Extracts from

The Wellington Journal


Shrewsbury News



relating to Broseley and District







Broseley Local History Society


7th January 1905


WEDNESDAY; present: — Alderman D. Prestage (chairman), Councillors E. G. Exley, P. Jones, R. A. Instone, T. Doughty, C. Smith, J. Nicklin, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), E. Oakes (collector), and Abberley (water inspector).—Mr. Herbert reported district free from infectious disease. He said he had visited the cesspool on Mr. Jones's property, and he could detect no nuisance. The Clerk said if there was no nuisance they could not do anything. A small committee was, however, appointed to visit the place, and report result at the next meeting.-With reference to a nuisance on Mr. Higgins's property, the Clerk told the meeting what took place at the magistrates' meeting. Mr. Higgins attended, and said that he had agreed pay one-half of the expense with Mr. Southorn. The reason he was so obstinate was because he was advised he had no right to interfere with other people's land. He was ready, and the nuisance should be abated at once, although he did not consider there was a nuisance. After some discussion the matter was left in abeyance for a fortnight.—The Town Clerk reported a balance of £490 5s. 4d, in hand, and £146 3s. 2d. on the water account—Mr. Oakes reported that he had collected £432 4s. 4d. on the second instalment of the rate. There was £130 9s. 5d. still to be collected. He added that there was £61 3s. 7d. to be collected on the water rate.—Mr. Nicklin asked the surveyor to devote more attention to the Broseley Wood district, which was a very thickly populated part, and the surveyor was instructed accordingly. — Mr. Abberley reported the completion of the extension of the Harrington water to the Iron-Bridge Station Hotel and district for the cost of £14.—Mr. Abberley's scheme for conveying the Harrington water to the Rock, a distance of 700 yards, which he estimated would cost £160, was then considered. The revenue was estimated at £15 a year. Mr. Exley said they could have a loan at 3 per cent. The Chairman said he did not think they could accept that offer. The matter        was a question of nearly a 4d. rate, and they must decide whether they would do the work. After some discussion it was resolved that the extension carried out, provided Mr. A. A. Exley would guarantee 10 per cent. on the capital charge.- Five tenders were received for the removal of street sweepings, and that of Mr. E. Hurdley for £20 (the lowest) was accepted.



14th January 1905


Present:— Messrs. T. Weaver (chairman), IT. Boycott, A. Rhodes, J. Stanley, J. E. Boulton, C. Beddard, G. Windsor, P. Weston, H. Hughes, J. Clayton, W. F. Bryan, J. E. Hartshorne, C. Edwards, H. Fletcher, A. H. Thorn-Pudsey (clerk), G. Watson (master), J. C. Mole and W. Edge (relieving officers).—The Master reported that the work at the infirmary would be completed that day.—The, Clerk reported that there were a great number of illegitimate children in the house, the mothers being single women. All the mothers were in the house, and the children numbered 16.—Mr. Clayton remarked that other Boards recommended that every woman who came into the house to be delivered of a child he retained 12 months, and he certainly hoped some such resolution would be adopted by this Board. He considered it was the only way of penalising them for their wrong doings. He should be pleased to move a resolution to that effect at the next meeting.—The Clerk said it was a serious matter, and he suggested that the mothers should apply for orders against the fathers.—The Chairman was of opinion that the father should not escape whilst the mother suffered.—It was decided that where possible applications be made to the Justices for orders against the fathers.—Mrs. Bateman, in a letter, said she considered it a disgraceful state of things in Shropshire, and suggested, if they could not be boarded out, cottage homes should be started.—On the motion of Mr. Rhodes, it was decided to adopt the boy Leek, who will be handed over to a farmer.—The Cleric reported that the parishes of Dawley (£240), Buildwas (£101), and Little Wenlock (£61) were behind in their calls, which was a serious matter.—The Chairman said they would have to take the usual steps to recover the money if the overseers did not do their work.—The Clerk was instructed to take proceedings against the overseers if the calls were not paid.—The Clerk reported that the Coalport China Company had abandoned their appeal, but not until the Wednesday before the Quarter Sessions. The assessment was reduced to £360, but the company would have to pay the costs.—The Master reported gifts of periodicals from Mrs. Cooke (Wenlock) and Mr. H. J. Jones (Madeley).-The Visitors gave a satisfactory report of the condition of the house.



Before Messrs. J. Davies (mayor), J. Bodenham, and T. Cooke.

TRANSFER.— On the application of Mr. Elliott (Wellington)the Lion Hotel, Broseley, was transferred to Ambrose Hancock.

REFUSING To QUIT.— William Jones, labourer, was charged with disorderly conduct and refusing to quit the Albion Inn, Broseley.—Julia Millward, landlady, said she refused to supply the defendant with beer, and he became disorderly.—Defendant did not appear, and was fined 15s., including costs.


*      He loves her—that’s his business: She loves him—that's! her business. They will soon want some Furniture—that's my business.—James Davies. Broseley.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.—The second of a series of special monthly services was held on Sunday, when two excellent sermons were preached by Mr. Leonard Banner of Wednesbury. Both discourses were highly appreciated by a good congregation.   

Has received instructions from the Representatives of the late Mrs. Langford, to SELL by AUCTION,
ALL the Neat HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE and EFFECTS, comprising Iron and Brass Bedsteads, prime Feather Beds, Chairs, Tables, Swing and other Glasses, very superior Spanish Mahogany Sideboard, with marble slab; with numerous other Items. OUT-DOOR EFFECTS—14 Couple of Fowls, 4 Bags Potatoes, Early Seed Potatoes,. Barrels, Tubs, &c.
Sale to commence at 12-30.

PRESENTATION.— Mr. A. Hancock has been in the employ of Messrs. Craven and Dunnill, Encaustic Tile Works, Jackfield, for upwards of 21 years, and latterly he was foreman of the decorating establishment. On the occasion at his leaving the works to take to the Lion Hotel he was presented last week by his shop-mates with a handsome silver set of salt cellars, dessert spoons, and a set of carvers. Mr. Charles Hughes made the presentation, which was appropriately acknowledged by Mr. Hancock.

RATE PAYERS ASSOCIATION.-The usual monthly meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday evening. Councillor J. Nicklin presided over a large attendance, and a good number of new members joined the association. Mr. J. E. Hartshorne (Poor-Law Guardian) informed the committee that over £700 had been spent in outdoor relief during the last half-year in the Madeley Union, and the late election in the Madeley Ward for a member of the Board of Guardians cost the ratepayers £33. An animated discussion followed on the great increase in the salaries of school teachers in the Borough of Wenlock, particular attention being drawn to certain pupil teachers, whose salaries have recently been raised to £50 per annum, on condition that they pass the King's Scholarship Examination, the result of which will not be known for some two months or more. The progressive advance in salary was strongly objected to, and the question was asked, in the event of the pupils failing to pass, would the money paid in advance be returned, and what would be the effect? LIBERAL AND LABOUR.--A special meeting of the members of the Broseley branch was held in the Congregational Schoolroom yesterday week, Mr. J. E. Hartshorne presiding. The matter of canvassing was discussed, when it was decided to pay a personal visit to each elector throughout the district, not for the purpose of soliciting his vote for either candidate now before the electorate, but in the interests of Liberalism generally. It was also decided to open a committee room shortly in a central part of the town. In the course of the evening Councillor Maddox of Iron-Bridge delivered an effective address, referring in condemnatory terms to the various measures introduced and passed by the present Government, which, he said, was a record of all previous Governments In the matter of wasteful expenditure of the nation's money.  In conclusion ,Mr. Maddox caused some little amusement by referring to a visit he paid to the Unionist Committee Room at Iron-Bridge, where he found on the bottom of the chairs the words, “Made in Austria”. (Laughter.) A hearty vow of thanks was accorded to Councillor Maddox for his address.


5th February 1905



This body met yesterday week; present:— Mr. T. Weaver (chairman), Revs. Marsden Edwards and W. A. Terry, Messrs. J. Davies (mayor), C. Edwards, T. Cooke, H. Norgrove, J. Clayton, J. E. Hartshorne, R. Bateman, J. D. Benbow, C. Beddard, J. Stanley, G. Windsor, A. Rhodes, H. Boycott, J. E. Boulton, H. Hughes, B. Maddox, H. Fletcher, A. H. Thorn-Pudsey (clerk), and G. Watson (master).

The Clerk reported that all the calls were, paid. He also reported that the costs against the Coalport China Company, £79 16s. 5d., had been taxed and allowed. He said the Board would not lose £10.—The Chairman considered it was a satisfactory result, for it was always an expensive process to have to defend an appeal.—It was decided, on the strength of counsel's opinion, not to proceed any further in Samuels's case.—Mr. Clayton proposed that in view of the great increase of maternity cases in the house, the Board petition the, Government to introduce a bill to detain all single women who were delivered of a child not exceeding a period of 12 months.—Mr. Windsor, in seconding the motion, considered it to be a step in the right direction.—The Chairman endorsed all Mr. Clayton had said. They had some women who came in the house for the same reason every year. One person had had five children. If they could stop this disgrace in the district he was sure they would he doing a good work indeed.—Mr. Maddox thought it would be a hardship on some of the women.-The motion was carried.—It was also decided to send a copy of the resolution to the Prime Minister and to the various Boards of Guardians.-The Master reported that the extensions at the infirmary were completed.—The Clerk stated that the contractor, Mr. Bullock (Shrewsbury), had not completed the work within the specified time. He said the original contract was £922, and, ultimately they had the sanction of the Local Government Board for £1,043 6s. 3d., and the total expenditure was £1,042 9s. 6d. The contractor had received £830 on account, and there was a balance due of £142 8s. 3d. The architect's account was £70 1s. 3d., and there was a balance due to him of £18 11s. 3d. Mr. Bullock was 12 weeks over his time, and he was liable to a fine of £60.—The Master and the Chairman expressed themselves satisfied with the work.—Mr. Cooke did not think they should be hard on the contractor.—Mr. Clayton moved that Mr. Bullock be fined £20, which was seconded by Mr. Fletcher.—Mr. Windsor said the contract was made, and it should he kept.—The Chairman said the crucial point was—Had they sustained any damage?-Mr. Bullock came into the Board-room, and his excuse for the delay was waiting for Mr. Dalgleish's orders, and also having to wait for some of the material from the manufacturers.—Mr. Dalgleish told the Board that the contractor did have to wait for him, on account of illness. He was not aware that the building had to he completed in October.—Mr. Cooke did not think they should be too hard, and he moved as an amendment that he be fined £5.—Mr. Edwards said they had sustained no loss, and he seconded the amendment.—Mr. Maddox was satisfied with the contractor's explanation, and supported the amendment.—Mr. Beddard thought Mr. Bullock should have told the architect about the fine.—Mr. Clayton contended that if they did not impose a fine it would not be fair to the other contractors.—The amendment was lost.—Mr. Bateman moved a further amendment that they fine Mr. Bullock £10, which was seconded by Mr. Stanley.—This was also lost.—A further amendment, by Mr. Rhodes, seconded by Mr. Boulton, that the contractor be fined £14 1s. 4d., was carried by one vote.—Mr. Bullock did not think he should suffer at all. Owing to waiting, he had lost £160 on the contract.—The Chairman suggested that he should try to arrange with the architect.—The Master reported that Mr. Hawker had given the inmates the usual New Year's gifts, and that this Iron-Bridge Glee Class had given the inmates an entertainment, which was enjoyed.—Mr. Dansey, H.M. Inspector, in a report, complained that no arrangement had yet been made for the proper classification of the children in the workhouse.—The question was referred to the committee.—The Visitors reported everything satisfactory in the house, and that the inmates were particularly cared for.


