Extracts from
The Wellington Journal
Shrewsbury News
relating to Broseley and District
Broseley Local History Society
11th January 1911
At 10 o’clock on
Monday Next Sale of the Entire Drapery and Outfitting Stock of Mr. Alexander
Grant of Iron-Bridge, who is retiring from business, by J. L. and E. T. Morgan,
Wellington, will commence.
FUNERAL.— On Sunday the remains of Miss Annie Morgan, Simpson’s Lane, Broseley Wood, were laid to rest in the graveyard attached to Broseley Congregational Church. There was a large and sympathetic gathering to witness the obsequies, testifying to the esteem in which the deceased lady was held. She was 62 years of age, and was the oldest member of Broseley Congregational Church. In her earlier days she was particularly attached to the infants’ department of the Sunday School, her sympathies and care for the young being very marked, extending as they did even to their homes. The Rev. E. Langton (Handsworth College) conducted the funeral service. The hymn, “Now the labourer’s task is o’er,” was sung in the church, and as the cortege emerged therefrom the “Dead March” was played on the organ by Miss May Bunnagar. The mourners were:— Mr. John Morgan (brother), Miss Mary Morgan, Mrs. Garbett, Mrs. Wilkes, and Mrs. Hartshorne (sisters), Mrs. Richard Morgan (sister-in-law), Mr. John Morgan, Mr. George Morgan (Wigan), Mr. Albert Wilkes, and Mr. Ernest Hartshorne (nephews), Misses May, Dora, and Miriam Hartshorne, and Fanny Garbett (nieces), Mr. John Wilkes, Mr. William Hartshorne, and Mr. Edward Garbett (brothers-in-law). Floral tributes were sent by relatives and friends. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Mr. James Davies (King Street).
11th January 1911
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.- present Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman, Lord Forester, Councillors A. A. Exley, J. Nicklin. T. I. Griffiths, T. S. Instone and G Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), E. Abberley (water inspector) and Dr Gepp (medical officer).- Mr. Herbert stated he had started the work of inspection under the new Housing Act, and he presented a list of houses that he had inspected.- Mr. Nicklin contended that owners of property should have an opportunity of putting their houses in order before they were closed. Mr. Keay said if they condemned all the houses they would have no rates or taxes; at present nearly the whole of the houses were now closed in Foundry Lane.- The Chairman remarked that they did not wish to deal with the owners differently from hitherto, although they had more power.- Mr. Keay said that a good number lived in their own houses, and if they did not live rent free they would have to be kept in the workhouse. The way things were going on appeared to him to be worse than the Budget.- Dr. Gepp remarked that out of the 12 houses reported, there were only two that would require closing, and the others could be dealt with as nuisances.- The Chairman was of the opinion that if the houses were improved the rents would go up.- Mr. Keay maintained that if they demolished any of the houses the owners should be compensated.— The Chairman : There is a case now of closing two houses, and I don't like to take drastic steps. We should give the owners a chance to do the necessary repairs.—Mr. Nicklin considered that they should proceed very cautiously with the Act.—Mr. Keay: This is not like a crowded town. There is plenty of fresh air, and directly you come from Iron-Bridge you, can feel the breezes. (Laughter.) I never hear of any closing orders carried out anywhere but here!—Dr. Gepp replied that 1,000 houses were closed in Birmingham last year —Mr. Keay: I consider it hard lines on the people who have for years paid their rates to lose practically all their little means to repair these houses or be turned out.—Dr. Gepp said that he did not think it would be a serious matter. He did not think there would be many houses closed.—It was decided to deal with two cases at the next meeting, when the owners will he invited to attend.- Mr. Keay: I think the best thing we can no is to borrow £5,000 or £10,000 from the Local Government Board, and build some nice houses, and let the people live rent free. We are going on the road to bankruptcy fast. (Laughter.)—Several nuisances were ordered to be abated. — Mr. Keay said that he was of opinion that after making the above orders trade would become brisk in Broseley, particularly in the building line. (Laughter.)- The Chairman remarked that if people would have these Acts of Parliament passed, they must abide by the consequences.—Mr. Herbert reported the district free from notifiable infections disease.- The Chairman stated that there was yet to he collected on the general district account the sum of £162.— Mr. Abberley reported that he had inspected the water-pipes at Jackfield, and found them to be in good working order.—Mr. Potts reported a balance in hand of £144 on the general district rate account, adding that £185 was re-…..
4th February 1911
VICTORIA HALL.— On Thursday Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Thorn-Pudsey entertained the members of the Victoria Institute and their friends to a musical treat in the shape of a gramophone concert. The duties of chairman were carried out by Mr. J. A. Downes, who paid a tribute to the kindness of Mr. and Mrs. Thorn-Pudsey in placing them in touch with some of the greatest singers and musicians. The arrangements were efficiently carried out by Mr. H. E. Clark, and Mr. Thomas Jones (secretary).
DISTRICT COUNCIL Wednesday.— Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors T. S. Instone, T. I. Griffiths; A. A. Exley, G. Keay, and T. Doughty, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector). —The Chairman stated that the medical officer had reported that a house in Legge’s Hill, Broseley, belonging to Mrs. Garbett, was unfit for habitation.— Mr. Herbert stated that if the Council thought a house was unfit they could make a closing order.— Mrs. Garbett appeared before the Council, and promised to have the house put in proper order.- The Chairman said they would have to make a closing order, which would be withdrawn when the house was rendered fit for habitation.— Mr. Keay: I have not seen anywhere in the papers about the closing orders at other places.— The Clerk: We get our law from the Act, and not from the papers.— Mr. Keay: Is it an Act or one of the doctors?— The Chairman (holding up the paper): This is the Act. The Clerk observed that thousands of these orders would be made within the course of a few weeks.— In reply to Mr. Keay, the Chairman said that property owners were held responsible for the tenants.— Then, said Mr. Keay, it is very hard.— Mr. Doughty said that they could not get behind the Act. — Mr. Keay: Why have we started on the small property-owners first.— The Clerk replied that they could only deal with the cases were brought up.- The Chairman proposed, and Mr. Exley seconded, that a closing order be made, and it was carried.— Mr. Instone: If you close the houses in Broseley you will have to make, the work-house larger.— The Chairman: We must carry out the Act.— It was also decided to make a closing order on a house in Hockley Road.— Mr. Clarke attended, and promised to do what was necessary.— Mr. Herbert reported the district free from infectious disease.— The Clerk reported a balance in hand of £111 5s. 5d. He presented his estimate of expenditure for the year, viz., £1,383.— Mr. Doughty proposed that a general district rate of 2s. 10d. in the pound be levied, the same as last year, and also a water rate of 1s. 3d. in the pound.— Mr. Instone seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried.
Before Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor) and Mr. E. W. Shorting.
DRUNKENNESS.- Henry Cadwallader was charged with being drunk at Jackfield.- Police-constable Reeves stated that the found defendant lying on the footpath near the church. He was helplessly drunk, and witness took him home.— Defendant, who denied the charge, was fined 10s., including costs. Jeremiah Goodall was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Broseley Wood.— Police-constable Edwards, in proving the case, stated that defendant made use of bad language, and wanted to fight other men.— He was fined 2s. 6d. and costs.
AN OLD OFFENDER.— Francis Smith, labourer, Broseley, was charged with a breach of the Vagrancy Act.— Police-constable Reeves stated that about 2 o’clock in the morning, in company with Police-constable Edwards, he found defendant asleep on the top of a kiln at the Broseley Tileries. He searched him, and he found 1d. in his possession.— The Mayor said there were over 40 convictions against defendant, who would be sentenced to seven days’ imprisonment with hard labour.
SUNDAY FOOTBALL.- Harry Cox, Walter Cox, and William Weobley, Jackfield youths, were charged with playing football in the street at Iron-Bridge.— Police-constable Threadgold stated that he saw defendants playing football on a Sunday afternoon in the street at Iron-Bridge. Numerous complaints had been received concerning the playing of football on Sundays.— Defendants were each ordered to pay costs.
11th February 1911
RE-OPENING SERVICES. The Primitive Methodist Chapel, having been closed during its renovation, was re-opened on Sunday, when excellent sermons were preached afternoon and evening, the former by the Rev. T. Brentnall (Dawley), and the latter by Mr. W. H. Shuker (Broseley). Suitable hymns were sung and the duet, “Ring the bells of heaven,” was creditably rendered by Mrs. and Miss Alice Jackson. Miss Lily Jackson also gave pleasing rendition of the solo, “He knows, my heavenly father knows,” Mr. Jeninson presided at the organ in the afternoon, and Mr. Shuker in the evening. There were good congregations, and the collections were in aid of the Renovation Fund.
RE-OPENING SERVICES.— Following the services on Sunday in the Primitive Methodist Chapel, a public meeting was held on Wednesday at the same place, and for the same object. Mr. S. H. Shuker (Broseley) presided over a good attendance. The meeting was addressed by the chairman, Mr. W. S. Hall (Baptist), the Rev. I. Brentnall, and Mr. Jackson. During the evening Mr. R. Pope gave a number of gramophone selections, and Master Harris contributed two violin solos, accompanied on the organ by Miss Harris. Mrs. and Miss Jackson gave a good rendering of the duet, “Ring the bells of heaven”, and Mr. H. Jeninson of the solos, “The Beautiful Prayer” and “Beyond.” Miss Lily Jackson gave a tasteful rendition of the solo, “My father knows”; Miss Scriven ably sang “Going Home” and the Rev. T. Brentnall contributed the solo, “Every-body should know.” Mr. H. Jeninson presided at the organ.
18th February 1911
PETTY SESSIONS —TUESDAY. LICENSING MATTERS.- Superintendent Tait presented his annual report, which stated that during the year two licensed persons had been proceeded against. With these exceptions the whole of the houses had been conducted without complaint. The Lake Head, Iron-Bridge, and Cross Keys Beerhouse, Broseley, were at the adjourned annual licensing meeting on 1st March, 1910, referred for compensation, and both houses were closed on 8th August last. With regard to drunkenness there were during the past year 25 persons proceeded against, and of these 23 males and 1 female were convicted. This showed a decrease of seven convictions as compared with the previous year. The number of convictions for similar offences for the five previous years were:— 1905, 51; 1906. 49; 1907, 87; 1908, 50; and 1909, 31. Superintendent Tait added that complaints had been made to him a few days ago about the long pull in some of the public-houses in the borough. He had not had time to investigate it, but he had made inquiries, and believed it was done in some instances.— The Chairman said that the Licensing Justices of the borough wished to warn all license-holders that the long pull must be stopped at once, otherwise the Justices would have seriously to consider the question of refusing the license of any house where the practice was continued. The Justices objected to the renewal of the licensee of the Royal Oak, Iron-Bridge, and the Victoria Inn, Broseley, on the ground that they were not required for the needs of the immediate neighbourhood.— The usual notices were ordered to be served on the owners, and the objections will be heard at the adjourned, sessions at Broseley. The other licenses in the borough were renewed.
25th February 1911
On Saturday at the, Judge’s Lodgings. Belmont, Shrewsbury, Lord Kenyon presided over a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Shropshire County Association for the Prevention of Consumption and Other Forms of Tuberculosis. The attendance included— Lady Harlech, the Hon. Mrs. Heywood-Lonsdale, the Hon. Mrs. Alington, Mrs. Donaldson-Hudson. Mrs. Rowland Hunt, senior, Mrs. Edward Corbett, the Venerable Archdeacon C. B. Maude, Captain the Hon. G. Forrester, Dr. Wheatley. Dr. Orr, Dr. Boon (Broseley), Messrs. J. Bowen-Jones (chairman of the County Council). Simpson, Wheeler, Benjamin Blower, J. Woodhouse, P. M. Birrell, E. L, Mylius (treasurer), and Dr. R. H. Urwick, (honorary secretary). Apologies for non-attendance were received from Mrs. Fielden, Mr. Mainwaring, Mr. Adams, and Dr. McCarthy.
The Executive Committee met in order to consider the rules of the association drawn up by the sub-committee (Dr. Wheatley. Dr. Orr, Mrs. Rowland Hunt, senior, and Mr. P. M. Birrell), and these rules were passed by the executive with some few modifications.
Subsequently, at the invitation of Lord Kenyon, the members of the executive and the secretaries of the local branches were entertained to luncheon, after which Lord Kenyon read the following list of amounts collected on behalf of the association:—Shrewsbury Borough, Mayoress’s Fund (Mrs. Benjamin Blower), donations £384 4s. 10d.; Baschurch, Rev. A. E. Furnival, £163 3s. 9d.; Condover, Mrs. Fielden, £97 7s. 6d. Hanwood, Mrs. C. E. Jenkins, £60 3s.; Oxon, Mrs. R. Sandford. £35 1s. 4d.: Pontesbury, Mrs. Swire, £36 6s. 7d.; Sundorne, Mrs. H. Corbet, £45 14s. 1d.; Westbury, Mrs. Gray (subscription). £3 3s.; donations £92 14s. 10d.: Wroxeter, Mrs. Logan, £14 17s. 6d.: Bishop’s Castle, Dr. S. Hale Puckle, £115 2s. 11d.; Bridgnorth, Mr. G. F. Abell, subscription £14 13s., donations £742 9s. 9½d. ; Chirbury, Dr. Woods, £26 3s 6½d.; Church Stretton, Mr. Squarey, £56 4s. 9d.; Cleobury Mortimer, Mrs. Mather, subscriptions £1. donations £99 13s. 6d.; Dawley, Dr. Woodhouse, £143 12s. 9d.; Ellesmere, Mr. Kenyon, subscriptions £1 1s., donations £512 1s. 11d.; Iron-Bridge and Coalbrookdale, Mr. Maddox, £72; Ludlow, Dr. Cranstown, £127 7s. 11d.; Madeley, Mr. Dyas £58 2s. 7d.; Hundred of Maelor, Sir. Pitcairn Campbell, subscriptions £8 16s., donations £113 19s. 7d.; Market Drayton, Dr, Macqueen, subscriptions £2 2s., donations £276 12s.; Oakengates, Mrs. McCarthy and Mr. Woodhouse, £144 17s. 2d.; Oswestry, Mr. J. Edwin Jones, £268 19s. Shifnal, Mrs. de Satge £113 12s. 9d.; Wellington, Dr. White. £71 2s. 5d.; Wem, Dr. Keyworth, £169 0s. 6d.; Jackfield. Mr. Brooks, £8 10s 7½d.; Broseley, Mr. Prestage, £23 2s. 4d.; Much Wenlock and Barrow, Mr. Whitley, subscriptions £5, donations £223 11s. 6d.; Whitchurch, Mr. Williams, subscriptions £43 12s., donations £.310 3s.: the total in annual subscriptions was £258 7s., and in donations £9,379 10s.
At a meeting of the general committee (Lord Kenyon presiding), it was explained that subscriptions direct to the general fund amounted to £179 2s. and donations to £4,752 18s. 9d.; and in the Atcham district, which embraces Baschurch, Condover, Hanwood, Oxon, Pontesbury, Sundorne, Westbury, and Wroxeter, the sum of £545 8s. 10d. was collected in donations. Lord Kenyon was elected chairman of the executive, and Mr. Mylius and Dr. Urwick were re-elected treasurer and hon. Secretary, respectively. The executive was re-appointed, with the exception of Mr. Adams, who did not seek re-election. It was decided to open the sanatorium for patients at the end of April or the early part of May, and the official opening ceremony will probably take place in July. It was resolved also to advertise for a residential medical officer at £200 a year, and for a matron at £60 per annum, the matron to take up her duties some time in April.
