Extracts from
relating to Broseley and District
Local History Society
8th January 1910
Present— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. I.
Griffiths, A. A. Exley, G. Keay, and T. S. Instone, Messrs. F. H. Potts
(clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes
(rate collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector).
Chairman thanked the meeting for re-electing him chairman for the ensuing year.
He considered it a great honour, and he should do all he could to get the work
done as efficiently as possible. (Applause.)
Herbert reported one case of scarlet fever in the town. He also reported a number
of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.
committee decided to take over the Pritchard Memorial, and to do the necessary
The Clerk
reported a balance in hand on the two accounts of £232 7s. 8d., and it was
decided to pay bills to the amount of £125, which would reduce the balance to
£106.— Mr. Oakes said there was still £469 to be collected on the district
Mr. F.
Oakley’s tender of £15 was accepted for scavenging the Broseley and Jackfield
districts for the next 12 mouths. This is a reduction of £2.
A general
discussion ensued on the condition of the footpaths in the town, and it was
decided to spend about £15 on repairing them, the matter to be left to a
Abberley reported that all the water mains in the district were in good order.
8th January 1910
Licensing Committee.
The report
of the Licensing Committee of the County was presented. It was stated that
during the year 27 reports from renewal authorities had been received, and with
regard to 15 of these licenses the committee decided not to proceed therein,
and they were accordingly renewed. These were Bell Vaults, Bridgnorth; Black
Boy, Bridgnorth; Leopard Inn, Bridgnorth; Red Lion, Cheswardine; The Fox Inn,
Shakeford; Plough Inn, Little Worthen; Compasses, Shrewsbury; Sun Tavern,
Shrewsbury; Engine and Tender, Shrewsbury; Wrekin, Shrewsbury; Bell Inn,
Wistanstow; Coach and Horses, Wellington; Wine Vaults, Wem; Cross Keys,
Broseley; and the Sun Inn, Llanymynech. The total compensation awarded to the
parties and paid for the 12 licenses extinguished during the year 1909 was
£5,961. The Secretary of State had approved the payment of the sum of £80 as
the clerk’s annual remuneration for the additional work imposed by the Act in
respect of each of the years ending 1908-9. Mr. James Vine of
Chairman, in moving the adoption of the report, said during the year a very
large number of houses were referred to the
22nd January 1910
The usual meeting was held on Sunday, under the presidency of Mr. J. E.
Hartshorne. There was a poor attendance. The Rev. B. E. Hartshorne
(Iron-Bridge) gave an interesting address on “Truth”, and Mr. F. Glover contributed
a flute solo,
SUNDAY SCHOOL.— The annual sermons in aid of the Church Sunday School were
preached in the Parish Church on Sunday by the Rev. P. Gordon, M.A. (vicar of
Christ Church, Wellington).
BAPTIST CHAPEL.— The ordination and recognition services of Mr. J. Gilpin, as
pastor of this church, on Sunday and Monday were well attended. A very able
sermon was preached on Sunday by Mr. H. Doughty of Donnington Wood. About 60
attended the public tea on Monday, which was followed with the ordination
service, conducted by Mr. H. Doughty, in the presence of the deacons and
officers of the church. Mr. Doughty publicly ordained Mr. Jas. Gilpin to the Baptist
ministry, and handed over to him the pastorate of the church. Mr. J. W. White
(Iron-Bridge) subsequently presided over a public meeting, when Messrs. H.
Doughty, Maurice Jones, M.A., W. J. Crawford, and B. Broadhurst delivered
excellent addresses, in which they spoke of the personal friendship and
interest in the spiritual life of their pastor, the Rev. J. Gilpin, and wished
him God-speed in his new sphere. Solos were contributed during the evening by
Miss Nellie Atkins and Mr. H. Jennison. Mr. Sydney Gilpin presided at the
Before the Right Hon. Lord Forester
(mayor). Dr. G. D. Collins, and Aldermen A. B. Dyas and D. L. Prestage.
START.— Thomas Williams, bricklayer, Broseley, was charged with making use of
obscene language in his own house.— Police-constable Edwards proved the case,
and defendant was fined 7s, 6d., including costs.
Elizabeth Goodall, a married woman, with seven children, living at Broseley,
was charged with stealing three holland aprons, value 1s. 7d., the property of
Allan Ernest Ledger, draper, of the same town.— It appeared from the evidence
that defendant was standing outside Mr. Ledger’s shop, and was seen by two
little girls. Sarah Ellen Gittens (9), and Edith Gladys Hill (10), to take the
aprons, and run towards her home.— Police-constable Edwards stated that defendant
was under the influence of drink at the time, a statement which accused
denied.— Goodall, who stated that she picked up the articles, was bound over to
be of good behaviour for two years, and to be under the supervision of Dr.
Collins, to whom she would have to report herself every month.
License of the Cape of Good Hope, Broseley, was transferred to Mr. John Spalding,
5th February 1910
ACCIDENT.— Whilst skating on the pool at Willey on Sunday, a carpenter on the
estate named George Embrey accidentally fell on the ice, and broke his leg. He
was immediately conveyed to the
5th February 1910
Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage
(chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. Doughty, A. A. Exley, T. J. Griffiths,
G. Keay, and T. S. Instone, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson
(surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), and L.
Abberley(water inspector).
Herbert reported that there was no infectious disease in the borough. (Hear,
It was
decided to repair the Pritchard Memorial.
Clerk reported a balance in hand on the general district and water account of
£314.— Mr. Oakes stated that there was £270 yet to be collected in the general
district rate. Voids and assessment reductions, he added, amounted to £69,
which was considered enormous.— After paying bills, it was stated that there
would be an adverse balance.
A man
named Roper was appointed road man for Jackfield.
Abberley reported that all the water mains in the district were in good working
were made by members that the roads were not promptly ashed on frosty mornings,
and the surveyor was instructed to look into the matter.
On the
motion of Mr. Nicklin, a man named Jones was appointed caretaker of the
Clerk presented his estimate of expenditure for the ensuing 12 months, and said
the amount to be raised by a rate was £1,404, which included £110 for salaries,
£190 public lighting, and £190 for loans.— After some conversation Mr. Doughty
proposed that they levy a general district rate of 2s. 10d. in the pound. — Mr.
Instone seconded the motion, and it was carried unanimously. This is a reduction
of 2d. in the pound.
5th March 1910
Saints’ Church, Broseley, was on Wednesday evening well filled with an interested
congregation who came from all parts of the neighbourhood on the occasion of
the installation and induction of the newly-appointed rector, the Rev. A. C.
Howell, B.A., to the living of Broseley, the gift of the Right Hon. Lord
Forester. The service was conducted by the Lord Bishop of
Lordship then addressed the congregation with much earnestness. In the course
of his remarks he said they had just parted with a minister (the Rev. G. F.
Lamb) who had closed a long and faithful service, and they prayed that he might
enjoy a peaceful and happy eventide of his life. He was sure those who had
known him for many years would pray for him who had worked so faithfully among
them. That night they were welcoming another labourer in Christ’s vine-yard.
His Lordship then referred to the new rector’s numerous duties, and said that
the exhortations that evening were a reminder to the new incumbent of the
seriousness and solemnity of the charges he had taken over in the parish. He
was to be diligent and faithful to the Bible, and also to the exposition of it.
The service at the pulpit, his lordship added, was a reminder that he must be
an earnest preacher of the Gospel of Christ, and the service at the Lord’s
table was a reminder that he was to gather his parishioners at the Holy
Communion that they should be a parish of church communicants, going in the way
in which the Lord invited them to go. He would remind them that the new rector
stood among his people as the Lord’s messenger, as an interpreter of the word
of God, a messenger of the Lord, in other words he was indeed to be a prophet.
This, his Lordship said, was a great deal to consider. He was to live and
labour among them. He was to be on the watch against every evil influence which
might creep into the societies, and which certainly should be swept away. Their
new rector was to watch every weak member of the church, and so to be on the
watch as to make the parish more and more a real Christian community. He should
remember that he was to live as an example, and his example should be that of a
holy life. He should be a guide to the young, and see that they were brought up
in the fear of the Lord. He should also be a comforter to the aged. They prayed
that he might walk right in this great cause, and at last receive the great
blessing. He concluded his address by urging the workers to do all they could
to assist the new incumbent, as it was impossible for him to do all the work in
the parish. They should share in the good work, and not leave it all to the
clergy, as was often the case. “Bear ye one another’s burdens, and so fulfil
the law of Christ.”
collection was taken for church expenses.
Rev. A. C. Howell, who for nine years has been vicar of St. Matthew’s, Wolverhampton,
was ordained in 1891, and appointed first to the curacy of Langley Green,
Worcestershire, where he remained for a period of nine years, when he succeeded
the Rev. S. Cordon as vicar of St. Matthew’s, Wolverhampton.
5th March 1910
Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage
(Chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, A. A. Exley, T. I. Griffiths, G. Keay, and
T. S. Instone, and Mr. F. H. Potts (clerk).— Mr. Herbert reported the district
free from notifiable infectious disease. He reported two cases of over-crowding
at Jackfield, and notices were ordered to be served on the tenants.— The
Chairman and Mr. Griffiths were appointed to see the collector, who is ill, and
to go over the list of voids and defaulters. It was also decided to take proceedings
against the defaulters for the recovery of the rate within 14 days.- The Clerk
reported that there was a balance in hand on the water account for the first
time, and on the two accounts there was a balance of nearly £200.— The Surveyor
was instructed to attend to certain footpaths in the district.
AUGUSTA BEARD, LICENSED VICTUALLER. —Mr. Frank Cariss, official receiver,
presided at the first meeting of creditors in this matter at
LANGUAGE.— James Richards was charged with making use of obscene language in
his own house at Jackfield.— Police-constable Reeves proved the case, and
defendant was fined 1s. and costs.