WESLEY GUILD.— A devotional meeting was held en Tuesday. Mr. W. Edge sen., presided over a moderate attendance. Difficult texts were explained in a very lucid manner by Mrs. Aston and Messrs. Hartshorne and Edge, followed by a very interesting and profitable discussion taken up by several of the members present.

RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION.— The monthly meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday. Councillor J. Nicklin presided, and there was a good attendance.—The Chairman gave an interesting resume of the business of the Broseley District Council, regretting the necessity for an increase in the rate, and gave a prediction of what the next estimate would be, which was of a rather startling description. He also referred to the insanitary condition of a large number of cottages in the district, which the Council were looking up. — A lengthy discussion followed upon the manner in which the material used for the repairing of the various roads was laid aside, in some cases and a considerable time, thus causing waste of time and material, an instance being given of a lot of stone being found in a garden, thrown there by children.—Reference was also made to “outsiders” being employed by the Council to do work in the town, when residents willing to work were allowed to walk about.—A member asked whether a wooden structure used for business purposes, the foundation being brickwork, was liable to be rated or not?—No satisfactory answer being given, the Chairman promised to make inquiry. - An objection was raised by some to the support given out of the rates to the Broseley Fire Brigade; other objected to the uniform being paid for, there being no necessity in their opinion to spend money for such a purpose.—It was thought that the ratepayers would have benefited greatly had the Ratepayers' Association been in existence some year earlier, as they were now suffering from “the mess, muddle, and extravagance of the past”.


Before Alderman J. Davies (mayor), Lord Forester, Colonel J. A. Anstice, Captain G. Forester, Dr. Collins. Aldermen A. B. Dyas and W. J. Legge, Councillor E. G. Beddoes, and Mr. F. R. Smith.

LICENSING REPORT.—Superintendent Walters presented his annual report, which stated that during the year 61 persons had been proceeded against for drunkenness—55 males and 6 females—of whom 52 males and 6 females were convicted, and 3 males discharged. Taking the past live years for similar prosecutions, this showed a decrease of 14 on the yearly average. No License-holder had been proceeded against for any offence under the Licensing Acts. Under the Food and Drugs Act, five samples of beer had been taken by the police, with the result that four were found to be genuine, and one adulterated. The License-holder who sold the last-named had been convicted for the offence. The licensed houses now numbered 103—a decrease of one as compared with last year's return. Mr. Isaac Onions, Market Square, Madeley, having failed to renew at last licensing meeting his “on” or “off” license, the same lapsed accordingly. — The Clerk stated that all the licenses would be renewed, without reference to any plans which might have been sent in.

EDUCATION.— Edward Cleeton, Shirlet, was summoned for not sending his child regularly to school.- The case was adjourned.

THE ANNUAL BALL in aid of Jackfield Football Club was held at Coalport on Friday week. The room was beautifully decorated, reflecting great credit upon the executants. There was a large company present, and the dancing was kept up with considerable spirit. The music was supplied by Messrs. Hurdley and Potter. Mr. C. Jones carried out the duties of M.C.


11th February 1905


BARROW COUNCIL, Monday.—Present:- Alderman  J. Davies (mayor), Captain the Hon. Geo. Forester, Councillors W. Bishop, J. Roberts, and Messrs. Norman Sparrow (for the town clerk), Geo. Stevenson (surveyor), and H. Herbert (inspector)—The Clerk reported a balance in the treasurer's hands of £176 8s. 4d.-The question of the condition of the Benthall Brook was discussed, and a sub-committee was appointed to meet the representatives of the Broseley Council. with the object of discussing the matter.


WESLEY GUILD—The members of this guild held a “social” an Tuesday. During the, evening several selections were given on the gramophone, by Messrs. Alfred and Albert Boden.

LOCAL SUCCESS--At the King's Scholarship Examination, held in December, Adah Jones, Broseley National Infants' School, was successful in obtaining a first class, and has been accepted as a student ' at Derby Training College.

WOMEN'S LIBERAL ASSOCIATION.—A committee meeting in connection with this association was held on Thursday. The President (Mrs. R. Bunnagar) occupied the chair and read an interesting paper on “Women's Influence”; Mrs. E. R. Hartshorne also gave an able paper on “Protection”. There was a good attendance, and the membership is increasing.

HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY.— On Tuesday the annual meeting of this society was held in the Victoria Hall. Mr. J. A. Downes, who occupied the chair, congratulated the committee on the very successful season the past one had been, and said he felt their success was due to the untiring efforts of the secretaries (Messrs. P. Scott and T. Jones). A committee was formed for the ensuing year. This accounts for the past season, which showed a substantial balance in hand, were passed.

FARWELL RECITAL,.—Miss Hetha Richards (Madeley) gave her farewell recital at the Victoria hall on Wednesday evening. There was a good company present. The Rev. J. Richards presided. Miss Richards gave several recitals with conspicuous ability. She also rendered songs, “Abide with me”, “Waggoner Witty”, and “Caller Herrin”, with infinite credit. Miss G. Meredith, a sweet soprano, also rendered, in a highly creditable manner, the songs, “Killarney” and “Come back to Erin”. Mr. P. Hartshorne, a promising bass, was quite successful in the songs “Beyond” and “Genevieve”. The Iron-Bridge G1ee Union, conducted by Mr. J. W. Hill, rendered several glees in their well-known style-Every item was appreciated and deservedly cored. Mr. W. Davie; played the accompaniments with ability.

RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION.-The usual monthly meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the Town Hall on —Tuesday. Councillor J. Nicklin occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance.—The Chairman briefly referred to the financial position of the Broseley Council, which, he said, had a small balance in hand, and they were doing their utmost to keep down the expenditure as much as possible.—Several members spoke of the great difficulty and expend attending the removal of the ashes and excrement, and the nuisance arising therefrom, no proper receptacle being available for the same.-The question was asked how it was that the Gas Company were allowed to damage the pavements in the town, and then leave them in such a bad condition without any protest from the Council?—The matter was left in the hands of the chairman.—The Hon. Secretary (Mr. T. Legge) drew the attention of the committee to the advance of salary asked for by the clerk to the Wenlock Education Committee, but he (Mr. Legge) thought the ratepayers were already too heavily taxed. He moved a resolution against that proposal, which was seconded by Mr. J. Morgan, and carried unanimously, with instructions to the secretary that he send a copy to each of the Broseley representatives on the Wenlock Education Committee asking them to support the same.


18th February 1905


WESLEYAN HOME MISSION.—On Sunday two sermons of an able character were preached in the Wesleyan Chapel by the Rev. H Bunting of Dawley. Appropriate hymns were rendered by the choir. There was a moderate attendance rendered by the choir. There was service. Collections were taken in aid of home missions.

HOME MISSION.—On Wednesday the annual meeting was held in the Wesleyan Chapel. Mr. W. H. Southouse presided over a moderate attendance. Excellent addressees were delivered by the chairman, the deputation (Rev. George E. Adcock, Shifnal), and the Revs. R. Lloyd Jones and P. H. Bobby (circuit minister).

RE-OPENING SERVICES.-On Sunday special services were held in the old Baptist Chapel, the occasion being the re-opening of this ancient edifice, which, together with the schoolroom, had undergone complete, renovation, the work having been satisfactorily carried out by Mr. Joseph Morgan (Broseley). The Rev. John Harper of Shrewsbury preached two excellent sermons. Special hymns were sung by the choir. There were good congregations, and collections were taken in aid of the cause.

SPECIAL SERVICES.—On Sunday two sermons were preached in the Congregational Chapel by Mr. Leonard Banner of Wednesbury. The subject in the morning was “God”, and in the evening “The Christian's view of Socialism”. In the evening the choir gave a fine interpretation of the anthem, “0 Shepherd of Israel”. Mr. A. Evans conducted. and Mr. George Tonkiss presided at the organ. There were good congregations at the services, and collections were taken in behalf of church expenses.

Phillips's 2s Tea is Wonderful Value. It is a surprise even to the most expert Tea Blenders. They cannot match it.—(advt.)

Important Clothing and Outfitting Sale Commences Today at J. W. Owen's-, Wellington. Stock must be cleared to save removal to new premises.—(Advt.)


4th March 1905


BURIAL BOARD.—Captain D. L. Prestage presided at a meeting of this Board on Wednesday, when the business was of a routine character.

DEATH OF MR. F. Jones.—The death took place yesterday week, in his 32nd year, of Mr. Frederick Jones, only  son of Mr. H. Jones of Birch Meadow Cottage. Deceased was connected with the Plymouth Brethren, and had been missionary in Spain and Ireland for some years (where he had been instrumental in doing much good), and also in several parts of England. His genial nature endeared him to a large circle of friends His remains were laid to rest in the graveyard attached to Birch Meadow Baptist Chapel on Monday, amidst every manifestation of respect. Mr. Nightingale (Shrewsbury) and Mr. Abberley (Broseley) conducted the service.


WEDNESDAY; present: — Alderman D. Prestage (chairman), Lord Forester, Councillors E. G. Exley, R. A. Instone, C. T. Smith, P. Jones, T. Doughty. and J. Nicklin, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), and E. Oakes (rate collector).—The Inspector reported one case of diphtheria in the district, which had proved fatal.    Mr. Nicklin asked what was being done with the uninhabited house in Fox Lane. The gable end, he said, was dangerous. —The Chairman remarked that no one would claim the building.—Mr, Nicklin said the next door neighbour would like to know to whom it belonged. The surveyor was instructed to visit the building, and report the result of his investigation at the next meeting. —A letter was read from the Rev. W. A. Terry (Benthall Vicarage), complaining of the insanitary condition of the Benthall Brook.—The Chairman remarked that they could not act without the Barrow Ward. They were always willing to do their share.—The inspector said the brook was in a shocking state.-A deputation was appointed to meet the Barrow representatives. The Clerk reported a balance on the general district rate account of £27 2s. 9d., and on the water account of £160 9s. 5d. —The Chairman mentioned that the general account had been meeting the charges of the water, and he suggested they transfer £100 of the water account to the general account.—This was agreed to.—The Collector presented a list of the general district rate defaulters, and he was instructed to take the usual proceedings for the recovery of the rate.—It was also decided to take proceedings against the water rate defaulters. The Clerk reported that Mr. A. Exley of the Rock was agreeable to lend the Council the money, without interest, to convoy the Harrington water to The Rock.—Mr. Nicklin proposed that the work be proceeded with at once, and that Mr. Abberley superintend the work.—This was agreed to.—With reference to the crowning-in at Jackfield, it was decided to ask Mr. W. Jones to attend to the matter as soon as possible.—The Chairman and Mr. Smith were appointed a sub-committee to consider tenders for painting the isolation hospital, and to look after the building generally.—Mr, Nicklin asked if wooden or iron structures were rated.—The Clerk replied that they were liable; but it was a matter for the overseers.