4th March 1911
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Tuesday. — Present— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin. T. I. Griffiths, and T. Doughty, Messrs. P. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), E. Oakes (collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector).— Mr. Herbert reported one case of scarlet fever. He also reported a house under the Housing and Town Planning Act, and it was decided to serve a notice on the owner and occupier to do the necessary alterations.— With reference to the ground on which an ashpit was built, the Clerk stated that it belonged to Lord Forester, and not to Mr. Clarke, who claimed the land. They had paid an acknowledgment to his lordship for a period of 30 years. He was instructed to write Mr. Clarke to this effect.— Mr. Oakes said that there was £178 yet to be collected on the general district rate. He was instructed to take the usual proceedings for the recovery of the rate if not paid within 14 days.— The Clerk reported an adverse balance on the two rates of £50.— It was decided to pay £10 over to the Burial Board.— The meeting then discussed in private the notice received from the secretary of the Iron-Bridge Trust respecting the Iron-Bridge and Jackfield roads.
13th March 1911
Mr. Joseph Burgess made formal application for the renewal of the license of the Victoria Inn, Broseley, which belonged to the Shrewsbury and Wem Brewery Company.- Superintendent Tait said that there had been several transfers to this house, which was not suitable for licensed premises. The neighbourhood, he said, would not suffer if the license of the house were taken away.— Sergeant Taylor said that the trade done in this house was very poor. There were 14 fully-licensed houses in the town of Broseley (with a population of 2,913), as well as two grocers’ licenses. Police-constable Edwards said that he frequently visited the house, but very few customers used it.- The license was renewed provisionally, and the house was referred for compensation.
8th April 1911
DISTRICT COUNCIL. Alderman D. L. Prestage presided at a meeting of this Council on Wednesday, when the business transacted was of a routine character.
ACCIDENT.— On Tuesday a serious accident befell Mr. E. S. White, tailor, High Street, who when cycling near the monument came into collision with a cyclist riding in the opposite direction.. Mr. White was thrown to the ground with great force, and sustained injury to the head and shoulder. He was conveyed home, and is progressing as satisfactorily as can be expected. The other cyclist was uninjured.
THE NEW BRIDGE.— The hon. secretary (Mr. B. Maddox) has received from G.W.R. Co. the generous gift of £50 to the above fund.
15th April 1911
Before Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor), Captain the Hon. Geo. Forester, Dr. G. D. Collins, Alderman W. J. Legge, Messrs. J. H. A. Whitley and F. R. Smith.
THEFT OF COAL.— John Robert Cox (46) and his son, Henry Cox (16), were charged with stealing 142lb. weight of coal, value 1s., belonging to Messrs. W. and P. Jones, roofing-tile manufacturers, Jackfield. — Police-constable Reeves stated that when he was concealing himself in the tile-works he saw defendants go to a kiln for the purpose of attending to the fires. Afterwards he saw them each pick up a lump of coal, and walk away in the direction of their home. John Cox told him that he was allowed coal.—William Price, manager, valued the coal at 1s. He said that the father was employed as a tile-burner in the works, and was paid 3s. 6d. a day as well as being allowed a ton of coal every six weeks. He was not allowed to take any coal home himself. He had been previously warned. The lad was not employed by the firm.— Defendants pleaded guilty and expressed their sorrow.— The Bench told the father that he was setting his son a bad example. John Robert Cox was fined £1 12s. 6d., including costs, or 28 days, and Henry Cox was bound over under the Probation Act to be of good behaviour for 12 months.— The Clerk told them that they were liable to three months’ imprisonment.
29th April 1911
LOCAL SUCCESS - In connection with the recent competition for essays on “Practical Methods resulting in Sales of Beef Extracts”, open to the British Isles, Fred Hill (son of Mr. Stephen Hill, High Street, Broseley) has been awarded first prize. The entries numbered over 5,000.
PARISH MEETING The adjourned vestry meeting was held on Monday, the Rev. A. C. Howell (rector) in the chair. The churchwardens’ accounts were passed. Notwithstanding that the receipts were £20 less than last year, the adverse balance then existing has by dint of the strictest economy been reduced to 2s. 9d. The church accounts, showing an adverse balance of £53 13s. 2d., were also passed. A discussion ensued with the view of improving the church finances.
COURT LEET DINNER.— This, one of the oldest-established institutions in the country, celebrated its annual dinner on Tuesday, and was well attended. The jury met in the first instance at the Court Room, the residence of Mr. Frank Smith. Mr. T. R. Hill was appointed foreman. The deputy steward (Mr. George Potts) having informed the jury that there was practically no business to do, the following were appointed constables for the year:— Mr. T. R. Hill for Benthall; Mr. H. Roberts, Broseley; Mr. E. Bentley, Shirlett; Mr. J. Poyner, Posenhall; Mr. W. Meredith, Jackfield; and Mr. A. Hill, Homer.— An adjournment was made to the Lion Hotel, where dinner provided by Lord Forester (lord of the manor) was partaken of. Mr. Geo. Potts presided, and was supported by Mr. H. Roberts (vice-chairman).
WEDDING.- A pretty wedding took place at the Old Baptist Chapel on Wednesday, the contracting parties being Mr. Sydney Gilpin (eldest son of the Rev. J. Gilpin, Broseley), and Miss Eleanor Maud Atkins (fourth daughter of the late Mr. James Atkins, High Street, Bridgnorth). The building was crowded by a congregation of well-wishers.
6th May 1911
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.-Present:— Councillors J. Nicklin (chairman), T. Griffiths, and G. Keay, Messrs. E. H. Potts (town clerk), C. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector).—After waiting nearly 30 minutes for a quorum, file Clerk read the Minutes of the previous meeting, which were confirmed.- Mr. Herbert reported the district free from notifiable infectious disease. He also reported a number of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.—The Surveyor told the meeting that the Benthall Brook was having attention.—it was decided to give the contractor notice to empty all the ashpits in seven days.—The Clerk reported a small balance in hand.— Mr. Oakes said he had not commenced on the new rate yet, and that there was only one outstanding water account.—Mr. Abberley reported that he had inspected all the water mains in Broseley and Jackfield, and found them in good working order.- Mr. Oakes reported that he had received one guinea for the use of the water from the show people.- The following tenders were received for painting the water conduits: — Messrs. Garbett £2. 10s., Mason £3 10s., Taylor and Hill £1 7s. 6d. The last-named tender was accepted.
13th May 1911
DEATH OP AN OCTOGENARIAN.—On Sunday one of the oldest inhabitants of the town, in the person of Mr. William Hickman, passed away in his 86th year at his residence in High Street. Possessing a quiet and unobtrusive disposition, he was greatly esteemed. In politics he was a staunch Liberal. He had been in the employ of the Coalbrookdale Company for a number of years, also a member of Court “Royal George” of the Ancient Order of Foresters for 52 years, having been initiated in 1859. To show respect to the memory of their colleague a contingent from the court, attired in the regalia of the Order, attended the funeral on Wednesday, the remains being laid to rest in the cemetery. The mourners were Messrs. Henry Griffiths (step-son), Thomas Griffiths, Ernest Griffiths, Cecil Griffiths, John Everall, and Thomas Everall (grandsons). Mrs. Fox-Davies (Coalbrookdale) also showed her kindly sympathy with deceased by being present at the cemetery to witness the obsequies. The Rev. de Ricci (rector of Jackfield) performed the funeral service, and the address prescribed by the Order of Foresters was read by Mr. Thomas Speake (C.R.) at the graveside.
DEATH OP COUNCILLOR S. T. INSTONE.— On. Tuesday a familiar figure in the person of Councillor Samuel Thomas Instone passed away at his residence, in High Street. Deceased was 60 years of age, and was well known. He had carried on the business of a butcher for many years. He was also a hauling contractor and carriage proprietor, and held the contract for conveying the mails between Broseley and Wellington. For some years he had occupied a seat on the Broseley District Council. In politics he was a Conservative.
13th May 1911
(Before Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor), Captain Geo. Forester, Dr. G. D. Collins, Alderman J. Davies, and Mr. F. R. Smith.
TRANSFERS.— The following transfers of licenses were granted:— George and Dragon, Iron-Bridge, to Mr. W. Reeves; Plough Inn, Presthope, to Mr. W. Evans; Woodbridge Inn, Coalport, to Mr. F. Williams: and Summerhouse Inn, Broseley, to Mr. F. P. Ore.
WITHOUT REINS.— William Jones, Broseley, was charged with riding without reins at Broseley.— Sergeant Taylor proved the case, and defendant was fined 8s., including costs.
A WARNING.—William Goodwin (18), Broseley, was charged with stealing a quantity of wood, value 6d., belonging to Lord Forester. Mr. F. H. Potts appeared for the prosecution. — Police-constable Edwards stated that he saw defendant, with a youth named Hall, at Broseley Wood, carrying a quantity of wood similar to a stick produced. In reply to witness, defendant stated that he had the wood from Benthall Edge, and that he bought it from a woodman. Then he said that a woman paid for it, but on being further questioned by the officer defendant admitted that he did not buy it.— William Hall having given evidence, Thos. Parr, woodman for Lord Forester, emphatically denied selling any wood to Goodwin.— Mr. Potts stated that wood-stealing was of frequent occurrence, and he asked for an example to be made of defendant.— Goodwin pleaded guilty, and was fined £1 5s. 4d., including costs, or 21 days. The Bench hoped that this would be a warning to him and others.— Captain Geo. Forester did not sit in this case.
13th May 1911
A formal notice, dated 7th February, had been received from the Clerk to the Trustees under the Act for building “a bridge across the River Severn from Benthall to the opposite shore at Madeley Wood”, stating that it was the intention of the trustees to dedicate to the use of the public at the end of three months from the date thereof two private carriage roads within the parish of Broseley known as the Broseley Road (or New Road), and the Jackfield Road. It was understood that the matter was receiving the attention of the Wenlock Corporation.
27th May 1911
TOWN COUNCIL ELECTION.— In the place of the late Mr. T. S. Instone, Dr. G. D. Collins has been elected a member of the Borough of Wenlock Town Council. There was no opposition.
C.E. SCHOOLS.— Empire Day was duly observed at the schools. All the children were grouped in the school yard, and the Union Jack was displayed in the centre of the group. The children saluted the flag, and sang patriotic songs, concluding with the National Anthem. Lessons on the British Empire were afterwards given in school, and essays on the subject of the lessons were written by the elder children with satisfactory results.
10th June 1910
BURIAL BOARD.— Councillor J. Nicklin presided on Wednesday at a quarterly meeting of this Board.— The Clerk (Mr. Potts) reported a balance in hand of £12. The fees for the quarter amounted to £7 4s.- This was all the business.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— Present Councillors J. Nicklin (chairman), T. I. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, Dr. G. D. Collins. Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector). — Before commencing the ordinary business, the Chairman referred with regret to the loss the Council had sustained since the last meeting through the death of Councillor Instone, who, he said, had been with them nearly six years. He was conversant with the geography of the district, and his advice was often acceptable. He was a man of fearless nature, and was never afraid to give his opinion. He (the chairman) proposed a vote of condolence, with the relatives of deceased.— Mr. Griffiths, in seconding, endorsed the Chairman’s remarks, and the motion was carried.— The Chairman then welcomed the new member, Dr. Collins, and that gentleman acknowledged the compliment.— Mr. Herbert reported the district free from notifiable infections disease. He reported a number of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.-The Chairman having referred to a certain complaint emanating from one of the schools, Dr. Collins expressed the opinion that England was a generation behind Continental schools.—The surveyor was instructed to obtain two new wheelbarrows. The collector was urged to proceed with the collection of the rates, as the Council were badly off for money. —Mr. Abberley reported the water mains in the Broseley and Jackfield districts to be in good working order. He also reported a large increase in the consumption of water for all purposes, and consequently he suggested more hours of pumping.— The Chairman remarked that there was no shortage of water ; it was only a matter of pumping.- An inch of water, the Inspector said, meant a thousand gallons. - The Clerk read a letter he had received from the County Council calling their attention to the River Pollution Act, and asked them to take the matter into consideration, with the object of having a sewerage scheme prepared that would satisfactorily deal with the pollution.— The Clerk said that he had replied to the circular, and pointed out that it was difficult to deal with, and that a scheme would be a serious matter for the ratepayers. —Dr. Collins thought that the Broseley scheme was very good. He was of opinion that the new scheme meant a rate of 1s. 6d. in the pound.— Mr. Griffiths; Let the Government do the work, and not let us have the discredit for ruining the district.—It was decided to discuss the matter at the next meeting.
SEQUEL TO IRONBRIDGE FAIR. William Banbury, alias William Smith, employed by Mr. Shepherd, hobby-horse proprietor attending fairs, was brought up on remand charged with maliciously inflicting grievous bodily harm upon Jeremiah Goodall, labourer, Jackfield. Mr. G. H. Espley prosecuted.— Jeremiah Goodall, Jackfield, stated that he was 32 years of ago and was a labourer. He had lost his right hand. On a Sunday evening he was returning from a cinematograph show at Iron-Bridge with a friend, and when near the free bridge witness met prisoner, who said something to him though he did not know what it was. Prisoner then got his leg in front of complainant, and threw him down. Prisoner also struck him on the nose, and kicked him on the back, when he was lying down. Accused kicked witness five times in all. Complainant gave him no provocation. On Tuesday Dr. Boon examined him, previous to which he had felt pain in his right shoulder. After he returned from the doctor he took out a warrant for the apprehension of prisoner. His shoulder was all right before he saw Banbury.— By Mr. Espley: Witness said that after he had left the show he had been home, and was returning again.— Edward Groves (16), Jackfield, brickworks labourer, said that on the night referred to he went with Goodall as far as the Lake’s Head, Iron-Bridge, and on returning towards the free bridge they met accused, who asked Goodall what he had got up his sleeve. Accused then assaulted Goodall, and someone also struck witness on the nose, and made it bleed.— John Bowen (24), Jackfield, labourer, said he saw the last two witnesses about 20 minutes to eleven at night coming from the direction of the picture show. He saw Banbury go towards Goodall, and also saw him standing over the top of Goodall, who was lying down. He also saw accused kick complainant four times, the last being a hard kick. On the following day he saw accused who told him that he was going to get in for it after 11 o’clock that night. Witness asked what was the matter, and he replied that he went down towards the Blockhouse the previous night. He had a drop of beer, and was “thrashing them.”- Dr. Boon stated that he examined Jeremiah Goodall on the following Tuesday, and found there was a fracture of the right collar bone, which was of recent occurrence. Goodall was still under his care, and it would be a month or five weeks before he would be able to return to work.— Sergeant Morris gave evidence as to the arrest of prisoner. When at the police station the officer read the warrant over to him, and in reply he said, “All right. How is it I have been collared now the others have gone?” Accused came to Iron-Bridge fair. He was showman’s labourer employed by Mr. Shepherd.— After consultation the Bench reduced the charge to one of common assault.— Banbury denied the charge in toto.— The Bench considered the assault a cowardly and brutal cue, and prisoner was sentenced to two months’ imprisonment with hard labour.
NO LIGHT.— Jacob Gottheimer, hobby-horse proprietor, was charged with having no light on a vehicle at Madeley.— Police-constable Plant, in proving the case, said that when he served the summons on defendant he replied that it was a pity he had nothing better to do. — Gottheimer was fined 10s., including costs.