CHANCE.— William Simpson, labourer, Iron-Bridge, was charged with failing to
report himself.— Inspector Jones stated that defendant was under the supervision
of the police, and that he left his house for a week without reporting himself.—
Defendant stated that he forgot all about reporting himself.— Superintendent
Tait said he did not wish to press the case.— The Bench sentenced Simpson to
one day’s imprisonment.
OUT.— William Barker, a native of Much Wenlock, was charged with sleeping, out
at Stretton Westwood.— Sergt. Williams stated that he found Barber sleeping out
in a stable on Mr. Lloyd’s farm. Defendant was a married man, and his wife had
got a maintenance order against him.— The Bench sentenced defendant to one
day’s imprisonment, and told him that if he appeared before them again he would
be heavily punished.
TRESPASS.— Robert Gethin collier, Iron-Bridge, and William Harvey, labourer,
Broseley, were charged with trespassing on land at Benthall in search of conies.—
Police-constable Edwards stated that he saw defendants in Mr. Bagnall’s field
rabbit worrying. They ran away, and he found two nets set and a ferret, which
he took possession of.— Defendant pleaded guilty, but were discharged under the
First, Offenders Probation Act, and ordered to pay the costs.
BUSINESS.— This being the adjourned licensing meeting, Mr. Pearson, on behalf
of Messrs. Lassell and Sharman, brewers, made a formal application for the
renewal of the license of the Lake’s Head Inn, Iron-Bridge.— Superintendent
Tait objected to the renewal on the, ground that the house was not required for
the needs of the district. The original license of this house, he said, dated
back to 1780, and during the last 14 years there had been five transfers. Each
time be visited the house there were no customers, and the building was in a
bad state of repair. The landlord told him that the trade was very bad.- Mr.
Pearson said the owner would put the property into repair if the license was
renewed.— Inspector Jones said there were four full-licensed houses and two
beerhouses within 400 yards, and this house was not required.- Sergeant Taylor
also corroborated. - Mr. E. F. Groves here made a formal application for the
renewal of the license of the
5th March 1910
King has conferred the dignity of a Viscount of the
and youngest son of the late Mr. W. E Gladstone, Mr. Herbert Gladstone has been
the only member of the family to devote himself to politics. After three years
as history lecturer at
Ivor Guest is the heir of Lord Wimborne, and thus, like Lord Curzon, becomes a
baron while his father is still alive. Ultimately, of course, the two baronies
will be merged. First a Unionist M.P. like his father, and then Liberal M.P.
elevation of Mr. Ivor Guest to the peerage requires more than a passing notice
in the columns of the JOURNAL, as the Guests still own property in the
19th March 1910
special meeting was held on Tuesday; present:— Aldermen D. L. Prestage (chairman),
A. B. Dyas, T. Cooke. J. Davies, G. Lloyd, and F. G. Beddoes, Capt. Geo. Forester,
Councillors J. H. A. Whitley, C. Edwards, T. I. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, A. L.
Hayes,, T. R. Horton, S. T. Instone, G. Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk),
G. Stevenson(surveyor), and A. H. Thorn-Pudsey (magistrates’ clerk).
district rates were levied for the following wards:— Barrow 1s. 3d. in the
pound, Madeley 2s. 8d., Broseley 2s. 10d., and
Much Wenlock 2s. 8d. Water rates of 1s. 3d. in the pound were also
levied for Madeley, Broseley, and Much Wenlock wards.
Forester said it would be rather hard on Barrow if the were called upon to pay
for the improvement of the road to the proposed sanatorium at Shirlett, after
having given the site.
Cooke proposed that the borough seal be affixed to the agreement with Messrs.
Timmins and Sons, Runcorn, in connection with the Much Wenlock water supply.—
Mr. Edwards seconded.— Alderman Davies: What is this supply? I have heard
nothing about it.— Alderman Cooke explained that their present water supply had
been bad. The water was cut off at night, and as there was a sewerage scheme
before them it was necessary to have a better water supply. This money was for
sinking another bore-hole, which would cost about £400.— Alderman Davies asked
if they expected a good supply from this bore-hole, when there was one close
by.— Alderman Cooke replied in the affirmative.— Captain Forester asked if they
had tried the hazel-twig.-Alderman Cooke said they knew there was water at this
place.- Alderman Dyas reminded the Much Wenlock representatives that there was
an adequate supply at Madeley.— The motion was carried.
Chairman said he had received a letter from Dr. Urwick, concerning the Shropshire
Association for Prevention of Consumption, asking for a meeting to be called in
the borough with the object of forming a branch of the association in the
district. The Chairman added that Lord Forester had kindly given the site for
the sanatorium, and he thought this fact alone would interest them in the
cause.— After some conversation it was decided to call public meeting at Much
Wenlock, Broseley, Iron-Bridge, and Madeley. — A general committee was appointed
to make the necessary arrangements.
9th April 1910
DEATH.— Mr. Harry Bunnagar, a well-known cricketer, fell dead whilst going to
his work on Monday. Deceased, who was 57 years of age, was singing in the Congregational
Chapel choir on the previous evening. He was a printer at Messrs. Maw’s works,
Jackfield and was held in much esteem by his fellow workmen. He was treasurer
of the works club, and a member of the Iron-Bridge Oddfellows Society, Mr. F.
H. Potts (borough coroner) held an inquest on the body on Tuesday, when, from
the evidence adduced, it appeared that deceased had been suffering from consumption.
The jury returned a verdict of “Death from natural causes”. The deceased was
captain of the Broseley Second team, and helped them to win many matches, and
also the Iron-Bridge Cricket League Championship. In the presence of a large
representative gathering, the funeral took place on Thursday at the Congregational
Burial ground. Among those present were Alderman D. L. Prestage (captain of the
Cricket Club), Councillor J. Nicklin (managing director of Messrs Maw’s Works),
Mr. T. Harrington (secretary of the Works Sick Club), and members of the
Congregational Chapel, of which deceased was a member. The choir were present,
and sang a hymn, and at the close of the service, which was conducted try the
Rev. B. E. Hawkins (Wesleyan minister) Miss Millward played the “Dead March,”
on the organ. Deceased having been a member of the Iron-Bridge “Oddfellows”
club, a contingent attended the obsequies, and Mr. J. W. White read the Order’s
oration. There was a large number of beautiful wreaths contributed by members
of the family, Broseley Cricket Club, Maw’s Works Sick Club, press shop, and
printing room.
COMMITTEE, Wednesday.— Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillor
J, Nicklin, T. Doughty, T. J. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, S. T. Instone, and G.
Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G Stevenson (surveyor). H. Herbert (sanitary
inspector), B. Oakes (collector), E. Abberley (water inspector).— With
reference to the pig nuisance reported by Mr. Herbert, the meeting decided after
some conversation to uphold the opinion of the inspector.— Mr. Instone said he
thought they should not be too hard. No one wanted dearer pigs or bacon. The
biggest nuisance was at the back of his house.— It was decided to instruct the
scavenging contractor to attend to the matter. - Mr Herbert reported one case
of scarlet fever in the town, and one ease of puerperal fever. He also reported
a number of nuisances which were ordered to be abated.- The Clerk reported a
balance in hand on the general accounts.— Mr. Oakes stated that £10 in water
rates and £24 in rents were yet to be collected.- Mr. Abberley remitted that
all the water mains at Broseley and Jackfield were in good working order, and
free from leakage, but he added that several conduits at Jackfield required
overhauling. He also reported that he had completed the water service to the
Railway Terrace at Jackfield, at a cost of £15 10s. During the last quarter,
Mr. Abberley reported, 39,000 gallons of water had been consumed at the
Broseley Schools.
16th April 1910
Before Dr. G. D. Collins
(chairman), Aldermen D. L. Prestage and J. Davies, and Councillor B. Maddox.
TO PRIVATE BREWERS.— Mary Elizabeth Edmunds, Yew Tree House, Madeley, was
charged by, the Inland Revenue Office with brewing without entering the
necessary notice.— Mr. F. Dart, solicitor, Customs Office, London, prosecuted,
and explained the Act. He said the duty
was 7s. 6d., and if every-one did the same as defendant it would be a serious
matter for the revenue.— William Kelly, supervisor, Bridgnorth, stated that
defendant held a license. When witness was passing Mrs. Edmunds’s house, his
attention was directed by a smell of brewing. He went into the brewhouse, and
found defendant’s husband conducting the brewing. There were about 54 gallons
in the copper. On looking at the paper produced by the daughter, he found that
no entry had been made of any brewing. He wrote to defendant about it, and her
reply was that it was overlooked.— Defendant’s husband appeared, and said he
had filled up the paper many times. It was neglect on this occasion; there was
no intent of defrauding.— Defendant was fined 19s., including costs.— Future
cases, the Bench said, would not be so lightly treated. — Mr. Edmunds: You won’t
catch me here again.(Laughter.)
FINED.— Albert Perks, labourer and William Taylor, clerk, both of Jackfield,
were charged with being on the licensed premises of the Duke of Wellington Inn,
Jackfield, during prohibited hours, Mr. R. J. R. Haslewood (Bridgnorth)
defended. Police-constable Reeves deposed that on the 19th ult., about 11
o’clock at night, he was standing at the bottom of the
TRESPASS.— Henry Potts, labourer, Jackfield, and Albert Rogers, labourer,
Madeley Wood, were charged with being on Mr. Legge’s land at Madeley - in
search of conies.— After the evidence of Herbert Lysons, Potts was fined 30s.,
including costs.— The case against Rogers was dismissed.
23rd April 1910
connection with the Association for the Prevention of Consumption a public
meeting was held at the Lecture Room, Iron-Bridge on Tuesday, for the purpose
of forming a local committee, and to explain to the public the benefits to be
derived from the establishment of a sanatorium at Shirlett. Alderman F. G.