June 3rd 1905

Letters to the Editor


Sir.- I was pleased to see that the ratepayers of Broseley district are beginning to take an interest in matters generally, and especially with reference to the road called the “Calcutts” at Jackfield.  Having had an occasion to travel over this particular road recently, I was astonished to learn that is has been in such a dangerous stats now for two years.  I hope the ratepayers will bear this in mind when the next election takes place, and unless something is done soon, I, for one, shall see that the attention of the Local Government Board is drawn to the matter.

Jackfield           A WATCHFUL RATEPAYER


June 10th 1905


BURIAL BOARD.-Alderman D. L. Prestage presided at a meeting of this Board on Wednesday, when the Town Clerk (Mr. F. H. Potts) reported that the fees received during the quarter amounted to £14 7s., and that there was a balance of £11 15s. 6d in hand.- Mr. Smith was thanked for overlooking the work at the cemetery.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.- Present:- Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors E. G. Exley, R. A. Instone, C. T. Smith, T. Doughty, J. Nicklin, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), and E. Oakes (collector). - The Inspector reported one case of enteric at Jackfield. He also reported several nuisances, and the usual order was made.-A letter from Dr. Gepp and a report from the surveyor as to the state of the Benthall Brook were read; and the surveyor was ultimately instructed to see that the brook was cleaned out every week.-Mr. Abberley produced an estimate for extending the water mains from the Rock to the Foresters' Arms. He estimated that the cost of the work would amount to £278. It was decided to take no further action in the matter at present.-The Clerk reported a balance of £370 9s. 9d. on the general district rate account, and £128 16s. 9d. on the water account.-The Fire Brigade Sub-Committee asked that the amount for equipment be increased, and it was agreed to increase it to £80.


June 17th 1905


JACKFIELD BRASS BAND.-On Saturday evening this band rendered a fine programme of music in a field kindly lent by Mr. Matthew Davis of King Street.

ANNIVERSARY.-On Sunday the 91st anniversary of Birch Meadow Sunday School was celebrated, when two sermons of a highly interesting character were breached in the chapel by Mr. William Price of Whitestone, Hereford. Special hymns were rendered by the children in a very creditable manner, under the direction of Mr. A. B. Broadhurst (superintendent). There were good congregations, and collections were taken, amounting (with donations) to £11, in aid of the funds.

WEDDING.-Much interest was centred in a wedding which took place at the Parish Church on Monday, the contracting parties being Miss M. A. Williams (daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Williams of Benthall), and Mr. Arthur 'V. Moore (son of Mr. C. and Mrs. Moore of Lydbury North). The bride, who was attended by the Misses Nellie and Emmie Williams (sisters) as bridesmaids, wore a dress of pale blue crepon, trimmed with real lace and chiffon, and her ornaments included a gold locket and chain (the gift of the bridegroom). She wore a large picture hat, trimmed with feather, orange, blossom, and chiffon. The bridesmaids were attired in pretty brown dresses, trimmed with blue silk and real lace, and also wore gold brooches (the bridegroom's gifts). The officiating clergyman was the Rev. F. Lamb, the best man was Mr. W. Parry, and the, bride was given away by her father. The wedding breakfast took place at the home of the bride's parents. Bunting was freely displayed and cannon were discharged. The honeymoon is being spent at Liverpool. Many useful presents were received.


Before Aldermen A. B. Dyas nod W. J. L Councillor F. G. Beddoes, and Captain Geo. Forester.

ASSAULT.- Thomas Speke, labourer, Broseley, was charged with assaulting Lucy Speke, landlady of the Napoleon Inn, Broseley and also with refusing to quit the premises .-Complainant said defendant was her brother-in-law, and when he came into the house she ordered him out. He refused to go, and struck her.-James Spoke (husband) corroborated,- Defendant pleaded guilty, adding that he knew nothing about it. He never did when he was in drink.- He was fined £1 18s., including costs, and the Bench advised him not to drink again.,

July 8th 1905


TRIP UP THE SEVERN.- Mr John Randall, who is 95 years old and who looks well and hearty, enjoyed a trip up the River Severn yesterday, in his son’s motorboat.  This was his first motor trip, which was a great improvement on his early days’ experience.


If you want your old Bicycle re-enamelled re-plated, or cleaned up, and bearings overhauled, send it to James Davies Broseley. Noted for his liberality in exchange.

A RECENT MARRIAGE.-In the list of presents given to Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Potts, an the occasion of their wedding, the following ware unavoidably omitted from the JOURNAL last week:- Mr. T. H. Thursfield, keybox; Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Ledger, satin cushion; Miss Annie Birch, picture; Mr. and Mrs. John. Marshall, case of silver fish knives and forks; from the employees to Mr. Potts, carved cigarette bolder; Master T. Webb, silver pepper pot; Mr. William Potts, toast rack; Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Hoole (Chatwell), silver and glass butter dish; Mr. G. Hartshorne old china mug.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday, present: -Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors E. G. Exley, C. T. Smith, P. Jones, and J. Nicklin, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), J. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), and E. Oakes (collector).-Mr. Smith presented a list of requisites which had been sanctioned for the fire brigade, and he was ordered to procure the same, in fact the, Fire Brigade Committee were empowered to look after the brigade generally.- Mr. Herbert reported the district free from infection disease.-It was decided to construct an ashpit at the Tackles, Jackfield.-The Surveyor asked for a cheque for £25 on the main road account, which was granted.- The other business was of a routine character.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT.-Mr. William Roberts of Coneybury Farm, and his brother (Mr. Henry Roberts) of the New House, were proceeding along the Bridgnorth Road on Sunday afternoon in a trap with a young horse, when near Rudgewood the animal suddenly became restive and reared up, and on coming down again the shafts of the trap were broken and the occupants precipitated with great force to the ground. The horse being thus set free scampered of at a tremendous rate with the harness on for Coneybury Farm. Mr. Alfred Taylor, who resides at. Rudgewood, kindly rendered all the assistance he possibly could, driving the two young men with his pony and trap to their homes. Dr. Boon was promptly in attendance, and pronounced William (who was insensible) to be suffering from concussion of the brain, with several cuts about the head, &e. His brother fortunately escaped with several cuts and bruises about the body, and a severe shaking.

ANNIVERSARY SERVICES.- The anniversary of the Congregational Sunday School was celebrated on Sunday, and was a great success. The preacher was Mr. G. H. B. Brewin of Handsworth College, Birmingham, who delivered two interesting discourses, which were listened to with rapt attention throughout. Special hymns and anthems were admirably rendered by the children and choir. In the afternoon a. cantata, entitled “A day with our Lord” (T. Mee Pattison), was given by the choir, the solos being rendered by Miss K. Broadhurst (soprano), Miss Fellowes (contralto), Mr. H. Bunnagar, jun. (tenor), and Mr. A. Williams (bass). During a brief interval Mr. Brewin addressed the meeting upon “Parental Responsibility”. He said parents were responsible for the training of their children and not the teachers as some supposed, Whilst he was thankful that there were Sundry Schools in the land which were doing a good and noble work, he thought it would be a good thing if there were none, in order to disabuse the minds of those parents who seemed to think that by sending their children to a Sunday School it relieved them of all responsibility. There was a good attendance at each service, especially in the evening when the chapel was filled. The collections amount to £12.


July 15th 1905


LIBERAL AND LABOUR ASSOCIATION.-The members of this association, comprising the Broseley polling district, held their annual meeting in the committee-room on the evening of the 7th inst., when the chairman (Mr. J. E. Hartshorne) and the secretary (Mr. A. Evans) were re-elected. The requisite number to serve on the General Council were also elected.

ALL SAINTS' CHURCH.-This church, which had been closed for a short time for renovation, was re-opened on Sunday last. The sacred edifice presents a greatly-improved appearance, and the gallery known as the Jackfield gallery, after being closed for some years, is available for use when required. The Rector (the Rev. G. F. Lamb, M.A.) officiated in the morning, and at night the special preacher was the Rev. E. W. Corbett of St. Michael's, Yeovil, who delivered a most interesting discourse. The musical portion of the services was well rendered, the choirmaster being Mr. W. H. Griffiths. There were good congregations.

RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION.-Thee monthly meeting of the executive committee in connection with this association was held on Tuesday evening in the Town Hall, when Councillor J. Nicklin presided over a fair attendance. Replying to questions put to him, the Chairman remarked that the members of the Broseley Fire Brigade were a purely voluntary body governed by a committee, and that they received no remuneration from the ratepayers beyond their upkeep. In case of a fire at which their services were required he considered that the owner of the property at which the fire took place would have to pay a certain amount, otherwise it would have to be paid by public subscriptions, but as the matter was sub-judice he was unable to speak definitely thereon. Mr. Henry Hughes (Jackfield), a member of the committee, fully endured the remarks made by the chairman, and said everything was being done to carry on the brigade in as economical and efficient a manner as possible. Telephonic communication between Broseley and Jackfield had been established, the appointed station at the former being the Lion Hotel, and, at the latter, Messrs. Craven, Dunnill, and Co.'s Works.-The question of the Calcutts Road, Jackfield, was again discussed, from which it appeared that it was not a private road, and that the District Council were responsible for its repairs, but the owner of the minerals underneath the road had full power to make the necessary excavations for the purpose of getting the same, his only liability being that he must fill up any cavity consequent thereon.- The selection of candidates to contest the seats which become vacant next November was again referred to, and the Chairman said that educated men of business were needed for the position, as matters of a purely business character were transacted at the meetings of the Council, which required a business training to grapple with. It was decided to hold to annual general meeting of the association in September, when members should be prepared to submit the name of anyone willing to seek municipal honours at the next election,


July 29th 1905

Shropshire County Council quarterly meeting

Roads and Bridges

The committee reported that they had accepted the tender of Messrs. E. C. and J. Keay, Ltd., for taking down the existing cast iron bridge at Buildwas and erecting a steal curved girder bridge, for the sum of  £2,499; and of Messrs. R. Price and Sons for taking down a portion of the present stone abutments and wing walls and erecting additions thereto, for the sun; of £1,195. Satisfactory progress was being made with the work.



JACKFIELD BRASS BAND.-On Sunday evening this band held a sacred concert in a field at Broseley Wood (by kind permission of Mr. M. Davis), when an excellent programme was rendered, to the delight of a large number of spectators.

FLOWER SERVICES were held at the Old Baptist Chapel on Sunday. Mr. George Norry (Iron-Bridge) preached in the morning, and Mr. W. J. Crawford (Coalbrookdale) in the evening. In the afternoon a service of sacred song, entitled “Faith's Reward”, was creditably rendered by the choir. The connective readings were given by Mr. Lingard (Iron Bridge). The chapel was neatly decorated. Collections were taken in aid of the cause.

SPECIAL, SERVICES.-On Sunday the seventh of a series of monthly services was held in Broseley Congregational Church, when Mr. Leonard Banner of Wednesbury preached two sermons of a highly interesting character. The subject in the morning was “A Sorrowing Christ”, and in the evening, “A Rejected Lord”. The musical portion of the services was very effectively rendered by the choir, and Miss Fellowes gave an able rendition of the solo, “He was despised”. There was a good congregation at each service.