1st July 1911
An objection to the Bell Inn, Frankwell, Shrewsbury, was also based on the grounds of redundancy….
The police also objected to the renewal of the Victoria Inn, Broseley (alehouse), on similar grounds.— Superintendent Tait, stated that the Shrewsbury and Wem Brewery Co., Ltd., were the owners, and Mr. Jos. Burgess tenant of the house. The rateable value of the inn was £18 15s., and the gross rental £20. There was very little trade done at the house, which was in a bad structural condition and quite unsuitable as licensed premises. There were several licensed houses near the inn which had had six tenants since 1898.— The license was not renewed.
Yesterday at a meeting of the General Committee of the Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculosis held at St. Alkmund's s Room, Shrewsbury, the official opening of the Sanatorium was fixed for August the 2nd. The opening ceremony will be performed by Princess Alexander of Teck, who will stay at Adcote, the seat of Mr. Alfred Darby.
The following were elected members of the Executive Committee:- Dr. S. Hale Puckle (for Bishop's Castle and Clun with Teme); Mr. A. J. Buston, Astbury Hall (Bridgnorth); Mrs. Swire, Longden Manor (Chirbury with Westbury, Pontesbury and Hanwood division of Atcham); Mrs. Fielden, Condover Hall (Church Stretton with Condover division of Atcham); Mr. C. V. K. Mainwaring; (Ellesmere, and Baschurch division of Atcham); Mrs. Allcroft, Stokesay- Court (Ludlow); Mrs. Godsal, Iscoyd Park (Hundred of Maelor); Dr. McCarthy (Oakengates); Lady Harlech(Oswestry); Mrs. de Satge, Kelsall Hall (Shifnal), Mrs. W. Dugdale, Meeson Hall (Wellington), with the Wroxeter division of Atcham, - Mr. W. Ikin, Moat House (Wem); Captain the Hon. G. Forester (Wenlock); Miss Moss (Whitchurch); the Hon. Mrs. Alington and Mr. B. Blower (Borough of Shrewsbury): Mr. H. Hughes, Mr. P. M. Birrell, Mr. J. W. White (representatives of Friendly Societies). The representatives for Cleobury Mortimer and Burford, Market Drayton, and Newport, have yet to be elected.
The General Purposes Committee of the Hearts of Oak Benefit Society have placed the Shropshire Sanatorium on their official list of institutions to which consumptive members of the society are sent for treatment. A payment of about £65 per annum will be made for each bed retained by the society.
SUICIDE OF A BROSELEY MAN.—On Thursday, Mr. B. H. Potts, borough coroner, held an inquest at the Police Station on the body of George Herbert Harrison, 52, a widower, Broseley, who was found drowned in the River Severn on the previous day. — Mr. M. Fletcher was chosen foreman.—Cecil Harrison, Broseley, brick and tile labourer, identified the body as that of his father. He had lived at Broseley Wood, and was a tile presser. It was a fortnight ago when witness saw deceased for the last time. He appeared all right.— Police-constable Churm stated that about half-past 12 o'clock on Wednesday he received information from Miss Grant that she had seen the body of a man floating in the Severn at Dale End. Witness went to the spot and saw the body floating in the water near Mr. T. Parker's landing stage. With assistance he got the body out, and had it conveyed to the Swan stables. He searched the body and found 5s. 2d. in money in the trousers pocket, three keys, a knife, and a hand-kerchief. The body was fully dressed, but no cap on. Subsequently he found a stick and cap (produced), which had been identified, on the bank. The officer added there were no marks of violence on the body, neither were there signs of a struggle near the river. There was about fifteen feet of water where the body was taken out.—A juror remarked that it was an unusual thing for a body to be floating having only been in the river three hours. —The Coroner said he was told that this generally happened to a person who suffered from heart disease.— Mary Higgins, wife of George Higgins, Broseley Wood, said that deceased had lodged with them about three years. He left home on Wednesday about 8-30 a.m. without breakfast, although it was ready. She never saw him again. Deceased had been unwell for some time. He complained of having a bad pain at the back of his head. He had not worked since the Coronation, but told her he should commence work on Thursday. Deceased had been having beer since the Coronation, but he never threatened, to her knowledge, to do anything to himself.— Frederick Benbow, labourer, Hodge Bower, Iron-Bridge said he saw deceased about twenty-past nine o'clock in the morning on the Wharfage. He turned down by the Severn warehouse and went towards the Meadow bridge. He had a stick with him. — Dora Grant, Craigside, Iron-Bridge, deposed that she was on the river in a boat with a lady friend when she saw a body limiting on the river near Mr. Parker's landing stage. She immediately gave information at the Police Station.- The verdict of the jury was “That deceased committed suicide by drowning, whilst temporarily insane.”
WOMEN'S LIBERAL ASSOCIATION.— The members of this association on Monday celebrated the Coronation in the form of a tea and dance held in the Liberal Rooms. About 55 members sat down to tea, after which dancing was freely indulged in, the room being thrown open to friends. Mrs. B. Williams and Miss Humphries during the evening contributed songs. The event was a great success. The arrangements were superintended by the energetic secretary, Mrs. F. Pearce, assisted by Mrs. P. Lloyd, Mrs. B. J. Wilkinson, Mrs. Barker, and others.
THE KING'S THANKS.—Mr. T. E. Patten, Dale End, has this week received the following letter from Buckingham Palace:—“The private secretary has received the King's commands to thank Mr. T. E. Patten for the loyal and kindly sentiments expressed in his letter of congratulation upon the occasion of his Majesty’s Coronation”.
8th July 1911
CAMP MEETING.— On Sunday afternoon a camp meeting was held by the Primitive Methodists in a field adjoining King Street, kindly lent for the occasion by Mr. Matthew Davis. There was a fair attendance, including a large number of juveniles. Messrs. S. Turner, E. Vaughan, and Norrey gave ad-dresses, and the Rev. I. Brentnall confined his remarks, which were highly interesting, to the children. He also sang a solo in a very pleasing manner. At five o’clock an open-air meeting was held near the Cross Keys, and in the evening a public love-feast took place in the chapel, conducted by Messrs. S. Jack-son, E. Vaughan, S. Turner, and Norrey.
MISSION.— An open-air meeting was held at the back of King Street on Sunday evening. Mr. J. E. Hartshorne opened the meeting with an appropriate prayer, and Mr. Plant (London), and the Rev. J. Gilpin (pastor, Old Baptist Church), delivered addresses. Mr. A. T. Hartshorne (Hockley Road House) and Mr. Gwynne, junior (Vineyards), also took part in the meeting. Special hymns were sung, and Mr. and Mrs. H. Jeninson (Cape Street), gave the duet, “Come unto me.” The meeting was closed with prayer by Mr. George Higgins.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. J. Griffiths, G. Keay, A. A. Exley, Dr. G. D. Collins, Messrs F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), E. Oakes (collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector).— Mr. Herbert reported the district free from notifiable infectious disease.— The Clerk reported an adverse balance on the water and general district rate accounts, and cheques were drawn for more than £100.— The Clerk informed the meeting that on May 7th, the Bridge Trust had taken off the toll gate near the cemetery, and had abandoned the road.— A discussion followed, and the clerk was eventually instructed to write the County Council and consult with them on the matter.— With reference to the sewerage question, the clerk was ordered to write to the County Council, telling them that the Council were not prepared to do anything in the matter at present.— It was decided to fix a double air valve in the 7-inch pumping main near Mr. Allen’s work at Benthall, in-stead of the single one. — Dr. Collins was elected a member of the Main Roads Committee, in the place of the late Mr. T. S. Instone.
22nd July 1911
SICK CLUB EXCURSION.— On Saturday the employees of Messrs. Craven, Dunnill, and Co. journeyed to Liverpool by train. The party, which numbered about 250, accompanied by Mr. W. H. R. Smith, who represented the firm, were favoured with delightful weather and spent an enjoyable time. The morning was devoted to inspecting the shipping at the docks. In the afternoon the majority of the members journeyed to New Brighton, where other attractions presented themselves. Some had a sail to the Isle of Man, where many interesting things came before their notice. Through the kindness and generosity of Mr. C. C. Bruff, the juveniles and women members were treated very liberally. Much praise is due to the stationmaster, Mr. T. G. Eaton (Iron-Bridge), who carried out the railway arrangements so satisfactorily. Mr. J. Yorke (treasurer) and Mr. W. Harris (secretary) discharged their duties in an efficient manner, and the committee are also to be congratulated on the manner the event passed off.
FUNERAL OF A LIFEGUARD.— The late Mr. J. Peare, manager of the Lion Hotel for the P.R.H.A.[1] Company, expired last week, and on Saturday the remains were interred in the cemetery in the presence of a large concourse of people, which testified to the popularity of deceased. He was 41 years of age, and leaves a wife and two daughters to mourn their loss. Deceased had served 21 years in the Second Life Guards, and retired as Corporal Major, and the bearers at the funeral were Corporal Major Inber, Corporal Major Cooke, Corporal Major Cocking, and Corporal Major Cusherson, who are in the same regiment, and who appeared in uniform. The mourners were Mrs. Peare (widow) Mabel and Annie (daughters), corporal Major and Mrs. Lowman, Messrs A. Wylde, J. Brittain, H. Rushton, S. Hill, A. and W. Edge, and several other friends. The Rev. A. C. Howells (rector) conducted the ceremony. There was a number of beautiful wreaths including one from the Regiment and members of the staff.
29th July 1911
Present:— Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor), D. L. Prestage, F. G. Beddoes, J. Davies, G. Lloyd, W. J. Legge, Captain the Hon. George Forester, Dr. G. D. Collins, Councillors J. E. A. Wolryche-Whitmore, W. Bishop, T. Morris, A. L. Hayes, W. J. Milner, B. Maddox, T. Doughty, J. Nicklin, J. Jinks, T. I. Griffiths, T. R. Horton, J. Roberts, A. A. Exley, W. F Bryan, C. Edwards, G. Keay, H. Potts (town clerk), and other borough officials.
BOROUGH RATE.- Alderman Prestage proposed that the borough accounts be passed, and that a general borough rate of 3d. in the pound be levied. He said that the quarterly accounts amounted to £517. There was £150 in hand, which left the sum of £367 to be raised by rate. — Alderman Davies seconded the motion, which was carried.
SEAT DECLARED VACANT.— The Town Clerk said that he had received a notice from three burgesses— Messrs. Ward, Tranter, and Franks stating that Mr. J. W. Owen had not resided in the borough for the last 13 months, nor had he attended any meeting during that period.— Mr. Maddox moved, and Mr. Keay seconded, that the seat be declared vacant, and that the usual course be taken for filling it up.— This was carried.— The Clerk stated that the Councillor was liable to a penalty of £20; but on the motion of the mayor it was decided not to impose the fine.
ROAD MATTERS.— Alderman Beddoes submitted a report of the Main Wards Committee, which decided to call the attention of the Chief Constable to the nuisance of cycle racing on the district roads. The Committee did not object to a cycle meeting, but it was what followed after. (Hear, hear)— Alderman Beddoes said that the committee recommended the purchase of a watercart from the Madeley Guardians at a cost of £5, and that repairs be carried out for a sum not exceeding £5— Alderman Prestage hoped that the cart would be located at Broseley.— The report was adopted.- It was also decided to advertise for tenders in the JOURNAL for the use of a steam roller.
ABANDONED ROAD. — Mr. Maddox moved “That they consider the question of the abandonment by the Iron-Bridge Trust of the Broseley and Jackfield roads, and refer the matter to the Main Roads and General Purposes Committee with a view to an application being made to the County Council for a grant towards the maintenance of the road from Broseley to Iron-Bridge by way of the new free bridge.” The road, he said, had been abandoned; the gate had disappeared, and it was now a toll-less road; therefore someone had got to consider its maintenance, and it would be hard for the Broseley Ward to bear all the expense. He thought that the County Council might be asked to make it a county road from Iron-Bridge.- Alderman Prestage seconded the motion. Perhaps, he said, this had come about owing to the great energy displayed by Mr. Maddox (Laughter). He thought there would be very little difficulty in getting the County Council to assist them in keeping it a good road. He was also of opinion that they should do something with the outstanding liabilities connected with the new bridge, and that Miss Oswell should be compensated. As far as Broseley was concerned, he thought it would be hard for the Broseley Committee to take it over as a district road.— In supporting the motion, Mr. Nicklin said that he did not think the borough should be called upon to pay any debts. He should not support any grant from the public rates to what was to be a voluntary and free bridge.— Captain Forester remarked that no conveyances were to be signed until compensation had been paid to the tenant who had lost her living.— Mr. Keay said that he did not believe in paying anything out of the rates.— Mr. Maddox said he was hoping that this question, which was a public one, and one which affected the whole community, would soon be settled.— The motion was carried.
THE SANATORIUM.— The Mayor said that Princess Alexander of Teck was Opening the sanatorium at Shirlett the following week, and he thought that they as a Corporation should present her with an address. He should be pleased to welcome her, and he moved that they present her with an address.— Mr. Maddox seconded the motion, which was carried.— Alderman Dyas was asked to make the presentation outside the Guildhall before her Royal Highness opened the sanatorium,
29th July 1911
Roads and Bridges
Mr. Southwell proposed the adoption the report. As to the repairing of the district road leading to the Sanatorium at Shirlett, Much Wenlock, he said he thought it ought not to cost more than £500 or £600 although during the past winter it resembled a quagmire rather than a road. The road was in the Barrow ward, and as in that locality a penny rate only brought in £21 it would be seen that they could not afford to contribute the whole amount to meet the cost of the repair. As the keeping of the road in a good state of repair was a county matter seeing that it led to the Sanatorium, the county ought to contribute liberally towards the cost of the improvement. Some people had asked why the sanatorium should have been put on its present site, but he thought that experts agreed that a better one could not have been found in the whole of the county.
The Hon. George Forester representing the Barrow Ward said they in that district were obliged to the committee for trying to help them in the matter, but the amount of help that they proposed to give them depended upon what they in the Barrow Ward were able to do themselves. If the repair to the road were to cost £1,000, the estimate given in the report, the Barrow ward, before becoming entitled to the one-third from the County Council, according to the proposal would have to levy a rate of 1s. 3d. He would propose that the paragraph in the report bearing on the subject be referred back to the committee with a view to their considering the possibility of giving them assistance in a different manner, as it would not be fair to ask so small a ward to undertake so much, especially as the greater part of the burden would fall on the one who had made it possible for the sanatorium to be erected in that part of the county.
Mr. W. H. Smith seconded the motion, and Dr. McCarthy supported it, remarking that he thought they might well see their way to give further assistance in this matter as the public health department of the County-Council was one of the least expensive.
Mr. Southwell, in reply to Mr. R. T. Smith, said that they were still prepared to consult with Whitchurch to come to some friendly arrangement. There was no intention on the part of the committee to take any definite steps for three months, and they proposed that they should have a conference with the Whitchurch representatives. Personally, he should be glad if the question of the amount of the contribution to Barrow were referred back to the committee.
The motion was carried, and the report, excepting the paragraph to which the resolution referred, adopted.