Beddoes presided, and was supported by Dr. Urwick (
Chairman read a letter of apology from. Mr. W. G. Norris, who stated that he
was unable to be present, but sent a donation of £5 towards the fund, and hoped
they would have a successful meeting. (Applause.) The Chairman went on to refer
to a meeting held in Shrewsbury 12 months ago, when Sir James Creighton Browne
gave an address on the subject of tuberculosis and consumption, which was the
upshot of the formation if a large committee, and the appointment of Dr, Urwick
as hon. secretary. (Applause.) Meetings, the Chairman said, had been held in
nearly every town in the county, and the Wenlock Borough Council decided at
their last gathering to hold meetings in the four wards. They were asked to
make this matter known as far as possible, and what they wanted to do was to
get the working people to ventilate their houses better, and to keep them in a
more cleanly state, so as to keep this terrible disease not only from
spreading, but from occurring. (Applause.) If they went from house to house
they would scarcely see a window open, although the more ventilation they gave
the more likely would they be to prevent the spreading of this terrible
disease. Dr. Wheatley had stated that in the
Urwick then addressed the meeting at length on lines as at other places. He began
by explaining the nature of the disease, adding that it used to be the opinion
that if a person got consumption he was at once damned, and was looked upon by
the people as one to be shunned. Tuberculosis, he said, was killed by sunlight,
quoting the remark by Sir James Creighton Brown that 900 germs could stand on
the point of a needle. Consumption was one of the most fatal of diseases, and
was also one of the most preventable. The life of a person who got phthisis was
five years, which showed to them how fatal a disease it was; but in the last 70
years there was a decrease of 70 per cent, in death, which looked as if in
another 50 years the disease would he stamped out. Now they knew the cause of
it they surely ought to be able to reduce it. Professor Cook told them that the
decrease in
representative committee was appointed, and Mr. B. Maddox was elected secretary,
and Mr. J, W. White treasurer.
public meeting was held at Madeley on Wednesday, under the presidency of Alderman
A. B. Dyas, in connection with the association, when Dr. J. Wheatley (medical
officer of health for the county) attended, and explained to the meeting the
benefits to be derived from the establishment of the new sanatorium at
Shirlett. A large and representative committee was formed, and Miss Randall was
appointed secretary.
Monday a meeting was held in
14th May 1910
Before Alderman A. B. Dyas
(chairman), Dr. G. D. Collins, Alderman F. G. Beddoes, Councillors B. Maddox and
W. Roberts.
OF PUBLICAN.— Thomas Fletcher, labourer, Broseley, was charged with assaulting
Stephen Hill, landlord of the Elephant and Castle, Broseley.— Mr. Hill stated
that on Broseley fair night, a few minutes before eleven o’clock, he had occasion
to ask defendant to use better language in the (complainant’s) house. Fletcher
then attempted to strike him with a stick, but missed him and struck his
daughter on the back of the head. Complainant then went outside to speak to the
police about Fletcher’s conduct, and on leaving the police, defendant struck
complainant with a stick on the face, which knocked him on his back. He still
felt the effects of the blow. He had also a bad face.— Police-constable Edwards
said he saw defendant strike Mr Hill a severe blow with his fist, which knocked
him down. It was most cowardly and unprovoked assault.- Defendant said he did
not strike Mr. Hill with a stick. He was sorry the incident had occurred, but
he lost his temper.— The Bench considered it a very bad case, and Fletcher was
sentenced to one month’s imprisonment with hard labour.
21st May 1910
OF MR. W. E. SOUTHORN.— On Thursday afternoon there quietly passed away in his
61st year, Mr. William Edwin Southorn of Simpson’s Lane, who, since the death
of his father (Mr. Wm. Southorn) has carried on the old-established business of
Messrs. Wm. Southorn and Co., tobacco pipe manufacturers. Deceased at one time
held a seat on the Broseley District Council. In politics he was a staunch
Conservative and a Churchman, and possessing a genial disposition, he was
respected by a large circle of friends.
28th May 1910
LATE KING.— Yesterday week the inhabitants of Broseley joined in the general
mourning for the loss of King Edward. The shops and ether places of business
were closed throughout the day, and the publicans closed from 12 till 6
o’clock. The people generally were sombre-clad, and blinds were drawn at nearly
every house in the town.— The Church was appropriately draped in “Royal Purple”
and great solemnity prevailed among the large congregation. Prior to the Service
Miss Hilda Watkiss, L.R.A.M. (organist), gave a skilful rendering of Beethoven’s
and Chopin’s “Funeral Marches”. The special form of service, No. 3, was taken
by Rev, A. C. Howell, B.A. (rector), who also delivered an admirable address on
“The World in Mourning,” referring in sympathetic terms to the great loss the
nation has sustained by the death of the late lamented Sovereign. The anthem “Thou
with keep him in perfect peace,” and the hymns, “O God our help in ages past”. “On
the resurrection morning,” and “Now the labourer’s task is o’er’ were” sung
with great taste and feeling by the choir, under the able direction of Mr. W.
H. Griffiths (choirmaster). At the close of the service the organist gave a
fine interpretation of the “Dead March” in “Saul”, during which the people
stood, and as the congregation left the church Miss Watkiss played “O rest in
the Lord.”— At the Wesleyan Chapel the pulpit and communion table were draped
in black, the pulpit having tassels &c., of “Royal Purple”. The service, commencing
with the words “I know that my Redeemer liveth”, was read with feeling by the
Rev. W. A. Auld (Madeley), who also delivered an eloquent address, during which
he ably reviewed the various periods in our national history, comparing Monarch
with Monarch. In his opinion Edward VII. outshone them all for everything that
made for the happiness, and prosperity of the nation. He said he was the best
King that England had ever had, and was possessed of great tact, quick discernment,
and sound practical judgment; but for more than anything else he would he remembered,
and his memory cherished, as “Edward the Peacemaker.” The hymns “O God, our
help in ages past,” “Note the labourer’s task is o’er,” and “Nearer my God to
Thee”, and two verses of the National Anthem were effectively rendered by the
choir; who, on Sunday evening gave a fine exposition of “Crossing the Bar.” The
organist, (Mr. J A. Hartshorne) played before the service, “Peace perfect
peace,” and at the closed the “Dead March”, “Saul”, the congregation standing
with bowed heads.
PRETTY WEDDING took place at All Saints’ Church, Broseley, when the contracting
parties were Mr. John Inman (oldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Inman, Dunnington,
28th May 1910
OFFENDER.- Henry Potts, labourer, Jackfield, was charged with game trespass.-
Police-constable Reeves said he saw defendant at a rabbit burrow on land at
Lady Wood, Broseley, in the occupation of C. A. Jones and Co. He saw three
purse nets set for holes, and one was in defendant’s hand. Witness asked what
he was doing there, and defendant replied that he was going to catch a rabbit. No
one would give him work, and he could not starve. He also had a ferret in his
pocket.— Defendant, who did not appear was fined 29s., including costs, in
default one month’s imprisonment.
AND TOSS.— A youth named William Watson was charged with playing pitch and toss
with another lad named George Walford on
a Sunday morning at Broseley.— In proving the case, Police-constable Edwards
said he had received several complaints of a gang or Broseley youths playing
cards and pitch and toss on Sundays. In consequence of scouts they were hard to
catch.— Defendant who said he did not pitch any money, was bound over to be of
good behaviour for 12 months, and ordered to pay the costs.
11th June 1910
LATE MRS. CROUDACE.— On Saturday Mrs. Elizabeth Ellen Croudace, wife of Mr.
William Croudace, grocer,
11th June 1910
WEDNESDAY.-Before his Honour Judge
Harris Lea.
AND DISCORD.— William Henry Rickers brought in action against his father,
Thomas Rickers, to recover the sum of £14 15s., being one-half of monies
alleged to have been paid by plaintiff in respect of piano which was purchased
from Mr. James Davies, of Broseley, in 1901, by William Onions, plaintiff’s
uncle, who died after making a payment of only 20s. Alternatively plaintiff
claimed a sale of the piano and an equal division with his father of the
proceeds. Mr. Derry (Messrs. Thorn-Pudsey and Derry, Iron-Bridge) appeared for
plaintiff, and Mr. J. Shawcross (Messrs. Carrane and Shawcross,
18th June 1910
supplementary meeting of the above authority was held at
Authority’s offers in respect to the Fox George and Dragon, and
9th July 1910
Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman). Councillors J. Nicklin, T. I. Griffiths, A.
A. Exley, T. S. Instone, and G. Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson
(surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), and E.
Abberley (water inspector).
The Clerk read a statement of account, showing a balance in hand on the two
accounts of £11 1s. 3d., and the Chairman remarked that there was £105 to be
paid out in bills.— Mr. Oakes said there was yet £474 to be collected on the
general district rate.— The Chairman thought that they should press on with the
collection of the rate.— Mr. Keay did not believe in pushing the people too
much. There were, he said, plenty of empty houses at Broseley, as well as
CONDEMNED HOUSE.— With reference to a house that was condemned at the last
meeting, Mr. Keay, said he had seen the landlord, who stated that the nuisance
was caused through the water running from off the main road. He did say he
should sue the Council for loss of rent.— Mr. Herbert said the house was built
in the ground, and would always be damp. —The officer was instructed to visit
the place again.
With reference to the proposed removal of an ashpit at Back Alley, a letter was
read from Miss Bathurst, claiming the site, stating that she should require
some acknowledgment, and have power to remove it if it should become a
nuisance.— Mr. Instone presented a petition praying for the removal of the
ashpit. He said it was a big nuisance to his house, and he was of opinion that
the property where it was proposed to remove the ashpit was not Miss
Bathurst’s.— It was decided to remove the ashpit, and the clerk was instructed
to write Lord Forester’s agent, asking to whom the property belonged.— Mr. Keay
said the ashpits in general were not emptied as regularly as they should be.—
After some conversation it was decided to call the contractor’s attention to
the matter.
for hauling stone, &c., from Iron-Bridge station for one year were considered,
and Mr. T. Instone, junr’s being the lowest, it was accepted.
