Extracts from
relating to Broseley and District
Local History Society
6th January 1923
Great Annual Sale of Drapery Goods, Monday next and following
days. Absolutely genuine. J. L. & E. T. Morgan (opposite the Church),
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.—Ald. D. L. Prestage presided.—Mr. Herbert reported the district free from notifiable disease. He also reported a number of nuisances, when the usual orders were signed.—An application by Mr. Potham for a slaughter-house license was referred to the next meeting.—The surveyor reported the lamp had been removed to Fox Lane.—A discussion took place on a ratepayer who had not responded to a notice to cut his hedge. The clerk was eventually instructed to write him on the matter.—The surveyor’s expenditure for the month was reported at £153.—The Town Clerk reported a balance in hand on the general account of £143, and a debit balance on the water of £481—a better position than last year.—Speaking of the rate, the chairman said it was payable in advance.—The water engineer (Mr. Callear) reported that he had met Lord Forester’s agent at Posenhall, and had come to a satisfactory arrangement as to supply. He had also had the Posenhall pump put in working order. The amount of water supplied to Shifnal last quarter was 6,970,000 gallons, to Dawley 4,872,000 gallons, and to Wellington Rural area (No. 2) 237,000 gallons. He was instructed to have the water laid on to the mess room at Messrs. Maw and Co.’s works. He gave details of work done in the district during the month
“SOCIAL”.—Mr C. C. Bruff (Coalport) very kindly entertained the Church Sunday school children to a tea and “social” held on Tuesday at the Town Hall. He also distributed their Sunday school prizes. A very pleasant time was spent.
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. — On Sunday the scholars were presented with their prizes according to merit for attendance during the year. The round O prizes were presented to Nancy Brown and Mary Shaw for regular attendance. Special carols were sung, and Mr. W Hall gave an address. Miss E. Owen presided at the organ.
SOCIAL CLUB.—Lord Forester, who was supported by Dr. Boon, presided at a “social” held at the club on Dec. 29, when a good time was enjoyed. Some good songs were rendered by Messrs. F. S. Francis, J. Ritchings, F. Bright, and W. Davies (accompanist). On the motion of Mr. Brooks, supported by the Rev. W. A. Warner (rector), a vote of thanks was accorded his worship for presiding.
SUDDEN DEATH.—The infant son of Mr. Douglas F. Watkins, butcher’s assistant, 48, Shirlett, Broseley died on Sunday, four hours after his premature birth.
27th January 1923
FAREWELL.—The Rev. C. R. Hollis (rector) preached his farewell sermon on Sunday evening at St. Mary Church, where he has been rector for two years. He has left this week and was inducted to the living of Bewdley.
¶ Genuine Sale of all Stock, including Boots and Shoes; just
commenced for 14 days, at
A NEW YEAR’S PARTY was held in connection with the Broseley Wesleyan Sun day School on Jan. 16. The Schoolroom had been very prettily decorated by the officers, teachers and friends of the school, and, at 5 the scholars and friends sat down to tea which was thoroughly enjoyed. After tea various games and competitions were indulged in, and during the evening Mr. F. Howells (Field House) kindly amused the children with some conjuring tricks. The annual prizes given for best attendance at school during the past year were then presented to the following scholars, Mr. F. Oakley (senior) making the presentation:— Round O prizes: Ernest Harris, Ernest Humphries, Leonard Morris. First prizes: Jimmie Harris, Fred Sutton, Fred Gough, Ivy Gough, Colin Jones, Annie Evans, Dennis Williams, Cissie Garbett, Gladys Perks, Mary Perks, Evelyn Leadbetter, Beattie Leadbetter, Gerald Oakley, Mary Garbett, Rene Leadbetter. Second prizes: Edie Meredith, Jack Aston, Charlie Shaw, Ethel Shaw, Lily Hatton, Arthur Evans, Willie Oakley, James Hatton, Willie Ashwood, Jack Sankey, Francis Oakley, Emmie Oakley, Annie Oakley, Edie Oakley, Willie Hatton. Third prizes: Frank Williams, Gladys Garbett, George Hatton, Tom Boden, Rosie Boden, Stan Jones, Amy Garbett, Fred Oakley, Walter Oakley, Arthur Oakley, Lily Brazier, Harry Hatton, Norman Oakley, Edie Humphries, Mary Childs, Daniel Boden, Jennie Childs, Rene Bennett, Ruth Ritchings, Joan Aston, Jessie Oakley, Connie Childs, Richie Childs, Vera Bennett, Ronald Aston. This concluded an enjoyable evening, a most happy time having been spent.
OLD FOLKS’ PARTY.—The annual Old Folks’ Party, given by the
members and friends of the
3rd February 1923
CAGE-BIRD SHOW.—With the purpose of raising funds in aid of
the Homing Society at the Broseley Hand and Tankard a very successful cage-bird
show was held on Saturday. The officers were:—Mr. H. H. Powell, steward; Mr. E.
E. Austin, secretary; and Mr. J. Harrison, judge. Mr. F. R. Benbow, promoter of
the event, rendered useful service. The prize-winners were:—
THE FOLLOWING is an extract from the “Reading Eagle”,
SOCIAL CLUB.—The annual meeting was held on Jan. 26, when the president (Lord Forester) was in the chair. In a few remarks which he made, he said how pleased he was with the way in which the club had been conducted, and asked the secretary to read the accounts for 1922. There was a good balance in hand on the year’s working, and the balance sheet was adopted.—Messrs. J. A. Downes and D. L. Prestage were given a hearty vote of thanks for their services as auditors, also the committee, chairman of committee, Mr. J. Griffiths, and Dr. Boon for the very valuable services which they had rendered. The three retiring members of the committee (decided by ballot) were Messrs Edge, Evans and Ritchings, who where re-elected en bloc. A proposal that a very hearty vote of thanks be given to Lord Forester (president) was given with musical honours, and cheers were given for Lady Forester and Capt. Forester. The business part of the meeting being concluded, the members were entertained by some well-rendered items by the Broseley Quartet, and solos by Messrs. Harrison. etc.
GOOD RESULT.—The sum of £8 16s. has been acknowledged by St.
Dunstan’s Hostel, an amount collected by carol singing by the members of Willey
10th February 1923
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday Ald. Prestage presided.—The Town Clerk reported that, after meeting all liabilities, there would be a debit of £404 8s. 6d against the Council. Mr. Fenn was asked to hurry up the collection of the rates.—The Sanitary inspector reported two cases of scarlet fever and one of diphtheria Orders were made to remedy several nuisances. A license was granted for a slaughterhouse in High Street and the water engineer was instructed to connect up the Harrington water thereto.— The Surveyor stated his expenditure for the month was £66 5s 2d.—Mr. Instone. Woodlands Farm, interviewed the Council as to the bad condition of Ball’s Lane and certain hedges in the district, which, in his opinion required cutting. The Chairman said the surveyor would attend to any matters that called for his attention.—The Water Engineer gave a report of work done in the district during the month. He was instructed to connect up the water to The Dunge. Several other applications for water supply were passed by the Council.—The Clerk submitted estimates for the ensuing year. It was stated that a penny rate brought in £40. It was decided to take £320 off the surveyor’s estimate for roads, which the chairman said, had very much improved in condition during the last year or two. The total to be raised by rate was £1,920, and it was unanimously decided to levy a general district rate of 4s, in the pound, a reduction of 6d. in the pound on last year, the water rate of 2s, 6d. to remain the same.
¶ St. Mary’s
Church, Jackfield. Preacher for Tomorrow (Sunday) is the newly appointed
Rector (Rev. G. L. Bourdillon, Buckland,
PRESENTATION TO THE RECTOR. — During, two years as rector of
Jackfield, the Rev. C. R. Hollis has endeared himself to every parishioner, and
directly it was known that he had accepted the living of Ribbleford and
Bewdley, the Church Council decided to organise a presentation, in which the
whole village joined. On Wednesday the presentation took place in the Village
Institute, which was comfortably filled. Mr. Hayward Davis presided, and made a
very genial chairman. He was supported by Lord Forester and members of the
Church Council. The Chairman apologised for the absence of the Rev. C. B.
Crowe (Coalbrookdale) and Ald. D. L. Prestage (Broseley). He said it was a
pleasure to be in the position he held on that pleasant occasion. When the news
became known that they were going to lose the services of their rector, they
unanimously agreed that they could not allow him to leave without giving him
some token of the respect and esteem in which he was held. They all regretted
his leaving for they knew what a splendid man he was—a man of high character,
who was always willing to do his best for any good work in the parish. The
chairman felt sure they would all agree with him that if there was one
outstanding feature of Mr. Hollis’s character, it was his absolute sincerity.
At the meetings of the Church Council, by his able conduct in the chair, he
gained the respect and goodwill of his colleagues. Not only in the parish was
he held in high esteem, but also outside, as was shown by the number of people
who had subscribed towards the presentation. They would have pleasant
recollections of his period as rector, and they all wished him good luck in
his new parish, sincerely hoping he might be spared for many years to labour
for the great cause he had so much at heart. (Applause.) Lord Forester said he
was glad to be present to join with them in wishing their rector God-speed.
This was an auspicious occasion. It was sad in a way, but they did not grudge
Mr. Hollis his preferment to a very important parish. They certainly wished
him to carry on the good work of the church in the parish of which he was
rector. He was pleased to join with his old friends of Jackfield in wishing
their late rector God Speed and the best of luck. (Applause). Mr. W. H. Smith
then presented the Rev. C. R. Hollis with a handsome Coalport
17th February 1923
LICENSING SESSIONS, Tuesday (before Messrs. W. G. Dyas (mayor), F. R. Smith, J. H. A. Whitley, W. Bishop, W. Roberts, J. B. Barker and J. G. Beddoes).—A vote of sympathy with Ald. B. Maddox in his illness was passed.—Supt. Phillips reported that there were in the borough 56 fully-licensed houses, 23 beerhouses (on), two beerhouses (off), and nine grocers’ licenses. There were also two registered clubs. The population was 13,712, which gave an average of 169 persons to each licensed house; eight licenses had been transferred. During 1922 six persons were proceeded against for drunkenness and five convicted; a decrease of six. Of this number four were residents and one non-resident. One licensed person had been proceeded against, and was ordered to pay costs, but with this exception, the houses had been conducted satisfactorily. The license of the Nelson Inn Beerhouse, Madeley, was referred for compensation, and the house was finally closed on 25th March, 1922. The Superintendent drew attention to the unsatisfactory state of a wall at the rear of the King’s Head Inn, Broseley. He suggested that the grant of the certificate in respect of this house should be withheld until the adjourned Licensing Meeting. This would give the owners of the property an opportunity to put the wall in order.— The Magistrates’ Clerk said the Bench objected to the renewal of the licenses of the Horse and Jockey, Iron-Bridge, and Hand and Tankard, Broseley, the notice of objection to be heard at the Wenlock adjourned Licensing Meeting in March. The King’s Head, Broseley, license was provisionally renewed, and the other licenses in the borough were renewed.—The Mayor stated that the Bench were pleased with the report. Alteration in the hours of opening and closing would be dealt with at the adjourned meeting:—Henry Ward, scrap dealer, Bridgnorth, was charged with purchasing an automatic pistol without a firearms certificate. George E. Reynolds, labourer, Broseley, and Cecil Oakes, clerk, Broseley, were charged with selling an automatic pistol to a person otherwise than a firearms dealer.— Sergt. Smith (Bridgnorth) and Sergt. Lovett (Wenlock) proved the cases.—Defendants pleaded guilty, but said they had no idea that a certificate was required. Ward said he purchased the pistol to sell again, and make money. He did not know he was doing wrong.— Ward was fined 10s. and costs, and Oakes and Reynolds were ordered to pay the costs 4s. each.
DEATH OF ALD. B. MADDOX, J.P. There passed away, early on
Thursday, at the
24th February 1923
¶ Thousands of Huge Bargains now being offered at J. B. Dickin & Co.’s Great Sale (now proceeding). Oakengates and Shifnal,
¶ Mr. N. G. Lees, Dentist, is in attendance at 3,
FUNERAL OF ALD. B. MADDOX.— The funeral of Ald. B. Maddox,
whose death was reported in our last issue, took place on Monday at the Madeley
Churchyard amid manifestations of sincere sorrow. There was a large and representative
gathering, for deceased was beloved in the district. As the cortege entered the
sacred edifice the organist (Mr. A. A. P. Onians) played “Blest are the
departed”, and at the close of the impressive service, “O rest in the Lord.”