29th July 1911
The Wolverhampton Automobile Club held their annual hill climb at Benthall Bank, Iron-Bridge, on Saturday, in splendid weather, and before a large crowd of spectators. The surface of the hill was in a very loose state, but in spite of this some very good ascents were accomplished. There were fifteen competitors and no accidents were recorded. The winners were:— Open handicap: De Dion (Mr. Newery). Open club handicap: Sunbeam (Mr. Coatalen). Class 3, open handicap and club: Vauxhall (Mr. Hancock). Class 4, open Handicap: Humber (Mr. Burford). Class 5, open handicap: Napier (Mr. Bird). Open handicap and club: Humber (Mr. Ryder). G. H. Evans’s trophy (10 guineas cup for car doing best performance on formula): De Dion (Mr. Newery). Sunbeam trophy and R.A.C. medal for car doing best performance on formula in the open handicap: Sunbeam (Mr. Coatalen). Cureton medal for car doing best performance under formula: De Dion (Mr. Newery), Coatalen medal for car doing fastest time : 55 h.p. Napier (Mr. Bird) .
5th August 1911
SHROPSHIRE has good reason to be proud that its sanatorium, erected by public subscriptions to the memory of the late King Edward, is now completed and ready for occupation, the opening ceremony having been performed on Wednesday under the most favourable auspices by her Royal Highness Princess Alexander of Teck. Built on a site at Shirlett, near Much Wenlock, approved in the highest degree by the medical faculty, and provided with the most down-to-date arrangements that science has devised, the institution is in every way admirably adapted for the work it is called upon to perform, and if the promoters’ sanguine expectations are capable of realisation it should not be long before its beneficial effects begin to be felt throughout the length and breadth of the shire in the rapid extermination of the “white man’s scourge.” While the county has so far responded nobly to the call made upon it for funds-and particularly the class that will assuredly experience the greatest benefit from it, viz., the industrial section—there still remains much to be done in the way of raising fresh sums to be devoted towards the cost of upkeep and maintenance, which will naturally be considerable. Efforts therefore should not now, of all times, be relaxed in this direction, just when the building is an accomplished fact and ready to commence upon its great curative work. The greater the financial support given the institution the more extensive will be its field of operations and power for good; and in years to come the descendants of the present manhood of the county will have just cause to look back proudly upon the public-spirited action of their fathers in their brave effort to clear the land of one of man-kind’s worst foes.
5th August 1911
Before Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor), Capt. the Hon. Geo. Forester, Dr. G. D. Collins, Messrs. J. H. A. Whitley, J. Davies, and F. R. Smith.
Ex-POLICEMAN SENT TO GAOL. — Charles Hughes, an ex-policeman, and Francis Smith, labourer, Broseley, were charged with stealing twelve fowl, value 30s., belonging to Arthur Smith, farmer, Broseley.— Prosecutor stated that he was a farmer, and resided at Church Street, Broseley. He kept a number of fowl, and during the last week or so he had been missing them. On the previous Thursday when he visited the place where the fowl were kept he found Hughes in a loft in the hen house, and when he came down he noticed that he had a fowl in his pocket (produced alive), which he took out. Witness then gave information to the police. He had missed 12 fowl, which he valued at 30s.-- Alfred Edwin Pountney, brewer, Broseley, deposed that on a certain date he saw the prisoner at the Crown in the kitchen, at 6 o’clock in the morning. Smith called for a drink, and they both had half-a-pint of ale each. Later on he held a conversation with the prisoners. Smith asked him if he could do with a couple of chickens. He replied it was no good his buying any thing, as he paid 10s. a week board. Accused said “You’d better have these,” meaning two chickens, which he placed on the table. They were not plucked. Afterwards witness had them. Smith asked for a shilling. He gave Hughes sixpence, and the two accused had beer to the value of sixpence.— Robert Owen, hairdresser, Broseley, stated that on Wednesday, the 26th ult. he saw accused look around his shop door about 8 o’clock in the morning. Mr. Hughes walked into the shop and said, “Could you do with a couple of fowl?” Witness asked, “What do you want for them?” Hughes replied, 3s. 6d., and he paid him that amount. Hughes said they were his own fowls. Next morning the prisoner came to the shop again, and asked if he could do with another couple of fowl. He replied, “Yes.” He had them, and paid 3s. 6d. He had never seen Hughes before the 26th July. Witness said he had no idea where the fowl came from.— John Boden, labourer, Broseley Wood, deposed that on the 27th duly he visited the New Crown public-house and noticed Hughes there; in fact he drank out of his cup. He then asked him if he could do with a couple of fowl. He replied that he might sell a couple for him. Hughesthen gave him a couple of fowl, which he took out of his pocket. Witness added that he sold them to Mr. Jas. Davis, motor man, and he paid him 3s. 6d. on condition he plucked them. He again saw Hughes, and told him he had sold the fowl conditionally. They both went and plucked them in Roberts’s field. Witness gave prisoner (Hughes) 3s. 6d., and they then went and had another drink.— C. Holmes, mechanic, Broseley, stated that he purchased the fowl from the previous witness.— Police-constable Edwards stated that about 10 o’clock at night he saw the prisoner in company with F. Smith. He called Hughes, and told him his business, after which he took him to Smith, who identified prisoner as the man who was in his fowlhouse. Hughes replied, “You are a thunderer,” but during Smith’s absence prisoner said, “Algy, I will admit to you I was on the premises, but not for that; I went for a sleep.” Witness brought him to the lock-up and charged him. He was under the influence of drink. — Sergeant Taylor also gave evidence. He said he had searched for the missing fowl with Police-constable Reeves and Edwards, He saw accused Smith, and told him he had heard he had been selling fowl with Hughes, and he replied, “Find them.” The officer said he continued his inquiries, and on Monday, in consequence of what he had heard, he telephoned to Superintendent Tait, asking for Smith to be detained. He subsequently told Smith he should take him into custody for stealing fowls. He said, “All right,” and the officer brought him to Much Wenlock lock-up. That morning he charged both prisoners in the presence of each other with stealing 12 fowls from a fowl house at Broseley, the property of Arthur Smith. Hughes replied “I know nothing at all about it”. Smith then said, “I know nothing about it”.— Hughes pleaded guilty, and added that Smith knew nothing about it. Smith pleaded not guilty.— Superintendent Tait told the Bench that Hughes had been a member of the Shropshire Constabulary for 15 years, but he was dismissed five years ago for misconduct. Since then he had done very little good for himself. He had got a wife and children, but he never attempted to support them. Superintendent Tait added that he had often assisted him and also other members of the force. He would not work. His dismissal from the force was the result of drink.— The Bench retired, and on returning the Mayor (addressing Hughes) said the Bench were sorry to find him in the position he was, especially a man who had been in the force, but like a good many others he had given way to excessive drinking and idle habits. The prisoners were then each sentenced to two months’ hard labour. The Bench disallowed the expenses of Owen and Pountney, as they were not satisfied with the manner in which they had given their evidence.
A DANGEROUS PRACTICE. — George Norry, a native of Broseley, was charged by Police-constable Edwards with sleeping in a pigsty at Broseley. The officer, in proving the case, said he had received complaints about people sleeping out.— The Mayor said the Bench were determined to stop this practice of sleeping out. Defendant was fined 5s. and 9s. costs.
5th August 1911
Long and devoted efforts in an attempt to stamp out tuberculous disease in Shropshire had a gratifying consummation on Wednesday afternoon, when the new County Sanatorium, which has been erected at Shirlett, was formally opened by her Royal Highness Princess Alexander of Teck. It stands on the summit of a fir-studded acclivity approached by pastoral slopes, and is situate about three miles from Much Wenlock, on Lord Forester’s Willey estate, 700 feet above the level of the sea. It is protected by a thick belt of pine and spreading trees on the one side, while on the other, on which two rows of rooms have been built, the healing winds from the south have delightful access to the place. Much has yet to be done in the way of improving the approaches to it, and in the ornamentation of the 20 acres of fertile grounds which surround the sanatorium, and when the financial resources have made that possible the spot will be a charming one indeed, and admirable in every way for the purposes for which it has been selected. The building and its equipment and other necessary accessories has cost a little over £10,000, of which a proportion has still to be raised, but having regard to the generous interest already displayed in the project, there need be little fear that it will be allowed to suffer from monetary embarrassment.
Consisting principally of an administrative department, officials’ quarters, dining rooms, and sleeping and sitting room accommodation for 30 patients, the structure has been as inexpensive as is consistent with true economy. Hygienic perfection has, of course, been aimed at, and the promoters must be commended in that respect. Already there are six patients in the sanatorium, but it is hoped as time goes on to extend the accommodation to 60, as there is ample space for the purpose. From the very inception of the movement, the Management Committee have been actuated by utilitarian impulses. Conscious of their restricted means their endeavour throughout has been to pay more regard to actual necessities for fighting consumption than to the elaboration of the places in which curative processes will be conducted. Standing there on the breezy eminence, and looking over the long stretches of undulating pasture and broad acres bright with golden grain, was a stimulating and refreshing experience, calculated to lift the clouds from saddened hearts, just as they had been rolled away from the horizon at the time the opening ceremony commenced. The function itself, associated with the rare visit of a Princess of the Royal Family, was not devoid of external aggrandisement, but agreeable as all this must have been in a spectacular sense, the real satisfaction came in the cherished assurance that the crowning touch had been given to an institution which will commence a new era of hope for many afflicted people, and that here much will be done to stem the insidious progress of the most destructive disease which attacks humanity.
A guard of honour for the Princess was formed by the Boy Scouts from the contiguous towns, and as she came upon the scene they gave the Royal salute, combined bands played the National Anthem, and the vast assembly indulged in hearty acclamations. Near the carpeted entrance to the main building, the Princess was received by the Earl of Powis (Lord-Lieutenant of the county), and a choice bouquet was presented to her by Master Cecil Forester.
Lord Kenyon then presented the following address to the Princess:—“We, the Committee of Management of the Sanatorium for Shropshire and the Hundred of Maelor, which has been erected in memory of King Edward VII., and in connection with the Association for the Prevention of Consumption and other forms of Tuberculous Disease, desire to welcome your Royal highness most heartily on this your first visit to Shropshire, and to thank you for consenting to declare the sanatorium open. It is now three and a half years since the movement was first started by a few ladies and gentlemen Shrewsbury at a meeting which was followed by a much larger public demonstration under the presidency of the Lord-Lieutenant, which was addressed by Sir James Crichton Brown. While the movement was in its initial stages the nation suffered the deplorable loss of its beloved King, and without hesitation it was felt that to dedicate this work to his memory would be in full accordance with his life, and a just tribute to his work and character. From the moment of its dedication this association has progressed steadily. The present buildings have cost approximately £10,500 towards which a sum of £9,563 has been raised by contribution from all classes, ranging from a halfpenny to £300. The maintenance of the staff and Sanatorium will take £2,000 per annum, and towards that we have £325 per annum. The committee feel no doubt that the benefits that will ensue to this county will command the generosity of the public, and that the sum that is wanting to give full effect to the enterprise will be forthcoming. The fine site that the generosity of Lord Forester has put at the disposal of the committee, and the adequate but simple buildings which your Royal Highness will shortly inspect, will, we trust, do much to cure the patients who are to come in, but we do not rely solely on this Sanatorium. We hope now that this is completed to devote our attention to all the other methods of fighting tuberculosis. We appreciate your Royal Highness’s kindness in coming to this place. We realise the many calls on your time, and recognise the unfailing courtesy that prompts you to respond so frequently to the demands made upon you.”
The Princess then said: “The statements embodied in your address have interested me as much as the kind words directed towards myself have touched me. It is a very real pleasure to associate myself today with this excellent movement which you have set afoot for the relief of those suffering from tuberculosis in Shropshire, and more especially since the sanatorium will fulfil a work which was always very near to the heart of my dear uncle, King Edward, and will also perpetuate his memory in your beautiful county. I sincerely hope that the funds for which you appeal will be quickly and constantly forthcoming: and I would earnestly commend this splendid work to all your benevolent neighbours.” (Applause).
The Bishop of Hereford then recited the dedicatory prayers, after which her Royal Highness declared the building open, and the people indulged in enthusiastic cheers.
The Earl of Powis said that a very pleasant duty fell to his lot. He had been asked on behalf of the Sanatorium Committee, and also the people of Shropshire, to accord a most hearty vote of thanks to her Royal Highness’ Princess Alexander of Teck for having come there and opened the buildings that day. No words of his could possibly convey to her Royal Highness the great gratitude that was felt throughout the length and breadth of that county for the great honour that had been conferred upon them and the great encouragement which the visit of her Royal Highness’ would give them. Lord Kenyon had told her that that building had been raised to the memory of his late Majesty King Edward VII., and it was a great source of satisfaction to them to receive a cordial expression of approval from his Majesty King George V. and to be permitted to call that Sanatorium a memorial of his most gracious Majesty King Edward. Lord Kenyon had told them that they required to raise £10,000 for the purposes of erecting and equipping that building, and that the whole of that amount had been raised with the exception of a few hundred pounds. He had also reminded them that a sum of £2,000 per annum would be required to meet the annual necessities of the building. About half of that no doubt would be received from those who would benefit by their residence there, but there would be still a certain amount to be raised. They had heard her Royal Highness’s appeal that they would maintain that building in an efficient state, and he hoped the people of Shropshire would show their appreciation of the suggestion her Royal Highness had thrown out by joyfully responding to that appeal. They had been told that that was her Royal Highness’s first visit to Shropshire. They hoped it would be by no means the last. (Applause). He could assure her Royal Highness that if ever she visited Shropshire again she would have as hearty a welcome as she had had that day. (Applause). In that part of the country they had a motto, “All friends round the Wrekin”, and they felt happy in the thought that that day they had added her Royal Highness as one of the friends of Shropshire. (Applause). He only hoped that whenever she again favoured them with a visit it would be on an occasion equally auspicious with that. (Applause).
Captain Forester said that on behalf of his father he desired to express to her Royal Highness the deepest regret at his absence through reasons of health. It was indeed a privilege to him (Captain Forester), to second that vote of thanks to her Royal Highness. The county of Salop had paid a compliment to his family by accepting the site which his father had offered to it. They felt that the county had done them a very high honour. Shortly afterwards, when it was decided to build that sanatorium as a memorial of their late beloved King Edward VII that honour was increased a hundred-fold; but the highest honour was now, when a member of the Royal Family of England, in the person of her Royal Highness, had come down in person to open the sanatorium for them, and to wish them God speed in their enterprise (Applause). He need not remind her Royal Highness of the loyalty of the people of Shropshire towards the King and the Royal Family; but he would point out one little incident if they would allow him, and that was that two Local bands— Madeley and Jackfield— composed entirely of working men of the district, had given up a day’s work and a day’s pay to come there and help the people of Shropshire to do honour to her Royal Highness. (Applause). It gave him great pleasure, and he felt it a great privilege, to second the vote of thanks in the presence of so large an assembly, among whom he was delighted to notice Mrs. Hunt of Boreatton, who was really the pioneer of the sanatorium movement in Shropshire. (Applause).
The Princess gracefully bowed her acknowledgements of the hearty way in which the vote of thanks was received, and this ended that portion of the proceedings. A number of presentations were then made to her Royal Highness, including Sir Offley Wakeman, Bart. (chairman of Quarter Sessions), Sir Bowen Bowen-Jones, Bart., Mrs. Rowland Hunt (whom Lord Powis introduced as “the pioneer of this movement in Shropshire”), Dr. McCarty (vice-chairman of the committee), Dr. Urwick (hon. secretary). Mr. Hare (architect), Dr. Pearce, L.R.C.P., M.R.C.S. (resident Physician), and Mrs. Staines (matron). Afterwards she inspected the sanatorium, which gave her manifest pleasure.