TO BROSELEY.— Mr. Keay proposed that a finger-post be erected at the foot of
Ball’s Lane, showing the road to Broseley.— Mr. Nicklin: Where else would they
go?— Mr. Keay: Why, a good many go to Jackfield. Some people never see Broseley.
(Laughter.) Let us have a bit of trade this side. Why, yesterday I saw a
three-wheel motor going up the hill with German yeast. (Laughter.)— Mr.
Griffiths thought the best plan would be for people to call at the “Summerhouse,”
and ask the best way to the part of Broseley they wanted to go to. (Laughter.)—
Mr. Keay: Broseley is a quiet little spot; they could shoot up streets and hurt
no one. I am living, and want to see someone else alive.— On the motion being
put to the meeting, two voted for it and two against it.— Mr. Keay: We are
equal. Now, Mr. Chairman, give your casting vote.— The Chairman: The question
will be deferred till the next meeting.— Mr. Keay: Everything I bring forward
you always try to put a stop to. I pay rates as well as other people.— The
Chairman: You have had your say and voted. Why not be satisfied?— Mr. Keay: I
shall not be satisfied until I am put six feet below. (Laughter.). I want to do
the best I can in this world. I don’t care much about the next. I am neither a
Liberal nor Conservative; I only want to do what is right.— The dialogue thus
30th July 1910
quarterly meeting was held on Thursday, the Right Hon. Lord Forester (mayor)
RATE. Alderman Dyas proposed that a borough rate of 1½d. in the pound be levied
for the quarter, and this was carried.
NECESSARY.- Alderman Dyas said that at present the letters were only delivered
four times a week at Little Wenlock, and he proposed that the town clerk write
to the Postmaster-General, asking for a six days’ delivery.— Captain Forester
seconded, and it was carried.
MATTERS.- Alderman Cooke presented the half-yearly report of the visitors to
the Joint Lunatic Asylum. He stated that the Home Secretary had given his consent
to the dissolution with the county and Montgomeryshire, but they could not
agree as to what sum should be paid over, and the matter was left in the hands
of a committee. He added that there had been spent on the asylum £170,000.
There were 891 lunatics, to being chargeable to the Madeley Union. He went on
to say that the asylum would have to be brought up-to-date. He moved the
adoption of the report, which was carried.
ROAD TO THE SANATORIUM.— Alderman Beddoes presented the main roads report,
which recommended that the town clerk be instructed to apply to the County
Council for a grant to improve the road from Much Wenlock to the Sanatorium at
Shirlett. He said they considered it was hard for the Barrow ward to put this
road in a proper state of repair. The Sanatorium was a county matter, and they
thought the County Council or the Sanatorium Authority should put the road in a
proper state of repair. He moved the adoption of the report.— Alderman Davies
seconded.— Alderman Cooke asked if they were adopting a right plan in going
about the business and suggested that they go to the Sanatorium Authority
first, and then if they failed, they could apply to the County Council.— The
clerk was subsequently instructed to ask the Sanatorium Authorities to take
over the road.
BEHIND.— The Town Clerk was instructed to write to the overseers of the poor,
informing them that proceedings would be instituted for the recovery of the
borough rate if not paid over by the date mentioned in the precept.
PAY SYSTEM.— After some discussion it was decided to alter the mode of paying
the roadmen their wages, which means that the roadmen will now be paid
personally by the surveyor.
BRIDGE AT JACKFIELD.— Mr. Maddox moved “That the Council make a grant of a sum
of money towards the cost of the erection of the new bridge at Jackfield”. The
scheme, he said, had been a struggling one. The foundation stone was laid with
Haynes’s legacy of £642, which was generously handed over by the Madeley
District Council. The bridge had proved a boon, and was used by people from
Broseley, Madeley, and other parts of the borough. The bridge connected two
wards, Madeley and Broseley, and he thought they would readily agree that it
was by far the greatest boon in the borough, and therefore he was of opinion
that the Borough Council should practically show some little support. The
scheme cost £2,000, and there was a balance of £350, including the proposed
compensation to be paid the late ferry proprietor, which they were all anxious
to settle. He asked the Council to make a grant of £100, which meant
three-eighths of a penny rate.— Mr. Webster seconded the motion.— Captain
George Forester moved as an amendment “That until Miss Oswell, the late ferry
proprietor, was compensated, this Council decline to make a grant towards the
bridge”. He believed that the landings were given on that condition, and yet
Miss Oswell had not received any compensation at all. He considered that the
lady should be compensated.— Mr. Griffiths concurred with the last speaker. He
thought the Bridge Committee had been too precipitate; they should first have
been certain of the money before they began to build. Had they probably waited
a little longer they would not have been asked to pay anything. According to
the plate it was a memorial bridge, “To the glory of B. Maddox, mayor, and
Haynes, who, left the legacy”. (Laughter.)— Mr. Nicklin said that when they
were asked to make any contribution out of the public purse, they must consider
the ratepayers, and whether it was really within their business to spend money
in that particular direction. He objected to the proposition. Whilst there was
a committee, he contended that it was a great deal a one-man show, and he understood
that nothing was to come out of the rates. (Hear, hear.) They were not bridge
builders, although this particular bridge was a boon and a great blessing to
certain people. Mr. Maddox had said in that chamber that he would not ask for
anything. They thought he would do that. The bridge, he said, was a boon and
also a luxury and people could have gone on paying. It was the principle he
objected to. If they passed the resolution, they would simply be asking Miss.
Oswald to contribute towards that which took away her living. The same argument
applied with the Bridge Trust. There ought, he contended, never to have been
any need for this appeal. There was undue haste in doing a good thing.— Mr.
Legge said he could not support the motion, and he was of opinion that Haynes’s
legacy could have been put to better use.— Alderman Cooke was of opinion that
the bridge was to be built entirely on voluntary lines. He should oppose the motion.—
Replying. Mr. Maddox said that he had taken up the cause for the worker and his
greatest reward was in knowing that he had done his best. He sought no glorification.
He added that the largest ratepayer in the borough was entirely in favour of
the Council in dealing with this matter.— Six voted for Captain Forester’s
amendment and seven against— On Mr. Maddox’s motion being put, four voted for
it and 13 against, and the motion was thus declared lost.
30th July 1910
DEATH.— A farm labourer named Frederick Sherwood, died in a fit on Friday
night, last week, but in consequence of deceased having lately been medically attended,
the coroner did not think an inquest necessary. Deceased was 44 years of age,
and leaves a wife and three children.
TREAT.— On Saturday the children attending the Congregational Sunday School had
their annual treat. The teachers and scholars assembled in the schoolroom, and
afterwards proceeded to a field lent by Mr. Wm. Roberts, where cricket,
tug-of-war, races, &c., took place, until tea was announced, when they
again adjourned to the schoolroom, upwards of 100 sitting down to substantial
repast. The requirements of the juveniles were attended to by the various
teachers and friends, who in their turn partook of tea, after which the field
was again resorted to, and the games continued with renewed vigour. The superintendent
(Mr. R. Bunnagar), teachers, and friends were most zealous in their endeavours
to promote the enjoyment of the children, in which they were eminently successful.
Bags of sweets, buns, and biscuits were distributed to the children on leaving
for home.
There passed away on Thursday last week well-known figure in the person of
Thomas Bentley, at the age of 74. He had done many years of service for the Forester
family on the Willey estate as gamekeeper, and was well known to local sports-man.
He had been a member of “Nordley” Court, A.O.F., for a period extending over 45
years, and was followed to the grave by members of the “Nordley” and Broseley
Courts to pay their last tribute of respect. The remains were interred on
Saturday at
20th August 1910
SANATORIUM.— Mr. J. W. White presided on Monday at a meeting of the Angling
Association, when it was decided to subscribe the sum of two guineas towards
the Shropshire Sanatorium.
OF RETIRED STATIONMASTER.— Mr. Chas. W. Coldicott died somewhat suddenly on
Sunday. Deceased was 66 years of age and for nearly half of his life held the
post of stationmaster at the Iron-Bridge G. W. Railway Station, retiring about
4½ years since on a well-earned pension. He was highly esteemed by the general
public, who on his retirement showed their appreciation of his services by
presenting him with a handsome testimonial. Mr. Coldicott was a Conservative in
politics, and a most consistent Churchman. For many years he was church-warden
20th August 1910
SOCIETY. This society will hold their 20th annual flower show on Wednesday and
Thursday next, when there will be several side shows, whilst a good band will
play for dancing.
SHOW.— An excellent sweet pea show was held on Saturday at the Napoleon Inn,
when the exhibits were admired by a large number of people. Mr. Jones gave, satisfaction
as judge, and Mr. J. Brown proved an efficient secretary. The prize-winners
were:— Six distinct varieties- 1 J. Roden, 2 R. Taylor, 3 H. Bowen. Three varieties-
1 R. Taylor, 2 S. Minton. Any variety— 1 H. Bowen, 2
27th August 1910
TRIP.— The members of the church choir on Saturday journeyed by special train
27th August 1910
After a long period of intense suffering, borne with great fortitude, Miss Jane
Julia Thorn quietly passed away at her residence, “Fifield,” Broseley, on
Thursday. The deceased lady was 62 years of age, and was the seventh and
youngest daughter of the late Mr. John Thorn of
OF AN OCTOGENARIAN.— One of the oldest inhabitants of Broseley (Mr. Richard
Aston) quietly passed away on Saturday last, at the residence of his son, Mr.
George Aston, High Street, Broseley. Deceased, who was in his 87th year, had
many quaint tales to tell of his early days. Speaking of the time when
coalfields abounded in the district, he would relate with much gusto incidents
connected with his peregrinations, through Corvedale, &c., collecting money
for his father (Mr. James Aston), who was a colliery proprietor for some years.
