without a current Road Fund license on the same date, also with fraudulently using, on April 13, a license issued under the Roads Act, to which be pleaded guilty.—Mr. Taylor (assistant county taxation officer) prosecuted.—P.C. Dodd (Broseley) stated that there was no holder or excise license on the motor-cycle on April 11, and defendant said that he must have lost it as it was on the machine on the Saturday and Sunday. Defendant said the machine belonged to Frederick Brown, of Leegomery, but from inquiries made later it was found that it had been transferred by Brown to the defendant on April 9, and the last license issued for the machine was dated Oct. 15, 1931, which had expired on Dec. 31 last. On April 13 the defendant called at the Police Station, Broseley, and informed the officer (P.C. Dodd) that he had found the license, which was then exhibited in the holder and the date of which appeared to be obliterated. The officer took same out of the holder for examination, and found that the date had been altered from 1931 to 1932. Defendant then stated that he knew nothing about it but the license had been found at Kinley Cottage by a lodger and that he (defendant) had not altered the date.—P.C. Powell (Trench) stated that he interviewed the defendant, who admitted he had altered the license himself with red ink.—The Bench imposed a fine of 10s. and 10s. costs in the first case, and a fine of £1 in the second case.
John Thomas Welch, 47, Madeley Wood Terrace, Iron-Bridge, tile worker, was fined 7s. 6d. and costs for keeping a dog without a license. —P.C. Sproson (Iron-Bridge) gave evidence.—On the information of P.C. Dodd (Broseley) for similar offences, the following were fined:—Ernest Carter, Sunset View, Shirlett, labourer, 7d. 6d.: James Higginson, 2., Cape Street, Broseley, labourer, 7s. 6d. and costs; and Francis William Poulter, Duke of Cumberland. Broseley, innkeeper, 7s. 6d.—Supt. Barber mentioned that in such cases where the owners of dogs could not genuinely afford to pay for a license, if they would only apply at the commencement of the year, the police would help them to obtain assistance from a certain source.
Bernard Ball, 143, Church Road, Jackfield, charged with riding a bicycle without a front white light at 11-50 p.m. on April 28 by P.C. Taylor, Iron-Bridge, was fined 10s., including costs.
Frederick Bertie Evans, 145, Church Road, Jackfield (36), was charged by his elder brother, William Richard Evans, of the same address, with common assault on April 28.—The Bench adjourned the case for one month and warned defendant that if he did not behave himself in the meantime he would be sent to prison.
Ellen Bennett, The Square, Broseley, was charged with receiving a pension under the Widows and Orphans and Old-Age Pensions Act when disqualified on Jan. 21.—Mr. J. V. Lander (solicitor, Wellington) prosecuted on behalf of the Ministry, and Mr. Ernest Stanley Henderson, inspector of Ministry of Health, stated that he visited the house on Jan. 28 and took down a statement from defendant as to the circumstances under which she was living there, and inspected the accommodation of the premises and also inquired as to the number of persons living there, and from the information thereby gathered it was evident that defendant was not living there as housekeeper, otherwise it would have been compulsory to have a National Health Insurance card in her name and that contributions be paid for her.—Defendant pleaded that she did not draw the pension after receiving her disqualification notice, which was dated Feb. 22, and she stated that the last date on which she received payment was Feb. 9.—The Bench considered it a serious offence and imposed a fine of £5, including costs.—The Mayor did not adjudicate in this case.
Messrs. William Exley and Sons, tile manufacturers, of Broseley, were charged with failing to fence machinery at Gitchfleld Tileries, Coalport, on Feb. 10, whereby William Ambrose Lane, labourer, 27, High Street, Coalport, received bodily injury. An alternative summons for failing to fence the machinery was withdrawn.—Miss F. E. Messiter, H.M. Inspector of Factories, prosecuted, and Mr. Geoffrey Peace (Wellington), for the defence, pleaded guilty.—Miss Messiter said the Factory Act provided that every dangerous part of machinery, and every part of mill gearing must be fenced. On Feb. 10, Lane, a boy of 16, had his clothing caught in a shaft when trying to replace a belt while the shaft was in motion. He was pulled over the shaft, and his arm and chest muscles were severely strained. His clothing had to be cut to release him. The shaft, pulley and belt were all devoid of fencing.—Mr. Peace said this particular gearing had passed the eagle eye of inspectors ever since it was erected until the present inspector came in September, 1931. Miss Messiter drew up a long list of deficiencies, amongst them being the fencing of this machinery. She fully admitted that she had set the firm a problem, and, instead of erecting the fence, they took out another machine, which stood in a space beneath the shaft in question, to obviate the need of workmen going near that shafting when the machine, which stood in a space beneath the shaft in question, to obviate the need of workmen going near that shafting when the machinery was in motion. The accident was caused by the boy and a man trying to replace the belt in the wrong way. If there had been a fence round the shaft and the boy had tried to replace the belt in this way there would probably have been a more serious accident. A flange had now been put on the wheel to prevent the belt slipping off.—Defendants were fined £5 and £1 3s. 6d. costs.