While the combined bands continued to play delightful selections, visitors partook of tea which had been provided on the grounds, and afterwards inspected the buildings or sought the shade of the arborescent venue.
Among those who witnessed the opening ceremony, in addition to the names already given were:— The Hon. Mrs. Bulkeley-Owen, Lord and Lady Harlech. Lady Forester, Mrs, Rowland Hunt, sen., Mrs. Rowland Hunt, jun., Mr., Mrs., and Miss Darby; Lady Wake-man, Major A. Lloyd, the Hon. Mrs. Hey-wood Lonsdale, Annabelle Lady Boughey, the Hon. George and Mrs. Forester, Lady Catherine Gaskell, Archdeacon and Mrs Maude, Mrs. Kynnersley of Leighton, the Mayor of Shrewsbury (Major Wingfield) and the Mayoress, the Deputy-Mayor and Mayoress (Mr. and Mrs. B. Blower), the Mayor of Wenlock and Miss Dyas, the Mayor and Mayoress of Bridgnorth (Mr. and Mrs. E. Sarjeant). Lady Stokes, Mr. J. R. Greatorex, Rev. E. B. Bartleet, Mr. H. R. Sykes, Mr. J. H. A. Whitley, Dr. McCarthy, Mr. and Mrs. R Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. B. Simpson, Dr. Rainbaut, Dr. and Mrs. Gardner, Mr. W. H. Broughall, Mr. H. E. Rogers, Mr. and Mrs. W. Dugdale of Meeson Hall, Mr. and Mrs. Mainwaring of Oteley. Colonel Hope-Edwardes, Miss Hunt, Mr. Treasure, Rev. E. Price, Rev. F. R. Ellis, Mr. Heighway Jones, Mr. Jas. Woodhouse, Mr. S. J. Lewis, Mr. P. M. Burrell, Mr. J. B. Cooksey, Rev. T. Town-send, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ikin, Mr. John Barker, Mr. Rivers Currie, Rev. Furnivall., Mr. and Mrs. Palmer (Ludlow), &c.
The whole of the floral decorations of the sanatorium were kindly undertaken by Mrs. C. Vicars-Doyle who was ably assisted by Mrs. Urwick. Flowers and Plants were kindly sent by Lord Forester. Mr. Buxton, Mr. Davies, Mrs. Evans, Mrs. Fielder, Mr. Foster, Mr. Hayward. Mrs. Kynnersley, Mr. Legge, Mr. Lewis, Mrs. Moseley, Mrs. Yate Owen, Mr. Parker, Miss Pearce, Mrs. Barber-Sterkey, Mr. Peter Thomas (Strethill), and Mr. T. D. Thomas. Vases, &c., were kindly lent by Mr. Shedd of Madeley, Mrs. Forester, Miss Pearce, Mrs. Urwick, Mr. Ward (Shrewsbury). Flags were kindly lent by Mr. Coles of Shrewsbury.
Later in the afternoon, the Princess and her party were entertained to tea by Lady Catherine Milnes Gaskell, at Wenlock Abbey.
Prior to proceeding to the sanatorium at Shirlett to perform the opening ceremony the Princess paid a brief visit to Much Wenlock, which town was profusely decorated. The church bells rang out merry peals, and in the Market Square about 1,000 people, including the day school children, assembled to greet the Princess. Sergeant Taylor was in charge of the Mayor’s escort, which included Police-constable Wakeley and Police-constable Maddocks, mace bearers, and six stave bearers. The Mayor (Alderman A. B. Dyas) was attired in his official robes, and wore the silver medal presented to him by the Queen, which is to be worn on all public occasions. The town clerk (Mr. F. H. Potts) accompanied by the mayor; other members of the Council present were Alderman G. Lloyd, J. Davies, W. J. Legge, and F. G. Beddoes, Councillors A. L. Hayes, T R. Horton. J. Nicklin, G. Keay, B. D. Collins. T. I. Griffiths, W. Bishop C. Edwards, T. Morris, T. Doughty, A. A. Exley J. H. A. Whitley, W. F. Bryan, W. G. Dyas, B. Maddox, W. Roberts, J. Jenks, and J. Roberts. The Right Hon. Charles Milnes-Gaskell was also present.
Shortly before three o’clock the Princess, accompanied by a lady and gentleman, drove an in a motor-car, and halted in the centre of the Square, where she was met by the Mayor and Corporation.
The Town Clerk read the following address. “To her Royal Highness the Princess Alexander of Teck. May it please your Royal Highness, we, the Mayor, Alderman, and Burgesses of the Borough of Wenlock, on behalf of the inhabitants of our ancient and loyal borough beg to offer to your Royal Highness a sincere welcome on the auspicious occasion of your passing through our borough town. We highly esteem the privilege that is given us of thus welcoming your Royal Highness, and the occasion is rendered the happier by the thought that the object of your visit is publicly to declare open the sanatorium which has been erected in our borough as a county memorial to our late beloved Sovereign King Edward the Seventh of blessed memory. We desire also to take this opportunity of expressing to your Royal Highness our deep feelings of loyalty to your illustrious relatives, our most Gracious Sovereign King George the Fifth and his beloved Consort Queen Mary, who we fervently pray may be long spared to rule over a peaceful and loyal people.”
The Mayor, handing the address to the Princess, said: I ask you kindly to accept this. The Princess gracefully replied: I thank you very much for your kind welcome. This is my first visit to your ancient and famous borough.
Previous to her departure for Shirlett, the Mayor handed her Royal Highness a copy of the following lines from the pen of Miss Sarah Barker of Dawley:—
To Her Royal Highness Princess Alexander of Teck; (Princess Alce of Albany), on the occasion of her opening the Shropshire Memorial to King Edward of revered memory, August 2nd, 1911,
Life-giving breeze of Shirlett rare
Shall lift the soul from dark despair—
To jaded youth new life supply,
With golden hope and energy
Youth of Salopia. stricken sore,
Within these walls for evermore
Shall find relief, rest, cure, delight;
With health equipped join Youth’s glad fight,
A King of Pity’s memory dear
For all time now enshrined here—
Within this lane of healing blest—
The King who heeded Christ’s behest
The sick and sorry to befriend,
And help to weary ones extend.
The presence, Princess, here to-day
Doth take our thoughts back far away,
When thy great namesake vigil kept
Sick bed beside, while Empire wept.
With kinship with a life so fair—
‘Tis meet that thy own lips declare
This home of mercy ever free.
Remembrance sweet we’ll hold of thee.
A welcome leal Salopians give
On Shirlett’s height thy name shall live!
Willowhurst Dawley, Salop. SARAH BARKER.
12th August 1911
THE Town Council are prepared to receive TENDERS for ROAD ROLLING in the Broseley and Wenlock district, also in the Madeley and Iron-Bridge district; about three months the former and two months the latter. To provide Engine, Driver, Fuel, and other necessaries, at a price per hour whilst actually at work. Endorsed Estimates to be sent in before 28th August 1911, to GEORGE STEVENSON, Surveyor, iron-Bridge.
12th August 1911
Early on Sunday morning a disastrous fire was discovered at Mr. R. Walkinshaw’s, Hill Top Farm, the property of Lord Forester. Police-constable Edwards and the Broseley Fire Brigade were promptly on the scene, but only to see five ricks burn to the ground. There was no water, the pools and wells were dried up, but under the captaincy of Mr. Taylor, the Brigade saved a portion of the buildings, and all the machinery. Helpers, including several women and Mr. Hayward Davis, fetched water from a distance, and thus rendered valuable assistance. It was impossible, however, to save the stacks of clover, hay, and oats—this year’s produce. The estimated damage is £500, partly covered by insurance, and the origin of the fire is a mystery.
At about a quarter-past eleven on Monday night the daughter of Mr. Penson, gardener for Lord Forester, detected the Home Farm to be on fire. Sergeants Morris and Taylor and Police-constables Lloyd, Reeves, and Edwards were soon on the scene, but as the fire had such a firm hold on the hayricks, this and last year’s produce, no Fire Brigade was summoned, and the 60 tons of hay were allowed to burn themselves out, as was also an old Dutch barn. The farm is the property of Lord Forester, and is managed by the farm bailiff, Mr. Livingstone. The damage is covered by insurance, but how the fire originated is a mystery.
2nd September 1911
Before Aldermen A. B. Dyas (Mayor), F. G. Beddoes, and D. L. Prestage, Messrs. E W. Shorting and P. R. Smith.
ANOTHER WARNING.— Thomas Potts, labourer, Broseley Wood, was charged with maliciously damaging a poplar tree, the property of Lord Forester, value 1s.— Mr. F. H. Potts prosecuted, and remarked that this was a serious case, and asked for such punishment as would be a caution to others.— Samuel Thomas Instone, butcher and farmer, Woodlands Farm, Broseley Wood, stated that he was in a field early one morning when he saw defendant in the Broseley Wood Coppice breaking branches off a poplar tree. He spoke to defendant about it, and defendant threatened to punch his head.— John Livingstone, woodranger in the employ of Lord Forester, stated that he went to the coppice, and found boughs twisted off a poplar tree.— Police-constable Edwards also gave evidence.— Defendant’s wife appeared, and pleaded guilty on behalf of her husband.— The Bench considered the case a serious one, and fined Potts 10s., costs 13s. 6d., and damages 1s., in default one month’s imprisonment.— The Mayor said he hoped that this would be a warning to others.
STORY OF A STRUGGLE.- William Parr was charged with assaulting Joseph Morris. The Parties are smallholders, and reside at Broseley. Joseph Morris and his wife, Mary Catherine Morris, were also charged with assaulting Parr.— Joseph Morris stated that he and his wife went to bed about 9 o’clock, and about 11 o’clock at night they woke up and heard Parr and his wife using vulgar language to their cattle. He ran his cattle towards witness’s field, and then witness heard his gate pulled off its hinges and crash to the ground. Parr then kicked his front door, and shouted to witness to come out and help him out with his cattle, which were in witness’s field, he got up, put his clothes on, and as soon as he got outside Parr seized him by the right shoulder, and kicked his legs from under him. He then bit witness’s face and jaw, Morris then said that his wife came out in her nightdress with fire tongs, and she first hit witness on the knuckles. She eventually hit defendant several times, and when they got up witness knocked defendant in the hedge. Parr was not sober, but mad. Mary Catherine Morris, wife of the last witness, admitted striking Parr in self-defence. She believed that she saved her husband’s life.— Dr. Boon said that he had examined Morris, and found his ankle much swollen and very painful. Morris had great difficulty in walking. His face was also covered with small cuts.— Parr denied beating Morris. He said that when Morris came out of his house he struck him with a piece of iron attached to a stick. He pinched his throat because he had his finger in his mouth. Mrs. Morris struck him with a pair of fire-irons.— Alice Parr gave evidence in favour of her husband, the last witness. Parr was fined £4 14s. 6d., including costs, in default one month’s imprisonment. The charges against Morris and his wife were dismissed.
DRUNK IN CHARGE Fred Goulding (Much Wenlock) was charged with being drunk when in charge of a horse at Broseley.—Police constable Edwards stated that he saw defendant in Chapel Road drunk in charge of a horse.— J. Bradley stated that defendant was drunk, and he (witness) took the horse back to Much Wenlock.—Defendant who said that he was not drunk, but was fined 2s 6d. and costs.
A LAZY MAN.—Samuel Haynes, single man, Broseley, was summoned by the Madeley Guardians to show cause why he should not contribute towards the support of his mother, who was an inmate of Madeley Workhouse—Mr. W. Edge (relieving officer) applied for 1s. a week. He stated that defendant was too lazy to work.— An order of 1s. weekly was made on defendant.
EJECTED— Miss Ann Mason applied for an ejectment order against John Goodall, Broseley, and the same was granted.
The Broseley and District Horticultural Society, which embraces the districts of Broseley, Jackfield, Benthall, Barrow, Linley, and Willey, on Wednesday and Thursday held their annual show of fruit, flowers, and vegetables. The event took place in the National schoolroom, and was a pronounced success. The exhibits, which were tastefully arranged in the rooms, had a pleasing effect, which was enhanced by a fine greenhouse group sent by Lord Forester, and a magnificent honey trough sent for exhibition by Mx. Peter Scott. Notwithstanding the dry season the quality of the produce was of remarkable excellence, particularly the potatoes…
9th September 1911
CURIOUS INCIDENT.— The interior of the Birch Meadow Strict Baptist Chapel was so infested with flies on Sunday morning as to necessitate all adjournment of the congregation to the vestry, where the service was resumed. Such an occurrence has never taken place at this chapel before.
BURIAL BOARD.— Alderman D. L. Prestage presided at a quarterly meeting of this Board on Wednesday.— The Clerk (Mr. F. H. Potts) reported that the fees for the quarter had amounted to £8 4s. 6d., and that there was a balance of £12 8s. 3d. in hand.— It was decided to pay the usual claims.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.—Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. I. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, and G. Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Abberley (water inspector), and E. Oates (collector).— It was decided to commence lighting the public lamps this week.— Three tenders were received for watering the streets, and it was decided to accept the lowest, that of Mr. T. Roberts, at 9d. per hour.— Mr. Keay was of opinion that Jackfield would require watering.— The Chairman observed that that would bring up the question of another watering-cart.— Mr. Keay: Take it in turns.— Mr. Nicklin: Leave Jackfield alone. — Mr. Keay. If Jackfield pay rates they should be treated fairly. Jackfield people are grumbling as to the manner in which they are being treated. I tell them that I do all I can for them, but I am always ruled out of order.— Mr. Griffiths said that they gave him credit for trying to be fair to everybody but he thought that in this case there were reasons why they should hold the matter over for the present. — The Chairman: I thought we should have trouble when we got the watering-cart.— It was decided, on the motion of Mr. Griffiths, to water the Broseley Streets first. Mr. Nicklin called attention to the bad condition of Simpson’s Lane, and the surveyor was instructed to attend to the matter.— With reference to the Iron-Bridge Trust road, the Clerk said that he had heard from the County Council to the effect that they must consult the Roads and Bridges Committee before they could give an answer.— The Chairman said that no one was looking after the road at present; every thunderstorm cut it up.— Mr. Keay remarked that they should take the road over, and not play with it.— Mr. Nicklin: Wait a little longer.-Mr. Herbert reported that there had been three cases of scarlet fever since the last meeting including one at the hospital.— Mr. Keay: Then with all the sanitary arrange-meats the fever has got to the hospital.— Mr. Herbert: It was an imported case.- The Clerk reported a balance in hand on the two account of £200.— Mr. Oakes said that there was £190 yet to be collected. He presented a list of 75 rate-defaulters, and he was ordered to take the necessary proceedings for the recovery of the rate.- Mr. Abberley presented his monthly water report, which was considered satisfactory.- A letter was read from the secretary of the Broseley Fire Brigade, stating that the committee had resolved to close the Jackfield Station, and that in future the whole of the district would be served from Broseley. They considered that this course would be for the public good. Mr. Nicklin said that this matter had arisen through some ill-advised action of the Jackfield section. He thought the committee had taken rather drastic steps to close the station. — The Chairman reminded the members that at the last meeting they paid a cheque of £15 towards the upkeep of the brigade, and he did not think that the committee had any right to close the station without first consulting the Council; and further he was of opinion that they ought not to close the Jackfield station, as by doing so they were not protecting public property.— The Clerk was instructed to write a letter to that effect to the brigade secretary: — Mr. Keay said he had been told that the fire engine was not kept clean, and that there was a difficulty in working it.— Mr. Oakes said that they were informed at the meeting by the Jackfield section that there was no place at Jackfield to keep the appliances.— Mr. Nicklin said that they could find a place in Messrs. Maw’s Works.- The Chairman maintained that it was not right to leave Jackfield unprotected.— Messrs. Nicklin and Griffiths were elected on the Fire Brigade Committee.