There were no cycles in those days, all travelling had to be done on “Shank’s
Pony”, in all sorts and conditions of weather, making it difficult and sometimes
impossible for the pedestrian to proceed on his journey. The remains of deceased
were laid to rest in the cemetery on Wednesday. The service was conducted by
the Rev. A. O. Howell, B.A. (rector). The mourners were Messrs. James, Richard,
George, and Samuel Aston (sons). Henry Aston, James Garbett, and Reynolds (nephews),
and Albert Taylor. Deceased was the oldest member both in age and membership of
the “Rose of Sharon” Lodge of Oddfellows, M.U., and as a mark of respect a
contingent therefrom attended the funeral attired in the usual regalia of the
Order. The address prescribed by the Order was read at the graveside by Mr
Ernest Hayward, N.G., of Broseley.
3rd September 1910
John Randall of Madeley, Salop, who celebrated his hundredth birthday on
Thursday, received hundreds of letters and post-cards, and over forty telegrams
of congratulation, the following being from His Majesty:-
King having heard that you have attained the great age of a hundred, commands
me to offer you his sincere congratulations and trusts that you are in good
health.— A. Bigge”.
Union Jack was flown on the Church tower and the bells rang in Mr. Randall’s
honour, and he was the recipient of numerous gifts from relatives and friends.
is my first century”- humorously re-marked Mr. John Randall of Madeley to a
JOURNAL representative who spent a pleasant hour with “
Randall’s bright and well written articles, full of literary merit, which he
has contributed to the columns of the JOURNAL for over half a century, have
been read with the keenest interest. He attributes his great age to a splendid
physique, an even temperament, and a well-stored mind which even now affords
him food for thought and pleasant reminiscence. It has been a long life, and a
busy one, and when in June last year he was made the first freeman of the
Borough of Wenlock, it was only a fitting honour paid to one of
Born at
Lady Wood, Broseley, on September 1st, 1810, Mr. Randall began work for his
uncle, Mr. Martin Randall who had a pottery work at Madeley, and there, in
1828, he was apprenticed. He rapidly mastered the art of painting on porcelain,
and, after spending two years at the Royal Rockingham works in
did you first take an interest in geology?” the pressman asked.
“It was
early in life”, he replied, “and I did it as a hobby. The first practical use I
was able to make of my knowledge was to reverse the judgments of the Ordnance
Survey Authorities respecting a stretch of rocks on the banks of Linley Brook
near Bridgnorth. The surveyors had mapped this out as strius, or new red
sandstone, whereas I proved it to be old red or Devonian. This I made known,
and the secretary of the London Geological Society wrote—‘Randall, you have
made a great discovery’. I wrote a paper on the subject, and it was read by
Professor Ramsay. The result was that I was elected a Fellow of the Royal Geological
At the
great exhibition in 1851 Mr. Randall received a bronze medal for his collection
of minerals and fossils, which was purchased for the nation by Sir Henry de la
Beche, part finding a home in the
New Coal Seams Discovered.
“I was
able to render some help,” said Mr. Randall, “to landed proprietors and others
wishing either to make new ventures or extend their mining operations. Sometimes,
they were encouraged to proceed by the ad-vice I gave, and at other times they
were told it was no use spending money on fruitless efforts. It was on my
advice that the Madeley Wood Company extended their operations in the direction
of Kemberton. The late Mr. Anstice asked me if he could find a new coal-field.
I told him to sink a shaft on the other side of Kemberton Brook. He set the men
to head that way, and he found the coal continued. The company then sank a
shaft which has proved the most profitable in the coalfield. The late Mr.
Thomas Horton, who was manager for the Lilleshall Company, sent to me at
Coalport specimens of their borings. He said they did not know where they were,
as the formations they had gone through in sinking were new to them. I said “Go
on: you have got into the red rock of the upper coal measures”. They did as I
advised, and the opening of the Granville Pit was the result. At a banquet at
which the late Earl Granville, then principal shareholder of the Lilleshall
Company, was present, I was asked to point out to the Earl the extent of the
coalfield on the east. I readily did this, and Earl Granville must have remembered
that when he selected me in 1881 as the Postmaster at Madeley”.
Randall took great interest in ascertaining the appearance of the surface of
the earth at different periods of the world’s history, for which purpose he
began with the lower Silurian, and fought his way upwards to the present
surface. He sold a collection of his fossils to the trustees of the Wolverhampton
Free Library; and another, when his sight began to fail him, and he could no
longer take interest in examining them, to the Principal of Wellington College.
Chaplain as Coal-Eater.
the many breezy anecdotes related by Mr. Randall was one concerning the
chaplain to the late Lord Hill. Mr. Randall was consulted by Lord Hill on the
subject of seeking coal on the latter’s estate at Hawkstone. He gave it as his
opinion that coal could not be found there. Lord Hill said—“There is coal on
the estate, and some has been found”. Mr. Randall convinced him that he was
wrong, and the men stopped work at six o’clock the same day. Lord Hill’s
chaplain also remarked that he would eat all the coal found on the estate. Nothing more was said, but some time later at
lunch a dish was set before the chaplain, and on lifting the cover he found a
lump of coal. “You said you would eat all the coal found on the estate. Now,
that was found here”, said Lord Hill. The chaplain replied that he was not prepared
to eat every lump of coal dropped on the road by lazy waggoners”.
An Interesting Incident.
Randall related a rather amusing story respecting the evidence which he gave
before a committee of the House of Lords when the Bill for the construction of
the Severn Valley Railway was opposed by a railway magnate on the ground that
it was impossible to pass Rookery Wood, and if a cutting were made the whole
would slide down into the Severn. One side contended that it was a swamp— a
moving mass of loose earth, and the other that it was only a slippery clay,
moistened by a rill from some undrained land above, and resting upon a solid
structure of sandrock.
settle this last point”, said Mr. Randall, “we were employed to go down to examine
the ground, to have borings made, and to report upon the geological relation of
the ground to surrounding strata. This was easy enough, but the difficulty was
in convincing the Committee of the Lords that the produce of the borings made
by both sides, each having the general appearance of clay, was not clay, but
chippings of solid rock ground by the borer into a fine material resembling
clay. This we succeeded in doing, first by explaining the process of boring,
secondly by washing away the muddy parts and exposing the angular fragments of
rock broken off by the borer, also by producing portions of the rock itself
from the outcrop. The Bill passed the Committees of both Houses. When defeated
the local landowner actually cut down afterwards some fine trees on the side
front of the hall next the river to get a better view of the running trains,
thus showing the factious nature of the opposition. The preliminary expenses,
including those of litigation, were so great that three proposed bridges—one at
Shrewsbury to cost £10,000, one at Bridgnorth to cost a similar sum, and another
at Quatford to cost £8,000— were abandoned; and by reducing the undertaking to
a single line, the estimates were brought down from £600,000 to £363,000”.
More Stories,
“When I
came from Madeley”, Mr. Randall stated, “an old woman, flat footed, carried the
letters in a market basket, and it took her all day to deliver them. Indeed,
she was not particular in making the delivery in one day. A letter I expected
at Coalport was a day late, and when it was duly handed to me the old lady
said:- “That was the only letter for Coalport,
and I was not going to make a purpose journey for one letter.”
remember the time” said the veteran, “when bull baiting took place in the
district, and when badgers were found on Benthall Edge. The Rev. Charles
Whitmore (Rector of Stockton) used to hunt a great deal, and often rode to
Melton Mowbray to hunt.”
good story was told respecting a local clergyman. The members of the congregation
had assembled, and the cleric made the announcement, “There will be no service
here today, as the parson is going to dine with a paper merchant.”
hunting parson had a clerk who was a tailor and made the rector’s hunting
breeches. He was told to stay away from church one Sunday to make a new pair of
breeches. “D— the church”, said the parson, “you make my breeches to-day.”
The Old Coaching Days.
“We had
some exciting times in the old coaching days. As many as 18 coaches a day
passed through Shifnal. Madeley was very different in those days to what it is
now. There were all gorse bushes from the Horse Shoe to the Park Inn. I remember
the railway being made from
Repeal of the Corn Laws.
Randall took a prominent part in the agitation for the Repeal of the Corn Laws,
at a time when Sir Henry Lucy was connected with
Randall has seven children—four daughters and three sons—and seven of his
children and grandchildren are holding positions under the Government.
colliers of the district are very much superior now to what they were when I
was a young man, and the drinking habits of the people are not nearly so bad as
they were in old days.”
At the
time of the Chartist riots, Mr. Randall stated that a man used to walk from
Coalport and Madeley to
Randall added:- “I have been a contributor to the JOURNAL from the time it was
but a very small paper. It has now become the leading journal of the county,
and has a vast circulation outside its borders. My contributions are perhaps best
known under the title of “The Ancestral Homes of Shropshire”, under the nom de
plume of “Historicus”, which was chosen for, me by Mr. Leake the proprietor of
the JOURNAL, and brought me into contact with the representatives of the oldest
families in
series of articles under the title of “Along the Border.” which appeared in the
JOURNAL only two years ago, was the latest contribution of importance from Mr.
Randall’s pen.
Other Writings.
Randall employed his leisure in lasting contributions to the history of his
county, as the following list of his books will show— “The Severn Valley.”
which passed through two editions; “Old Sports and Sportsmen”; “The History of
Madeley”; “The History of Broseley”; “Life of John Wilkinson”; “Clay Industries
of Shropshire”; guides to Wenlock and Bridgnorth, &c. At the age of ninety
Mr. Randall contributed the section on the “Arts and Industries of the County”
to the first volume of “The Victorian History of Shropshire,” published by
Constable and Co.
the pressman left Mr. Randall, he wrote his name on a recent photograph, which
he presented to the JOURNAL representative, remarking. “Now this is my first
and last century. Make the best of your article.”
10th September 1910
BOARD, Wednesday. — Councillor T. J. Griffiths presided— Mr. F. H. Potts
(clerk) reported that Mrs. Dixon had paid £5 8s. 8d. in fees for the quarter.
There was thus a balance in hand of £7 13s. 6d.— The business transacted was of
a formal character.