THE WEEKLY "SOCIAL " was held on Wednesday. There was fair attendance, and a gymnastic, display by Mr. Shinton's troupe was greatly enjoyed. Games and a short dance brought a pleasant evening to a close. Mrs, Clay and Mrs. Mason presided at the Mr. P. Price acting as M.C.
21st May 1932
A satisfactory report of the health of the borough of Wenlock was submitted by Dr. M. Gepp (medical officer of health) at the quarterly meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday, over which the Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murphy) presided.
The birth rate per 1,000 of the estimated resident population for 1931, was 16.8, compared with 15.8 for England and Wales, reported Dr. Gepp, and the death rate was 15.9, whilst the infant death rate per 1,000 born was 51. The birth rate, though falling, remained above that of the country generally. The death rate was above the district's recent average, but when corrected for age and sex distribution at the 1921 census, was slightly below that of the country generally. The mortality from tuberculous disease, from cancer and from heart disease, was above the average, tending to raise the death rate, whilst influenza was less fatal than in the two preceding years. With regard to infant mortality, Dr. Gepp said that the rate per 1,000 born during the year (51), was a very favourable figure, compared with that of 66 for the country generally, and was a satisfactory feature of the borough's public health history. The decline had been especially marked since infant welfare work was begun in 1918, and Dr. Gepp paid a tribute to the excellent work performed by the Iron-Bridge and District Child Welfare Centre, which was also a County Council local centre for orthopaedic work in connection with the Shropshire Orthopaedic Hospital, and also a dental clinic for school children.
Referring to the isolation hospital at Monkmoor and arrangements made by local authorities for the admittance of cases of notifiable infectious disease, other that smallpox, Dr. Gepp said that the arrangement had been found very useful in cases of real emergency where hospital nursing and treatment were essential to the patient's life and welfare, but as a means of affording satisfactory provision for infectious cases in the county it was limited in usefulness, and he was glad to know that acting under the duty laid down by the Local Government Act, 1929, the County Council had under consideration the question of a scheme for securing adequate hospital accommodation for cases of infectious disease within the county. With a scheme by which all the districts concerned shared the costs of hospital maintenance and upkeep and the right to send in cases, a freer and more desirable use of hospital facilities could be made the cost of maintenance per head of the patients admitted being reduced to a small figure under present conditions the treatment of two or three cases sent in by a small district entailed a cost which had an appreciable effect upon the rates.
Dr. Gepp went on to give details of the water supply and various sanitary matters, and paid a tribute to the work of Mr. C. J. Thomas (sanitary inspector).
With regard to housing, Dr. Gepp reported that 32 houses were built during the year by the Madeley Sanitary Committee-16 at Madeley and 16 at Coalbrookdale. No other houses were built either by the Council or by private persons. The number of houses built and owned by the Council at the end of the year was 173 - Madeley 105, Broseley 36, and Wenlock 38. Eight additional houses were in course of erection at Broseley. There was still a considerable waiting list for houses, added Dr. Gepp, and it might he suggested that, for many people, and especially for those of small means in unfit houses, the provision of houses which could be let at an inclusive rental of 5s. per week would meet a distinct need and assist greatly towards the solution of a difficult problem.
The Mayor extended thanks to Dr. Gepp far his report.
A letter was read from Col. Baldwin Webb, M.P. asking for information as to whether there were any disused buildings or works suitable for the manufacture of silk goods, and the town clerk (Mr, F. W. Derry) said that he had replied giving particulars of two sites—part of the old Coalport china Works and a disused malt house.
The Mayor expressed the hope that if any member of the Council came upon anything suitable, they would communicate with the town clerk.