MEMORIAL SERVICE.-During his sermon on Sunday evening at Birch Meadow Chapel, Mr. George Banks of Willenhall made kindly reference to the death of Miss Ada Hurdley, second daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Enos Hurdley of Barratt's Hill, Broseley, and a former scholar of the Sunday School attached to this place of worship, who died at Bolton Fever Hospital on the 14th inst., she having been a nurse in that institution. Special hymns, including “Peace, perfect peace”, were sang, and at the close of the service, morning and evening. Mr. George Taylor played the “Dead March”.

ROSE SHOW.- On Monday a fine display of roses was exhibited in the clubroom at the Pheasant Hotel, in aid of the Hospital Sunday Fund. There was a good attendance. The Jackfield Brass Band played selections during the evening. There was a strong committee, who, together with the indefatigable hon. secretaries (Messrs. P. Scott and T. Jones), are to be congratulated upon the success attending their first efforts of the kind in such a cause. The following received prizes for a pleasing variety of exhibits:- Amateur: 12 roses-1 John Broadhurst, 2 Alfred Russell. Cottagers : Nina roses- 1 Arthur Russell, 2 Mrs. Russell, 3 C. Salter. Plants in pots-1 Arthur Russell, 2 Mrs. Russell, 3 James Collier. Plant in bloom-1 Arthur Russell. Sweet peas-Chas. Inians. Open : Cut flowers-1 E. W. Shorting. 2 Dr. Dyson. Rose (named)-1 E. W. Shorting. Mr. Penson (Willey) and Mr. W. J. Crawford (Coalbrookdale) acted as judges.


Before Alderman J. Davies (mayor), Lord Forester, Dr. Collins, Alderman A. B. Dyas, and Mr. E. W. Shorting;.

THE BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT.-Peter Burke, labourer, and a native of Wellington, was brought up in custody and charged with stealing a parcel containing groceries, value is. 4d., from Messrs. Smith and Co.'s shop, Much Wenlock.-George Poston, assistant, said he served the prisoner with some articles, and the manager, Mr. Amos Morgan, stated he saw the prisoner take the parcel off the counter, and go out of the shop.-Sergeant Noakes said he arrested the prisoner and the parcel was near him. Burke said he must have taken it by mistake.-Prisoner pleaded not guilty, and gave evidence on oath.-The Magistrates gave him the benefit of the doubt, and discharged him.

TRAMPS SENT TO GAOL- James, Bridget, and Catherine Kelly, tramps, were charged with stealing a cotton shirt, a tie, and a bundle of horsehair, value 3s., the property of Herbert Arkinstall.- Arkinstall, a groom in the employ of Mr. Tomlins of Bourton, said the missing articles were left in the stable tied up in a parcel, and he identified them as his property. Police-constable Ralphs said he arrested the prisoners, and found the parcel in their possession.- Prisoners pleaded not guilty, the man stating that the shirt was given to him.- Prisoners were also charged with stealing a quantity of soap and candles, value 4s. 9d., belonging to the Bourton Co-operative Society.- Charley Davies, manager, said he had missed the articles that he identified.-Mary Hannah Howard, Moorhouse; Eliza Evans, Buck's Inn, Hungerford; and Elizabeth Phaisey, Munslow, gave evidence to the effect that one woman came to their houses selling soap that they purchased.- Police-constable Ralphs also gave evidence.-James and Bridget Kelly were each sentenced to six weeks' imprisonment with hard labour for each offence, the sentence to run consecutively. Catherine Kelly was discharged.

NEGLECTING His Work.-William Haynes, brick moulder, was charged by Messrs. Legge and Sons, Iron-Bridge, with neglecting his work, and they claimed a week's wages, 21s.-John Briscoe, foreman, proved the case, and the claim was allowed.

BEATING A LAD.- Walter Brittain, married man, was charged with beating a lad named William Haynes.-The lad said that defendant beat and kicked him without provocation, and Mary Ann Pope gave corroborative evidence.-Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined lls., including costs.

DRUNKENNESS.- John Wilcox, tramp, was charged with being drunk and disorderly.-Police-constable Price proved the case, and defendant was sent to gaol for seven days.

WATER RATE Cases.- The Coalport China. Company were sued by the Madeley Sanitary Authority for the non-payment of the second instalment of the rate on cottages belonging to them, adjoining their works. Mr. F. Potts (town clerk) represented the Authority, and Mr. Elliott the Company.-Mr. Potts said the point at issue was the question whether an agreement which had been entered into with the Madeley Sanitary Authority and the Coalport China Company in the year 1895 included these cottages. He said when the authority came into possession of the Sutton water no water rate was made, and only rents were charged where meters were put in the houses. An agreement was made with the Coalport China Company to supply their works with 1,000 gallons a day, and 200 gallons a day to three houses at £10 a year. When this was entered into no cottages were made to pay a water rate, but when the Harrington scheme came into operation the Sanitary Committee thought it necessary to levy a water rate throughout the whole of the district, and a rate of 1s. 3d. in the pound was levied. They were now asking for the second instalment of two quarters of the rate to be paid on cottages, which the defendants declined to pay. The agreement, he said, did not include the cottages in the Brewery Row-Mr. Elliott raid the hydrant was on the company's property.- Mr. Potts said it was put there for the public convenience.- Alderman Dyas, chairman of the Harrington Joint Water Committee, stated that the arrangement made with the company did not include the cottages. Mr. Gee. Stevenson (surveyor) also gave evidence. Mr. Elliott, in a lengthy speech, contended that the agreement made in 1895 included the cottages in question, and that they were not liable to pay more than the £10. He said it was admitted that the agreement was acted upon, and the cottages were supplied with water under it from 1895 to 1903; that in that year a rate was demanded in respect of a water supply to the cottages, but was withdrawn, and £10 accepted in discharge of the water supplied to the company's property; also that the first instalment of the rate now sued for had been also withdrawn because the agreement was existing, and he contended that if the first instalment was not payable;-the second could not be, since the circumstances were the same. The company were willing to increase the rent after the present agreement came to an end, but for some reason or other some of the members of the Council were anxious to enforce a claim they had no right to do.-Mr. Potts maintained that the sole question was whether these cottages were included in the agreement. He contended that they were not, and maintained the company were liable to pay the rate the same as other people in the district.-The Bench, after a long retirement, said, after giving the matter their consideration, they thought they ought to make an order for the payment of the rate, with costs.-Mr. Elliott asked the Bench to state a case.-The Magistrates' Clerk said the company could apply in the usual way.-John Jones, Wellington, was sued by the Madeley Sanitary Authority for the nonpayment of his water rate for cottages at Aqueduct,-Defendant said he was not liable because the cottages were not within distance, and that the cottages had no necessity to use the standpipe, for they had an adequate supply from another source.-Mr. A. Callear (water inspector and collector) stated that two of the houses were within distance.-An order was made for payment on two houses.

EXEMPTION - Mr. B. Hughes, ,junior, Coalbrookdale, was granted an exemption from vaccination certificate in respect to his child.


26th August 1905


CORONATION FESTIVITIES.- The inhabitants on Saturday commemorated in good loyal fashion the anniversary of King Edward's accession to the throne. The village was gaily decorated with bunting of all description. The weather turned out brilliantly fine, and everything passed off very satisfactorily. A procession was formed outside the school and, headed by the committee and the Jackfield Brass Band, marched to Iron-Bridge Railway Station and back. Then all the children in the village from the age of three to 15, with the committee and these on parade, were freely entertained to a substantial tea.. In the procession the youngest children rode in tastefully decorated carriages and waggons. All nationalities were represented, and there were flower girls, clowns, and funny men in galore. Miss Milly Jones's representation of “Dorothy”, on horse back, was exceeding pretty. The other lady on horse back was Miss Owen, who represented the country lady. “The King of Hearts” was a creditable get-up by Master Harold Jones, and his groom was Mr. T. Jones. The procession was well backed up by “The old prize band”, led by Mr. A. Harrison, and appeared for the first time with fancy uniform, and was appreciated as much as the band that led the procession, but not for its musical abilities. After the tea, dancing and games took place up to dusk in Mr. T. Doughty's field. The event once more proved an unqualified success, and this was greatly due to the energy displayed by Mr. W. Hudson (secretary), Mr. J. Hearn (treasurer), and the committee, of which Mr. H. Hughes was chairman.


CHOIR EXCURSION. - The members of the church choir had their annual excursion last week, the place chosen being Llandudno. The various places of interest were visited, and, the weather being fine, a very enjoyable day was spent. The arrangements were made by Mr. A. W. Wiggins (people's warden), and were carried out in a highly satisfactory, manner. The boys were under the charge of Mr. Homer Wase.

FUNERAL.-The remains of the late Miss Harriet Price of High Street were laid to rest in the cemetery on Monday, prior to which a service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, conducted by the Rev. R. Lloyd Jones (superintendent minister of the Madeley circuit), who also officiated at the graveside. The hymns, “Give me the wings of faith to rise” and “Jesu, Lover of my soul”, were sung in the chapel, and the organist (Mr. J. A. Hartshorne) played “O rest in the Lord” and the “Dead March”. The Broseley Wesleyan Church was represented at the funeral, and the children belonging to the deceased's Sunday school class, with others, dressed in white with black sashes, were also present to show a last tribute of affection for their late teacher.-At the Wesleyan Church on Sunday the preacher (Mr. F. Jones, Iron-Bridge) referred sympathetically to the loss sustained by that church in the death of Miss Price. The deceased lady, who was 53 years of age, had been a member of the Wesleyan Church and a teacher in the Sunday school for upwards of 12 years, and was deservedly beloved by her fellow members and the children of the class over which she presided. She was a zealous, though quiet and unostentatious, worker among the poor of the district, and her generosity was such that “she being dead yet speaketh”. Mr. G. Reeves of Dewsbury sang very effectively, “But the Lord is mindful” (St. Paul), and “ I know that my Redeemer liveth” (Messiah), and the organist played the “Dead March”, the congregation standing.


2nd September 1905


Mr. F. H. Potts, borough coroner, held an inquiry on Thursday at the Rodney Hotel, Iron Bridge, touching the death of Margaret Shepherd who was accidentally knocked down by Messrs. Exley's motor-car on Saturday evening last.

Eliza Shepherd stated that the body was that of her mother, who was 78 years of age. She was a very feeble woman, and was partly deaf.

Alice Lee stated that she saw deceased on Saturday evening standing by the  warehouse opposite her house. Deceased moved, and after that witness heard a motor-car horn, and then saw deceased walk on to the road in front of the car, which knocked her down, and one of the front wheels appeared to have gone over her, but witness was not sure of it . Four men picked her up and took her to the house. The motor-car stopped and one gentleman jumped out. The car was travelling at a steady pace.

Thomas Morris, who was also a witness of the accident, said the car was travelling very slowly. He helped to get deceased into the house.

Enoch Oakes gave similar evidence.