OF AN OCTOGENARIAN.— On the 28th ult. there passed away at her residence
Walsall Wood, Staffordshire, Mrs. Mary Ann Bullock, widow of Mr. Samuel
Bullock. Deceased was 84 years of age, and both she and her late husband were,
natives of Broseley, the latter having been a member of the
Councillors T. I. Griffiths (chairman), A. A Exley and Geo. Keay, Messrs. F. H.
Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E.
Abberley (water inspector), and E. Oakes (rate collector).
CONDEMNED HOUSE. A letter was read from Mr Nicklin, who was unable to be
present, stating that he had visited the condemned house in Broseley Wood, and
thought the work to be done there with regard to the water was a simple matter.
He was of opinion that the owner should put the house in a fairly habitable
condition.— The Chairman said that that was his sentiment also.— Mr. Keay was
of opinion that they should have this kind of house for a certain class of
people.— The Chairman remarked that the watercourse belonged to the house, and
that the owner should put it in order.— The clerk was instructed to write to
the owner, stating that the Council would do what they could in the matter.
SUPPLY. — A letter was read from Broseley Gas Co., stating that owing to the
rise in the price of coal they were unable to reduce their terms, 29s. per
1,000 hours, for supplying the public lamps with gas.- The Chairman said that the
Council must accept the company’s terms or have the town in darkness.— It was
decided to accept the tender.
Mr. Herbert reported a case of diphtheria in Simpson’s Lane. He also reported a
number of nuisances, and the usual orders were made. — The Clerk reported a
balance in hand on the two accounts of £270 Cheques, he said, were required
that day for £60, and these were ordered to be signed.
Collector stated that there was still £162 to be collected.— Mr Oakes was instructed
to take proceedings for the recovery of the rates after seven days’ notice.— Mr
Abberley reported that he had inspected all the water mains in Broseley and Jackfield,
and found them in good working order and free from leakages. He reported that
Jackfield conduits were out of repair, and thereby caused a waste of water.—
The inspector was instructed to look into the matter.
APPLICATION.— Mr. John Moran (Broseley Wood) appeared before the Council, and
asked the committee to erect a water tap between the Seven Stars and Legge’s
Hill.— Mr. Abberley said that the expense would be very small, and the application
was acceded to.
17th September 1910
Saturday evening a very interesting event took place in Jackfield Schoolroom,
when the parishioners and friends of the late rector, the Rev. J. Marsden
Edwards, presented to him a purse of gold (£30) and a beautifully-illuminated
album, containing a list of the names of some 200 subscribers to the
testimonial, in recognition of his services, and as a mark of their respect and
esteem. The function was preceded by an excellent tea, given to the children of
St. Mary’s Church Sunday School, and followed by a tea at which a goodly number
of church officials, teachers, and friends sat down.
tea the meeting was presided over by the rector’s warden, Mr. C. H. Hughes,
who, in opening the proceedings, said: “You all are well aware for what purpose
we are gathered together today, which is to present our late rector, the Rev.
J. Marsden Edwards, with a purse of gold, to mark the sense of our appreciation
of his work in the parish for a period of 17 years, and also to wish him
God-speed for the success of his future work in any field where he may be
called, and earnestly to pray for God’s blessing to rest upon his labours. (Applause.)
We all deeply regret that, owing to the failure of his health, he has had to follow
the advice of his medical advisers, and resign the living of Jackfield, where
he has laboured so long, and you all, I think, will endorse with me the words
of the aged Apostle, St. John, recorded in his 3rd Epistle— “Beloved, I pray
that in all things thou mayst prosper and be in health, even as thy soul
prospereth”.” (Applause.)
Chairman then called upon Mr. William Jones, the oldest parishioner, and a
fervent helper and well-wisher of the church, to make the presentation to Mr.
Edwards. This was done by Mr. Jones, accompanied by a few suitable words.
Rector, in feeling terms, expressed the pleasure it gave him to be present,
with Mrs. Edwards and the Misses Edwards, amongst them that evening, and he
heartily thanked them for the very handsome present of the purse, and album
giving the names of the subscribers, which he should value above everything, as
the expression of the good feeling which they all felt towards him. He also
thanked the churchwardens, Messrs. W. H. Smith and C. H. Hughes, and sidesmen, Messrs. W. Hudson, J,
Hearn, and G. T. Williams, and also Messrs. F. Poole and P. Price, as
representing the members of the choir, and Mr. Sydney Williams (superintendent
of the Sunday School) representing the scholars, for the great energy which had
been displayed by them in promoting the object of the meeting.
The tea
tables were presided over by Miss Jones (The Calcutts) Mrs. W. H. Smith, Mrs.
J. Hearn, Mrs. C. H. Hughes, Mrs. G. T. Williams, Mrs. H. D. Hughes, and other
ladies, who rendered valuable help in the catering for the friends and
children. After a few hymns suited to the occasion had been sung by all present,
Mr. Edwards pronounced the Benediction, thus bringing to a close a pleasant
social gathering, which will be long remembered in Jackfield.
24th September 1910
very pretty wedding was celebrated in All Saints’ Church, Broseley, on Monday,
between Miss Lucy Mason, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Mason of High
Street, Broseley,
The members of the Old Baptist Chapel on Sunday celebrated the 169th
anniversary of the chapel, when Mr. Daniel Hall (Shifnal), was the preacher. At
the evening service, Mr. P. Hartshorne rendered two solos. Mr. Sydney Gilpin presided
at the organ. The congregations were large,
SHOW.— The first potato show was on Saturday held at the Napoleon Inn, where
Mr. J. Brown superintended the arrangements. The prize-winners were:— kidneys—
1 W. Leadbetter, 2 H. Bowen, 3 F. Glove. Round— 1 S. Minton, 2 R. Taylor, 3 J.
Williams. Kidney seed— 1 S. Minton, 2 H. Bowen. Round seed— 1 D. Minton, 2 S.
Minton. Heavyweight— 1 E. Minton, 2 S. Minton. 3 H. Bowen. The quality of the
potatoes was exceedingly good.
MISSIONARY SOCIETY.— The “John Williams” Van connected with this society
arrived in Broseley, on the morning of the 15th inst., in charge of the Rev. T.
Dixon Rutherford, M.A., and was located in a field adjoining
On Saturday the remains of Mr. John Walter Smith, King Street, who died on the
13th inst., were laid to rest in Benthall Churchyard, the funeral service being
conducted by the Rev. W. A. Terry (vicar). Deceased was 72 years of age, and
was one of the oldest members of the Broseley Provident Society. In his earlier
years he had been for a considerable time in the employ of Messrs. Maw and Co.,
Jackfield, after which he devoted himself to horticulture with a fair amount of
success. He was greatly esteemed by all who knew him. The mourners were Messrs.
T. Lloyd, H. Griffiths, W. Humphries, J. Rowe, J. Humphries, A. Humphries, J.
Simmonds, W. Simmonds, P. Simmonds, and O. Norry.
On Saturday a pretty wedding was celebrated in the Congregational Church, the
contracting parties being Miss Lucy Alice Bunnagar (only daughter of the late
Mr. Henry Bunnagar and Mrs. Bunnagar of Duke Street, Broseley) and Mr. Harry
Whittington (eldest son of Mr. Samuel Whittingham of Red Lake, Ketley). The
ceremony was performed by the Rev. J. Rhys Lewis (Dorrington). The bride, who
was given away by her brother (Mr. Henry Bunnagar), looked exceedingly well in
a costume of grey cloth, trimmed with grey silk, and hat to match, with orange
blossoms, and white silk blouse. The bridesmaid— Miss Pattie Bunnagar (cousin
of the bride)— also presented a very pretty appearance in a mole cloth costume,
with hat to match, trimmed with moss roses. Bride and bridesmaid each carried a
handsome shower bouquet (the gift of the bridegroom). The bride had been a
member of Broseley Congregational Church and choir, also a teacher in the
Sunday school, for some years, and was greatly esteemed. Mr. T. Whittingham
(brother of bridegroom) acted as best man. Appropriate music was, played upon
the organ by Miss Flo. Millward. At the conclusion of the ceremony the happy
pair left, amidst the congratulations of their friends and showers of confetti,
in a carriage and pair for
1st October 1910
Tuesday at Broseley Mr, Coroner F. H. Potts, held an inquest on the body of Edward
Thomas (51), who was found drowned in the River Severn on the Jackfield side.
Thomas, who lives in Rosand,
Potts, labourer, Jackfield, stated that about 6 o'clock on Monday evening he
was sent for, and he went down by the water-side and opposite the Lloyds Head,
Jackfield, he jumped into the
Reeves deposed that he identified the body as that of Edward Thomas. The face
was covered with mud. He examined the body, and found no marks with the
exception of a bruise on the temple, and scars on the hands. All that was in the
pockets was a small pocket-knife and a handkerchief.
Instone, jun., butcher, High Street, Broseley, stated that deceased had been in
their employ for some years, and drove the mailcart. The last time he was with
them was on Monday week. After he returned from the mail he went to bed, and
got up about 12 o'clock. In the afternoon he went to deliver some groceries at
Broseley Wood, taking their horse and spring cart. Witness went with him to Mr.
Croudace's, and then proceeded to the farm. Five minutes after he saw the horse
walking down Ball's Lane with two broken shafts attached to the harness.
Witness ran out and stopped the horse, and saw the cart at the corner of the
lane with the groceries all over the ground. Deceased was standing by the cart,
and in reply to him he said he was not hurt, and subsequently said, “I won't drive
a horse again for anyone.” He then started to walk up the road in the direction
of Broseley. Deceased had been rather unfortunate lately, having met with
several mishaps.