The hymn, “Peace, perfect peace,” was feelingly sung
in church, and at the rave, “O God our Help in ages past.” The Rev, E. Bulstrode
Pryce (vicar) was assisted at the service by the Rev. E. Roberts (Iron-Bridge),
Rev. Preb. C. B. Crowe (Coalbrookdale), and the Rev. W. R. Price (P.M.
minister). The order of the procession was Supt. Phillips, Inspt. Barber and
posse of police, Coun. W. G. Dyas (Mayor), Mr. F. W. Derry (town clerk), Lord
Forester (ex-Mayor), Ald. D. L. Prestage (deputy Mayor), Ald. W. J. Legge, J.
Nicklin, W. F. Bryan, Councillors W. Roberts, F. A. Bagnall, C. H. Parker, T.
Tranter, C. Dimelow, T. Doughty, A. A. Exley, J. Davies, H. H. Wase, J.
Raleigh, T. H. Thompson, T. Thomas, O. D. Murphy, W. Bishop; Messrs. A. H.
Thorn-Pudsey (Mayor’s clerk), J. S. Barker (Borough Treasurer), H. Herbert (sanitary
inspector), F. Richards (borough surveyor), A. O. Callear (water engineer), J.
Duckworth (rate-collector), F. S. Francis (school officer); Madeley Guardians,
Mr. A. Rhodes (vice-chairman), Mrs. J. Simpson, Mrs. Milner, Rev. T. R. J.
Fawkes, Messrs. W. Kerr, E. Fletcher, J. Stanley, F. Roberts, R. Bickers, W.
Bishop and Dr. Carter; members of the Iron-Bridge St. Milburga Freemasons’
Lodge, who threw a sprig of acacia on the coffin after the ceremony, the
contingent consisting of Messrs. W. Atkinson, W.M., J. T. Williams, J. C.
Green, G. C. Law, T. Dorsett, H. R. Shaw, F. W. Derry, F. C. Howells, W.
Bishop, A. O. Callear, J. Lambert, S. Hopley, J. O. Pointon and C. Dimelow;
bearers (in coaches), Messrs. A. E. Evans, W. A. Woolley, R. Rickers, W. J.
Crawford, A. J. Jones, J. Giles, B. J. Wilkinson and A. Corfield; hearse (containing
body); mourners in coaches, Messrs. P. J. Maddox, B. C. Maddox, R. J. Maddox,
V. C. Maddox (sons), and W. Maddox (brother), Messrs. E. Harris, S. Harris, W.
Harris, J. Harris, and B. Wilkinson (brothers-in-law), Messrs. G. Hayward
(uncle), W. Wright and W. Harris (nephews), Messrs. G. Hayward, jun., Archie
Moore, W. Moore, (Langley) and Wm. Harris (Netherton); in motor car, Rev. W. R.
Price, Rev. E. Roberts and Dr. Carter. Amongst others following were Messrs. J.
B. Barker, J. B. Williams, W. Shepherd, T. Dorsett, Miss Fletcher (representing
Boarding-Out Committee), Messrs. J. W. Fletcher, J. C. Green, G. Hopley (Workhouse
Master), F. P. Mole and W. Edge (relieving-officers), F. Howells, W. H. Southouse, C. Pountney, J. Roberts, C. H. Williams, A.
Dixon, A. A. P. Onians, T. Pearce, H. P. Shaw, J. H. Pellowe, A. Lowe (representing
S.F.A.), E. Woolger, P. Mason and T. Aston (representing Iron-Bridge F.C.),
Lloyd, H. Evans, J. Pritchard, W. Pearce, T. Ward, A. R. Duckett, J. Price, W.
Price, G. Hayward, J. Bush, J. Lister,
E. Dorricott, G. Ball, R. Jones, C. Skitt, T. A. Hulse, W. Beddoes, Adams, W.
Richards, E. Poole, T. Ward, G. Pearce, E. Owen, Hall, W. Matthews, L. Dixon,
A. Parrock, G. Norry, T. Pritchard, A. Bailey,
N. Fowler, G. Bailey Walker, H. Moore (Mytton), H. Corfield, C. Edwards
and J. Lloyd (undertaker). Beautiful wreaths were sent by the following:- From
its wife and children, in loving and affectionate memory; Sister Pattie and family
(Rhymney, Mon.); Maggie, Ben and Harold (Wellington); Pollie and Brother Will
and family (Ashton, Bolton); Edward and Sam Harris (brothers-in-law) and Bertha
and family (Iron-Bridge); William Harris; John Harris; Aunt Myra (Manchester);
Uncle George and George and Louie (Hayward, Iron-Bridge); Alice (niece), and
Frank (Blackpool); Auntie, Archie and Lucy (Madeley Wood); Mr. and Mrs. W. H.
Moore (Langley, Birmingham); Fanny and Will, Alice and Jack (Madeley Wood);
From the members of the Iron-Bridge Primitive Methodist Church; Teachers and
scholars of the Sunday School, in loving memory of our Superintendent; Mr. and
Mrs. B. Wilkinson and Gwen (Iron-Bridge); Mr. and Mrs. Corfield, very dear
friends (Shrewsbury) Miss Ida and
Charlie Corfield; Mr. Harold and Pem; Vice-Chairman and Members of the Madeley
and District Board of Guardians; From the Mayor, Aldermen and Councillors of
the Borough of Wenlock; Officers and
Nurses of the Poor Law Institution, Iron-Bridge; Members of the St. Milburga
Lodge, No. 1120 ; From members of the Boarding-Out Committee of the Madeley
Union; The Members and Officials of the Madeley Sanitary Authority; Ald. W. J.
Legge (Madeley); Mr. and Mrs. Bishop Severn House, Iron-Bridge); Mr. and Mrs.
Lawrence Dixon and children, the Hawthorns; and Mrs. A. E. Evans; R. A. Jones
and family (Iron-Bridge); Mr. and Mrs. Giles and Phyllis; From Misses E. and N.
Jones; From Mr. and Mrs, Gerald G. P. Heywood (Tickwood Hall Much Wenlock); The
Shropshire Football Association;
Mr. Jack and Miss Morris (Coalbrookdale);
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy (
24th February 1923
R.A.O.B.—This lodge, recently formed at The Crown, is making satisfactory progress. Mr. W. Edge is the local secretary, and Mr. E. Oakley K.O.M. W.P., is chairman.
PARISH CHURCH.— After a brief illness the Rev. W. Warner (rector) renewed his duties on Sunday, when a large congregation attended the evening service at which the choir gave a good rendering of the anthem, ‘The Lord is my Shepherd”, Miss Watkis presided at the organ.
WHIST DRIVE.—A successful whist drive was held on Feb. 16 at the Institute in aid of a new Billiard table fund. Eighty played whist and the duties of M.C. were carried out admirably by Mr. J. D. Perkins and Mr. P. Price. The prize-winners were:—1 Mrs. A. Aston, 2 Miss J. Reynolds, consolation Miss J. Davis, travelling prize Mrs. E. Peake; 1 Mr A. Harrington, 2 Mr. P. Jones, consolation Mr. P. C. Rotherho, travelling prize Mr. A. Hughes. Refreshments were served by Mrs. W. Tranter, Mrs. J. D. Perkins, Mrs. H. Keats, Mrs. J. Hearn, and Mrs. A. Wilson.
PRESENTATION. — An interesting ceremony took place on Monday at Messrs. Maw and Co’s works, when Mr. George Bunnagar was the recipient of a testimonial in the form of an illuminated address and a wallet of Treasury notes. Mr. T. H. Harrington, as chairman, spoke of the long service that Mr. Bunnagar had rendered to the firm of Maw and Co., Ltd., Jackfield, viz., 65 years, which was truly a record, and of the esteem and respect in which he was held by employers, staff and workpeople. Mr. W. Jordan spoke of the happy relations that always had existed between Mr. Bunnagar and the workpeople, and Mr. A. Humphries spoke of the cordial relationship that existed between Mr. Bunnagar and the staff, and wished him good health and happiness to enjoy his well-earned rest. Mr. G. Wilde, one of the oldest workmen, in a feeling speech, made the presentation. Mr. G. Bunnagar very feelingly replied and spoke of the happy relationship that had always existed between the employers and himself, and how he in his position as foreman had always tried to do what was just and right. After an uninterrupted period of 65 years, he was compelled to give up his position, as in a month’s time he would reach the ripe age of 75 years. He impressed upon all present the necessity of co-operation to enable the works to he run successfully.
TOWN COUNCIL, Wednesday.—Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor) presided.—The
Mayor referred to the loss the Council had sustained through the death of the
late Ald. Maddox, who had been a member almost 30 years. He moved that the
Council send their sincere sympathy to the widow and family, and that a record
of their appreciation of Ald. Maddox’s 27 years’ valuable service be placed on
the minute book.— Lord Forester seconded the resolution. — Ald. Cooke, Ald.
Prestage, Ald. Bryan, Mr. Bishop and Mr. Thomas concurred in the Mayor’s
remarks, and the resolution was carried in silence, the members standing. Mr.
Derry, on behalf of the officials, associated himself with the resolution.— The
Mayor referred to the presence of Ald. Davies who had had a serious illness,
and hoped be would be spared many years with them.—Ald. Davies acknowledged the
kind remarks.—The Mayor also welcomed the new Barrow member, Mr. Walker.—In respect
of the new Coalport free footbridge, the clerk stated he had received a letter
from the L. and N.W. Railway Company regarding the encroachment, stating that
as it was a memorial bridge, the company did not propose to take any action in
the matter.—In regard to the housing question, the Council decided to support
the Ludlow Council’s resolution, and the Richmond (Surrey) Council’s proposition
regarding the unemployment question—The clerk read a letter from the Salop
County Council to the effect that they could not see their way to increase the
representation for the Madeley electoral division, but if approached, they
would consider a re-arrangement of the wards.—The Mayor moved that the accounts
chargeable to the borough fund be paid, and that a borough rate of 2d, in the
pound be levied, which was one penny less than last year.—Ald. Nicklin seconded
the resolution, which was carried. — Mr. Bishop moved that a general district rate
of 1s. 10d, be levied for the Barrow Ward.— Ald Davies seconded; carried.— Ald.
Prestage moved a rate of 4s. in the pound, a drop of 6d., be levied for the
Broseley Ward, and Ald. Nicklin seconded; carried.—Ald. Legge moved that a rate
of 3s. 9d. be levied for the Madeley Ward a considerable reduction on last
year, and Ald. Bryan seconded; carried.—On the motion of Ald. Cooke, a rate of
4s. 6d. in the pound was levied for the Madeley Ward.—Water rates of 2s. 6d. in
the pound were levied for the Broseley, Madeley and Wenlock Wards.—Mr. Murphy
was appointed a representative trustee under the scheme of the Charity
Commissioners for the regulation of the Little Wenlock Charities. — The
corporate seal was affixed to two contracts for the scavenging of the Madeley
sanitary division, on the motion of Mr. Dimelow.—Ald. Cooke presented a report
of the visitors to the
3rd March 1923
CHURCH COUNCIL.—The Rev. W. Warner presided at the annual meeting of the Church Council on Monday, when the officials were re-elected for another year.