Dr. Whitfield deposed that on Saturday evening he went to deceased's house, and found her in the kitchen sitting on a chair. He could see she was suffering from a severe shock. He had her put on a bed, and about an hour and a half afterwards he saw her again, when she appeared to have rallied. He examined her, and found a bump on the right side of her head, which had swollen. It was not serious. The main trouble seemed to be in the upper part of the abdomen, for she groaned every time they moved her. There were no external bruises about that part of the body. At Mr. Exley's request he attended deceased up to the time of her death. She died from peritonitis through some internal disease. Such injuries were likely to be caused through a blow from a motor-car. Witness had known the old lady for some years. She was feeble and dull - the result of various strokes she had had.- In reply to the foreman, witness said there were no bones broken.

Mr. A. A. Exley, who was in charge of the motor-car, said the wheel did not go over deceased.

The Coroner said it was a very clear case. The car was under perfect control, and the accident was quite a pure one, and no blame was attached to the motorist. The foreman said he wished all motorists were as careful as Mr. Exley. The jury returned a verdict that “Deceased died from injuries received through being accidentally knocked down by a motor-car”. Messrs. Exley, it is stated, have defrayed all expenses.


PRESENTATION.-On Monday the members of the mothers' meeting, to the number of 25, with the Vicar (the Rev. W. A. Terry) and Mrs. Terry, met in the Schoolroom, for the purpose of presenting Mrs. R. Bateman with a handsome gold thimble and a case of scissors, as a token of their affection and esteem. The presentation was made by Mrs. Beddoes, one of the oldest and most regular attendants at the meetings. Mrs. Bateman, in a few well-chosen words, feelingly thanked the mothers for their presents. Mr. R. Bateman also, who bad been specially invited to be present, made one of his felicitous speeches. The Vicar spoke a few words, expressing the regret of all that Mr. and Mrs. Bateman were leaving the neighbourhood, and remarking on the kindly interest they had always manifested in the parish. Afterwards all adjourned to the Vicarage to tea. It had been proposed to have a photograph of the members, in which Mrs. Bateman was to be included, but owing to the state of the weather this had to be unavoidably postponed.


POTATO SHOW.-A highly-successful potato show was held on Saturday at the Napoleon Inn, and was well attended. The proceeds will be given to the Shrewsbury Infirmary. The showroom was exquisitely decorated with a fine collection of flowers and vegetables of a high-class standard, the latter including a fine vegetable marrow, weighing over 20lbs. A garland was erected in front of the house, and from the roof of the room floated the Union Jack. The arrangements were creditably executed by the following officials :-Messrs. H. Ball (chairman), H. Legge (vice chairman), J. Speke (treasurer), W. Weekes (secretary), and the committee-Messrs. S. Minton, H. Bowen, J. Morris, T. Boden, E. Minton, G. Harris, and W. Bullock. Mr. W. Gittings (Caughley) gave every satisfaction as judge. Prizes were given for the heaviest, the best quality, and the best seed of a particular variety of potato, the winners being as follow :-Heaviest: 1 E. Minton, 2 H. Legge, 3 W. Weekes, 4 S. Harvey, 5 R. Smith, 6 J. Morris. Seed : 1 J. Morris, 2 W. Weekes, 3 T. Boden, 4 H. Leege, 5 H. Meredith, 6 S. Harvey. Quality: 1 E. Minton, 2 J. Speke, 3 S. Minton, 4 H. Legge, 5 J. Morris, 6 W. Weekes. Mrs. Speke, in an appropriate speech, distributed the prizes.



Considerable consternation was caused on Saturday night by the report that a man named Charley Mullard had hung himself during his wife's absence.

Mr. F. H. Potts (borough coroner) held an inquiry into the matter on Monday evening. The wife, Annie Mullard, stated that she lived at Coalport Road, and that deceased, who was 44 years of age, was a tile drawer at Messrs. Exley's brick and tile works. He went to work on Saturday morning about five o'clock. He wished her good morning, and appeared to be in his usual health. She went to work at Mrs. Woof's. In the evening, when she entered her house 10 minutes after, she saw deceased hanging in the kitchen on a hook attached to a beam.. Witness immediately ran out in the road, and Mr. Allcrow and Mrs. Danks came to the house. The latter cut the rope with a knife. Deceased had not full employment, and it seemed to have troubled him, and he had expressed himself that he was tired of life. She had five children, and they lived happily together, for it was six months since they had had a quarrel. Deceased liked his beer, and had been drinking up to Wednesday.

George James Allcrow, Lloyd's Gate, said he knew deceased very well. He saw him on Saturday going towards his home. When witness was speaking to Mrs. Danks in the evening, Mrs. Mullard came out of the house shouting “Mullard has hung himself”. He went to the place with Mrs. Danks, and saw the deceased hanging from a hook to the beam with a rope round his neck. His feet were drawn up, and near him was a bench. Mullard had complained to him about shortness of work, and that he did not know which way to turn.

The Coroner briefly summed up, and the jury returned a verdict that “Deceased committed suicide by hanging himself whilst temporarily insane”.




Is there no one to sing a dirge on the passing of Buildwas Bridge? No one among us into whose affections it entered many seasons ago, when the world was younger and less water had passed down Buildwas ford; among those who, finding early that the river the mast companionable of all inanimate things have turned, instinctively, their steps towards the bridge, in leisure hours, year in and out, and have grown old in its company?  Simply the expression of what lies unexpressed in their hearts is all the doomed bridge can ask. Its life has been too short and our countryside too changeless for its history to include such stirring events as would fire the eloquence of a national singer. So the little requiem that could be sung must be born solely of affection, and will be all the sweeter for that.

Buildwas Bridge has no belted earl, sure of the public ear, to plead its preservation. It is quite likely, moreover, that even if it had so powerful an advocate the Shropshire County Council would, no less cannily than the Council of Ayr, waive sentiment and consider only the safety and convenience of the people. It is true that a member of the County Council suggested half humorously no doubt, when the question of a new bridge was under discussion, that America might purchase Telford's structure and rebuild it one of the show places of the States. The suggestion does not appear to have been taken seriously, and Buildwas Bridge, like the Auld Brig of Ayr, has to come down. Unlike the Auld Brig, however, it will not be set together again on foundations as good as the old; and those of us who have known and loved the old bridge must soon bid good-bye to it for ever.

Two miles further down the river the first of iron bridges still stands the stress of traffic and survives the war with the elements. It is a far-famed bridge, yet if the master craftsman had not given it a new lease of life a few seasons ago it might not have been so sincerely mourned as we now mourn Buildwas Bridge. For the Iron Bridge simply stands to command respect as a monument to man's progressive instinct. That it should do so is perhaps an accident of birth, for if it had been its lot to be erected where Buildwas Bridge now stands, the great distinction it owns would have had added to it the affection which Buildwas Bridge claims. As it is, however, the Iron Bridge has our respect alone; not the affection born of countless summer evenings when, loitering by the river, we have watched the day die majestically over the Stiperstones and seen the waters larkening towards Marnwood.

The old stone archways which preceded our bridge here no doubt had their share in the affections of our forefathers a century odd years ago. Probably they, felt the brand new iron bridge to be something altogether too new to harmonise with the old familiar scenery, and never, during the remaining years of their allotted span, quite overcame their prejudice against the intruder. So, it seems certain, will it be with some of us. We shall feel a certain diffidence towards the stranger, but future generations, knowing no other will gradually learn to feel a deep attachment for the bridge now being erected.

Buildwas as has owned a bridge from a very early age, the first one being built for the monks at an uncertain date. This structure, probably many times repaired during its existence, served the white monks well, living out the reign of many an abbot, and seeing the final crossing of many a monk. Over its causeway many a fugitive fled, with pursuers hotfoot behind, up to the wilds of Farley Dingle and the blessed sanctuary of Lawless Cross. It survived the fall of the monastery, and a hundred years after the last monk, full of bitterness at the desolation near at hand, passed over it for the last time, it played a little part in the great Civil War then waging. James Lacon, the Buildwas squire and zealous Royalist, ingeniously fortified the bridge with iron spikes, and prevented the passage of the soldiers of the people for a time. It was lost to the King, however, in 1645, and getting too full of infirmities for public safety it wan pulled down in the year 1690. Its successor seems to have been built without due regard for the possibilities of the future. Its low stone arches were an impediment to navigation during the latter part of its life, for the masted barges were about this time rapidly increasing on the Severn. When the great flood of the spring of 1795 swept down the valley, and the surging waters tried their strength against whatever opposed them, Buildwas Bridge succumbed to superior might and was swallowed up in the torrent. And so we come to the necessity which provoked the birth of the bridge which is familiar to present generations, and which is passing away in a less romantic manner, piecemeal and common-place; so that one is fain to wish it had met the sudden fate of its predecessor. It is easier to bow the head to the might of the elements than to the will of our fellow men.

In order to carry the roadway over the river to the height demanded by river traffic, Telford designed the new bridge on the principle of the celebrated Schaffhausen arch, making its outer ribs rise to the top of the parapet and connecting them with the lower ones by means of dove-tailed kingposts. It was only seemly that to Abraham Darby, pioneer of iron bridge-builders, should be entrusted the task of casting the bridge at the ironworks near at hand. The bridge, thereby, had a special claim to the regard of Shropshire men, since it was a product of the county at an age when the building of an iron bridge was still a notable achievement. Even the stones which formed its foundations were quarried in the vicinity from the narrow ridge of aggregate rock running parallel to the river below the Wrekin. Here great blocks of calcareous cement, binding together in a conglomerate mass quartz, ochre, and rounded pebble, were obtained and buried deep for the foundations of the buttresses. Thus, in every respect, was the completed bridge a product of the locality. The inscription, “Cast at Coalbrookdale, 1796”, was a simple announcement in the year mentioned: it has deep significance now. Unfortunately and alas! the new bridge will not be similarly distinguished.

Whatever are the circumstances, however, of the origin of the bridge, and the noteworthy incidents of its career, they have had little to do with our personal attachment to it. This has been solely engendered from the fact that the bridge has been, as far back into the years as memory takes us, an essential feature of a familiar and well-loved landscape-the centre of one of the few scenes that memory carries faithfully because of the strength of our fondness for it. Each one of us must have a few such pictures, true in detail and colour, ready to he re-called to the mind's eye whenever fancy wills. They are too deeply etched in the memory to suffer alteration or addition, and remain, even as our eyes first saw them to the end. Thus it is with the picture of which Buildwas Bridge is the centre. In it we could no more substitute a new bridge than we could remove Benthall Edge and have a vista of the Severn, no longer diverted, but flowing to the south through flowery meads towards the Clees. We would have had the old bridge remain in reality for at least our time. Since that is impossible it is consolation to know that it will not disappear from our memory, and that no strange  structure will take, its place in the scene that memory carefully guards. –

B. C.


9th September 1905   


A meeting of this Board was held on Wednesday, when Alderman D. L. Prestage presided.-The Clerk (Mr. F. H. Potts) reported there was a balance in hand of £19 8s. 8d., and bills to be paid that day amounted to £18 14s.-In reply to Mr. Nicklin, the Chairman stated that the cemetery had been self supporting.-Mr. Smith was of opinion that now was the time to gravel the walks, which the Chairman considered were not in a very good state.-Mr. Smith said the public looked after the graves, and he thought they should attend to the walks.-The Chairman observed that it would cost about £12 to do the walks. - A committee was appointed to attend to the walks, but not to spend more than £15.