Clinton, landlord of the New Inn, Benthall, stated that on Monday week deceased
came to his house, and called for a half-pint of beer, with which witness
served him. He also had a half-pint of old beer, and another glass of ale. He afterwards
left, and turned up the Mines in the direction of Benthall Edge. He never mentioned
anything about an accident, but seemed to be thinking about something. He was a
reserved man.
jury returned a verdict of “Found drowned in the River Severn.”
remains of deceased were interred in
8th October 1910
THANKSGIVING SERVICES were held in the Primitive Methodist Chapel on Sunday
when sermons were preached by Mr. Dunning, of Stoke, Staffordshire. Harvest
hymns were sung, and a solo was given at each service by Mr. Dunning. Mr. Theo.
Trevor (Madeley) presided at the organ. The chapel had been tastefully
decorated with fruit, flowers, vegetables, wheat, &c., by Mrs. Jackson,
Miss Davies, Miss Evans, Mr. A. Malpass, and others. The Rev. J. Brenthall preached on Monday evening to a
good congregation, after which he and Mr. Malpas disposed of the fruit,
vegetables, &c. The collections were in aid of the trust funds and were in
advance of last year.
8th October 1910
Councillors J. Nicklin (chairman), T. Doughty, T. D. Griffiths, A. A. Exley, T.
S. Instone, G. Keay, Messrs. F. H. Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H.
Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), and E. Abberley (water
DISEASE.— Mr. Herbert stated that he had no nuisances to report, and that there
was no notifiable infectious disease in the district.— The Chairman hoped
scarlet fever would not visit them.— The Inspector remarked that the fever was
nearly all over the country
CONDEMNED HOUSE.— With reference to the condemned house in Broseley Wood, Mr.
Hinsley wrote stating that he only wanted done what was just and reasonable. —
The Chairman contended that if they closed this house, other houses just as bad
would also have to be closed.— Mr. Keay said he was of opinion that the land
values would stop all new buildings.— The matter was indefinitely deferred.
WANTED.— With reference to a public ashpit, a letter was read from Mr. Ledger
objecting to the erection of a public ashpit on his property.— The surveyor was
instructed to look out for another site.
AND MORE LIGHT.— The question of lighting all the public lamps in the main
street with incandescent light was discussed, and the surveyor was instructed
to see the secretary on the matter.— Mr. Keay wanted to know if they could not
approach the Local Government Board with the view to borrowing money for the purchase
of a gasworks.— The Chairman: We don’t want it.— Mr. Keay: What do we pay a
year for gas.— Mr. Griffiths: I believe £200.— The Chairman. We cannot run
gasworks on £200. Mr. Keay: I know that.— The Chairman: Bring the question
forward next year. Personally, I am against municipal trading in a small way.—
Mr. Keay: We should get our gas free.
WORST DELIVERY.— Mr. Instone proposed that the road at the Calcutts be fenced.—
The Chairman said that it would cost £6.— There was no seconder.- Mr. Instone
remarked that if there was an accident to the mail at any time, he should make
a claim on the Council.— Mr. Keay complained of the late postal delivery. He
said it was the worst delivery in the country.— Mr. Instone: If the mail gets
upset you will have no letters at all. (laughter).
DEFENDED.— The Collector stated that out of six rate-defaulters summoned four
were publicans.— Mr. Keay said that he must defend the publicans. The licensing
trade had been hit harder than any other. Through the increased licenses, many
were on the verge of bankruptcy. He hoped that the Council would be lenient.—
The Chairman said that they had no power
to be lenient; they must get the money in.
FROM JACKFIELD.— Mrs. Ball and Mrs. Williams, Smoky, Road, Jackfield, attended
the meeting, and asked for a water hydrant to be placed nearer their cottages.—
The Chairman told the deputation that their application would be considered.—
Mr. Abberley was ordered to make a report thereon at the next meeting
Mr. Abberley reported all the water mains to be in good order.— Mr. Keay was of
opinion that all water breakages at Jackfield should be repaired on a Sunday.—
Mr. Doughty said that he should like to see Jackfield and Broseley independent
of Madeley. Mr. Abberley was of opinion that to do that would cost about £150.-
Mr. Keay considered that the work could be done cheaper than that.— The
Chairman said it was an important matter to be considered, and he suggested
that the subject be deferred until they had the new Board, which was agreed to.
15th October 1910
COUNCIL.— WEDNESDAY., Present:- A. B. Dyas (chairman), W. J. Legge, and F. G.
Beddoes, Councillors B. Maddox (ex. mayor), W. F. Bryan, W G. Dyas, J. E. A.
Wolryche-Whitmore, W. Roberts, J. H. Webster, J. W. Owen, and F. E. Withers,
Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk). G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert
(sanitary, inspector), A. O. Callear (water inspector and collector), and Dr.
Gepp (medical officer).
BRIDGE.— Mr. Maddox presented the committee’s report with regard to the
widening of the road near the new bridge. The Madeley Wood Co., he said, offered
no objection to the proposed work. He moved that the surveyor be instructed to
carry out the work of widening the road.— Mr. Withers seconded.— Mr. Bryan
asked what would be the probable cost, and the Surveyor replied that it would
be about £2. Ald. Legge did not think it fair for the ratepayers to bear this
expense, now that a toll was being charged.— Ald. Beddoes did not think that it
was a matter for the Bridge Committee.— Mr Maddox: I should like to ask Mr.
Legge if he has been asked to pay a toll?— Ald. Legge: I don’t think I have.—
Mr. Maddox: We are dealing with the road, and it is dangerous at the point mentioned.—
Ald. Legge: It has answered from time immemorial, and ought to be good enough
now. I contend that as the Bridge Committee were receiving compensation for
going over the bridge they should do the work.— Mr. Bryan: There is no doubt
but what the place is dangerous, but it is through the bridge being put there,
and if the expense is only £2 it will come out of the ratepayers’ pockets.— The
motion was carried. Ald. Legge did not vote.
22nd October 1910
yesterday morning Captain the Hon. G. Forester was awakened by a noise, and
found that the farm building not far from Barrow House was in flames. He raised
an alarm, and with the aid of farm-hands and the use of an extinguisher, soon
got the flames under. The fire originated at the kiln, where barley was being
dried, and it was supposed to have been started by a smouldering beam. The farm
is in the occupation of W. Bishop. But for the promptness of Captain Forester
the whole of the buildings and much valuable produce would have been destroyed,
as only several inches away a large quantity of straw was stored. The kiln was
burnt out.
29th October 1910
Before Messrs. F. R. Smith
(chairman), W. J. Legge, A. B. Dyas, F. G. Beddoes, W. Roberts, B Maddox, Dr.
Collins, and Captain Geo. Forester.
GROCER FINED.— Walter Davies, grocer, Jackfield, was charged with having in his
possession a 2lb. weight, which was unjust and unstamped. —Mr. E. Symonds
(inspector of weights and measures) prosecuted.— Thomas Whitlock, assistant
inspector to the county of Salop, stated that after he had visited defendant’s
shop, he went across to the warehouse, and found in use on a scale the 2lb. weight
produced, which was nine drams deficient. It had never been submitted to an
inspector. There were two other weights in the warehouse unstamped.— Defendant
stated that he had no intention to defraud. He only used the weight in allowing
a person the weight of a bag. -Davies was fined £1 1s. 4d., including costs,
and advised to be more careful in the future.
5th November 1910
On Thursday an illustrated and highly, interesting lecture on “Personal
Reminiscences of India,” was given by Alderman D. L. Prestage in the Victoria
Hall, and was much appreciated. Mr. J. A. Downes occupied the chair. Preceding
the lecture a well-arranged programme of music was gone through by the
following:— Mrs. W. Davis, Mr. W. Davis, Mr. P. Price (Jackfield), and the
Broseley Glee Party. Mr. G. Tonkiss, A.R.C.O., accompanied on the pianoforte.
OF ODDFELLOWS.— This interesting function took place at a special meeting of
the “Rose of Sharon” Lodge of Oddfellows, M. U. (Lion Hotel), on Saturday, when
Captain the Hon. George Forester, Dr. Boon, and Councillor Griffiths were
initiated as ordinary members of the lodge. The ceremony was performed by J. W.
White (
On Wednesday an excellent rendering of the sacred cantata, “Daniel,” was given
in the Congregational Church by the choir, assisted by a few friends, with orchestral
accompaniment. The characters represented were:- Queen, Miss Hilda Quinn (soprano)
Sister of Azariah, Miss Hattie Jones (mezzo-soprano); Azariah Mr. G. P. Bagley
(tenor); King, Mr. W. Dodd (bass); Daniel, Mr. A. Williams (baritone); herald
and first president, Mr. R. Bunnager (tenor); second president, Mr. J. Quinn
(tenor). The “orchestra” was composed of Miss F. Millward, Messrs. Baldwin, E.
Hartshorne, T. Ward, M. Amphlett, G. Baldwin, W. Ward, W. Baldwin, E. Baldwin,
and C. Bartlam, T. Denstone, D. A. Roberts, T. Ball, and W. H. Bunnagar. The
whole of the artistes acquitted themselves well. Mr. E. Harrison (Jackfield)
ably conducted. There was a large attendance, the church being well filled. The
proceeds are to be devoted to the Choir Fund.
Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors J. Nicklin, T. I. Griffiths, A.
A. Exley, T. Doughty, and G. Keay, Mesas F. H. Potts (clerk), C Stevenson (surveyor),
H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), E. Oakes (rate collector), and E. Abberley (water
DISEASE.— Mr. Herbert informed the meeting that there was no infectious disease
in the district, and that there was only one nuisance.
ORDER. — A letter was read from Dr. Gepp calling attention to the House Inspection
Regulation Act, and asking the Council to make provision for a thorough
inspection, and to designate an officer to make the inspection under the direction
of the medical officer of health.— Mr Nicklin asked if these new regulations
were compulsory upon them.— The Chairman considered that the inspector was already
doing the work.— Mr Herbert said that there was more detail work.— The Chairman
said were 87 clauses for every house, one, of which was to count the number of
flies. (Laughter)— The Clerk said that the Order was absolutely compulsory.—
Mr. Herbert was appointed the officer to carry
out the work.