In presenting the report of the visitors to the Salop Mental Hospital, which was approved, Mr. T. IV, Howells said it was interesting to note that whereas the average cost per head per week of patients at various county mental hospitals was 21s. 8d., the average cost at the Salop Mental Hospital was 15s. per head per week.
The report was adopted.
The Free Bridge.
It was decided to postpone consideration until the next meeting a motion by Alderman Nicklin that the council prohibit the use of the free bridge at Iron-Bridge by the vehicles weighing more than eight tons. A communication from the Ministry is to be received.
With regard to representations the Council for an increased police staff for the borough, a reply was received that no action could be taken.—Alderman Roberts said that he was not satisfied, and he hoped that the council's representatives on the County Council would press the views of the borough council.
The question of advertising the borough of Wenlock with a view to attracting new Industries was raised at the quarterly meeting of the Town Council on Wednesday, but after various views had been expressed, it was decided that no action should be taken.
The town clerk reported that Much Wenlock District Council had referred the matter to the Town Council, on the grounds that it was a matter to be dealt with by the borough as a whole.
Mr. T. H. Thompson said that Wenlock had been advertised as a holiday resort, but he thought the Council should try to create more employment by advertising the industries of the borough.
The Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murhpy), suggested that every member of the Council should do his best to look round to see if there were any sites or premises in the borough which could be advertised.
Mr. T. Davies said that occasional advertising would not do any good. They must advertise consistently if any benefit was to be derived.
Mr. W. G. Dyas said that every member of the Council would like to see everybody employed, but he did not think the system suggested would help. If they could find someone to start a new industry in the borough, the best terms should be offered.
The Mayor said that unless they put their premises and sites forward, the public would not know whether there were any in the borough.
After further discussion, the matter was left in abeyance for the time being.
11th June 1932
INQUEST OPENED.—The borough coroner (Capt. A. H. Thorn-Pudsey) sat with a jury at the Poor-law Institution on Tuesday, touching the death of Mr. Richard Hayward, 7, Prince Street, Madeley, who died suddenly on Saturday. The coroner pointed out that a post-mortem examination had been held on deceased, and the case was one of suspected silicosis, which had to be inquired into. Martha Jones (sister of deceased), said she resided with her brother, having kept house for him since 1917. He was 64 years of age, and had been employed as a slip moulder at Messrs. Craven Dunnills’ Works, Jackfield, for the past 43 years, and was a single man. She was present with her brother when he died on Saturday about 3 a.m., and she sent for Dr. Mitchell at once, but her brother had passed away before the doctor arrived. Asked by the foreman of the jury if her brother had been ill, witness replied "No," and that deceased had had the doctor once in his life only, when he hurt his shoulder. In reply to a further question asking if he had ever complained about his work, witness said deceased used to say he felt like choking sometimes when he got home from work at night. Mr. T. W. Howells (works manager and director) of Messrs. Craven Dunnills, said deceased had a wonderful record in not being once late at his work during the whole 43 years he had been in the employ of the company. Words of condolence were expressed to the relatives on behalf of the firm„ in which the coroner and jury sympathetically joined in. The inquest was adjourned until June 23.
18th June 1932
At the annual meeting in connection with the King Edward VII. Memorial Sanatorium, Shirlett, held at the Shirehall, Shrewsbury, on Saturday, Lt.-Col. R. C. Donaldson-Hudson presiding, it was reported by the executive committee that the average number of patients in residence was 61.94, the available beds having been occupied throughout the year to their full capacity.
The cost per patient per week worked out at 39s. 4d., an increase of 2d. over the cost during 1930. X-ray expenditure, furniture and building repairs all showed substantial increases, while the balance of the payments for furniture for the medical superintendent's house had been charged to the general account.
A Deficit on the Year.
The amount raised from the public was reasonably well maintained at £674 19s., being only £6 .6s. 1d. less than the amount raised during 1930. As, however, the total expenditure, was £6,344 0s. 1d., and it was incumbent to raise one-sixth of such total from the public, it would be that, in the circumstances the deficit was unavoidable. When the income, arising from investments was taken into account, and one or two other small contributions and refunds, there was a deficit on the year's work of £304 16s. 3d., which the committee viewed with apprehension.