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday, before Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor), Lord Forester, Dr. Collins, Ald. Prestage, and Ald. J. Nicklin.—The Mayor referred to the great loss the Bench had sustained through the death of Ald. B. Maddox, and asked the clerk to convey their sympathy to the widow and family.—Mr. A. H. Thorn-Pudsey (clerk) and Supt. Phillips, on behalf of the police, associated themselves with the observations made.—The Mayor also asked the clerk to convey, their sympathy to Mr. R. Roberts, who lost his wife on Saturday. — Charles Lloyd, Cecil Garbett, Edgar Garbett, Jas. Gittens, Leonard Lowe, and Richard Preece, all Broseley youths, were charged with playing football on the highway at Willey.—P.C. Penney (Broseley) stated that when he was coming up the Willey drive in plain clothes on a Sunday afternoon he saw the defendants and others playing football on the highway near Willey Lodge.—Defendants pleaded guilty.—The Mayor said they would be let off this time by paying the costs, 4s., each, but the next time they would be severely dealt with. —Rex Kearn, Dean Farm, Broseley, was charged with using a motor-cycle without a silencer at Broseley.—P.C. Dodd (Jackfield) proved the case.—Defendant, who said he was not aware that he was liable, was fined 10s.— Arthur C. Walker, Inett Farm, Broseley, was charged with driving a motor-van without having a rear-light.—P.C. Weston (Little Wenlock) stated he saw defendant pass up and down the Wharfage at Iron-Bridge without having a rear-light.—Defendant said it was all right when he left home and he was not aware it was out.—Dismissed on payment of costs, 4s. —John Taylor, labourer, Broseley, was summoned for failing to send his son, John, regularly to school, and also for disobeying at attendance order in respect of his daughter.—Mr. Francis (school officer) said the girl had been absent 60 times out of 106, and he applied for an attendance order to be made on the boy.—The Bench made an attendance order on the boy with costs, and in respect of the girl defendant was fined 10s. —Several rate and Madeley Guardians cases were dealt with.
INDUCTION.—On Saturday the Rev. Gerald Leigh Bourdillon, of
FLOOD. — On Thursday the river
10th March 1923
BARROW COUNCIL, Monday.—Councillor W. Bishop presided, and remarked he was pleased to see Ald. J. Davies once again at the meeting, and hoped he would soon be strong again. Mr. Herbert reported the district free from notifiable infectious disease, and reported a number of nuisances. The usual orders were made.— A letter was read from the Wellington Rural Council asking them to join in a new water scheme. The meeting decided before they joined them to see the details of the scheme.— The rate collector was instructed to hurry up with the collection of the rate,
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH. — On Sunday evening the Rev. A. J. Parker (newly-appointed minister) commenced his ministry. A collection was taken on behalf of church funds. Miss E. Owen presided at the organ
BURIAL BOARD.- Dr. G. D. Collins presided at the quarterly meeting on Wednesday. The clerk stated that there was a debit balance of £47. The Chairman remarked they had had a blank season, and people had refused to die.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— Ald. D. L. Prestage presided. — It was reported there was a debit balance on the general and water accounts of £556. There was £472 to be collected, so there would be a debt of £80.—The collector presented a list of defaulters, and he was instructed to take the usual proceedings for the recovery of the rate. — Mr. Herbert reported one case of puerperal fever at Jackfield, and a case of ophthalmia. He also reported three cases of dysentery, and one case of scarlet fever, an imported case. He reported a number of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.—Mr. Richards (surveyor) reported that his expenditure for the month was £42 9s. 8d He also reported that he had cleaned out the cesspit at Foundry Lane, and suggested other improvements, which he was instructed to carry out.—For not complying with an order of the Council, it was decided to take proceedings against a ratepayer.—Mr. Doughty called attention to the condition of the free bridge.— The surveyor said it required resurfacing.—The surveyor said there was only one tender for scavenging of Mr. J. A. Lane, who stated he would do the work for 12 months for £40. —This was accepted, and also his tender for haulage of stone at 15s. per day. — The water engineer reported that he had carried out the water extension to the slaughter-house, also service had been completed, at the request of the Wrekin Brewery Co. to King’s Head, Broseley. He gave details of renewals carried out in the district, and stated that the average pumping to Posenhall. Reservoir was 18 hours per week, which kept the storage at a good level.
WHIST DRIVE.—On Wednesday, at the Town Hall, a whist drive was held in connection with the St. Dunstan’s championship, 86 taking part. Miss E. Jones presented the prizes to the following winners:— Ladies: 1 Mrs. Thomas (Bould), 2 Miss Hughes, 3 Miss Jenny Davies. Gents.: 1 Mr. S. Ashwood, 2 Mr. A. Harrington, 3 Mr. J. Mear; consolation, Mrs. Smitheman. Thirteen competitors qualified to go to the district meeting. On the motion of Mr. White, Miss Jones was thanked for her services. The duties of M.C.’s were successfully carried out by Messrs. E. C. S. White and P. Blackford, who were the local organisers.
17th March 1923
Tuesday—Before Mr. W. G. Dyes (Mayor), Ald. J. Davies, Mr. J. H. A. Whitley, and Ald. T. Cooke (who did not sit in the licensing matters).
LICENSE RENEWED:—Mr. H. S. Southorn applied for a renewal of the license of the King’s Head, Broseley: He stated that the wall at the back of the premises had been completed. Supt. Phillips said he was satisfied, and the Bench renewed the license.
ALTERATION OF HOURS. — Mr. Growcott, on behalf of the license holders in the Borough of Wenlock, applied for an alteration in the licensing from 6 to 10 p.m. instead of 5 to 9, and presented a petition signed by 63 license holders in favour of the application, which was granted.
REFERRED FOR COMPENSATION. —Inspector Barber, Iron-Bridge, objected
to the renewal of the license of the Hand and Tankard, Broseley, on grounds of
redundancy. He stated F. R. Benbow was the tenant, and the owners of the house
were the Wrekin Brewery Co. Gross rental on the house was £16 10s. He said the
sanitary arrangements were bad, and there were four licensed houses in the
proximity, and if the license was refused no inconvenience would be caused to
the public. P.S. Lovett (Much Wenlock) corroborated, and further stated that
the house was in a bad state of repair, and there was better accommodation in
the other houses. P.C. Penny (Broseley) stated that very little trade was being
done at the house, which was well conducted. Benbow was in regular employment
as a mechanic. The house was not required for the wants of the neighbourhood.—
Mr. Gwynne (
ORDER TO CUT TREES.— Thomas Henry Instone, publican, Broseley, was summoned by the Broseley Sanitary Committee for not cutting down his trees in compliance with an order of the Council. F. Richards (surveyor) stated the work had not been done according to notice, and he was asking for an order that the work should be carried out. The Bench made an order for the work to be done in 10 days.
24th March 1923
BOROUGH COUNCIL, Tuesday. Clr. W. G. Dyas (Mayor) presiding.—In the place of the late Ald. B. Maddox the Mayor nominated Clr. W. Roberts as his auditor.—The Clerk read a communication from the Ministry of Health, stating he had issued an order conferring on the Borough Council the power to appoint overseers and assistant overseers.—The Clerk added that he had not yet received the order, but understood it was being printed. The vestry would not be allowed to appoint overseers this month.—Ald. Cooke said it would place the vestry in a peculiar position, and he understood they must be appointed within a few days.—The Clerk observed there would be no overseers for a few days. It would necessitate a special meeting of the Council.—In reply to Ald. Prestage the Clerk stated that the vestries had been notified of the change.—The Clerk informed the meeting that the Ministry of Health had approved of the by-laws regarding slaughter-houses.— In the place of the late Ald. B. Maddox, Clr. W. Roberts was elected alderman and expressed his thanks. On the motion of Lord Forester it was decided to declare the seat vacant in the Madeley Ward.—Ald. Legge was appointed returning officer for the Madeley Ward.— Mr. Dimelow was elected on the Finance Committee and Mr. Barnett on the Parliamentary Committee.— General district rates were then levied for the various wards as follows:— Barrow, 1s. 10d. in the pound; Broseley, 4s.; Madeley, 3s. 9d.; and Much Wenlock, 4s. 6d. Water rates were levied, 2s. 6d. in the pound for Broseley, Madeley, and Wenlock.— Representative managers of the elementary schools were appointed as follow:—Barrow, Ald. J. Davies; Bourton. Mr. T. Morris; Broseley National and Broseley Wood. Dr. Collins; Coalbrookdale Boys’, Messrs. T. Doughty and F. Rich; Coalbrookdale Girls and Infants’, Miss E. F. Rowlands; Iron-Bridge, Mr. Bagnall; Jackfield, Mr. A. Exley; Madeley Wood Wesleyan, Mr. Bagnall; Madeley Church of England, Mr. H. Parker; Madeley Wesleyan, Mr. W. G. Dyas; Much Wenlock, Mr. C. Edwards; Little Wenlock, Mr. Murphy.
24th March 1923
FIRE.—On Saturday night a fire broke out at Willey Lodge. The local brigade was soon on the scene, and extinguished it before much damage was done. It appears a fire broke out in the chimney, and the sparks set fire to the thatched roof.
SPORTS.—At a meeting of the Sports Committee Lord Forester was elected president, Mr. L. Harris and Mr. J. Barnes secretaries, Mr. J. Watkins treasurer, and Mr. H. H. Powell chairman of a strong committee. It was decided to hold the sports meeting on Aug. 18.
31st March 1923
VESTRY.—At the annual vestry on March 22, presided over by the Rev. W. A. Warner (rector), Dr. G. D. Collins and Mr. C. C. Bruff were elected churchwardens.
WESLEYAN CHAPEL.—The anniversary of this chapel was celebrated on Sunday, and excellent sermons were delivered by the Rev. T. A. Kelley of Whitchurch. Special music was rendered by the choir. Large congregations contributed towards the trust funds.
THE DEATH of Mr. Henry Doughty, of “Coneybury”, East Ham, as announced in another column will be received with regret by his large circle of friends at Broseley. His genial good humour, and kindness of heart endeared him to many. His remains were interred at the City of London Cemetery on the 22nd inst., where a large number of sorrowing friends had assembled, to pay their last tribute of respect to his memory. The service was conducted by Rev. J. Thomas (Baptist Minister) acting as deputy for Rev. Gwessin Jenkins, Lodge Chaplain, who was unable to attend through illness. A contingent from the Venerable Bede Lodge of Freemasons (East Ham) of which deceased was a member, attended and accorded the last rites at the graveside. The Atlantic Transport Co. and Messrs. F. Leyland and Co. were also represented in whose service he had been for over 30 years. He leaves a widow.
14th April 1923
ACCIDENT. — Mrs. Maiden, of
OPERETTA.—On Wednesday, at the Town Hall, the members of the Girls Friendly Society gave a successful performance of the operetta, entitled “Madam Muddle’s Dream”. The songs and dances were much enjoyed by a full house. The performance reflected considerable credit on Mrs. W. Davies for her efficient training. Annie Lloyd as “Madam Muddle” and Peggy Meredith as “Madam Stirabout” were excellent. Before the curtain fell the Rev. W. Warner (rector) congratulated Mrs. Davies on the efficient manner in which she had trained the performers. Annie Lloyd presented Mrs. Davies with a lovely tea set and tray, to which all the members of the G.F.S. and associates had subscribed, and lovely bouquets were. Presented to “Madam Muddle” and “Madam Stirabout” by Margaret and Isobel Fox-Edwards. Miss Rhoda Price proved an efficient accompanist. The characters were sustained by the following:—Annie Lloyd, Emmie Oakley, Freda Meredith, Dolly Sneyd, Lizzie Anthony, Peggy Meredith, Mary Lears, Nancy Butler, Cissie Astor, Hilda Mason, Nancy Potts, Maggie Glazebrooke, Lily Evans, Edith Jones, Lena Evans, Gwen Butler, Evelyn Jones, Hettie Evans, Hilda Dodd, Rachel Hill, Eleanor Walker.
21st April 1923
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— On April 11 the ordination service of
the Rev. A. J. Parker took place in the above church. The following took part:
Wynard Warner (rector of Broseley), Rev.
Lincoln Jones (Moderator of West-Midland Province,
CRICKET CLUB.—The meeting was held in the Victoria Institute on April 12, Dr. Boon presiding.— The secretary presented the accounts, and referring to the extra expenditure last year, and to the hard times for the players, he stated there was a balance on the right side. The report was adopted. Lord Forester was unanimously re-elected president, and all the vice-presidents were re-elected with the addition of the Rev. Warner. Messrs. L. Shaw, W. Thomas and O. Jones were elected on a strong committee. Other officers elected were: Captain (first team), Mr. T. Smith; vice-captains, Mr. H. Southorn and Mr. J. Bunnagar. Mr. P. Jones was unanimously elected hon. secretary and treasurer, and thanked for the work done in the past. The meeting terminated with a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. Boon for presiding.