WEDNESDAY ; present : - Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors R. A. Instone, T. Doughty, C. T. Smith, J. Nicklin ,P. Jones, and Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), Geo. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes, and E. Abberley.

SANITARY.- Mr. Herbert reported there was one case of fever in the town. He also reported a nuisance at Coneybury, which was ordered to be abated. With reference to a drain at the Tuckies, it was stated that if the cesspit was kept clean there would be no nuisance. - The inspector was instructed to pay another visit to the place.

A WATER QUESTION.- Mr. Abberley reported that the cost of taking the water to Speed's Lane would be about £13.- The Collector said the revenue would be about £4 a year.-It was stated that the cottagers at present used the water and did not pay for it.- Mr. Abberley was instructed to carry out the work.

FINANCE.-The Clerk reported a balance in hand on the general district account of £438 19s. 3d.-The Chairman said there was about £60 to be paid away.-Mr. Oakes said there was £44 14s. 8d. to be collected on the general district rate account. He presented a list of defaulters, and the collector was ordered to take proceeding's for the recovery of the rate. -The Clerk reported a balance of £31 in hand on the water rate account. - Cheques amounting to £90 were drawn in favour of. the surveyor.-Mr. Oakes stated that about £50 was yet to be collected on the water rate. -It was decided to pay the fire brigade account of £88. - Mr. Smith said the churchwardens would rent them a place for a fire brigade station at 30s. per annum.-The clerk was asked to draw up an agreement to this effect.-In reply to the Chairman Mr. Smith said there were no private subscriptions to the fire brigade. - The Chairman was of opinion that “the hat should go round”. The original estimate for the brigade was £70, but that had already increased. He believed any property owner would subscribe to the brigade, but he did not think they should go outside the district.-Mr. Smith presented an estimate of £6 for furnishing the fire brigade station.- Mr. Nicklin said he could not see his way clear to vote any more money for the brigade this year.-Mr. Instone was in favour of voting the money.-Mr. Doughty proposed that the estimate be accepted, which was seconded by  Mr. Instone. and carried


POTATO SHOW.- The second annual potato show was held on Saturday on Mr. M. Davies's premises, and was largely attended. The potatoes were of splendid quality. The room was tastefully decorated, and outside the premises hung a beautiful festoon containing a suitable motto. Mr. G. P. Stevens, who is a very, active member, is president of the society, and Mr. A. E. Nicklin is the energetic secretary. Mr. W. J. Crawford (Severn House) was judge. During the afternoon the Coalbrookdale Band discoursed an excellent selection of music, under the direction of Mr. G. Beardshaw.-Prize-winners :-Royal kidney- 1 J. McCoy, 2 J. Lears, 3 W. Gough. 4 J. Barker, 5 J. Green. Round (any variety)- 1W. Humphries, 2 G. Gough, 3 S. Tomkis, 4 J. Lears, 5 J. Barker. Kidney (any variety)-1 J. Barker, 2 J. Lears, 3 W. Humphries, 4 J McCoy, 5 I. Clarke. Extra prizes-S. Tomkis, S. Gough, J. Harper. Royal kidney seed-1 J. Green, 2 J. Barker. The proceeds of the show will be handed to the Hospital Sunday fund.


 If you want your old Bicycle re-enamelled, re-plated, or cleaned up, and bearings overhauled, send it to James Davies, Broseley. Noted for his liberality in exchange.

EXCURSION TO BRIDGNORTH. - Through the energy displayed by Mr. George Taylor (Organist at Birch Meadow Baptist Chapel) the children composing the choir, the teachers in the Sunday School, and a few of the elder scholars and friends paid a visit to Bridgnorth on Saturday afternoon, whither they were conveyed by brake and waggonette. The weather on starting was very showery, but the rain ceasing shortly afterwards, the excursion woo greatly enjoyed.

SPECIAL SERMONS. - On Sunday the Rev. Thomas Champness of Lutterworth preached two excellent sermons in the Broseley Wesleyan Chapel, in aid of the Trust Fund. The musical portion of the services was admirably rendered by the choir, who gave a fine interpretation of the anthems, “Great is the Lord” in the morning, and “The Lord is thy Keeper” in the evening. Mr. J. A. Hartshorne ably presided at, the organ. There was a good congregation at each service, especially in the evening.

HOSPITAL SUNDAY.- The 10th annual church parade of the Broseley and District Friendly Societies was held on Sunday at Broseley. The members, forming into procession, headed by the Jackfield Brass Band, marched through the principal streets to the Parish Church, where, Divine service was held and a powerful and practical discourse was delivered by the Rev. J. Sinclair Moore (vicar of Wellington). Referring at some length to the amusements of the present day, he said there was no harm in horse racing and football, but it was the malignity of gambling that pervaded them wherein the evil lay; so with our social meetings, such as dancing. &c., they were all right provided alcohol was kept in the background. The preacher next, spoke of the tendency of legislation towards doing away with Sunday-the day which God had given to man for rest and worship. Vehemently appealing to the working men present, he besought them to hold it fast, for it was pre-eminently the day given to them by God Himself. He concluded with a word or two upon education. He would, he said, that there were less temper mixed up with it, for he had every confidence in the people, and he hoped and trusted they world use the vote entrusted to them as in God's sight. Councillor J. Nicklin read the lesson. Several well known hymns were well rendered by the choir, in which the large congregation heartily joined. The following gentlemen acted as collectors in the church : -Mr. F. B. Potts, Mr. F. H. Potts, Mr. E. G. Exley, Mr. F. Rawdon Smith, Mr. Thomas Griffiths, Mr. E. W. Shorting, Dr. Boon, Dr. Dyson, Dr. Edward, and Messrs. W. Francis and A. W. Wiggins (churchwardens); and the following collected en route:-the Misses Gertie and Sarah Matthews, Pattie and Edith Davies, Nellie Bill, Georgina Bagley, M. Oakes, Gertie Preston, Emily Oakley, L. Hill, and May Challinor, George C. Bagley, W. Pearce, Richard Whitmore, Thomas Evans, H. Mason. A. Fletcher, G. Maiden, G. Pearce, W. White, W. Cross, G. Pritchard, H. Pritchard, and P. Price. At the conclusion of the service the procession re-formed and marched up to the Town Hall, the band playing several fine selections of music, and the precession then dispersed. The huge procession was marshalled by Messrs. J. Wilde. T. Price, and G. P. Bagley. The total collections from all sources amounted to about £41, which will be devoted to the Salop Infirmary, Shrewsbury Eye and Ear Hospital, and Iron-Bridge Dispensary. There was a most efficient and energetic committee, of which Mr. S. Davis was chairman, Mr. W. H. Harrison vice-chairman, Mr. J. Morgan treasurer, and Mr. G. P. Bagley secretary.

RATEPAYERS' ASSOCIATION.- On Tuesday the annual meeting of this association was held in the Town Hall, under the presidency of Mr. J. Nicklin.- The accounts for the past year were gone through and passed, the President remarking that they were still solvent. It was hoped that those members of the association whose subscriptions were still unpaid would kindly give the matter their prompt attention.- The following officers and members of the Executive Committee were erected for the ensuing year:-Mr. J. Nicklin (president), Messrs. A. Evans and H. Hughes (vice-presidents), Mr. H. Wase (treasurer), Mr. T. Legge (secretary), Messrs. P. Stephan, G. Hurdley, E. Jones, A. Dixon, J. Morgan, T. Price, T. Garbett, C. R. Jones, J. Wilde, R. Bunnegar, J. B. Hartshorne, A. Malpass, W. Barnett, G. Taylor, Jas. Jones, W. A. Jordan, Jos. Jones, G. Boden, J. Smith, M. Fox, W. Instone. - A cordial vote of thanks was accorded to Mr. J. B. Hartshorne for the valuable services rendered by him to the association from time to time in regard to matters appertaining to Poor-law. Mr. Hartshorne suitably replied.-The President, in eulogistic term., proposed a vote of thanks to the JOURNAL representative at Broseley for the valuable services rendered by him to the association during the past year, which was carried nem. con., and acknowledged.


23rd September 1905


POTATO Show.- The first potato show was held here on Saturday and proved a thorough success The excellent decorations were admired, and were the work of Mrs. Clinton. Mrs. T. Minton, Messrs. T. Boden, G. Bradley. A. Boden. S. Minton, H. Bangham, H. Bower and T. Harrington. Mr. J. Davies (The Park), gave every satisfaction as judge whilst the secretarial duties were abs discharged by Mr. T. Minton. The prize-winners were:- Class or quality – 1 W. Pugh. 2 J. Minton. 3 W. Howells. 4 R. Clinton.. 5 E. Garbett. Weight-1 .T. Humphries. equal 2 and 3 J. and E. Minton. 4 R. Clinton. 5 J. Molineaux. Seed-1 J. Minton. 2 R. Clinton. 3 E. Minton. 4 W. Pugh, 5 W. Cross. Specials 1 H. Bangham, 2 H. Bowen.


30th September 1905


Delightful weather on Wednesday favoured the annual show of poultry, pigeons, rabbits, cage birds, cats, and cavies, held in a sell-arranged marquee in the Memorial Green in connection with the above excellent society, when a splendid collection of the various “ fur and feather” varieties was brought together. Lord Forester is Patron of the society, Mr. F. H. Potts president: Alderman J. Davies (Mayor) and Mr. Hildebrand Harmsworth (prospective Unionist candidate) are among the vice-presidents. The secretarial duties were most satisfactorily discharged by Messrs. J. B. Ibbetson and W. Edge, who have a strong committee at their backs. Mr. Gee. Potts is in charge the money bag. The judges were Mr. Proad for poultry, and Mr. G. H. Billett for pigeons, cage birds, rabbits, cats, and cavies.



OPEN.-Drake- 1 R. Anthony; 2 H. G. Weston; 3 F. W. Rose. Duck- 1 and special R. Anthony; 2 H. G. Weston, 3 Percy E. Furness. Indian game, cock -1 John A. Kelley; 2 H. Dewhurst; 3 H. Field and Co. Ditto, hen-1 and special H. Dewhurst; 2 A. E. Keightley; 3 Samuel Griffiths. Any variety game, cock-1 and special Daniel John; 2 Hon. Gerald Hill; 3 R. Pashley. Ditto, hen-1 Percy E. Furness; 2 Robert Pashley; 3 Hon. Gerald Hill. Silver Wyandotte, cock-1 George Duckworth ; 2 Charles Preston ; 3 L. Harrison. Ditto, hen-1 Charles Preston; 2 H. Lee; 3 John Procter. Partridge, Wyandotte, cock-1 W. M. Bell; 2 R. Anthony; 3 Colonel Sandbach. ……..



A YOUTHFUL DIVER.- A youth named Reginald Wood (16) on Saturday afternoon dived off the famous Coalport Bridge. About 100 people were present, who made a collection for the youth. Wood performed a similar feat on the previous Saturday at Buildwas Bridge; and his intention is to dive off all the bridges in the district.