The committee mentioned that they had pointed out for many years the desirability of the public maintaining their one-sixth contribution towards the expenditure of the Sanatorium and the activities of the association. Owing to circumstances which were beyond the control of the committee, expenditure at the Sanatorium had increased, and the contributions from the public had remained more or less stationary. The committee proposed to lay before the County Council at an early date a comprehensive survey of the whole position.
The committee recorded appreciation of the work done by the medical superintendent (Dr. Turner), the Matron (Mrs. Steains), Dr. Elliott and the whole of the staff; and thanks were accorded to supporters for gifts in cash and in kind.
The medical superintendent reported that the total number of patients admitted during the year 1931 was 115, an increase of two on the previous year. After extending thanks to the Forester Trust for their help, the Medical Superintendent gave details, showing the sanitary districts from which patients were admitted, and their occupations. Male patients included 5 farmers, 8 general labourers, 6 farm labourers, 7 school boys, and 3 school teachers. Female patients included 27 classed as "house", 8 domestic, 4 school girls, two clerks, two nurses and two dressmakers.
In moving the adoption of the reports, Lt.-Col. Donaldson-Hudson intimated that that day the association which controlled the Sanatorium, celebrated its 21st. birthday. After referring to the loss the association had sustained by the deaths of Col. E. Cureton, for many years an hon. medical referee and a member of the general executive committees, and Mr. Thomas Cooke, who, the chairman said, had not forgotten them in its passing, he having left a handsome legacy, Lt. Col. Donaldson Hudson went on to detail the accounts, and said that the finances still troubled them particularly because they could not make it possible to raise their one-sixth of the cost of the Sanatorium. Many of their old supporters were now being very badly hit and found it increasingly difficult to maintain their contributions, and the committee was struggling all the time to cut expenditure without decreasing efficiency.
Splendid Work of the Staff.
There was one thing which he could report cheerfully, and that was the splendid work of Dr. F. Turner, medical superintendent, the matron and the whole staff. Thanks were also accorded to Dr. Bigley, of Much Wenlock, for his assistance and to Dr. Elliott.
Mr. F. Plimley seconded, and the reports were adopted.
The Earl of Powis was re-elected president, and thanks were extended to Mr. Asbury (Messrs. Asbury, Riddell and Co.) for his work in connection with the secretaryship.
In proposing a vote of thanks to Lt.-Col. Donaldson-Hudson, Brig.-Gen. LLoyd referred to the valuable work which the chairman had performed for many years for the good of the various hospitals and other institutions in the county.
In reply, Lt.-Col. Donaldson-Hudson said that, having been brought up in a county where there was a tradition of doing whatever they could for any good cause, he did not take credit for what he had done. If any credit was due, it was due to the county, which put those instincts into his mind.
THE FUNERAL of Mr. John Walker, of 2, Birch Row, whose death occurred on the previous Wednesday at the age of 74 years after a long illness patiently borne, took place on Saturday. Deceased had worked most of his life as a gardener, and for four years preceding his retirement was in the employ of Col. G. G. P. Heywood, Tickwood Hall. He leaves a widow, one son and five daughters to mourn their loss. The bearers were Messrs. T. Fletcher, H. Lloyd, A. Far-low, W. Tristham, J. Hall, jun., and W. Watson. A service was held at the Parish Church, conducted by the Rev. E. Roberts (Rector of Iron-Bridge). The family mourners were: —The widow, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. B. Walker, Alberbury (son and daughter-in-law), Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Cank (Wem), Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Bowen (Coedway), Mr. and Mrs. J. Hatton (Broseley), Mr. and Mrs. E. Wright, Iron-Bridge (sons-in-law and daughters), Miss T. Walker (daughter), Mr. R. Smith (nephew), Mrs. H. Rich, Coalbrookdale (sister-in-law), Miss G. Rich, Coalbrookdale (niece). Messrs. J. and D. Colley (cousins). Others who attended were Nurse Hoyle (district nurse), Mr. and Mrs. A. Morgan (Iron-Bridge), Mr. Stephen Jones, Mr. G. Thomas (Posenhall), and many friends. The interment was in the Broseley Cemetery. Beautiful wreaths were sent by the following—His sorrowing wife, Jessie; Will, Kath and children; Ethel. Billie and children; May, George and children; Alice and Jim; Eleanor, Ernest and baby; Tressie; Jennie and Jack, Coalbrookdale; Harry, Mary and family, Coalbrookdale; All at The Park; All at the Forester Arms; Mr. and Mrs. Colley and family; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Jones; Mr. and Mrs. Tristham and children; Mr. and Mrs. Edge and children; Little Howard, Iron-Bridge; Arthur and Flo and Mrs. Clayton, Iron-Bridge; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd, Olive and Mrs. Farlow; Misses Instone: All his little grandchildren.