BOWLING CLUB.— A meeting of the Lord Hill Bowling Club was held on Monday. The accounts for the past year were presented and passed, and it was decided again to join the Iron-Bridge League. Dr. Boon was unanimously re-elected president of the club for the ensuing season. Mr. W. Edwards was appointed captain, Mr. T. Fletcher vice-captain, and Master T. Marlow hon. secretary. A good number of members have joined, and it is intended to run a reserve team. Mr. W. Edwards was also appointed league representative.
28th April 1923
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— On Sunday the 83rd anniversary, services were celebrated, the preacher for the day being the pastor (Rev. A. J. Parker), who gave two appropriate sermons. An anthem was rendered by the choir, entitled, “Thine, O Lord, is the greatness”. There was a fair congregation in the morning, and a good one in the evening. The conductor of the choir was Mr. T. Denstone, and the organist Miss E. Owen. Collections for the day were devoted to church funds.
FAIR.—Tuesday was the date of the statute pleasure fair, and a very poor affair it was. It consisted of only four stalls, and the residents (for there were no visitors) went out to see practically nothing,
TOWN HALL— A dance was on Wednesday held in this hall for the benefit of the caretaker, Mrs. Evans. Mr. S. Ashwood carried cut the duties of M.C. and Lister’s Jazz Band played lively dance music. The event was a success.
5th May 1923
PRESENTATIONS.— Mr. T. H. Harrington on Monday presided at an interesting ceremony held at Messrs. Maw and Co’s encaustic tile works, when presentations were made to Mr. Scott and Mr. G. Hurdley, who have been in the employ of the firm for uninterrupted periods of 55 and 51 years respectively.—The chairman spoke of their long service, and also of their very estimable qualities as fellow members of the staff. In fact, they were held in high esteem by the whole works (applause).—Mr. Reynolds, managing director, made the presentations, to Mr. Scott an oak clock and walking stick, and to Mr. Geo. Hurdley an illuminated address and a wallet of notes. Mr. Reynolds spoke of the great appreciation the directors held of the two gentlemen and how sorry they were to lose them. They had held a record of service that was most creditable to themselves, and the firm hoped they would live long to enjoy their retirement (applause). Mr. A. J. Humphries spoke very feelingly of the happy relationship that always existed in the office, and spoke of his personal gratitude to them. He wished them good health and hoped they would be long spared to enjoy their well-earned rest (applause). Both recipients feelingly responded.
FUNERAL.— The funeral of Mrs. Mary Caroline Gittings, wife of Mr. Wm. Gittings, Caughley, near Broseley who passed away suddenly on April 24, took place at Broseley Cemetery on April 28. The mourners were:— Husband, W. H. Gittings (son), George and wife, Ephraim and wife, Mrs. Nadin (daughter), Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Pountney and son, Alice and Nell (granddaughters), James, Tom and George (cousins), Mrs. Meredith, Mrs. Perks. Wreaths were sent from:— Husband—In loving memory; Will, Milly and family—In loving memory; George, Lily and family—In loving memory; The Family—In loving memory of our dear mother; All at Rough Lane—In deepest sympathy; Mrs. Meredith and family (Hockley); Mrs. Perks and family (Hockley); All at Round House; cross, Mrs. Pountney and family (Hockley); bunch, Alice and Nell (grand-daughters); sheaf Mrs. Davies (“The Dog”).
CONGREGATIONAL SCHOOL.— On April 25 a successful concert was given in the schoolroom, the room being crowded. The programme included recitations, solos, and action songs by the children, and sketches entitled “Women’s Rights and Men’s Wrongs” and “Under-New-Management” and humorous songs by the “Willey Knuts”. The chair was taken by the pastor, Rev. A. J. Parker. The following were responsible for the training of the children: Mrs. Thomas, Denstone, Miss Ethel Owen, Miss Effie Goodall and Miss Beatrice Corfield. The platform arrangements were capably carried out by Mr. F. Pace, and the decorations were kindly lent by Mr. J. Wilkes. The concert was also repeated on Thursday and Friday evenings. Mr. A. Marsh of Bridgnorth, took the chair on Thursday, and Mr. Madeley on Friday. The proceeds of the concert were devoted towards the renovation of the church. The piano for the occasion was kindly lent by Mrs. E. Owen.
ST. DUNSTAN’S The district whist drive in connection with the
championship competition took place at the Town Hall on April 26. There were 84
competitors from Much Wenlock, Bourton, Madeley, Dawley, Coalbrookdale,
Cressage and Broseley, and the following were the prize winners:—Ladies: 1,
Mrs. W. Beddoes, Iron-Bridge (district champion); 2, Miss Williams, Dawley; 3,
Mrs. Marston, Bourton; 4, Mrs. F. Jardoe, Atterley; 5, Miss E. Wilde, Broseley;
6, Miss B. Merrington, Dawley. Gents.: 1, Mr. G. Embrey, Broseley; 2, Mr. F. J.
Fletcher, Dawley; 3, Mr. G: Hall, Cressage; 4, Mr. A. Aston, Broseley; 5, Mr.
H. Green, Acton Burnell; 6, Mr. A. J. Garbett, Broseley. The prizes were
distributed by Mrs. Bromwich, The Calcutts. After the drive a dance took place,
which was largely attended. The organisers were Messrs. E. C. I. White and T.
Blackford and the arrangements were successfully carried out. Mr. E. C. S.
White was M.C. for the whist, and Mr. S. Ashwood for the dance. Mr. Lawrence
Dixon’s Jazz Band supplied the music and Mrs. Evans catered for refreshments.
Six competitors qualified for the county drive at
COUNCIL, Wednesday. Ald. D. L. Prestage presided.—Mr. Herbert reported an additional
case of scarlet fever in the district. He also reported a number of nuisances,
and the usual orders were made.—The Clerk reported an adverse balance on the
general and water rates accounts of £534, but this time last year the amount
was £870. Mr. Fenn said the rate was practically all in. The collector presented
a list of voids which was carefully gone through.— The Surveyor reported that
his expenditure for the past month amounted to £140. The officer stated that
the free bridge required re-surfacing, and the work would cost between £30 and
£40. Mr. Davies said it was in a bad condition. It was contended that it was a
borough matter, and the question was referred to the Borough Council.— A cheque
for £50 was drawn in favour of the surveyor. The fire plug, he added, had been
attended to. Mr. A. O. Callear (water engineer) presented a report of work done
during the month. He stated that all the fire plugs in Broseley had been tested
and examined, and now in working order.
12th May 1923
HOSPITAL COMMITTEE.— A meeting was held at the Institute on Tuesday. The hon. treasurer (Mr. W. T. Hudson) presented a statement of accounts, which showed that £22 was allocated to various charitable institutions last year. The following officials were appointed:—Chairman, Mr. W. T. Tranter; vice-chairman, Mr. H. Davies; hon. secretary, Mr. H. P. Bowen; hon. treasurer, Mr. W. T. Hudson; together with a strong committee. It was decided to hold a sacred concert and a church parade on behalf of the funds during July. A vote of thanks to the chairman concluded the meeting.
INSTITUTE. — The committee are endeavouring to keep this
Institute open. On Monday a pleasant event took place. A
S.S.A:—The Sunday School Anniversary services in connection
with the Wesleyan denomination were held on Sunday, and large congregations
were present. The singing of the scholars and choir was excellent, and reflects
considerable credit on the conductor, Mr. Poole, whilst Mr. Anderson presided
at the organ with taste and ability. Mr. F. Fellows (
19th May 1923
NOTICE is hereby given that the principal meeting to be held
pursuant to the Licensing Rules, 1910, by the Compensation Authority for the
above area will be held at the SHIREHALL,
Name &
Situation of Premises Nature of License, Licensee,
Hand and Tankard, Francis Reginald,
Broseley. Alehouse, Benbow.
Dated 15th May, 1923.
(Signed) F. CROWTE,
Clerk of the Compensation Authority. Shirehall,
26 May 1924
BOROUGH COUNCIL, Wednesday, Councillor W. G. Dyes (Mayor)
presiding.—A letter was read from Mr. W. Woof, assistant overseer and collector
for the Wenlock parish, applying for an increase in his salary. The work, he
stated, was now threefold more.— After some discussion, the question was, on
the motion of Ald. Roberts, referred to the local authority.— A letter was read
from the Ministry of Agriculture, asking the Council to establish an allotments
committee.—The clerk, having read out the order, the Mayor thought they should
apply for exemption. He was afraid that several of the gardens were not at present
cultivated.— Ald. Prestage thought there was an allotment committee at Broseley.—
Ald. Nicklin said they did not want them at Broseley.—Mr. Thomas said they
could buy foodstuffs cheaper than they could grow them.—The Mayor replied that
was only recently.—The clerk was instructed to apply for exemption, and state
they were not required in the borough.—A letter was read from the County
Council asking them to form a Housing Consumption Committee, and, after a
report had been read from the Medical Officer on the matter, it was resolved,
on the motion of Ald. Prestage, to refer the question to the local ward committee
for their consideration. — The Mayor and Ald. Legge were appointed on the
Madeley Ward War Charities Committee.— The Mayor said the next business was to
order payment of accounts chargeable against the borough fund, and to levy a
general borough rate.—The clerk said the bills amounted to £209.—Ald. Prestage
moved the accounts be paid, and that a rate in the pound be levied.—In reply to
Ald. Nicklin, the clerk stated that the recent municipal election in the
Madeley Ward cost £56 7s. 10s. He added there were three extra polling
stations.—The resolution was agreed to. — Ald. Legge was appointed a member of
the Joint Committee under the South-West Salop United Districts (Medical
Officer of Health) Order, 1918, in the place of the late Ald. Maddox.— The surveyor’s
report was adopted, and he was instructed to re-surface the Free Bridge, and
that the bridge be closed during the progress of the work.—Permission was given
a Yorkshire Company to run an omnibus service in the borough.—It was decided
not to revise the sanitary inspector’s salary for a period of 12 months.—The
meeting expressed its sorrow at Mr. Symon’s (Inspector of Weights and Measures)
sudden illness, and hoped for a speedy recovery.—The Mayor moved that the
Council join the national scheme for disabled men.—Mr. Raleigh seconded the
resolution, which was supported by Ald. Prestage, who was of opinion that it
would probably affect their pensions.—Ald. Cooke said the matter required
careful consideration, as they were up to the 5 per cent. proviso.—The motion
was carried.— Ald. Cooke moved that the Council petition the G.W.R. Company to
afford an improved railway service (including a Sunday service) to that portion
of the borough served by the
2nd June 1923
FOR THE CHURCH CHOIR—A successful whist drive and dance were held on May
23 at the Social Room, Willey, in aid of the choir fund. Upwards of 150
attended the function, and a very enjoyable time was spent. Mr. Welch made a
capital M.C. for the whist, and Mr. G. Ashwood for the dance, whilst the music
was supplied by Messrs. G. Edge and W. Barker. Miss E. Jackson kindly presented
the prizes to the following:—Ladies—1 Miss Townsend, 2 Miss James, 3 Miss Taylor;
May 23rd the members and candidates of the G.F.S. gave a successful concert in
aid of the Benthall Clothing Club. The Vicar (Rev. W. A. Terry) gave out the
items on the programme. Mrs. Terry, who trained the girls, presided at the
9th June 1923
BURIAL BOARD—Dr. Collins presided at the quarterly meeting on Wednesday. The Chairman remarked that he had never seen the cemetery look so well, although the grass would want cutting soon.—It was reported that the fees received for 13 months were £14 9s. 6d., out of which the grave digger received £7 10s. It was pointed out that the reason double fees were charged to outsiders was because the relatives contributed nothing towards the rates.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.—Ald. D. L. Prestage presided.—Mr. Herbert reported one case of dysentery, the only infectious disease in the district. He also reported a number of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.—A long discussion took place concerning a drainage nuisance at Hockley Bank, and the subject was deferred to the next meeting. In the meantime the officials were instructed to visit the place and make a report thereon.—It was reported there was a debit balance on the water and general account of £694 7s. 7d.—Mr. Thorn Pudsey (clerk) remarked they had received a road grant of £247. which reduced the debt to £447.—Mr. Fen said all the rate was in with two exceptions.—Mr. Richards (surveyor) reported that his, expenditure for the month was £51.—The water engineer (Mr. Callear) gave details of work carried out in the Broseley and Jackfield districts. He suggested alterations in position of sluice valves on the distribution mains at Jackfield, which were adopted. Mr. Callear stated that Posenhall reservoir had been kept at a good height throughout the month.