JACKFIELD BRASS BAND- This popular band gave the last sacred concert of the season on Sunday afternoon. There were a large number of listeners, and the following programme was rendered in grand style, under the Leadership of Bandmaster G. Aston: March, “ Selected”; chorus, “ Lift up your heads” (“Messiah”. Handel); selection, “Il Seraglio” (Mozart); chorus, “The Heavens are telling” (“Creation”, Haydn); march, “Sympathie” (Smith); chorus, from “Samson” (Handel).


EXCURSION.- On Saturday the staff of Messrs. Maw and Co.'s drawing and forwarding departments had their annual excursion. The venue selected was Uffington, whither they were conveyed in brakes, passing over the far-famed Iron Bridge, through Buildwas, Leighton, and Atcham, arriving at their destination about 3 p.m., the scenery en route being of a most interesting and pleasing description. The autumnal tints of the leaves on the trees, and the fields in verdure clad, together with the ever-flowing river, and the Wrekin in the distance, which lends enchantment to the scene, form a picture which must be seen to be appreciated. Much amusement was created by the football match, Married v. Single. The Benedicts quite held their own, the result being a draw of four goals each. After this various parties were formed, some of whom visited the interesting ruins of Haughmond Abbey, and ascended Haughmond Hill, others amusing themselves with bowls. At 6-30 tea was partaken of at the Corbet Arms Hotel, Mr. J. Bradburn, the esteemed head of the drawing office, presiding. Tea being over, speeches were made and songs given. The drive home brought a pleasant and enjoyable gathering to a close.


7th October 1905


Present :-Alderman Prestage (chairman) ; Councillors P. Jones, R. A. Instone, C. T. Smith, T. Doughty, J. Nicklin; Messrs. F. H. Potts(town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Abberley (water inspector), and E. Oakes (rate collector).-The Inspector reported that there were no cases of infectious disease, in the district at present. He reported a number of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.-Mr. Abberley reported that the water extension to Speed's Lane was completed cheaper than the estimate of £13.- The Inspector stated he was connecting the water to Broseley Hall. He added that 12,000 gallons of water had been used at Broseley Schools for the quarter.-The Clerk observed that there had been a month's holiday.- It was mentioned that the pressure in the water mains at Jackfield was not sufficient.- Mr. Doughty was of opinion that the Fire Brigade practices consequently had been a failure. - Mr. Nicklin: Then our water supply was useless in case of a fire?- The matter was referred to the Joint Water Committee.-A letter was read from the Broseley Gas Company offering to supply the public lamps with gas at the sum of 29s per lamp for 1,000 hours. They asked the Council to allow the company the cost price of mantles and chimneys.-Mr. Nicklin considered 5s. per lamp for incandescent burners was too much. If it was a better light the company saved in the consumption of gas.-The Chairman would like to see all the lamps have incandescent burners.- Mr. Smith remarked that it would save the company 50 per cent. of gas.- It was decided to ask the Gas Company to supply the incandescent burners for 1s. par lamp for the season. The company's estimate of 29s. was accepted. -The Chairman reported that the, balance on the general district rate account was £336 12s. 9d., and Mr. Oakes said the rate was closed.- The Clerk stated that the public were of opinion that the general district rate was not payable until the last day of the half-year. That was wrong, the rate could be demanded on April 1st, and 14 days after that summonses could be issued. He should like these observations to appear in the Press.- The Chairman observed that it was not fair to those who paid their rates first. It was generally those people who paid their rates last who complained of the collector's salary- The Chairman reported all adverse balance on the water account of £117 2s. 1d.- The Clerk said on the two accounts there would be an overdraft at the bank of over £50, for which they would have to pay interest.


14th October 1905


PRESENTATIONS.- On Monday a pleasing event took place at Messrs. Craven, Dunnill, and co.'s works, the occasion being the presentation by the office staff of an illuminated address to Mr. William Francis on his retirement, he having held the position of confidential clerk at the Jackfield Works over 35 years. Mr. Cecil Jones, modeller, who is leaving for Hereford, was also presented with a clock, waiter, and book on “Art”. Mr. A. E. Broadhurst made the presentations, and the recipients suitably responded.


11th November 1905


A BAZAAR is advertised to be held on Wednesday and Thursday next in the Victoria Hall, in aid of the funds of that building. Lady Forester will open the function on Wednesday, and Mrs. C. S. Murray (Bridgnorth) on the second day. There will be several attractions.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Yesterday Week.-Present: Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, R.A. and S.T. Instone, S. Keay, and Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (collector). - Mr. Herbert reported there was no infectious disease in the district.- Mr. Nicklin suggested that the churchwardens' clock over the lamp approaching the Rectory wall be taken over by the Council. After some discussion the matter was left in abeyance.-The Clerk reported that the first instalment of the water rate was completed, with the exception of 2s.-Mr. F. Oakley's tender for hauling stone, at 1s 8d. per ton, was accepted for six months.


18th November 1905



With the object of wiping off the debt of £120 now existing on the Victoria Hall and Institute, Broseley, a bazaar was held on Wednesday and Thursday. The large room was surrounded with beautifully-decorated and heavily-laden stalls; in fact, the stalls occupied so much space that there was very little room left for the purchasers.

Lady Forester (Willey Hall) opened the proceedings on Wednesday, when amongst the large company there were present:-Lord and Lady Forester, Alderman D. L. Prestage (Mayor), Alderman J. and Mrs Davies (Much Wenlock), Alderman and Mrs. T. Cooke (Much Wenlock), the Rev. W. A. Terry, Councillor W. Bishop, Councillor R. A. Instone, Councillor J. Nicklin, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Cooke, Dr. Fox-Edwards, Major and Mrs. Garrett, &c.

In introducing her ladyship to open the proceedings, the Rev. G. F. Lamb (rector) remarked that some time ago it was decided to commemorate the late Queen's Diamond Jubilee by erecting a parish nurse's cottage, and for that purpose there was collected in subscriptions a little over £300, but when it was known that a Forester Hospital was to be built at Broseley they very wisely banished the first project, and so the money was put in the bank until something further was decided upon. Last year this building came into the market, and it was suggested by some gentlemen to secure the hall for a working men's institute. The money raised for the nurse's cottage was diverted for this purpose, but that not being sufficient it was decided to raise the remainder; £350 was raised altogether, and then there was a debt of £60, and in order to further extend the usefulness of this building other things were decided upon, and the money now required was £120, which was the amount they wished to get in the two days. He would like to mention the fact that Messrs. E. B. Potts and E. G. Exley had presented the institute with a billiard table at a cost of something like £50. (Applause.) On January 1 the room was declared open, and there now numbered 100 members, as well as 30 hon. members.. He hoped the room would prove a boon to the town. (Applause.)

Dr. Dyson's two little daughters, Catherine and Margaret, stepped forward and presented Lady Forester with a beautiful bouquet, after which her ladyship declared the bazaar open, and wished it every success. (Applause.)

Mr. E. W. Shorting proposed a vote of thanks to her ladyship. They were told, he said, that a good beginning made a good ending, and they were all working with the object of making that bazaar a financial success. (Applause.) This hall was to all intents and purposes a free gift in perpetuity to the town. (Applause.) The bazaar at Wenlock proved an unqualified success, and he heard one describe it as being remarkable for motor-cars outside and a dense crowd inside. He hoped they would be similarly favoured that day. (Applause.)

The Mayor (Alderman Prestage) in seconding the resolution expressed his pleasure at having Lord and Lady Forester present. It showed the interest they took in the neighbourhood.- The motion was carried with acclamation.

Lord Forester suitably responded, whatever adding that he was always pleased to do whatever he could for the borough of Wenlock, particularly Broseley. (Applause.)

Business then began in a very brisk manner.

The stallholders were - No. 1 stall (fruit, flowers, &c.)-Mrs. G. F. Lamb, Miss Lamb, the Misses Exley (Rock). No. 2 stall-Mrs. E. Davis, Mrs. A. Scott, Mrs. R. A. Instone, Mrs. T. Jones, Mrs. E. R. Instone, Miss J. Rushton, Miss Instone, Miss M. K. Jones, Mrs. H. H. Wase. Miss J. Scott. No. 3 stall-Miss Cook, the Misses, Potts, Miss Downes, Mrs. A. Jones, the Misses Exley. No. 4 stall-Mrs. Fenwick, Mrs. Edge, Mrs. Dyson, Miss Davis. No. 5 stall-Mrs. H. E. Clark, Mrs. Wiggins, Mrs. P. Dixon, Mrs. G. Moor, Miss Wilkinson, Miss M. Pountney. No. 6 stall-Mrs. E. W. Shorting, Mrs. Terry. No. 7 stall (refreshments) - Mrs. Probert, Miss Hill, the Misses Dixon, Mrs. A. Edge, Miss Preston, Miss Edge, Miss E. Rushton. Selections of music at intervals were given by Mrs. C. S. Murray, Miss Watkis, the Misses Exley, Miss Bickerstaff, Miss Griffiths, Miss Nock, Miss Baker. Miss Jenkins, Miss Webster, Mr. Youden, Messrs. Salter. The musical director was Mr. H. H. Wase.

Some amusing performances were given at intervals by the Victoria Pierrots, of which Mr. W. Felton was the conductor, and Mr. Walter Davis the musical director. There were also several competitions for ladies and gentlemen, by which much amusement was caused.

Lord Forester is president of the institute, and Mr. T. Jones is the indefatigable secretary, and the general arrangements were successfully carried out by an influential committee.

There was a large company present on Thursday, when Mrs. C. S. Murray (Bridgnorth), the Mayor's (Alderman D. L. Prestage) sister, opened the proceedings. Dr. Collins, with a few appropriate remarks, introduced Mrs. Murray to the company, after which the Misses Mary and Margaret Potts presented Mrs. Murray with a beautiful bouquet.

In declaring the bazaar open, Mrs. Murray made a short speech, in which she said she was quite pleased to undertake the duty, and hoped the event would prove a great success.- Mr. F. H.. Potts proposed a vote of thanks to the lady for opening the proceedings, a resolution which was seconded by Dr. Dyson, and heartily carried.

The Mayor acknowledged the compliment paid his sister, and business at once began. The sum of £135 was taken on the first day.


25th November 1905


ACCIDENT.-When Mr. Chas. S. Henry (Liberal and Labour candidate) was returning from Jackfield yesterday in his motor-car, where he had been addressing an open-air meeting, the cog wheel of his motor-car broke, and the wheel came off. Fortunately no one was injured. Mr. Henry and party had to return to Wellington by train.


9th December 1905


PRESENTATION.- Last week an interesting ceremony took place at the Talbot Inn, Broseley, when Mr. H. Gough of the 1st Shropshire Regiment was the recipient of a pipe, case, pouch and tobacco, from a few friends. Mr. A. G. Roberts made the presentation in a eulogistic speech. Mr. Gough suitably responded.

WESLEY GUILD.-The usual weekly meeting was hold in the Wesleyan Schoolroom on Tuesday evening. Mr. W. Edge, senior, presided, and there was a large audience. The proceedings took the form of a miscellaneous concert reproduced on a gramophone lent by Mr. Pierce Williams (Llandudno), who also gave some interesting explanations of the various items, with anecdotes of the singers. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded him.