30th September 1911
Letters to the Editor
Many people, when asked if there is hope for Broseley, reply “No”, and settle down to it as inevitable. Are all its natural resources exhausted—is it quite impossible to unite existing forces in such a way as to produce some degree of prosperity? Apparently there is plenty of clay for bricks and tiles; coal; plenty of men out of work or on short time; and, according to statistics, plenty of money in the country. There is a big place in the Estimates for the Military Army—why not a small piece for the army of producers, whose efforts enable the other to exist? Why not a national fund to replace dying industries? There are many that could be started either on a co-operative or municipal basis. Foremost of all, agriculture needs more attention to enable us to produce enough for our own requirements. This, according to experts, is possible. Bacon, cheese, and butter factories could be supported in most districts. Will anyone come forward and help?
30th September 1911
DEATH.— Mrs. Martha Bishop, wife of late Rev. W. H. Bishop, formerly Baptist minister in the Birmingham and London circuits died on Friday last week at the residence of the Rev. James Gilpin (pastor of the Old Baptist Chapel). Deceased, who was 81 years of age, was buried on Sunday at the Birch Meadow Chapel, when by special request the obsequies were performed by the Rev. J. Gilpin. Those present at the funeral were the Rev. J. Gilpin, Messrs. J. W. White, and W. Gilpin.
ODDFELLOW’S FUNERAL.— The remains of Mr. John Gough, Hockley Bank (who died an Sunday), were interred in the Cemetery on Thursday. The service was conducted both in the church and at the graveside by the Rev. A. C. Howell (rector). Deceased was 69 years of age, and was up to the time of his death a member of the “Rose of Sharon Lodge” of Oddfellows, M.U. A number of Oddfellows attended the funeral, and Mr. Ernest Hayward, G.M., read the address at the graveside. The mourners were:— Messrs. William Gough, Samuel Gough, Thomas Gough, and George Gough (sons), Mrs. Ball, Mrs. Rebecca Evans, Mrs. Tristram (daughters). Messrs. Thomas Holmes (Stoke-on-Trent), William Ball, Albert Evans, and John Tristram (sons-in-law), Mrs. Ellen Evans (sister-in-law), Mrs. Jones, Mr. William Tranter, Mr. Henry Tranter, and Mr. William Barber (cousins). There was a large number of beautiful floral tributes contributed by relatives and friends including an exceptionally fine wreaths from Mr. Thomas Holmes (Stoke-on-Trent).
7th October 1911
ST. MARY’S CHURCH.— The harvest service was held on Thursday, and the church was tastefully decorated by Mrs. De Ricci, and the Misses Smallwood (2), Turner, Poole, Weyman, and others. The service was choral, and the choir gave an able rendering of the anthem “The floors shall be full of wheat.” Mr. F. Wilson presiding at the organ. The rector, the Rev. De Ricci preached an appropriate sermon. There was a good congregation, and a collection taken in aid of the church expenses amounted to £1 0s. 6d.
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. I. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, and G. Keay, with Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), E. Abberley (water inspector), and Dr. Gepp (medical officer).— Dr. Gepp reported that since the last meeting there were eight eases of scarlet fever in six houses at Jackfield, and nine cases in nine houses at Broseley. The greater number were school children. The usual precautionary bills had been issued. The epidemic was dying out rapidly at Iron-Bridge. The cases were of a mild character. Out of 100 cases in Iron-Bridge district there was only one that ended fatally.— Mr. Herbert reported a number of nuisances, and the usual orders were made.- Mr. Nicklin referred to a bed of watercress growing in Cockshutt pool, which was steeped in sewage. He was of opinion that the bed should be destroyed.— Mr. Stevenson was ordered to destroy the bed.— Mr. Nicklin: Don’t leave a blade.— Dr. Gepp: And see that no one takes it up in a bundle and sells it. (Laughter) Mr. Nicklin reported that the fire brigade question was settled. He also called attention to the state of Legge’s Hill and his remarks were corroborated by Mr. Keay.— The surveyor was instructed to attend to the matter; and also to the road near the Tuckies, the question of which was brought forward by Mr. Griffiths.- The Surveyor informed the meeting that he had expended on the district roads during the month £11 3s. 4d.- Mr. E. Abberley reported that he had made a general inspection of the water mains in Broseley and Jackfield, and found them all in good working order.— The inspector was ordered to cleanse out the Posenhall reservoir on one night in the week. The Clerk reported a balance in hand on the two accounts of £321 4s. 7d.; but he added that it required £223 to meet their liabilities this month.— The Clerk reported that there had been 12 meetings during the year, and the following had been the members’ attendances:— Alderman Prestage 10. Lord Forester 1, Messrs. Doughty 5, Nicklin 11, Instone (late) 3 out of 7, Keay 9, Griffiths 12, Exley 10, Dr. Collins 3 out of 5.
7th October 1911
Letters to the Editor
I have been wondering if any of your readers can tell me the probable age of a grand-father’s clock which I possess. It has brass face, on which the name, “W. Onions, Broseley,” is inscribed. W. H.
[It is getting about time that those handsome old pieces of furniture were promoted to the honour of being called “Great grandfather her clocks” !—ED.]
14th October 1911
Letters to the Editor
If “W.H.” had described his clock more fully, I think he would probably have got nearer its exact age. It may interest him to know that a member of my family possesses one of these. “great-grandfather” clocks. It has a brass face, or, to be quite correct, the face has been silvered recently. The seasons are represented by groups of figures at each corner. The hour is denoted by a single hand, the half-hour being indicated by a loud tick; also it has a small crescent-shaped dial giving the days of the month, 1st. 5th, 10th, in figures, the intervening days being indicated by short strokes. It keeps good time, the striking apparatus being particularly good, despite the fact that it belonged to my great-grandfather, who was born as far back as 1709. This clock is considerably over a hundred years old. It is a thirty-hour clock, and has the words “Sam Harley, Salop,” engraved on the face. The old oak case, when polished, compared favourably with our modern polished oak. THYME.
I have much pleasure in suggesting the age of the clock in the happy possession of “W.H.” The maker, W. Onions of Broseley, was a brother of a distinguished figure in the Shropshire iron trade of the last century - the late Mr. Thomas Onions of Stirchley. Their father, Peter, Onions of Broseley, in conjunction with the father of the late Doctor Cranage, invented, as a smelter of iron at the ’Dale, a process of puddling, which, according to Mr. Randall, completely revolutionised the iron-making world. Mr. T. Onions died at Stirchley, May 1873, aged eighty-six. His brother, William, the presumed maker of the clock, who was about four years his junior, would have been born a hundred and twenty years ago. Beginning life as a clock-maker, he eventually, being a man of varied gifts, entered the detective service, and was some years resident in Paris. His later years were spent in Staffordshire, where he died some time in the Sixties. Your correspondent’s clock must have been the work of his early life, and would, therefore be close upon a century old.
Dawley. (Miss) S. BARKER.
14th October 1911
PRESENTATION.- Prior to the business of the Petty Sessions on Tuesday the Mayor (Alderman A. B. Dyas) said that he had a very pleasing function to perform, and that was to ask their esteemed friend and colleague, Alderman Prestage, to accept a silver tea and coffee tray as a memento of the good feeling which always existed between himself and the members of that Court. It was a pleasure to all the magistrates to subscribe to the gift, and in asking him to accept it he hoped that the blessing of God would be with him and his future wife, and that they would have every comfort that this world could afford. (Applause.)— Alderman Prestage said that it gave him very great pleasure to be present to receive that handsome token of their good wishes. It was, he said, some years since he first had the honour of taking part in the public life of the town, and he little thought that the day would come when he would be standing in that Court to receive their good wishes and their handsome present on his marriage. He thanked them very sincerely for their kind gift. (Applause.) The tray bore the inscription, “Presented to Donald Llewellyn Prestage, Esq., by the Mayor and Magistrates of the Borough of Wenlock on the occasion of his marriage; Thursday, October 10th, 1911.”
PARISH CHURCH,— Lord Forester, the patron of the living, has greatly enhanced the beauty of the Parish Church by the extension of the earned oak reredos, which work he has had done in memory of his parents, the Rev. Canon Orlando Weld Forester (afterwards Lord Forester) and Mrs. Forester. The late Lord Forester was for many years rector of the parish, and it was largely owing to his energy and enthusiasm that the present handsome church was built. The memorial, which is of solid oak, stands over nine feet high, and has inscribed on the upper panels the creed, Lord’s Prayer, and Ten Commandments. Beneath these upper panels is the following inscription on brass plates:— “To the glory of God, and in memory of Canon Lord Forester, who caused this church to be erected, and was rector from 1841 to 1859, rector of Doveridge from 1859 to 1866, rector of Gedling and canon of York from 1874. He was born 18th April 1813, and died at York 22nd June, 1894. Also of his wife, Sophia Elizabeth (daughter of Richard and Lady Elizabeth Norman), who was born 18th January, 1804, and died at Gedling 2nd April, 1872. The dedication service was held on Wednesday last week, when there was a large congregation present, amongst the clergy being the Venerable H. W. Watkins, D.D., Archdeacon of Durham, the Revs. C. B. Crewe, R.D., A. C. Howell (rector), E. B. Bartleet (Much Wenlock), and R. de Ricci (Jackfield). The service, which was fully choral, was conducted by the Rector, the first lesson being read by the Rural Dean, and the second by Lord Forester. After the singing of a hymn at the third collect Lord Forester unveiled the memorial, and the dedication prayers were offered up by the Archdeacon of Durham. After the singing of the late Mrs. Forester’s favourite hymn, “Tell me the old, old story,” a helpful and impressive address was delivered by the Archdeacon, who took as his subject, “Duty.” in the course of his address he referred in touching and eloquent terms to the devoted lives of the late Canon Forester and Mrs. Forester, whose friendship he had enjoyed for many years, and said that Broseley owed much to the Forester family for the great interest they had always taken in the place, and especially in the church.
Before Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor), D. L. Prestage, and J. Davies, Captain Geo. Forrester, Messrs. E. W. Shorting, and W. Roberts.
POACHING. — Henry Potts, labourer, Jackfield; Joseph Goodall, engine driver, Jackfield; and Albert Rogers, labourer, Iron-Bridge, were charged with a breach of the Poaching Prevention Act. — Police-constable Reeves stated that late on a Saturday night he saw Rogers and Potts come out of Potts’s house, Jackfield. Goodall was waiting for them outside. Three of them went across the Square, under the railway bridge, and out of his sight. Potts and Rogers were carrying a stick, and the former’s coat looked bulky. Witness got assistance and about three o’clock the next morning, in company with Police-constable Edwards, he saw the three defendants come along the road; the coats of Rogers and Goodall appeared bulky. They went towards them, and as soon as defendants saw them they ran away. Witness chased Goodall, caught him, and took him back, and found that the other defendants had been detained by Police-constable Edwards. They were searched, and on Goodall was found a net (produced), and Rogers had a bag containing five rabbits, quite warm, and a stick (produced). Potts had got another stick. Witness took possession of them. Defendants were wet through.— Defendants did not appear.— Potts was fined £5 and costs, or two months’ hard labour; and Rogers and Goodall were each fined 9s. 2d., including costs, or seven days.
14th October 1911
Present:— Alderman A. B. Dyas (Mayor), Right Hon. Lord Forester, Aldermen J.
Davies, D. L. Prestage, F. G. Beddoes, W. J. Legge, T. Cooke, Captain the Hon.
Geo. Forester, Dr. G. D. Collins, Councillors J. E. A. Wolryche-Whitmore, W. G.
Dyas, A. A. Exley, T. J. Griffiths, J. Roberts, J. Jinks, R. Clarke, B. Maddox,
W. J. Milner, T. Morris, G. Keay, A. L. Haves, C. Edwards, J. Nicklin, T.
Doughty, W. Roberts, and Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk).
NEW BRIDGE.— The Mayor said the first-business was to receive the report of the Main Roads and General Purposes Committee respecting the Broseley and Iron-Bridge roads.— Alderman Beddoes stated that the committee had met, and after a long discussion went through the pros and cons. of the matter. He would not say one word in favour of the resolution or otherwise, but simply read it. He would be pleased to answer any question. The resolution passed by the committee recommended the Town Council to make application to the Salop County Council to main the road from the Forester’s Arms, Broseley, over the new free bridge to the Iron-Bridge Police Station, and that the borough treasurer be instructed to pay off the debt remaining on the new bridge, and to pay Miss Oswell £150 compensation.— Alderman Beddoes said that most of them knew that she had no legal claim, but a moral claim, and the committee thought £150 was a fair sum; but against that there was a sum of £103 which had been gathered together by voluntary subscription. He formally moved the resolution.— Alderman Prestage seconded. With regard to the position in which Broseley stood they had taken counsel’s opinion, and they had ascertained that Broseley were not compelled to take over the road given up by the Bridge Trust, neither could they force Broseley to take it over. It could be left as it was, or become a general nuisance to the neighbourhood. They wanted that road made a main road which connected one-half of the borough with the other. He thought they had great hopes of the County Council taking it over as a main road, and allowing them grants to make it remain a good road. With regard to the finance, the conveyances for the bridge sites would not be completed until Miss Oswell, who lost her ferry boat, were compensated. She had been offered £100 as compensation for the loss of her living, but she had refused that sum, and now it was proposed to offer her £150, and against that there was the sum of £103 which the new bridge committee would hand over, thus reducing the amount to be found by the borough of Much Wenlock to £250. They could not ask the authorities to make the road in question a main one unless the bridge were free.- Mr. W. G. Dyas said he should like to ask if the figures mentioned were correct. At the committee meeting they were told £400 was required, and now it was only £350.— Alderman Beddoes said it was £240 owing on the bridge and not £200 as Alderman Prestage mentioned— Alderman Prestage: I am sorry. It was a misunderstanding.— Mr. Horton asked if the Bridge Trust would put the roads in good order before they were taken over ?—The Mayor : There is no power to do so.— Mr. Edwards protested against the £200 being contributed out of the rates.— Alderman Legge maintained that if the resolution was passed it would be a very great hardship to the ratepayers residing in the Madeley Ward, because a long time ago when Councillor Maddox asked for the consent of £670 the Haynes legacy, to start the new bridge, he gave his verbal guarantee then that not one halfpenny should be charged for out of the rates towards the bridge. Now they were asking the Madeley Ward to pay £130 towards the freeing of this bridge. He ventured to say that had the subscribers known that they would again be called upon to pay they would not have been so generous in their subscriptions. Again, the free bridge would cost considerable expense to maintain, another 2d. or 3d. in the pound. Had they got, he asked, a guarantee from the County Council to take over the road and bridge? He should vote against the resolution as a member of the Madeley Ward.— Mr. Maddox said he should like to add his little contribution towards supporting the committee’s resolution. £103 had been handed over to the borough treasurer. He also represented the Madeley Ward, but that day he was there as a member of the Wenlock Borough Council, and he knew what had happened in the past. The wards had helped each other. It was a matter that was beneficial to the public, and if a vote was taken of the people it would be carried by an overwhelming majority, as proposed today. The balance remaining on the structure must be cleared up before any approach could be made to the County Council. The old toll bar was gone, and they wanted to connect the two important centres together, and he therefore asked them to show a loyal generosity regarding the respective wards in the borough and settle the matter for ever today.— Mr. Nicklin observed that Mr. Maddox had confessed he had undertaken a gigantic task. The task was to complete the bridge by private subscription, and when he paid his subscription it was on the understanding that not one penny should come out of the borough fund. He was, as a rule, adverse to opposing reports from committees, but he thought in this matter they had undertaken a little outside their duties - they made a proposition to pay the public money towards a private debt. Was it necessary:? Could not people be asked to complete the bridge, and was it necessary to pay this public money. He did not believe it, and it would be better if Councillor Maddox could still see his way clear to complete the work he had undertaken. Broseley were not obliged to take the road over, and neither were they ever inclined to do so. Then, why should they be called upon to pay a debt? Why not approach the County Council, and leave the bridge alone?— Alderman Prestage: You can’t separate the question.— Mr. Nicklin, continuing, said he should not support the resolution until they had a guarantee that the road would be taken over by the County Council, and not that it should be saddled on Broseley.— Mr. W. G. Dyas said, as representative of the Madeley Ward, he could not agree with Mr. Maddox that if a vote was taken over the question they would win by a large majority. Madeley were all against it.— Mr. Maddox Two elections have been fought on it.— Mr. Dyas did not think so. If he said they found £300, had they a guarantee that the County Council would take the road over. There was a great doubt whether the Council would consider the Bridge sufficient to meet their requirements. The County Council had not yet been properly approached, which he considered they ought to have done.— The Clerk said what he had done, had not been done officially.— Captain Forester moved as an amendment that the matter be referred back to the committee, as there were different views on the matter.— Mr. Clarke, in seconding the resolution, thought everyone was in favour of compensating the poor woman. That, he could see, was a way out of the wood.— Mr. Griffiths remarked that as one of the afflicted who would have to pay something to make against their own interest, he would support the amendment. Mr. Prestage reminded the meeting that the amendment went against the terms of the £103 handed over. They were breaking faith with the one who had handed over the money.— Mr. W. Roberts was hopeful that the report presented by the committee would be agreed upon. He supported it, and he considered it a mean attitude if they allowed the opportunity to pass.— Replying. Alderman Beddoes did not think the committee had exceeded their duty. They were instructed to thrash the matter out and they did so. He admitted that he gave his subscription to the bridge on the understanding that nothing was to come out of the rates.— The Mayor put the amendment. Eleven voted for it, and 12 for the resolution, the latter being declared carried. (Applause.)