OBITUARY.—On June 1 Mrs. John Chilton passed suddenly away aged 72 years. She had not enjoyed good health for a considerable period. Mrs. Chilton was held in high esteem, and was generally well liked. Deceased was buried in the cemetery on Tuesday, and the funeral was attended by numerous friends. The Rev. W. Warner officiated.
16th June 1923
NOTICE is hereby given that the use of
By Order of the Council.
Solicitor and Town Clerk. Town Clerk’s Office, Much Wenlock, Salop. 14th June, 1921
16th June 1923
BAND.—The annual meeting of the local silver prize band was held at the institute this week, and Mr. W. T. Hudson presided. The hon. treasurer, Mr. T. J. Hearn, presented the annual statement of accounts showing the year’s turnover was £228, with a profit of £101. The accounts were considered satisfactory and passed.—The secretary (Mr. C. Jones) remarked that last year was the best in the history of the band. A new set of silver-plated instruments had been purchased at a cost of £340, and most of the cost had been paid off. A professional conductor (Mr. H. Scott) had been introduced, with satisfactory results.—The officials elected for the year were:—President, Major D. L. Prestage, and several gentlemen were added to the list of vice-presidents; Bandmaster, Mr. J. Wylde; deputy, Mr. W. Ellis; secretary, Mr. C. Jones; treasurer, Mr. T. J. Hearn. The old committee was re-elected, and Mr Dodd was added in the place of Mr. J. Roe, who had left the district.—The Chairman appealed to the public to stand by the band, and urged the members of the band to attend regularly to practices.—The usual votes of thanks concluded the business.
CONCERT—The local Prize Silver Band gave a promenade concert
on Sunday by the
FUNERAL—On the 3rd inst. there passed away a well-known
figure in the person of Mrs. Isabella Burns, in her 78th year. Mrs. Burns was a
staunch Wesleyan, and had been chapel keeper for a period of 39 years. She was
of a most amiable disposition, and was held in high esteem. There was a very
large following at her funeral on June 6 in the
NEW FOOTBALL CLUB.—Mr. P. A. Dixon presided over a meeting of young football enthusiasts on Monday, when it was decided to form a new football club to be called “Broseley Swifts”. Mr. W. Powell, a keen sportsman, was appointed secretary, and the Chairman treasurer. A strong working committee was also elected, who will make preparations for the coming season. The club is a junior organisation.
23rd June 1923
CONCERT. — The Jackfield Silver. Prize Band gave an open-air concert on Sunday, and the well-played items were much appreciated by a large concourse of people. Mr. J. Wylde conducted in s usual able manner.
ANNIVERSARY.—On Sunday, in excellent weather, the
30th June 1923
OBITUARY. — Mr. Michael Evans passed away on Monday at his
residence, 145,
7th July 1923
THE _FUNERAL of Mr. Michael Evans of 145 Church Road, who, as briefly reported in last week’s issue, died on the 25th alt. aged 72, took place on the following Thursday at Broseley Cemetery. A short service was held at St Mary’s Church, conducted by the Rev. G. L. Bourdillon, (rector), who also impressively conducted the service at the graveside. Mr. Evans was held in great esteem and had worked for Messrs. John Doughty and Sons for upwards of 50 years. He was in his younger days clerk at St. Mary’s Church for 12 years, and also for some time supt. of the Sunday School. A large number of deceased’s fellow workers and friends attended the funeral, and the bearers were chosen from some of his oldest fellow workmen. Beautiful wreaths were sent by relatives and friends including one from the workmen at Messrs. Doughty’s. At the Cemetery after the prayers of committal, the two youngest grandchildren of deceased, E. G. Evans and Violet Williams, cast flowers into the open grave. The Rector feelingly alluded to Mr. Evans’s connection with the Church and School in his discourse on Sunday.
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— On June 7 members of the sewing class held a successful “social” in the schoolroom, about 40 being present. Tea was provided; after which the Rev. A. J. Parker gave an address. Mrs. Parker (pastor’s wife) also recited, and members of the class rendered solos, quartets, and sketches. The evening concluded with various games.
THE SALE OF ROSES for Alexandra Day, held on June 16, realised £9 16s. The cost of the roses (made by crippled girls) and the percentage to headquarters, came to £2 16s. 10d., and £7 was sent to the local charities—£2; each to the Salop Infirmary, Eye and Ear Hospital, and the Broseley Hospital (Comforts Fund), and £1 to the Iron-Bridge Maternity Nursing Fund. All sent grateful thanks to those who helped in making the collection.
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday.— Before Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor),
Aldermen D. L. Prestage, J. Nicklin and W. Roberts.—The Mayor, before
commencing the business, congratulated Supt. Barber on his promotion. He was
sure Supt. Barber would help them in the future as he had done in the past.—Mr.
Hughes (
7th July 1923
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday, Alderman D. L. Prestage presiding. — The town clerk reported a debit balance of £741 18s 2d. on the two accounts after meeting cheques drawn that day.—The chairman said it was £120 better of than this time last year but the overdraft should be cleared off. The town clerk said that the liabilities had been met for four months of the current financial year but no rates had been collected to meet it. Mr. Fenn was at present away from home.—The clerk was instructed to write to the collector asking him to proceed with the collection of the rates with all speed.— The sanitary inspector reported one death from phthisis in the district also a number of nuisances requiring abatement for which orders were made.— He stated there was at present no infectious disease in the ward.— A letter was read from Mrs. Allen, 21 Simpson’s Lane re an alleged nuisance, and the matter was left in Mr. Herbert’s hands.— The surveyor reported that his expenditure for the Month was £54. — He estimated the cost of laying a drain (six inches) at Hockley Bank to the existing main drain at £80, and the matter was deferred for this present. As to lighting for next season the surveyor was asked to get tenders for the August meeting of the Board.— The water engineer reported that the consumption of water by Shifnal for the past quarter was 7,020,000 gallons, by Dawley and Wellington Rural area No. 1, 5,123,001 gallons, and by Wellington Rural area No. 2, 216,000 gallons.— He stated the consumption had increased tremendously during the last fortnight owing to the continued drought and it was causing him much trouble in some of the very high parts of his large area to keep the pipes fully charged, owing to the heavy draw off in the lower portions of the districts. He gave details of work carried out and estimated the cost of laying a new three inch cast iron main up the Wynde, Jackfield, at £51.—The engineer was instructed to have the old disused pipe main on the river side Jackfield, excavated and got up for further use in the district where in his opinion it was of good quality. — A letter was read from Councillor Doughty apologising for his absence from the meeting and stating he was confined to his house with a chill.
14th July 1923
SOCIAL CLUB. — At the invitation of Dr. and Mrs. Boon the members, wives and friends were on Saturday entertained to a whist drive and dance held on the lawn, and a very pleasant time was spent. Splendid prizes were also provided by Dr. and Mrs. Boon. Twenty-five tables were occupied for whist, and the prizes were won by the following:—Ladies, 1 Mrs. Rachel Hill, 2 Miss Jellicoe, 3 Mrs. E. N. Aston, extra, Miss Hood; gentlemen Mr. T. Goodall, 2 Mr. J. Burns, 3 Mr. S. Oliver. Mr. W. Roberts was an efficient M.C. for the whist whilst Mr. G. Whitmore looked after the dancers. Mr. Harrison’s band played for dancing. Mrs. Boon presented the prizes. Mr. Griffiths proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Dr. and Mrs. Boon for their generosity, and Mrs. Warner seconded; carried with enthusiasm. Replying Dr. Boon said he was pleased to see that they had all enjoyed themselves. Had it not been for the generosity of Lord Forester in placing those premises at their disposal for the Club, he would not have been able to do what he had done that day (applause). Mr. J. W. Price called for cheers for the popular Doctor and his wife, which were heartily given.
ACCIDENT.—While Mr. F. Fletcher (Coalbrookdale) on Sunday was
returning from
14th July 1923
THE STORM.—A severe thunderstorm visited this town on Thursday night, and was of many hours’ duration. A house was struck by lightning at Broseley and partly unroofed, whilst a tree was damaged at Marnwood. There was also damage done at Kemberton pits, interfering with the work.
BRIDGE COMMITTEE. — Mr. W. Taylor presided on July 5, when the secretary, Mr. O. Jones, presented a draft of the balance-sheet and subscription list, which showed a small balance on the right side. Messrs. T. J. Hearn and B. Tranter were appointed auditors and it was decided that the balance be given as an honorarium to the secretary. The committee was then disbanded.
STAFF OUTING. — On Saturday Messrs. Craven, Dunnill and Co.,
Ltd., gave the whole of their staff and employees a trip to
21st July 1923
that the
will be
in consequence of the Reconstruction
of the Carriageway
Borough Engineer & Surveyor,
Guildhall, July 18th. 1923.
21st July 1923
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday, before Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor), Ald. J. Davies, and Clr. J. H. A. Whitley.— The Mayor said he had a pleasing duty to make a little present to their late superintendent, Mr. Phillips, from the Bench. They did so to show their regard and esteem for him. He had done all in his power to help the Bench during his superintendency. He (the Chairman) wished him the best of health in his retirement and good luck, and, then asked the late superintendent to accept a Coalport china tea service.— Mr. A. H. Thorn-Pudsey (Magistrates’ clerk) associated himself with the above remarks adding that he had always found the late Superintendent, very fair to the defendants in all his cases.—Mr. H. R. Phillips, on behalf of the solicitors, complimented the late superintendent on the manner in which he had always conducted the cases. (Applause.)—Mr. Phillips thanked the Bench very much or the kind present, which he should always appreciate. He also thanked them for their kind remarks and good wishes.
For making use of obscene language a Jackfield lad was bound over under the First Offenders Act in the sum of £5 and to pay the costs, and to be under the care of the Police Court Missioner six months.— Mary Ball, Sycamore Road, Broseley, applied for a maintenance order against her husband, William Ball.—The Bench made an order of 8s. per week.— John Kitson, collier, Dawley, was charged by the Madeley Guardians with neglecting to maintain his wife and family, who were inmates of the Madeley Poor-law Institution.—The relieving officer, Mr. Mole, stated that the arrears amounted to £9 14s.—The case was adjourned.— William Henry Hart, labourer, Jackfield, was charged with stealing 24 yard’s of wire netting, the property of Albert Norgroves, Rowton Farm, Linley, who identified the wire netting as his property, which he valued at 4.s.—Edward Poole, Jackfield, admitted that defendant gave him some wire netting.— P.C. Dodd (Jackfield) stated that defendant first denied the charge and then afterwards admitted with sorrow that he had taken the netting.—Defendant pleaded guilty.—The case was dismissed on payment of costs, but defendant was bound over in the sum of £5 to be of good behaviour for six months and placed under the supervision of Ald. Nicklin.
THE STORM. During the severe thunderstorm on July 12, Mr, Davies, Hill Top Farm Madeley, had four sheep killed by lightning. Two houses at Broseley and Benthall were unroofed, whilst a tree at Marnwood was split in two. A valuable horse at. Kemberton was also killed.
28th July 1923
BOROUGH COUNCIL. Wednesday. Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor) presided.—The
Wenlock District Council commended that
Mr. W. Woof be appointed assistant overseer at a salary £150 per annum.—Ald.
Cooke proposed that the report of the District Council be adopted.—Carried unanimously.—
The G.W.R. Co., replying to the Borough Council’s petition, stated that they
could not run a Sunday service, but would be pleased to entertain any further
suggestion.—Ald. Cooke remarked that they ought to press for a better service
during the summer months, and suggested that they should be put on the tourist
list. He moved that the town clerk should again communicate to this effect to
the G.W.R. Co. — Ald. Davies seconded, and Ald. Roberts, supporting pleaded for
a restoration of the Madeley branch service.— Councillors Dimelow and Thomas
also supported the resolution, which was carried.— A letter was read from Mr.