MOTHERS' UNION. — The quarterly meeting of the local branch was held on June 8, when a special service was held at the Parish Church, conducted by the Rev. C. S. Jackson (rector), who gave a thoughtful and practical address. He afterwards entertained the members to tea at the rectory.
WILLEY PARK GARDENS. — On Sunday, under the auspices of the Queen's Institution and District Nursing Association, the beautiful grounds and gardens of Willey Park, Broseley, by the kindness of Lord Forester, were open to the public, when upwards of 200 people from many miles around availed themselves of the opportunity of paying a visit, to the park. The special features were the fine display of azaleas, which were seen to perfection, the great show of rhododendrons, and the many choice blooms and other items of interest, which were greatly admired. All these, together crowned with the glorious sunshine amidst the beautiful surroundings, and with tea obtainable, made up a delightful outing, and resulted in obtaining a sum of about £14 in aid of district nursing.
BAND CONCERT.—On Sunday evening, in ideal weather, the Jackfield Prize Silver Band gave an open-air concert on the lawn in the grounds and garden of "Whitehall", by the kindness of Dr. and Mrs. Boon. Under the direction of Deputy Bandmaster A. Gallier. A capital programme of marches, selections and solos was excellently rendered and was much enjoyed by the large and appreciative gathering present. The proceeds on this occasion were devoted to band funds.
GARDEN FETE.—Beautiful weather favoured the annual garden fete held on Wednesday in the grounds of the Rectory, organised by the Rector (Rev. G. F. Hales), churchwardens and the committee of the Social Club. Upwards of 250 people attended, and amongst those present were Lord and Lady Forester, Mrs. Pritchard-Gordon, Miss Jackson, Rev. C. S. Jackson (Rector of Broseley), Miss Wayne (Much Wenlock), and Mr. E. H. H. Shorting (Broseley). The Jackfield prize silver band, under the conductorship of Mr. James Goodall, played selections at the opening and at intervals during the afternoon. The opening ceremony was performed by the Mayoress of Wenlock, who was supported by the Mayor (Mr. O. D. Murphy). Mrs. Murphy was introduced to the company by the Rector. The stallholders and other helpers were:—General stall, Mrs. McWilliam and Mrs. C. Rowe; produce and toys. Mrs. W. Wase and Miss Reece; school handiwork, Misses Joyce Foulkes and Ethel Twitty; china, Mrs. A. and Miss A. Powell; sweets, Miss A. Corfield; bran tub, Misses F. Cookson and Hilda Haynes; mineral water, Master Ernest Gwilliam; jumble, Messrs. G. Evans and I. Cookson; escalado, Messrs. W. Darlington and C. T. Harrison; bagatelle, Mr. McWilliam; wheel of fortune, Mr. Bagley; football; Mr. T. James; shooting range, Mr. C. Jones; pitch penny, Mr. C. Kitson; hidden treasure, Mr. M. Davies; lighting the candle, Mr.. W. Habberley; skittles, Mr. T. Rowe and Mr. Hugh Welsh. The tea and refreshment department was undertaken by Mrs. Hugh Welsh (Wiley Old Hall) and the ladies' committee of the Willey Social Club. In the various competitions Mr. J. Reade (Smithies) was successful in winning the pig in the skittles. Mr. W. Foulkes the prize in the shooting, Mr. T. Anslow the hidden treasure, and Mrs. Foulkes (Shirlett) correctly guessed the weight of the cake. At 6 p.m. a rummage sale by auction was held, being the stock-in-trade of the jumble stall, which was conducted by Mr. Hugh Welsh, who proved a most capable auctioneer and introduced much humour in carrying through the business. Afterwards a dance was held on the Rectory lawn to the music of the Jackfield Band, which was well attended and much enjoyed. Miss A. Powell carried out the secretarial duties, and Mr. H. Harper gave valuable assistance in the capacity of gatekeeper. The proceeds were in aid of Church and Social Club funds, and an amount of about £53 was realised by the effort.