21st October 1911
Letters to the Editor
Please grant me space to ask how it is that Broseley, which prides itself on being up to date in most things, allows itself to keep so hopelessly in the rear in regard to its sanitary matters. The rates are all right; the authorities look after that. But what I want to know is what we get for our money. The roads are kept fairly clean, and there are ashpits provided for the public use, which are emptied periodically by the contractors. This is satisfactory, no doubt, but as residents and ratepayers have we not a right to expect something more? I allude more particularly to the absence of any provision for the cleansing of the closets. Most of them are of the old-fashioned description, and have to be emptied once or twice a year. The work is generally done by gentlemen who pass most of their time at street-corners sucking at short pipes, and, as they will tell you if you inquire, waiting for a job. As soon as something turns up there are plenty of applicants who will tell you they have inspected the place; they know it well; they have done that place before. They hint darkly at old pit shafts and all sorts of subterranean passages, which will be encountered, and there is sure to he at least six to eight barrels of stuff; then there is the barrel to be paid for, and “we shall want a drop o’ drink, and a bit o’ bacca to keep it off our stomachs.” The barrel, it should be mentioned, is provided by the authorities, and 1s. is charged for its use. If there is any difficulty about terms, the job is blacklisted, and if a rival comes to look at it with the object of taking it, he is at once pounced upon and told he must not take it under a certain price. Thus the householder is in a corner; he must either pay or run the risk of a visit from the inspector. I would suggest that it would be much better, and more to the credit of the town if, instead of allowing this state of things to continue, we were to copy the example of the Madeley Ward by having this class of work also done by contract. RATEPAYER.
21st October 1911
On Tuesday morning there passed away, in his 74th year, Mr. Edward Bagnall Potts of Bank House, Broseley. The deceased gentleman was up to the time of his death head of the old established firm of solicitors (Messrs. Potts and Potts), who have for their clients many old Shropshire families. The late Mr. E. B. Potts had also been Clerk of the Peace for the Borough of Wenlock and Registrar of Madeley County Court for many years, succeeding to those offices on the death of his father (Mr. George Potts), and carrying out the onerous duties with conspicuous ability. His generosity to the deserving poor was well known, and he will be greatly missed in the parish. He was a Churchman of the evangelistic type, and in politics was a Conservative.
21st October 1911
PARISH CHURCH.— A service for men only was held on Sunday afternoon by the Rector (Rev. A. C. Howell) who also gave an interesting address. Mr. H. E. Clark read the lesson. Mr. W. Davis presided at the organ.
P.S.A.— The second meeting of the present season in connection with this society was held in the Congregation Chapel. Mr. Higgins presided over a good attendance, and gave an address. Mr. Frederick Jones (Iron-Bridge) recited “The Life-Boat”, after which the Rev. I. Brentnall (Dawley) delivered an interesting address. Mr. Brentnall also gave a pleasing rendition of the solo, “A Sinner Forgiven”. Special hymns were heartily sung, Mr. M. Amphlett presided at the organ.
VICTORIA INSTITUTE. — The winter programme was inaugurated on Tuesday by a whist drive and dance. The arrangements were in the hands of Mr. H. E. Clark, assisted by the games committee, while Messrs. J. Smith and R. Thomas were efficient M.C.’s for the dancing, the music for which was supplied by Mr. G. Tonkis, A.R.C.O. The whist players numbered 72, the prize-winners being the following:—Gentlemen— Messrs, A. Scott and E. Shaw. Ladies — Miss Clark and Miss Downes. Dancing followed.
PRESENTATIONS. — The members of the Unionist Club, of which he is chairman, on Monday at a well-attended “smoker” presented Alderman Prestage on the occasion of his marriage with a handsome silver inkstand, Dr. J. C. Boon presided, and in making the presentation remarked that he looked upon it as an honour to be asked to perform that duty. They felt that they could not allow such an auspicious event to pass without taking some notice of it, and they asked him to accept that small present with their best wishes. (Applause.)— Alderman Prestage said that it was with great pleasure that he accepted so handsome a present from his friends and colleagues in the Unionist cause. (Applause.) They had worked together for a short time, but during that period there had been sufficient connection for them to get to know each other thoroughly well, and to appreciate the difficulties of the task they had to face. He thanked them for the kind wishes and the action that prompted the presentation. He had been amongst them 23 years, and during that time he had received continual kindness from everyone. (Applause.) He felt sure that the lady who was to be his wife would join with him in thanking them for their splendid present, and would appreciate it quite as much as he. (Applause.) He concluded by wishing the Unionist cause every success, and said he hoped that at the next election they would return to Parliament one of their own colour. (Applause.)— Mr. George Higgins also made a few appropriate remarks.—Hearty cheers were then given to the worthy alderman, and the singing of “Auld Lang Syne” closed the proceedings.- Alderman Prestage then proceeded to the Victoria Institute and was presented by the members with a case of silver tea knives and silver cigarette-case. Councillor J. Nicklin made the presentation in the presence of a crowded room. Aldermen Prestage’s wedding, he said, was an important event in his life and they could not allow it to pass by without expressing their great regard for him in the way of a presentation. (Applause) He was a strong supporter of the institute and was always willing to do what ever he could for the benefit the members. They wished him and his future wife much happiness and on behalf of the members of the institute he begged Alderman Prestage’s acceptance of the small token of their sincere regard and best wishes for his future welfare. (Applause)—Mr. H. E. Clark spoke in the highest terms of Alderman Prestage’s worth to the institute. Alderman, Prestage thanked the members sincerely for their handsome present and good wishes.—The singing of “He’s a jolly good fellow’’ and cheers brought the proceedings to a close.
28th October 1911
Would you kindly allow me to draw the attention of the Madeley ratepayers to the forthcoming municipal contest on November 1st. It would be very interesting to know why opposition has been raised against Councillor W. F. Bryan. Anyone who has followed the reports in your paper of the Council meetings held from time to time must well know that during the fifteen years Mr. Bryan has been a member of the Council he has served the ratepayers faithfully and well, always opposing reckless expenditure of any description or cause, but at the same time doing his utmost for the public benefit of rich and poor alike.
I should like to call attention to the so-called free bridge at Jackfield, to which I was a subscriber. £700 was voted for this bridge by the Madeley District Council to start the subscription list; otherwise it could safely be said the bridge would not have been built. What has happened now? The bridge has been thrust upon the ratepayers who have got to find the balance owing— I believe about £300, which will make about £1,000 from the Council funds, as well as the ratepayers having to find the money to keep it in proper repair. A scheme is now on foot to pay some thousands of pounds for the Iron-Bridge Market Hall and other property. Our rates for a small industrial community are quite high enough, without extra burdens of this description being thrown upon us. The district is poor enough— let us be honest and pay our debts first. There is still owing on the water scheme the sum of £19,473 10s. 11d.. When we have cleared off this item there will still he plenty of time to consider any unbusinesslike scheme. Useless elections are being fought at great expense for the purpose of ousting the best men from the Council every year. It is time the ratepayers were waking up to this kind of thing, which has been going on quite long enough. For the information of the ratepayers who may be lulled by the statement of a promise in the reduction of the Water Rate— it is impossible to take 2d. off this rate without adding 2d. to the Sanitary Rate to make up the difference. Our water supply is not a paying concern; it is costing us 2s. 9d. in the pound every year— 1s. 3d. Water Rate and 1s. 6d. Water Loan— which is added on the Sanitary Rate. I note that £500 was transferred from the Water Rate Account last year to the General District Rate Account, but this does not nearly cover the interest on the money we have borrowed. With regard to the Secondary School, it has not been a business of our District Council but a County Council matter, and was thrust upon the district by them and by them alone. I am informed, and am extremely pleased to hear it, that any working man’s child who has sufficient brains and application may get there free of charge. Anything that may be said against the school or its administration should he brought to the notice of the Chairman of the County Council Education Committee, Mr. W. H. Smith, of Whitchurch, and no blame should be attached to the members of our District Council. It is fair that voters should know both sides of every question that may be brought before them. I should like to know who has brought about this election and for what motive.
Vote for Bryan, who has served the district faithfully for fifteen years, who has never voted for a penny to be spent were it could be saved throughout his career on the Council, who knows the needs of the district, and is, I believe, one of the largest private rate-payers in this ward, and therefore not likely to vote for increase of rates. I put it to the voters that a man of his calibre, who has been born and bred amongst us, is still the man to serve us faithfully and well.
28th October 1911
FUNERAL OF MR. E. B. POTTS.— On Friday last week the remains of Mr. E. B. Potts of Bank House were laid to rest in the Cemetery, amid many tokens of sympathy for the bereaved family. Beautiful floral tributes were sent by members of his family, but as it was the deceased gentleman's wish that wreaths should not be sent, there were but few beyond those sent by his near relatives. The mourners were:—Mr. George Potts (son), Mr. F. H. Potts (brother), Dr. Wood (son-in-law), Dr J. A. Potts (brother), Dr. G. D. Collins, Mr. F. H. Martin, Mr. J. Pountney, and Mr. G. Ferrington. There were also present:—The Mayor of Wenlock (Alderman A. B. Dyas), the Rev. W. H. Wayne, Rev. R. De Ricci, Drs. Whitfield, Fox-Edwards, and Moorshead, Messrs, J. A. Downes, H. W. Hamilton, A. H. Thorn-Pudsey, F. W. Derry, Thos. Griffiths, J. Nicklin, C. Edwards, A. Hayes, A. A. Exley, Wm. Jones, E. Oakes, Thos. Jones, R. A. Instone, S. Hill, E. R. Instone, H. J. Rushton, E. Shorting, H. R. Botwood, H. E. Clank, Wm. Francis, P. Jones, W. Edge, G. W. Aston, F. Oakley, H. Lloyd, J. Hartshorne, J. Britton, A. J. Jones, T. Marlow, E. Abberley, J. Mason, R. Brasier, and J. Walford. As the mournful cortege passed through the town, shops were closed and blinds drawn as a mark of respect. On arrival at the church the cortege was met by the Rev. E. B. Charlton (brother-in-law), Rev. G. H. C. Shorting (son-in-law), Rev. C. B. Crowe (Rural Dean), Rev. A. C. Howell (rector), and the full surpliced choir. The first portion of the service was conducted by the Rev. A. C. Howell. The lesson was read by the Rev. G. H. C. Shorting, and the service was fully choral. The hymn, “Now the labourer's task is o’er,” was feelingly rendered by the choir, conducted by Mr. W. H. Griffiths (choir master), and at the conclusion of the service, “The Dead March” was played by Miss Hilda Watkis (organist). On arrival at the graveside the committal service was per-formed by the Rev. E. B. Charlton. Muffled peals were rung at the Parish Church during the evening. Apologies for being unable to attend the funeral were received from:— Lord Forester, Captain Hon. G. C. B. W. Forester, Bishop Knight (late of Rangoon), Major Garrett, Rev. C. Chinner, Messrs. G. P. Heywood (Tickwood), E. G. Exley (Shifnal), C. Shorting (Tenbury), Murcott (Liverpool), J. Chinner (Dudley), W. B. Allen, R. Thomas, G. Keay, and others.
11th November 1911
… The question of a grant towards the cost of putting in repair the road leading to the Consumptive Sanatorium at Shirlett had again been considered by the committee in accordance with instructions given at the last quarterly meeting of the Council; and it was now recommended that a contribution be made to the Wenlock Corporation towards the cost of the repair and improvement of the road, such contribution not to exceed one half the estimated total cost of £800.
11th November 1911
SUPPER.- The Coronation Committee held their annual supper on Monday at the Duke of Wellington Inn After supper the Rector (the Rev. R. De Ricci) was voted to the chair, and Mr. C. H. Hughes occupied the vice-chair. The usual toasts were duly honoured, and the following contributed songs:— Messrs. J. Price, Skitt, Aston, A. Harrington, C. H. Hughes, W. T. Hudson, G. Lewis, B. Morris, and A. Hill. Mr. Lister was the accompanist. During the evening an interesting incident took place, this being the presentation of an address and a purse of money to Mr. W. T. Hudson, who has acted as hon. secretary of the committee since its inception in 1902, by the members of the committee and friends as a mark of appreciation of his services during that period. The Rev. R. De Ricci made the presentation, and Mr. Hudson suitably responded. The health of the latter was after-wards drunk with musical honours.