Hayward Davies, Broseley, on behalf of
the butchers of the borough, asking the Council to defer putting into
operation the by-law with regard to the humane killer, which they maintained
was not so satisfactory as their present methods.—It was subsequently decided
to inform Mr. Davies they must carry out the order.—Ald. Prestage moved that
the accounts chargeable against the borough fund be paid and that a borough
rate of 1½d in the pound be levied. The
net amount to be raised by the rate was £250.— Agreed.— Ald. Prestage was appointed
to execute the powers and duties assigned to the Mayor with respect to municipal
elections in November. On the motion of Ald. Prestage, it was decided to affix
the Corporate seal to the Broseley burial grant.—On the motion of Ald. Roberts,
it was decided to affix the Corporate seal to an indenture between the
Corporation and the Oakengates relative to the supply of water.—Ald. Roberts
also moved that they should affix the Corporate seal to an indenture between
the Corporation and Mr. Wm. Henry Foster, relative to an extension of the area
of supply.— Ald. Roberts presented the report and recommendation of the
auditors on the accounts for the year ended 31st March last. The various
balances of the several authorities in the bank in 1923 were as follow:—
Barrow, credit balance £438; Broseley Sanitary Division, credit balance £180;
Madeley, credit balance £1,773; Wenlock, credit balance £298; borough fund,
credit balance £153. Most of the divisions had debit balances on the water
accounts. They recommended that the outstanding rates in the Madeley and
Broseley wards should be still further reduced and that effort should be made
to collect them during the year they were levied.— The auditors complimented
the town clerk and his staff on the excellent manner in which the accounts were
kept.— Ald. Roberts moved that the report be adopted.—The Mayor, in seconding
the motion, complimented the town clerk on the admirable manner in which he
carried out his duties. They were in a better position than they were 12 months
ago.— Ald. Nicklin said it was the best report he had heard from an
auditor.—The report was adopted.—On the motion of Ald. Nicklin, a sub-committee
was appointed to consider the recommendations contained in the report.—Ald. Roberts
was complimented on his excellent report, which he acknowledged.—Ald. Prestage
submitted the main roads report. It was resolved to pay accounts amounting to
£809, and that the surveyor’s report be adopted. It was decided to accept the increased
grant of from the County Council for the upkeep of the main roads in the
borough.— The surveyor was instructed to fix extra signal posts in the borough
and to remove the lamp at the bottom of Madeley Hill. J. H. A. Whitley
presented the report of the visitors to the
JUVENILE SPORTS.—Sports organised by the local band committee for the school children, took place in ideal weather on Saturday, and were fairly well attended. The band was present, and played for dancing, Mr. J. Wylde conducting. Mr. F. J. Brooks superintended the arrangements, and Mr C. Jones proved a most capable secretary. The officials were: Judges: Dr. Boon, Rev. G. L. Bourdillon, Messrs. T. Doughty, H. Davies, J. Jones and J. Hearn; starter, Mr. W E. Price. Mrs. Bourdillon presented the prizes, and votes of thanks were accorded her and also the Rector and Mr. Brooks.
Sunday afternoon a procession was formed by ex-service men, friendly society members
and, for the first time in the district, the local Girl Guides who looked
exceedingly smart in their neat uniforms. Headed by the Jackfield Silver Band,
conducted by Mr. J. Wilde, they marched to church which was well filled.
Amongst those present wane the Mayor and Councillors Wase and Bagnall, Mr.
Gerald Edge presided at the organ. The service was conducted by the Rev. G. Parmiter
(Dawley Parva), the lesson read by the local Wesleyan Minister. Rev. B. Edwards
(Iron-Bridge), and a powerful sermon pleading for co-operation, preached by the
Rev. W. A. Warner, Rector of Broseley. During the service Mr. Travis Pitchford
sang “The Lord is My Shepherd”. A collection was taken for the hospitals. After
service the procession marched to the
4th August 1923
SATURDAY, AUGUST 18th, 1923.
3 PONY RACES (Open to Borough of Wenlock).
Entries close Saturday, August 11th. Application Forms to J. BURNS, Hockley, Broseley.
4th August 1923
A SMOKING CONCERT for the benefit of the Broseley Wood football club was held on July 27, at the head quarters, King’s Head. Mr. R. Lloyd presided, and some excellent songs were contributed by local talent.
CONCERT.—On the Social Club lawn on Sunday the Jackfield Prize Silver band gave a very fine concert before a large concourse of people. Mr. Till conducted, and gave two cornet solos, which were highly appreciated. A collection was taken on behalf of the band funds.
DISTRICT, COUNCIL, Wednesday, Alderman D. L. Prestage
presiding.— Mr. Herbert reported that there was no infectious disease in the
ward. He gave a list of inspections for which orders were signed.—The Town Clerk
reported a debit balance of £750 5s. 10d.—Mr. Fenn was instructed to push on
with the collection of the rate.—A cheque was drawn for £50 in favour of the
surveyor, to meet the current month’s expenses.—Mr. Davies said the surveyor
was making an excellent job of the
ODDFELLOWS’ CENTENARY.— It is just 100 years ago when the
Loyal “Rose of Sharon” Lodge of Oddfellows was formed here, the first in
UNITED F.C.—A grand smoking concert took place on July 27. The accounts were presented and passed. The following officers were elected for next season: —President, Councillor J. T. Williams; vice-presidents, Major F. T. Turner and Mr. C. F. Wadlow; chairman of committee, Mr. R. Lloyd; vice-chairman, Mr. J. Roper; captain, Mr. P. Hall; vice-captain, Mr. A. Evans; secretary, Mr. T. Goodall; treasurer, Mr. H. S. Southorn. A successful season is anticipated.
Petty sessions: John R. B. Freeman, Broseley, was charged
with driving a motor-cycle on the
18th August 1923
TERRITORIALS HONOURED.— Iron-Bridge Territorials returned from camp on Sunday in glorious array. They had proved themselves to be the best platoon out of 190 in camp, and had won the Prince of Wales’s shield, which is surmounted with the Prince of Wales’s feathers and the motto, “Ich Dien”, and bears the inscription— “Presented by H.R.H. the Prince of Wales, K.G. Aug., 1923”. For this victory considerable credit is due to the excellent work of Co.-Sergt.-Major Johnson and Platoon-Sergt. J. Jones in bringing the men to such perfection. The thronged streets were gaily decorated with flags and festoons, and the Jackfield Prize Silver Band met the platoon at the railway station and marched them through the town to the Armoury. The men had a fine welcome home. As the train steamed into the station the church bells pealed out. The platoon commander, Lieut. W. N. L. Richardson, led the men through the crowded town, with Co.-Sergt.-Major A. Johnson carrying the shield. On arrival at the Armoury, Lieut. Richardson dismissed the men and thanked the crowd for giving the platoon such a grand reception. They ought to be proud of them. It was a great honour, not only to Co.-Sergt.-Major Johnson, but also to Iron-Bridge. He complimented Co.-Sergt.-Major Johnson and also Sergt. Jones for the work they had put in. They had won the blue ribbon of the division. He thanked them for their support, which, he hoped, would he continued. The Rev. E. Roberts (rector) remarked that they were proud of their platoon at Iron-Bridge. — They had done their duty well. They had won the shield, and he hoped they would win it again. Three cheers were then heartily given the platoon, and the playing of the National Anthem concluded the little ceremony. Each member of the platoon was the recipient of a silver medal.
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday, before Ald. J. Nicklin (chairman),
Major Heywood, and Ald. W. Roberts. — Alice Jones,
25th August 1923
DANCE. — In connection with the local friendly societies, a very successful dance took place in the Town Hall after the sports. It was well attended, and Messrs. G. Whitmore and J. Gainham officiated as M.C,’s, whilst Mr. Harrison’s band supplied the music.
GOOD PERFORMANCES: At the Worcester Athletic sports on Saturday A. J. Rowbray (Broseley), won the 200 yards off scratch, and was second in the 220 yards, He also won the mile off scratch, and the two miles, giving one of the competitors 600 yards’ start.
1st September 1923
CONCERT.—On Sunday, at the new
GOOD RESULTS.— A meeting of the hospital committee was held
at the Institute on Tuesday, presided over by Mr. W. T. Tranter. The hon.
treasurer presented a statement of accounts; which shewed a balance in hand of
nearly £29. The chairman remarked that they could congratulate themselves upon
the result of their efforts. He was sure it was very gratifying to all of them
and he desired to thank all who had helped, especially the Jackfield Prize
Band, the collectors (Messrs. L. Preston and C. Hughes), and the combined
choirs for their services given voluntary, and to Messrs. Ed. Ball and P. Price
for their handsome gift. The following amounts were then allocated: Shrewsbury
Royal Infirmary £5 5s., Shrewsbury Eye and
GARDEN FETE. By the very kind permission of Lord Forester, a successful garden fete was held on Wednesday in Willey Hall grounds, but in consequence of the unpropitious character of the weather the event actually took place in Willey Hall, and it was largely attended, the proceeds being in aid of the church mission, diocesan funds and sport funds.
Amongst those present at the opening were Lord and Lady Forester, Major Rowland Hunt, Lady Catherine Milnes Gaskell, Miss Lily Mabel Kenyon Slaney, Major and Mrs. Crichton Browne, Rev. C. S. Jackson (Willey), Rev. B. Roberts and Mrs. Roberts (Iron-Bridge), Rev. W. N. and Mrs. Terry (Benthall), Clr. W. Bishop, Viscountess Boyne, Lord and Lady Dartmouth; Col. the Hon. F. Forester, Mrs. Simpson, Col, and Mrs. Harwood, Mrs. Whittaker and party; Dr. Boon and Mr. Welsh, the indefatigable secretary.
The opening ceremony took place in the crowded entrance hall. Lord Forester (said it was a very pleasing duty to introduce Lady Viscountess Boyne. Lady Boyne said she felt it a very great honour to be asked to open the fete. She was always pleased to help in anyway she could. She was sorry for those who had organised this fete that they should have such a wet day, but they had such a good gathering that she hoped they would make a nice sum of money for the deserving objects. The Rev. C. S. Jackson moved that a vote of thanks be accorded Lady Boyne for her kind services that day. He hoped the new spirit in church life would grow. He had found out that the country people knew more than the townspeople gave them credit for (applause). Mr. Rouse Boughton seconded the motion, which was carried with acclamation. Lady Boyne having acknowledged the compliment, Mr. J. Penson proposed a vote of thanks to Lord and Lady Forester for allowing the use of the hall for the fete (applause). Mr. Welsh, in seconding the motion, referred to the active part Lord and Lady Forester had personally taken in the arrangements of the fete. Lord Forester suitably replied. — The sale of work took place in the Conservatory, the heavily laden stalls being in the charge of Mrs. Rouse Boughton (china), Miss Hunt, Miss McNicol, and Miss Maxwell (fancy goods), and members of the sewing meeting (useful articles). There were several side shows. Wireless concerts took place in the servants’ hall and hoop-las, bran-tubs, cocoa-nut throwing in the out-building. There was also the hidden treasure. A public tea was held in the dining hall.
‘The Jackfield Prize Silver Band occupied the balcony, and under the able direction of Mr. J. Wylde gave fine programme of music. Dancing was indulged in, and in spite of the miserable weather a happy time was spent. The takings amounted to about £120.
8th September 1923
TRIP.— Rhyl was the place fixed for the Church choir’s outing, whither the members journeyed on Saturday by special train. Places of interest were visited, whilst the cinema was not neglected. A thoroughly happy time was spent.
OBITUARY.—After a few weeks’ illness, the death of Mr. Arthur
E. Gittings occurred on Saturday at his parents’ residence in
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday, Alderman Prestage presiding.— The town clerk reported a debit balance of £507 on the two accounts and the collector was instructed to close both general district and water rates before the next meeting, and to take proceedings where necessary. — Mr. Herbert reported one case of overcrowding.—The surveyor stated his estimate for carrying out the drainage at Harris’s Green was £15, and at Longmoor Meadows £35. The first named was deferred, but the surveyor was instructed to carry out the latter. He was also instructed to interview Major Cooke, (engineer, Ministry of Transport), and ascertain certain particulars re the Iron-Bridge to Broseley road prior to the next meeting. — The water engineer stated that Posenhall reservoir had been kept at a good average height, and the average pumping was 22 hours per week. He gave details of work carried out, and stated that Ketley Bank, in the Oakengates Urban District area, was now fully supplied with Harrington water.— An application from Mr. C.R. Jones, Benthall, for service to his property was granted.
