Broseley has strong links with the early
industrial revolution. By the beginning of the 17th Century it was a thriving
industrial settlement having close links with Coalbrookdale, on the other side of the River
Severn. In the 18th and 19th centuries it developed into a major center for coal
mining, iron manufacture, earthenware manufacture and a variety of associated activities.
The famous Iron Bridge was built in 1779 to link Broseley with Coalbrookdale and led to the
foundation of the town of Ironbridge which is now part of a World Heritage Site..
This early industrial activity has resulted in
a settlement of remarkable character. The architecture is a mixture of three
centuries of building styles in a hilly and wooded setting mixed together in a
delightfully haphazard manner.
The Society also has an independent reference
collection of 'Wilkinson' relics, important local artifacts, photographs, documents and
ephemera relating to Broseley's social and industrial past. As further material
becomes available this is added to the collection.
You are welcome to partially use our
documentation, articles & imagery as long as you acknowledge its author.
i.e. ‘Quote from article by J. Smith, newsletter May 2021’; ‘picture courtesy of
J. Smith’
A backlink to our website is also appreciated. Many thanks for your cooperation.
Contact: Steve Dewhirst at
steve@(web site address)
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