TEA AND CONCERT.-On Wednesday about 70 persons sat down to an excellent tea in the Congregational Schoolroom. Afterwards an excellent programme was admirably given by the choir, Miss May Bunnagar, Mr. A. Evans, Miss Broadhurst. Air. H. Bunnagar, junior, Miss Fellowes, and Miss F. Williams. Mr. A. Evans ably conducted, and Mr. George Tonkiss skilfully accompanied on the, pianoforte. The proceeds are in aid of the chapel renovation fund. Mr. Richard Bunnagar presided.


Before Alderman D. L. Prestage (mayor), Lord Forester, Dr. G. D. Collins, Alderman A. B. Dyas, and Mr. E. W. Shorting.

THEATRICAL LICENSE.- The Rev. C. B. Crowe (vicar) applied for a theatrical license for the Trinity Hall, Coalbrookdale.-There was no objection, and the application was granted.

NEIGHBOURS' QUARRELS. - Elizabeth Keay was charged with assaulting Sarah Ellen Dorsett. - The parties are neighbours, and live at Church Street, Madeley.-Dorsett stated that about nine o'clock she went down to the brewhouse-it was between five houses-to prepare for washing. Mrs. Keay's dolly tub stood in the middle of the brewhouse, containing dirty suds. She complained about it, and eventually defendant punched her about the shoulders, neck, and ear. She shouted, and her neighbours came on the scene.-Martha Keay, Hannah Pickering, and Mary Wall gave evidence in support of the complainant. Defendant denied the statements of the witnesses. Mrs. Keay then charged Mrs. Dorsett with assaulting her on the same date.-Complainant stated that on the day in question Dorsett threw a bucket of water on her.-This statement was denied by the defendant.-Keay was fined 16s., including costs, and the cam against Dorsett was dismissed.

STEALING POTATOES.-George Rufus and William Gregory, sen., labourers, Old Park, were charged with stealing 30lb. weight of potatoes, valued 8d., the property of Charles Dimelow, farmer, Madeley.-Mr. Dimelow stated that the defendants had been employed by him picking potatoes for a week. On the 9th of November, after they had finished work, they came to the house for their money. He saw them go into the potato field afterwards, and having some suspicion, he followed them. He saw one of them drop a bundle of potatoes, and on Rufus he found his pockets full of them.- Police-constable Brown also gave evidence.-Mutts pleaded guilty, adding that they intended to divide the potatoes.-Gregory pleaded not guilty.-Rufus was fined £1, or 14 days, and Gregory was sentenced to 21 days' hard labour, in consequence of his previous bad record.


A CONCERT was given in the Schools on Wednesday evening by some members of the G.F.S. aided by a choir of men's voices, to whose efficient help the success of the evening was greatly due. The first part of the programme was miscellaneous, and included the glees, “Ye Spotted Snakes” and Balfe's “Excelsior”, by the Glee Party ; the songs, “ Only tired” and Haydn's pretty little canzonet “My mother bids me bind my hair”, which was sweetly sung by Miss A. Cleobury, “ The Flight of Ages”, and “Alice, where art thou”? which Mr. P. Price, who is always a favourite, sang with taste and expression; two humorous unaccompanied part songs, for men's voices, “Simple Simon” and “ Call, John”, with the recall for the latter, “ Hey diddle-diddle”, and the songs “ Down the Vale”, were well rendered by Mr. G. Jones; and the “Village Blacksmith”, given in good style by Mr. H. Evans, was deservedly encored. Messrs. P. Price and H. Pryce also gave a good rendering of the duets “Larboard Watch” and “ The Two Beggars” ; and a humorous duet was followed by “The Army and Navy”. The second part of the programme consisted of Rimbault's cantata, “Country Life”, a very bright and pleasing work, in which the parts were well sustained. Miss Watkis accompanied the cantata.


23rd December 1905


Lord and Lady Forester held an “At Home” on Thursday night, at the famous Willey Hall, on the occasion of his only daughter's recent marriage with Captain Whitaker. Nearly 300 people were present, including Lord and Lady Forester and party, Captain George Forester, Captain and Mrs. Whitaker, Lady Harnage, Mr. Knight, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. A. Whitley (Bourton Cottage), Dr. Collins, Alderman D. L. Prestage (mayor), Alderman Legge, Alderman J. and Mrs. Davies, Alderman A. B. and Miss Dyas, Alderman and Mrs. F. G. Beddoes, Alderman and Mr. F. Cooke, Councillors W. G. Dyes, T. Dorsett, R. F. Ayre, Mr. and Mrs. T. Doughty, Mr. and Mrs. B. Maddox, Mr. and Mrs. J. Nicklin, Mr. and Mrs. W. Roberts, Mr. and Mrs. Thorn-Pudsey, Mr. and Miss Bishop, Mr. and Miss Boulton, Mr. and Mrs. Edwards, Mrs. Hays, Mr. T. Horton, Rev. W. H. Wayne, Rev. Marsden Edwards, Rev. and Mrs. F. R. Ellis (Wenlock), Mr. J. W. and Miss White. Mr. J. H. Gurnhill, and most of the large tenantry. Members of Wheatland and Shropshire Hunt were present in their red coats, and a pretty scene was presented. The wedding presents, which were on view in the Library, were much admired. A string band was present, and played for dancing. At the supper, which was served in the entrance hall, the Mayor of Wenlock proposed the only toast, the health of Captain and Mrs. Whitaker, which was most enthusiastically drunk. The Captain suitably responded. The company, who appeared highly delighted with his Lordship's generosity, broke up a little after midnight. The wines were supplied by Mr. W. G. Slaney, Wellington.



Lecture.- On Thursday last weak Mr. P. Scott (certified expert to the British Beekeepers' Association) delivered an instructive lecture; on “Bees and Beekeeping”, in the Reading Room. The Rev. W. H. Wayne (rector) occupied the chair, and there was a large and appreciative audience. The lecturer's remarks were illustrated by means of charts and other apparatus.


PING-PONG.- On Wednesday Broseley Victoria Institute again met Willey in a Ping-Pong tournament. The Institute, who fairly “swept the board”, ran out easy winners by 13 games to 3.

FESTIVITIES.- The tradesmen of Broseley are anticipating the requirements of their numerous customers at this festive season of the year. The butchers are as usual well to the front with a plentiful supply of “the roast beef of old England”, &c. The grocers and confectioners have a large stock of goods calculated to tempt and satisfy their various patrons. The drapers, too, have an abundance of warm clothing and other articles of a seasonable. character; and the booksellers and stationers are not a whit behind previous years.

WESLEY GUILD.- On Tuesday the members entertained about 34 old folk to an excellent tea in the Wesleyan schoolroom, which was much appreciated, and after tea the members gave an entertainment. Mr. J. E Hartshorne presided. Mr. W. Edge, sen., gave a stirring address, and the Misses Leadbetter and Evershed, and Mr. A. Taylor sang solos in good style. Recitations were also well rendered by Miss Blackford. Miss Edge, and Mr. A. T. Hartshorne. Messrs. Cecil Jones, Chas. Anderson, Bert Jones, Edgar Blackford, and Samuel Jones also contributed to the programme.


30 December 1905


If you want expert advice on Motor matters ring up or wire James Davies, Broseley. Repairs of all kinds. Secondhand Cars taken in part payment.

BALL.- A successful ball was on Tuesday held at the Lion Hotel in connection with the local football club. There was a large company, and Mr. H. Russell officiated as M.C. Mr. W. Colley supplied the music, and Mr. A. Hancock the refreshments.

SPECIAL SERVICES.- On Sunday two appropriate sermons were preached in the Congregational Church by Mr. L. Banner of Wednesbury. Seasonable hymns were well rendered by the choir, who also gave a fine interpretation of the anthem, “There were shepherds”, in the evening, when there was a good congregation, and a collection taken in aid of church expenses. Mr. A. Evans (choirmaster) conducted, and Mr. G. Tonkiss presided at the organ.

DEATH of Mrs. E. B. Potts.-On Tuesday evening Mrs. Potts (wife of Mr. E. B. Potts, senior partner of the firm of Messers. Potts and Potts, solicitors) quietly passed away, alter a prolonged and painful illness borne with great fortitude. Deceased was greatly respected throughout the district, and will be much missed by the poor, to whom she was very generous. Genuine sympathy is expressed on all hands with the bereaved husband and family, who keenly feel the loss of a most devoted wife and mother.

FUNERAL.- The body of the late Mrs. Watts (formerly of Broseley) was laid to rest, amidst the regret of relatives and friends, in the cemetery at Epsom on Saturday. The service was conducted by the Rev. T. N. Hart Smith -Pearse, M.A., headmaster of Epsom College. The mourners were Mr. J. Watts (husband), Professor W. W. Watts, M.A,, F.R.S., and Mr. Thomas Isaac. Watts, Mus.B., M.A. (sons), Miss Sessions, Mrs. Scott, Miss D. G. and Miss M. V. Scott, and Nurse Charles. There were also present at the service Mrs T. N. H. Smith-Pearse, the Rev. W. A. Thomas, M.A., and Mrs. Thomas, Mr. E. Norman Gardiner, M.A., and Miss Hassall (all of Epsom College), and Mr Percy Simpson, M.A. (Forest Hill), G. and J. Furniss. A large quantity of beautiful flowers were seat by relatives and friends.

PRIZE DISTRIBUTION.- On Sunday the scholars attending the Broseley Wesleyan Sunday School received some valuable books, as prizes, the value being in proportion to attendances made during the year. Mrs. Davis (ex-mayoress), The Marsh, kindly distributed the prizes, which the following children received :-Lily Jones, Fredie Colley, Madge Jones, Popsy Oakley, Daisy Aston, Maude Boden, May Britton, Annie Oakley, Flossie Ball, Clara Oakley, Marjora Taylor, Edie Wood, May Mason, Elsie Davis, Ethel Roberts Millie Evans, Ada Meredith, Florrie Jesse, Annie Gough, Kathleen Colley, Hilda Wood, Chris. Mason, Edie. Oakley, Alberta Roberts, Richard Whitmore, Tom Meredith, Sydney Blackford, Agnes Cough, Harry Aston, Edie Harris, Doris Lloyd, Charlie Davis, Harry Britton, Olive Davis, Samuel Goodall, Winnie Wood, Cecil Davis, Marie Garbett, Charlie Price, Owen Jones, Arthur Harris, Jack Wood, Willie Jones, Dick Jones, Arthur Davis, Leslie Garbett, Harold Britton, Wilfred Garbett, Norman Taylor, Cyril Garbett, Fred. Jones, Sydney Garbett, Eddie Evans, Freddie Harris, Cecil Gittings, James Evans, Walter Jesse, Harry Hall, Albert Bradeley, Donald Colley, Artie Boden, Arthur Evans, Eric Roberts, Norman Ball, Abraham Harris, Archie Davis. The following, having made every possible attendance, were awarded an extra prize :-Lennie Harris, Flossie Ball, John Lloyd, Hilda Wood, Frank Bradeley, Charlie Davis, John Colley, Norman Taylor, Sissie Jones, Agnes Gough, Edie Harris, Florrie Gough, Abraham Harris.


THE SCHOOLS.- The children on breaking up for their Christmas holiday yesterday week had a delightful surprise, each child being presented with a bun, on orange, and a bag of sweets. They heartily cheered their kind donors, Mrs. Owen, and the Misses A. B. and M. Walker.