15th September 1923
HOSPITAL FUNDS.—In aid of the above funds a smoking concert
was held at the New Inn clubroom and was well attended.
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday: Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor), Col. Heywood, Ald. W. Roberts, Messrs. F. G. Beddoes, W. Bishop; H. Parker, and J.Barker. — George Edward Potts, farm pupil, Broseley, was charged with driving a motor-cycle at Broseley in a manner that was dangerous to the public, and also with driving a motor-cycle without a license. Mr. H. R. Phillips, (Shifnal) defended.—Thomas Clee, gardener, Broseley, stated he was riding a bicycle down the street at Broseley on the right side until he came to the Hospital, as he had to cross to go on the Coalport road. He saw motorcycle on the bend, and defendant ran into him, and damaged his bicycle. Potts was on his wrong side, and witness never heard him blow his horn.—James Edward Brittain, Broseley, said he was sitting on the Foresters Arm wall when the accident occurred. He estimated Potts’ speed was 15 to 20 miles an hour.—Walter Lewis, wagoner, Broseley, estimated defendant’s speed at 30 miles an hour.—Roland Woolley (Horsehay), Harry Hackford (Broseley), William Henry Lewis (Broseley), and Bert Gallier (Broseley), also gave evidence.—P.C. Dodd (Jackfield) said Mr. Clee pointed to witness where the motorcycle had skidded outside the Broseley Hospital Gates. Later on he interviewed Mr. Potts regarding the accident when he made a statement that the accident happened through the hesitation of Mr. Clee. Mr. Phillips pleaded guilty of having no license, but asked the Bench to give the defendant the benefit of the doubt in the case of the accident—The Mayor said the case would be dismissed on payment of £3 11s. 6d. costs.—P.C. Dodd proved the charge of having no driving license, and inspector Barber stated defendant had been previously cautioned about his license.—Defendant was fined 5s.—Richard Simmons, Sycamore Road, Broseley, was charged with riding a motor-cycle without having an excise license.—Defendant said that it was not his bicycle, he was repairing it. P.C. Penny (Broseley) stated that the owner did not authorise anyone to use it.- Defendant was fined 5s.
22nd September 1923
annual Church Sunday School treat was held on Saturday. The children, with the
vicar (Rev. W. A. Terry) and Mrs. Terry and the teachers, had tea in the
schoolroom after which all adjourned to a field kindly lent by Mrs. Walkinshaw,
where a variety of games was indulged in. Afterwards the children returned to
the schoolroom, where they were given presents and buns. The following kindly
assisted at the tea and in entertaining the children:- Mrs Simmonds. Miss
A. Jenks, Miss E. Davis, Miss J. Davis,
Miss M. Foster, Mr. R. Whitmore, Mr. W. Cross, Mr:
POTATO AND FLORAL SHOW.—The annual floral and potato show was
held on Saturday and Monday in the New Inns yard, which was tastefully adorned
for the occasion. The quality of the potatoes and vegetables was of a very high
standard, and the kidney beans were excellent. There was also a splendid lot of
wild flowers. The arrangements were most ably carried out by a strong
committee, of which Mr. R. Whitmore was chairman, Mr. R. Clinton treasurer, and
Mr. T. Minton secretary. The judges were Mr. W. J. Crawford (Severn House) and
Mr. H. Wase: The prize-winners were: — Potatoes: Weight-1 E. Jakeway. 2
6th October 1923
A RUMMAGE SALE was held on Saturday by the Wesleyans in the Schoolroom, and was well attended. A brisk business was done.
CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— On Sunday the Congregationalists held their choir sermons, the special preachers being the Rev. A. J. Parker. Mrs. A. J. Parker, and Mr. J. Jones. Solos were capably rendered by Miss B. Corfield, Miss M. Hartshorne, and Master D. Oakley. The choir also gave a good rendering of the anthems, “Dayspring” and O Lord, bow down, under the direction of Mr. T. Denstone with Miss E. Owen accompanying at the organ. The proceeds were devoted to choir funds.
THE WEDDING of Mr. Evan. Gwynne of the “Vineyard’’, to Miss
E. Olive Shaw, of Broseley, took place at the Wesleyan Chapel on Monday, the
Rev. Bicknor Edwards officiating. Miss Millward presided at the organ, and
played wedding music from Lohengrin, and Mendelssohn’s “Wedding March”. The
hymn “O perfect love” concluded the service. Upwards of 60 guests sat down to
the wedding breakfast in the
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday, Ald. Prestage presiding.—The Town Clerk reported a debit balance on the two accounts, after meeting liabilities that day, of £233.—The Chairman said that was £170 better than last year, but the overdraft must be cleared off altogether. — A list of rate defaulters was gone through and discussed and the collector was instructed to give a few days’ grace and then take proceedings.—The Surveyor reported his expenditure for the month was £45 9s. 2d. He had taken the six-inch drain out at Longmoor Meadow and substituted one of 12 inches diameter. He had also met Major Cooke (Ministry of Transport), re the Iron Bridge road.— The town clerk was instructed to write to the Ministry there on.—The surveyor was asked to instruct the roadmen to clear metal off any fireplugs that were covered in the district. — Mr. Callear said that Posenhall reservoir had been kept at a good height throughout the month, and two new services had been carried out. He gave details of repairs done to existing supplies and the consumption of water by out-side authorities for the past quarter. — Mr. Herbert reported one case of diphtheria and gave a list of nuisances that required abatement in the district.— The Council fixed the positions of the lamps to be lighted in the town and Jackfield during ensuing season.
13th October 1923
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday before Lord Forester (chairman),
NO PRISONERS.—There were no prisoners for trial at the Borough Quarter Sessions on Wednesday. The jurors were consequently notified not to attend.
SINGING COMPETITION.—A singing competition took place on Monday at the Social Club under the presidency of Dr. Boon. Mr. F. Davies won the first prize for the best comic song and Mr. Brittain the one for sentimental song. Several entered the competition.
20th October 1923
SUDDEN DEATH.—Samuel Snead (75), a labourer, 89, Bower Yard, was on Monday night found dead in bed by his nephew’s wife, Mrs. Jane Fletcher. For 18 months he had suffered with giddiness in the head, but was never medically attended. Consequently, Mr. A. Thorn-Pudsey (borough coroner) held an enquiry on Tuesday at the police station, and he brought in a verdict of “natural causes”, to wit, heart failure.
27th October 1923
THE BLIND SOLDIERS. — The sum of £12 has been sent to St. Dunstan’s Hostel, as
the result of the kindness of a local lady, who sold flowers from her garden in
aid of this good cause. Her good-heartedness has been acknowledged by the
authority, and the ladies who assisted in the sale are to be congratulated.
THE SCHOOLS.— A whist drive and dance were, on Oct. 9, held in the Town Hall, the proceeds being in aid of the Schools. There was a large company, and a most enjoyable time was spent. Listers’ Jazz band supplied the music, and the arrangements were carried out by the officials at the schools.
PETTY SESSIONS, Tuesday, before Messrs. W. G. Dyas (Mayor), W. Roberts, J. B. Barker, H. Parker, and W. Bishop.— The license of the Boat Inn, Jackfield, was temporarily transferred to Sarah Hodge.—Inspector Barber pointed out that the husband was at work.
3rd November 1923
KING EDWARD VII SANATORIUM. — On Wednesday evening a party connected
with the Shrewsbury Lodges of the R.A.O.B., G.L.E., journeyed out to the above
sanatorium to give a pleasant diversion to the inmates in the shape of a musical
entertainment. The party arrived at Shirlet from
Lest We forget.
SNEYD—In ever-loving memory of our dear and only son, Arthur
Sneyd, M.G.C., 2, Carver’s Road, Broseley,
A RUMMAGE SALE was held on Wednesday in the Congregational Schoolroom. There was a good attendance, and the effort was quite a success. The proceeds were in aid of the church expenses.
OBITUARY.— After a brief illness Mr. Peter Stephan has passed away at the age of 74. He was well known. He was a Liberal of the old type, and for many years was connected with the Madeley Wood Wesleyan Society. He had been in the employ of Messrs. Maw and Co., Jackfield, for ever 50 years. Mr. Stephan was buried on Saturday in the Broseley cemetery, when there was a large following of relatives and friends. The Rev. W. A. Warner (rector) officiated. Among the beautiful wreaths sent was one from the teachers and scholars of Madeley Wood Wesleyan Sunday School, of which deceased had been superintendent.
ALL SAINTS’.—On Thursday (All Saints’ Day) a special service was held here, when the Rev. C. S. Jackson (Willey) preached an appropriate sermon. There was a good attendance. Miss Watkis presided at the organ.
WRIST DRIVE.—The third of the series of whist drives organised by the local band for new instrument fund, was held on Oct 26, and was very well attended. Messrs. J. D. Perkins and G. Britton were capable M.C.’s. Mrs. T. Oakes presented the prizes to the following:— Ladies: Miss Embrey, Miss Oakes, and Mr. M. Gallier; gents.: Mr. Lewis, Mr. Dorset and Mr. A. Aston. The buffet was in charge of the following ladies: Mesdames Hughes, Gallier, Britton and Gittins.
3rd November 1923
HARVEST FESTIVAL SERVICES were held at the nicely-decorated Congregational Church on Sunday and were well attended, The Rev. A. J. Parker preached at each service. The choir gave a good rendering of the anthem, “I will extol Thee”. Miss M. Hartshorne capitally rendered the “Harvester’s Song”. Mrs. M. Williams presided at the organ. Collections were taken in aid of the church funds.
CHURCH PARADE.—The first annual church parade of the Broseley
“L”Oste Brown” Lodge of the R.A.O.B. on Sunday was a great success. A
procession to the well-filled
GOOD RESULT.— The result of the house-to-house collections on behalf of the National Children’s Home and Orphanage amounted to £7 10s., £1 in advance of last year’s amount. This has been forwarded to the home by the local secretary, Miss A. M. Jones.
SINGING COMPETITION. — A singing competition took place at the “social” on Oct. 26. Mr. T. I. Griffiths presided, and he was supported by Dr. Boon and the Rev. W. A. Warner (rector). The successful competitors were: 1 T. Meredith, 2 A. Brittain, 3. F. J. Brooks (recitation). Proposed by Dr. Boon and supported by Rev. W. Warner, a vote of thanks was accorded to the chairman.
Considerable interest was aroused in Highley and district on
Saturday by the appearance on the river of a hydro-glider. The designer of this
ingenious craft is Mr. Walter F. W. Davies, of
10th November 1923
CHOIR SERMONS.—Sunday was set apart for the choir at All Saints’ Church, when the Rev. W. Warner (rector) preached an excellent sermon in the morning. There was no sermon at night, the evening being devoted to music. The singing of the choir, under the direction of Mr. W. Davies, was excellent. The anthems, “I was glad”, “What are these?” and “O Gladsome Light”, were well rendered. The quartet party sang “The Radiant Morn” and “Abide with me”. Mr. F. S. Francis gave an artistic rendering of “Waft ye angels,” and Mr. J. W. Price sang with success “My Hope”. Miss Watkins most ably presided at the organ. There were large congregations at each service. Collections were taken in aid of the choir fund.