11th November 1911
DISTRICT COUNCIL, Yesterday Week.—Present:—Councillors J. Nicklin (chairman), T. Doughty, T. I. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, and G. Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), F. Abberley (water inspector), and F. Oakes (collector).- The Surveyor reported that he had cleared out the watercress from the pool reported at the last meeting.— Mr. Herbert reported that since the last meeting there had been 15 cases of scarlet fever and one of diphtheria. He reported a number of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.- Mr. .Abberley informed the meeting that the Posenhall reservoir had been cleaned out, with satisfactory results.- The Clerk said that there was a balance in hand on the general district rate account of £33 19s. 8d., and on the water rate account of £42 10s. 4d., but after cheques had been signed there would be an adverse balance.
P.S.A.— At the meeting in the Congregational Chapel there was a good attendance. Mr. A. M. Williams (vice-president) occupied the chair, and carried out the devotional part of the business. Mr. H. G. Castle (Coalbrookdale) delivered the address, and Miss Laura Bennett (soprano) and Miss Mabel Williams (contralto) gave a duet. Mr. J. A. Hartshorne presided at the organ.
NATIONAL SCHOOLS— A successful social tea, entertainment, and sale of work, organised on behalf of the ‘Managers’ Fund, was held n the Church of England Schools on Wednesday. Mr. J. A. Downes, chairman of the Managers, presided, and at the close of the entertainment the Rector (the Rev. A. C. Howell) thanked the parents of the children and others for their attendance and support. The arrangements for the tea and sale of work were ably carried out by a committee of ladies, under the leadership of Mrs. Adam Jones, others being Mesdames Broadhurst, Clarke, Dixon, Moorshead, Powell, White, and Wiggins, Misses Dixon, Jones, Moore, Onslow, and Wilkinson, assisted by Mr. H. E. Clark and the teachers. A varied programme of music, rendered by Misses Allen, E. Davis, Kenyon, Rowe, and Milward, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Davis, the Broseley Quartet Party and Messrs. Clark, F. Francis. W. Francis, W. Garbett, R. Harris, F Hill., Milne, and Welch, was much appreciated by the large audience.
A NONAGERARIAN.- -On Saturday last Mr. Josiah Wase of Broseley reached his 90th birthday, and to celebrate the same Mr. H. Lloyd, of the Pheasant, gave a supper to his customers, and the friends of Mr. Wase. Between 70 and 80 sat down. After supper a smoking concert was held and the toast included the health of Mr. Wase, which was enthusiastically drunk. The following gave songs:—Messrs. J. Harrison, H. Lloyd, W. Tudor, W. Taylor, G. Harrison, J. Edwards, D. Potts, and W. Corfield, T. Hurdley, violin; J. Harrison, Banjo; and G. Harrison, piano.
11th November 1911
BARROW COUNCIL, Monday.— Present:— Ald. J. Davies (chairman), Councillors W. Bishop and J. Roberts, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), and H. Herbert (inspector).— The surveyor was instructed to obtain 150 tons of stone for the Posenhall road and 200 tons for the Little Wenlock roads.— Mr. Herbert reported a case of scarlet fever and one case of erysipelas in the ward. He also reported a death from phthisis since the last meeting.
Present:— Alderman A. B. Dyas (mayor), G, Lloyd, W. J. Legge, J. Davies, P. G. Beddoes, and T. Cooke, Councillors J. If. A. Whitley. B. Maddox, T. R. Horton, G. Keay, W. J, Milner, A. A. Exley, A. L. Hayes, T. Morris R. Clarke, J. Jinks, W. G. Dyas, J. H. A. Wolryche-Whitmore, S. Maw, T. Doughty, J. Nicklin, J. Roberts, W. Roberts, G. D. Collins, W. F. Bryan, T. I. Griffiths, and C. Edwards, Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk), and other borough officials.
Alderman Cooke said he had great pleasure to propose as mayor for the ensuing year one who, he felt sure, would satisfactorily carry out the duties— he alluded to Councillor Whitley. (Applause.) Perhaps he had not been a member of the Council for many years, but they all know Councillor Whitley’s value in Wenlock. He was sure that he would carry out the duties of the office to the best of his ability. He also felt sure that the social and benevolent side would be in the safe hands of the mayor, and he contended that he was the right man to place at the head of affairs.— Mr. Edwards seconded the motion, and corroborated what had been said about Mr. Whitley. Several other members’ supported the motion; which was carried with applause.— The Mayor thanked the meeting for the honour they had conferred upon him. He knew he had a difficult task to follow Alderman Dyas, who had carried out his duties in a most excellent manner, (Applause.)
Alderman Beddoes eulogistically proposed a vote of thanks to Alderman Dyas for the efficient manner in which he had carried out the mayoral duties for the fourth time, and said he hoped that at some future date they would see him in the chair again. (Applause.)— Mr. Maddox and others supported the motion, which was carried, and Alderman Dyas suitably acknowledge the compliment.
Alderman Prestage was appointed deputy mayor, and the mayor appointed Councillor W. Roberts as his auditor.
The Mayor reported that the total amount of accounts to be paid for the quarter was £1,773 15s. 9d., and the amount to be raised by rate £1,629 8s. 11d.— Alderman Davies moved that the accounts be paid, and that a borough rate of 6½d. in the pound be levied. He mentioned that 4½d. of this was for education, and 2d. for borough expenses.— Alderman Prestage seconded, and the motion was carried.
Alderman Cooke presented a report of the Asylum Visitors. He mentioned that the population of the county was 246,306 and in the borough of Wenlock 15,244. Salop would pay £92 of every £100 and Wenlock £7 16s. 2d. He had suggested that an additional representative be appointed for the borough, and the matter had been referred to the visiting committee. He had also asked for revision every 10 years. The Wenlock population was going down and that of the county rising; but he hoped that in time to come the local industries would prosper and the population increase.— Alderman Dyas proposed the re-election of Alderman Cooke as visitor to the asylum, and this was carried.
Alderman Cooke moved that application be made to the Local Government Board for sanction to borrow a sum not exceeding £3,000 for the purposes of the Lunacy Acts, 1890-91, on the dissolution of the union of the County of Salop and Borough of Wenlock with the county of Montgomery. He said that Salop’s portion was £36,450, and the Borough, of Wenlock’s portion £2,816.— The motion was carried.
The surveyor was instructed to write, to the County Council respecting the suggested improvements at Iron-Bridge Market Square and at the Aqueduct.— Alderman Beddoes said, that the Main Roads Committee had decided to ask the County Council to allow them £75 per mile for the maintenance of main roads in the future; at present they were only allowed £68, whilst the county spent £75 per mile.
The motion in Mr. Edwards’s name was ruled out of order, viz., “That the resolution passed at the special meeting of the Council held on 12th October, 1911, ordering payment of a sum of money towards the free bridge, and as compensation to Miss Oswell be rescinded, and the recommendation referred back to the Main Roads and General Purposes Committee for re-consideration.”
Mr. W. Roberts proposed “That the polling stations in the Madeley Ward be re-arranged, for the town of Madeley, and that a polling, station be provided for the inhabitants of Coalport and The Lloyds.”— The matter was referred to the Madeley District Committee,
The Clerk read a letter from the Chief Constable, asking for certain alterations to be made at the Iron-Bridge and Wenlock Police Stations.— Alderman Dyas said that it was a serious matter; in fact he did not think that they could alter the Iron-Bridge Station.— On the motion of Mr. Maddox, the matter was referred to the General Purposes Committee.
Alderman Beddoes gave a report of the Severn Navigation Commissioners’ meeting at Worcester. He said that the meeting unanimously decided that certain waterways should be put in order, and he thought they would be opened up as far as Birmingham:— Mr. Maddox moved that they thank Alderman Beddoes for his report. He hoped that something would be done in future to open up the waterways.— Dr. Collins seconded, and it was carried.
A banquet was subsequently held at the Raven Hotel. The Mayor presided over a large company, and was supported by Alder-man Dyas (ex-mayor), the Rev. E. B. Bartleet (vicar), and members of the Council.
25th November 1911
PATIENCE REWARDED. — Henry Potts, labourer, Jackfield, was charged with a breach of the Poaching Prevention Act and also with resisting a policeman in the execution of his duty. William Burton, clay miner, Jackfield, was charged with aiding and abetting.— Police constable Reeves stated that he saw Potts and a man named William Owen from Madeley Wood on the highway at the end of the Free Bridge, Jackfield. He suspected them of coming from land having been in pursuit of game. He searched about the road and fields, and in a field about 300 yards away from where he saw them he found a bag containing rabbits (warm). Witness concealed himself, and the same morning he saw Potts and Burton go to where the bag had been hidden. They went away for a moment, and then returned, each carrying a bag. Potts was first, and when he got under the railway bridge the officer came out from where he was concealed, spoke to Potts, and put his hand on the bag. Potts commenced to struggle, shouted for Burton to stop, but when the latter saw witness he dropped the bag he was carrying and ran away. Potts continued struggling, and refused to loose the bag. Presently a man named Garbett came along and assisted witness, and they secured the bag. Potts then went under the bridge where the bag was that Burton dropped. Witness sent for ex-Sergeant Bowen, who came. Witness followed Potts up to the bridge, and Potts threatened to “smash his face.” They again struggled for the bag, and the officer was successful. Potts then ran back to Garbett for the other bag, and struck Garbett on the side of the head with his fist. Witness went down to Potts, and told him that if he did that again he would lock him up. There was another struggle for the bag, but as soon as Potts saw Ex-Sergeant Bowen coming he gave up, and walked away. The officer took possession of the bags. In Potts’s bag he found 18 rabbits and two nets, and in Burton’s bag 18 rabbits. The struggle lasted 20 minutes.— Stephen Garbett, drayman, Broseley, corroborated. — Ex-Sergeant Bowen and Inspector Taylor also gave evidence. — The Mayor said that there were nearly 70 cases against Potts, who would be fined £3 and costs for poaching, or one month’s imprisonment, and for resisting the police He would be fined £5 and costs, or two months’ hard labour. Burton would be fined 18s. and costs, or a month’s imprisonment.— The Bench complimented Constable Reeves on the way he gave his evidence, and also the other man who assisted the police. — Superintendent Tait thanked the Bench for their remarks concerning the officer and witnesses, whose conduct was worthy of notice.
A. NONAGENARIAN.- On Saturday last Mr. Josiah Wase of Broseley reached his 90th birthday, and to celebrate the same Mr. H. Lloyd of the Pheasant gave a supper to his customers and friends of Mr. Wase. Between 70 and 80 sat down. After supper a smoking concert was held and the toast included the health of Mr. Wase, which was enthusiastically drunk. The following gave songs:- Messrs. J. Harrison, H. Lloyd, W. Tudor, W. Taylor, G. Harrison, J. Edwards, D. Potts, and W. Corfield. T. Hurdley, violin; J. Harrison, Banjo: and G. Harrison, piano.
25th November 1911
Before Dr. G. D. Collins, Aldermen B. Dyas (ex-Mayor). D. L. Prestage, and J. Davies and Mr. F. R. Smith.
WARNING. — Susan Edwards, alias Wilde, single woman Broseley, was charged with doing wilful damage to a tree in a coppice belonging to Lord Forester. Mr. E. H. Potts prosecuted. — Police-constable Edwards stated that when he was returning from Much Wenlock he saw defendant break the branch off a tree.— John Livingstone, woodranger in the employ of Lord Forester, valued the damage at 6d. No one, he said, had a right in the coppice. Defendant denied the charge.— Mr. Potts told the Bench that the custom of breaking trees was becoming a trade, and he hoped they would make an example in this case.— Defendant was fined 13s., including costs and damage, or seven days. The Bench warned Edwards that it she did it again she would be severely punished. They hoped that this would be a warning to others.
9th December 1911
Present- Alderman D. L. Prestage (chair-man), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. I. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, G. D. Collins, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector).
THE CHAIR.— Mr. Nicklin said that he had great pleasure in proposing that Alderman Prestage be chairman for the ensuing 12 months. He had served them well for a good many years, and it was desirable that they should retain his valuable services in the chair.— Mr. Griffiths seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.
COMMITTEES.- Messrs. Prestage, Nicklin, and Griffiths were elected on the Harrington Joint Water Committee, and Messrs. Prestage, Keay, Nicklin, and Collins were appointed on the Main Roads and General Purposes Committee.
ASHPITS.- A conversation took place concerning an objection to an ashpit in Carver’s Row.— Mr. Keay observed that the ashpits were not emptied as regularly as they should be. Dr. Collins: When are they emptied?— Mr. Griffiths: When the contractors have nothing else to do.— Mr. Nicklin was of opinion that in future the ashpits should be emptied weekly.— On the suggestion of the chairman the Council decided to visit the place referred to.
HOUSING, &c.— With reference to Mrs. Bennett’s property at Jackfield a sub-committee was appointed to visit the place, and report thereon at the next meeting.— Mr. Keay thought that they should be lenient with the property-owners. If they closed any houses he maintained that they should build new ones, and he was in favour of borrowing £20,000 for that purpose. (Laughter.) — Mr. Herbert reported that there were six cases of scarlet fever since the last meeting, and during that period they had wiped off 18 cases. There had also been one fatal case of phthisis.- The Inspector remarked that the new Wesleyan house was in a sanitary condition.- Mr. Nicklin was of opinion that the improvement of this house was a value to the surrounding property and an improvement to the district altogether.
FINANCE. —The Clerk reported a balance in hand on the two accounts of £236, but after meeting bills there would be an adverse balance of £16.— It was decided to summon all water rate defaulters.— The Surveyor reported that his expenditure for the month was £79 11s. 9d.
ROADS.- Mr. Keay said that he favoured Blest’s Hill cinders for the roads, and by using this material he considered that it would probably cause employment for men out of work to break the cinder.— The Chairman said that if they wanted good roads they must have the best stone.— It was stated that the Blest’s Hill cinders were not now obtainable.
WATER AND SEWERAGE.— Mr. Abberley reported that he had made a general inspection of the water mains in Jackfield and Broseley, and found them all in good working order. The water supply, he said, had been very good during the month.— The Clerk read a communication from the Local Government Board with reference to a sewerage scheme for the Broseley and Madeley wards. They suggested that the Council should approach a competent engineer to draw up preliminary proposals and estimates for the scheme.— The Clerk said that he had driven round the wards with the commissioner when he was at Much Wenlock, and he was convinced that a sewerage scheme would be a very expensive and difficult job, but they wanted something done.— Dr. Collins: What would an engineer’s opinion cost?-The Clerk: About £30.- The clerk was instructed to write to the Local Government Board stating that the matter was having their attention.- Mr. Keay re-marked that this was “the highest rated place anywhere and they got nothing for it!”
16th December 1911
TRADE PROGRESS.— On Thursday a public meeting was held in the Fox Room for the purpose of considering the advisability of forming a bacon factory in the district. Councillor J. Nicklin presided over a fairly good attendance, and on the proposition of Mr. S. H. Shuker, seconded by Mr. E. S. White, the resolution that a bacon factory be started for Broseley, was carried unanimously, and a committee was elected to proceed with the scheme.
THE DEATH took place on Wednesday at her residence, 87, Sinclair Road, Kensington, London, W., of Mrs. Ann Catherine Thursfield, widow of Dr. T. G. Thursfield, J.P.- Dr. and Mrs. Thursfield formerly resided at White Hall, Broseley, and some time ago they moved to London, where Dr. Thursfield took up duties as a consulting physician.
[1] People’s Refreshment House Association. This was formed in the 1896 with the manager being paid a fixed salary. Its aim was to encourage pubs to provide food and non-alcoholic drinks as an alternative to alcoholic drinks, although these were still sold.