PETTY SESSIONS Tuesday.-Before Councillor W. G. Dyas (Mayor),
Dr. G. W. Collins, Ald. J. Nicklin, and W. Roberts.—The license of the Lion
Hotel was transferred to A. Oswell. William Sumner, Geo. Francis, H. Lewis, and
Geo. Ed. Bowen, all Jackfield and Coalport lads, were charged with throwing
stones. P.C. Powell stated that on Oct 28th he saw the defendants
throw stones against the
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday, Ald. Prestage presiding.—Mr. Herbert reported one ease of opthalmia, and two of dysentery since the last meeting. He had disinfected one case of diphtheria. He reported several nuisances for which orders were signed.—The town clerk reported a small balance of £8 on the two accounts. — Mr. Fenn stated there was only £8 10s. 8d. arrears outstanding and he was instructed to take out summonses against the defaulters.—The chairman asked the collector to get out the new rate as soon as possible.—The surveyor reported his expenditures for the month was £25 11s. 8d.—He had carried out certain improvements near Hair Pin Bend, and now required 40 yards of posts and rails, which were sanctioned. He was congratulated on certain repair work which he had carried out.— Councillor Doughty drew attention to the state of the road near Half Moon, Jackfield, caused by the recent flood of the river, and the surveyor promised to see to the matter. In answer to the chairman he said the snowplough was ready for work when required —Mr. Callear (water engineer), reported he had carried out the necessary repairs on the seven inch pumping main to Posenhall, and also on the three inch distribution mains at Jackfield. The average pumping during the month to Broseley reservoir was 19 hours per week.—Applications for three new services were sanctioned.
17th November 1923
INSTITUTE FUND. — On behalf of this fund a whist drive was held on Wednesday at the institute. It was well attended. Mr. Hayward Davis (chairman of the committee) was a very capable M.C. On the motion of the Rev. G. C. Bourdillon (rector) a vote of thanks was accorded to all present and also to the officials. Mr. William Price presented the prizes to the winners, who were:—Ladies: 1, Mrs. B. Harris; 2, Miss Rich; 3, Miss B. Clarke. Gents: 1, Mr. H. Dorsett; 2, Mr B. Evans; 3, Mr. C. V. Davies.
IN MEMORY OF THE FALLEN.—Relatives and friends on Sunday laid
flowers at the beautiful war memorial at Messrs. Maw and
ARMISTICE DAY.—An open-air memorial service was on Sunday held by the war memorial bridge, conducted by the Rev. C. S. Bourdillon (rector). A procession was formed, headed by the local band. The choir was present and led the singing. The two minutes’ silence was here observed, and the rector gave a brief but telling address.
NEW SUNDAY SCHOOL FUND.— A. successful “social” was held in connection with the above in the Wesleyan Schoolroom on Monday, Rev. J. J. Credland officiating. Songs and recitations were rendered by Misses P. Colley, E. Wright E. Stokes, D. Jones, F. Poole, and J. Cleobury, a dialogue and sketch were given by Mr. and Mrs. A. O. Jones, Miss D. Aston, and Mr. S. Blackford; Mr. J. Poole presided at the organ. Refreshments were served by the members of the committee. A silver collection was taken, £1 18s. being raised and handed over to the secretary (Mr. J. Stokes) towards the above fund.
ARMISTICE DAY was on Sunday commemorated in all the places of worship, and the two minutes’ silence was observed. There was special singing, and appropriate addresses were given. The services were all well attended.
UNITED FRIENDLY SOCIETIES. — The annual meeting of these societies was held on Nov. 9, Mr. J. Watkins presiding over a large company. The secretary (Mr. T. Minton) told the meeting what money they had raised for the hospitals. A large amount was allocated to the Forester Hospital Christmas Comforts Fund. The Pheasant Hotel Flower Show had subscribed £21 to the Hospital fund, and the New Inn Flower Show £14. The hospital parade was a great success. It was mentioned that some members of the Committee had been members since the formation, 30 years ago, and Mr. Watkins had been chairman most of the time. The Committee were accorded votes of thanks for their excellent cervices, and so was the chairman, who was re-elected. The whole of the officers were also re-elected.
WHIST DRIVE AND DANCE.— The Broseley Victoria Institute held its annual whist drive and dance on Monday, when the Town Hall was crowded. The whist prizes were presented to the following winners by Miss Potts:—Ladies: 1, Mrs. E. Taylor; 2, Miss M. Scott; 3, Mrs. P. Blackford; 4, Miss R. Hill. Gents.: 1, Mr. J. Roberts; 2, Mrs. Smithman; 3, Mr. T. Roberts; 4, Mr. C. Meredith. The music for the dance was supplied by Mr. Garling’s orchestra (Bridgnorth). The M.C. for the whist was Mr. J. Nicklin, and for the dance, Mr. C. Ashby. Mr. T. Jones was an able secretary.
8th December 1923
BURIAL BOARD.—The annual meeting was held on Wednesday.—Ald. Prestage proposed the re-election of Dr. Collins as chairman for the ensuing year —Mr. Davies seconded the proposition which was carried.—The Chairman said that Mr. Francis had asked him to consider an increase in his salary, which at present was £15 and fees which generally ran to £5. He had to do a great deal of work. He said there was an interment every week.—After a deal of discussion Ald. Nicklin proposed his salary be raised to £20 a year.—Mr. Ware seconded the motion, which was carried —The Clerk reminded the Board that they were £51 on the wrong side.—The Chairman said that it would perhaps be interesting to know that he found from the record book that the first burial in the churchyard was in 1547.—The question of raising the burial fees to those outside the parish was discussed, and adjourned to the next meeting.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— This being the annual meeting, Ald. Nicklin said he had the greatest pleasure in proposing that Ald. Prestage should take the chair for another year, They could not do better.—Mr. Exley seconded the proposition, which was unanimously carried.—Ald. Prestage returned thanks.—Dr. Collins moved that Ald. Nicklin be elected vice-chairman.—Mr. Ware seconded; carried — Ald. Nicklin. responded.—Mr. Herbert reported one case of ophthalmia in the district. He also reported a number of inspections under the Housing Act.—The Standing Committees were re-elected.—Mr. Callear (water engineer) reported two breaks on the seven-inch pumping main and one on the distribution main at Jackfield. The pumping to Posenhall had been well kept up, the reservoir being at a good average level. He gave details of old pipes taken out and new work inserted in place thereof in parts of the district.—Petrol advertisements on the road were condemned by the Council, and the surveyor was asked to look up the law on the matter. —The surveyor was instructed to see the ash contractor in respect of several ashpits which were neglected.—The surveyor told the meeting that his expenditure for the month was £32.—The unemployment question was briefly discussed, and the surveyor was asked to get out a scheme.—Mr. Fenn stated that the rate was collected with few exceptions.—A debit balance on the two accounts was reported.
15th December 1923
GUARDIANS. Dec. 7, Mr R. A. Rhodes presiding. — A letter was read from the Dawley Urban Council asking consent of the Guardians to the payment of out-relief to able-bodied then from the district through the Council, so that all recipients could be engaged on useful work in the district. Reference was made to a levelling scheme, which had been considered by the Council, and which would lend itself readily to such an arrangement.—The chairman explained the reason of this letter from the Dawley Urban Council. There were 201 cases who had out-relief from this Board through being out of work, and the only money returned was £11. The scheme was merely to save this Board from paying money out which they never should. —The Rev. T. R. J. Fawkes supported the resolution, and he hoped the Guardians would favourably consider it.—A letter was read from the Minister of Health agreeing to the scheme. — The clerk then read the Wellington Guardians’ scheme.—The Chairman explained that this was special work they were asking these men to do to help them to carry on during the five weeks’ suspension at the Labour Exchange. — Col. Heywood said he would support the scheme. — In reply to Mr. Davies, the chairman remarked that there were more out of work at Dawley than Madeley.— In answer to a question by Mr. Davies, the chairman said that the surveyor was going to superintend the scheme.—Mr. Yates asked if the Dawley Council would reap any benefit by this scheme.—The chairman replied in the negative. The only advantage they would have was the levelling of the ground.—The Chairman moved that they adopt the scheme for three months, subject to the sanction of the Ministry of Health.—Col. Heywood seconded, and the motion was unanimously carried. — Mr. W. Edge gave a satisfactory report of the boarded-out children in the Broseley and Benthall districts.—The following tenders were accepted Hair-cutting and shaving, Mr. H. Walker, Iron-Bridge; coffins, Mr. Roper, Madeley; milk, Poynton, Iron-Bridge; coal, Messrs, Oakley, Broseley; meat, Mrs. Davis, Broseley; bread for Madeley and the house, Mr. Owen, Madeley; for Wenlock and Broseley, Mr. Rowe, Broseley. — It was decided to thank the Boarding-out Committee for the good work they were doing, on the proposition of the chairman. The visitors, Messrs. Kerr and Roberts, had paid a surprise visit to the house, and found everything very comfortable. They recommended another daily paper. — It was decided to give the inmates the usual Christmas fare. — The Board thanked the Dale Works Committee for their subscription of five guineas,
WESLEYAN CHAPEL. The choir sermons were held on Sunday, and at each service the choir, under the direction of Mr. J. A. Hartshorne, rendered special music. The pulpit was occupied by the Rev. J. Parker, who preached two able sermons. There were good congregations, and collections were taken in aid of the, choir fund.
CONCERT. — At the Wesleyan Chapel on Wednesday an augmented, choir, gave a first-class concert for the choir funds. A good audience was presided over by the Rev. J. J. Credland. The first portion was a choral work, “Jonah”. The choruses were very efficiently rendered, reflecting credit on the able conductor, Mr. J. A. Hartshorne, whilst Mrs. N. Williams displayed ability at the organ as accompanist. The soloists sang well and their efforts were much appreciated; they were—Miss Swift (soprano), Hadley); tenor, Mr. F. Francis, Broseley; and bass, Mr. W. Davies, Broseley. The second half of the programme comprised miscellaneous items, viz., solos by Miss Swift, Mr. W. Davies and Mr. Francis. An anthem by the choir, “The Lord gave the word”, was well given, as also were two glees.
22nd December 1923
INSTITUTE.—In aid of a billiard table for the Institute a successful whist drive was on Wednesday held at the Institute. It was largely attended, aril Mr. H. Davies made an excellent M.C. Miss B. Clarke, the Rectory, Jackfield kindly presented the prizes, and she was thanked for her kind services. Prizewinners:—Ladies-1 Miss M. Gallier, 2 Mr: A. Aston (playing as lady), 3 Miss Yarrow; gents—1 Mr. R. Sutton, 2 Mr. A. Harrington, 3 Mr. G. Edge.
29th December 1923
R.A.O.B.—The anniversary of this lodge was celebrated on Dec. 19 by a dinner, capably served up at the Crown by Mr. T. Holmes. Mr. Leslie Brown (Shifnal) presided. Upwards of 80 sat down and did full justice to the repast. Toast and song occupied the remainder of the evening, which was thoroughly enjoyed. There were presentations made during the evening.
TOWN HALL.—There was a well-attended dance on Wednesday. Mr. H. Southorn was quite an affable M.C. and the music was supplied by Mr. Harrison’s band. The proceeds were in aid of the Broseley Wood F.C.
CAROL SERVICE.—A large number attended the midnight carol service at the church on Christmas Eve. Precisely at 12 o’clock the choir walked up the aisle singing “Christians, awake!” The Rev. W. Warner gave a very interesting address, which was listened to with rapt attention.—The usual services were held on Christmas Day.
SUPPER AND PRESENTATION.—On the occasion of the departure of Mr. Keates to take up a position with Messrs. Minton and Hollins of Stoke, a very successful evening was spent at the Half-Moon Hotel by the staff of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd. After an excellent supper, provided by the host (Mr. W. Davis), Mr. Keates was presented with a silver mounted ebony walking stick and case of pipes by the chairman, Mr. C. Reynolds (managing director of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd.), who, in a short speech, spoke very highly of the character and abilities of Mr. Keates, and wished him every success in his new sphere. Mr. Keates thanked those present for the esteem they had shown him by asking him to spend the evening with them, and also for the gifts, which would remind him in future of the pleasant time he had had amongst them. The rest of the evening was spent in harmony, and items were rendered by Messrs. J. W. Price, W. A. Burton, C. Rowe, T. Sharman, T. Minton, F. Neames and H. Keates, who were ably accompanied by Mr. W. Wase. Humorous recitations by Mr. J. S. Maw were well received
THE DEATH occurred on Dec. 21 of Mr. John Lloyd Instone, of
SALE OF WORK.—A successful sate of work was held in the
schoolroom on the 19th inst. on behalf of the Mary Sumner Memorial (foundress
of the Mothers’