LIGHT.— The question of lighting up the district with incandescent light was
considered, and on the motion of Mr. Keay, it was decided to advertise in the
JOURNAL for tenders to supply 20 lampheads suitable for incandescent burners.—
It was decided to take over the lamp
(with permission of the church wardens)
at the Rectory Wall and remove it to a more suitable site.
The Surveyor reported that his expenditure for the past month was £53, and
cheques were drawn in his favour for £40 (main roads) and £15 district roads.
The Surveyor was instructed to attend to Legge’s Hill and Quarry Road.— The
Clerk stated that there was a balance in hand on the two accounts of £200.— Mr.
Oakes, said that the general district rate was cleared up.— It was decided to
take proceedings against water-rate defaulters if their rates were not paid
within a few days, although Mr. Keay thought they should not be too hard.— The
Chairman said that the money must be got in.
Mr. Abberley estimated the cost of removing the water hydrant to
TRAIN SERVICES WANTED.— A letter was read from Mr. J. Maw (Jackfield), asking
the Council to support his suggestions regarding the alteration in the train
service on the Severn Valley Line, which the meeting decided to do.
DELIVERY.— Mr. Keay again referred to the postal delivery in the town, and said
that they were treated worse than a small village.— No action however, was
taken in the matter.
12th November 1910
BARNARDO’S HOME.— On Friday afternoon and evening of last week an entertainment
was given in the Town Hall by the Musical Boys from Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, in
aid of the funds of that institution. In the evening the Rev. A. C. Howell,
B.A. (rector), presided over a large attendance, and the Rev. M. Snelgrove
(deputation secretary), delivered an interesting address on the work of the
Homes, illustrated by beautiful lime-light views.
On Wednesday the Wesleyans of the town partook of tea in the schoolroom, ladies
of the congregation presiding at the tables, the object of the gathering being
to bid farewell to their esteemed friend and minister (the Rev. W. M. Auld),
who was leaving England for America to act as coadjutor to Mr. Cadman. After
tea an adjournment was made to the chapel, where the Rev. W. M. Auld delivered
an able lecture on “
Thomas Rogers, William Owen. Iron-Bridge, and Harry Potts, Jackfield were
charged with a breach of the Poaching Prevention act at Benthall.—Sergeant
Morris stated that he was on duty in company with Police-constables Reeves,
Edwards, and Thredgold, in the neighbourhood of Benthall Edge, and at 4-40 a.m.
he saw the three defendants going along a public footpath leading across the Great
Western Railway bridge from Benthall Edge to Benthall Ferry. Each was carrying
a bag on his back. Suspecting that they were coming from land unlawfully in
search of game, witness and Police constable Reeves made a rush from where they
were concealed, and defendants ran towards the river. Potts dropped his bag on
the footpath, and threw his net in the River Severn before he was seized by
Police-constable Reeves. Witness and Police-constable Edwards seized Rogers and
Owen. Witness searched them, and in Roger’s bag he found 6 rabbits. and one
hare, and upon Owen there were 14 rabbits, a net 90 yards long, and also 21
pegs and a bludgeon. There were 19 rabbits in Potts’s possession, and a net 10
yards long. He seized them under the Poaching Prevention Act.— Defendants
pleaded guilty, and were each fined £5 and costs, in default two months’ hard
labour. The nets were ordered to be destroyed.- William John Harrison and John
Bowen, young men, labourers, Broseley Wood, were brought up in custody charged
with night poaching on land at Benthall, in the occupation of Mr. Allen, over
which Mrs. Sandbach Parker has the shooting rights. Mr. R. R. Phillips
(Shifnal) prosecuted.— William Benlin gamekeeper to Mrs. Sandbach Parker stated
that he heard some rabbits squealing, and went in search of Police-constable
Edwards and Police-constable Reeves, whom he met, and after some conversation
they concealed themselves. He saw three men in the act of setting a rabbit net.
Witness and constables made a rush for them. His man got away, and when he came
back he found the constable had got the defendants. Bowen had in his possession
one rabbit and six pegs. He found nothing on Harrison.— Police-constable Reeves
and Police-constable Edwards gave corroborative evidence.—On account of their
youth the Bench gave defendants another chance telling them that poaching was a
dangerous game. They were each bound over under the First Offenders Act of good
behaviour for 12 mouths, and to report themselves every month to Dr. Collins.
They pay costs, £1 0s. 9d. each. Lord Forester did not sit the in the case.
19th November 1910
there passed away somewhat suddenly Mrs. Betsy Ann Garbett (widow of Mr. John
19th November 1910
interested congregation was present on Wednesday night at the induction of the
Rev. B. de Ricci, late senior curate at the Abbey church,
19th November 1910
By the
death of Mr. John Randall, F.G.S., of Madeley, a remarkable career has come to
end. Mr. Randall was an artist, author, and scientist of considerable local repute.
He celebrated the hundredth anniversary of his birth on September 1st last, and
passed away on Wednesday morning, in the presence of members of the family, at
the Post Office, Madeley, where he had for some years held the position of
little over two months ago a representative of the JOURNAL spent a pleasant
hour with Shropshire’s “Grand Old
nothing pleased Mr. Randall mere than the receipt of a telegram from the King,
as follows:— “The King, having heard that you have attained the great age of a
hundred, commands me to offer you his sincere congratulations, and trusts that
you are in good health.— A. Bigge.” The old gentleman also received hundreds of
letters and postcards and about fifty congratulatory telegrams, and that was
probably one of the happiest days of his life.
account of Mr. Randall’s career appeared in the JOURNAL recently and will
probably be fresh in the memory of readers. He was honoured and revered by all
who knew him. He led a busy life, and in June last year he was made the first
freeman of the Borough of Wenlock. On that occasion Mr. Randall attended a banquet
in his honour in the Anstice Memorial Institute. Madeley, and, although in his
99th year, he stood erect, and made a speech which created the greatest possible
late Mr. Randall loved his native county. Many inducements were held out to him
to accept appointments elsewhere, but he rejected them all, and lived and died
work at Coalport was chiefly the painting of birds, in which branch of art he was
recognised as a leader. Each plate or vase that passed under his brush became a
perfect and life-like study.
Randall’s books are very interesting reading, and “The Severn Valley” passed
through two editions. In addition to gaining distinction as an artist and
author, he took up the study of geology, and was able to render some help to
landed proprietors and others in
Randall is survived by seven children—four daughters and three sons—and seven
of his children and grandchildren hold positions under the Government.
funeral will take place at Madeley this (Saturday) afternoon.
Mine is no voice of
grievance or of woe,
No tuning to the
note of funeral knell,
No rebel murmur at
his call, and so
Farewell, at last!
yet not a sad farewell.
His lot was blessed
with plenitude of years,
That brought not
age, that palsied not his brain;
Gave grace to
cherish all that life endears,
To see the right
prevail and truth made plain.
How has he used
them? Lo, his record clear,
Who in the centre
sat—broad day enjoyed-
Plain written, in
the sunlight, does appear,
unexcused, and unalloyed.
God gave him days
beyond the common lot-
A curse to some,
but him he gave as well
A boon that made
them blessed; so, from us,
Farewell, at last! yet not a sad farewell.
26th November 1910
further tribute was paid to the late Mr. John Randall, F.G.S., the
A great
personality has been removed from among us, says a correspondent; the last
chapter of a remarkable life has to be written; the Grand Old Man of
Madeley—full of years, and enshrined in honours worthily bestowed—has passed to
that borne whence no traveller returns. The career of John Randall is grandly
impressive. Born a son of Salopia’s fair county, breathing its congenial
atmosphere for practically all his days, he has at length, after a round
century of years, and a life of strenuous endeavour and usefulness, been
vanquished in the unequal contest. Now he is at rest in the pretty God’s acre
of the village so dear to him, amid the scenes of his labours and enjoyments.
As we listen to the kindly words of valediction o’er his grave, our emotions of
sorrow are mitigated by memories of a life well and nobly spent. What higher
need we strive for? To have benefited mankind, to have extended the range of
human knowledge, to have left the world better than we found it, is surely to
have realised a worthy ambition, for the lives most who thinks the noblest,
acts the best’. This and much more was achieved by John Randall of Madeley.
Artist, philosopher, scientist, editor, author, his life history has indeed
been remarkable. A man of comprehensive mental attainments, gifted with rare
powers of observation, and endowed with an inordinate capacity for work, he
played many parts, and thanks to a wonderful vitality, was enabled to continue
his endeavours to within a short period of his death. Picture him, almost a
centenarian, the honoured guest of the civic authority, the recipient of
well-bestowed municipal honours, acknowledging, in clear and well-chosen
phrases the compliments and plaudits of his admirers. But, then, Mr. Randall
was an extraordinary man. Respecting his many activities and recreations,
geological studies were a source of perennial delight to him. The practical
effect of his researches is to be seen in many of the
10th December 1910
BOARD.— At the annual meeting of this Board on Wednesday Alderman D. L.
Prestage was elected chairman for the ensuing year. The business transacted was
of a purely formal character.
On Wednesday a pretty wedding was celebrated in the Parish Church, the
contracting parties being Mr. Fred Preston (second son of Mr, and Mrs. George
Preston, High Street, Broseley), and Miss L. Roberts (daughter of Mr. C. Roberts
Church Street, Broseley). The ceremony was performed by the Rev. A. C. Howell
(rector). The bride (who was escorted to the altar by Mr. W. S. Waters,
Shifnal, and eventually given away by him) looked exceedingly well in a costume
of cream serge trimmed with silk braid, and large cream hat, trimmed with soft
silk and feathers. She also carried a bouquet of white chrysanthemums. The
bridesmaids— the Misses Lucy and Edith Rowe—were prettily attired in dresses of
cream crepe-merle, trimmed with silk and lace, with hats to match trimmed with
silk. They also carried prayerbooks (the gifts of the bridegroom). Mr. Percy
Preston (brother of the bridegroom) acted as best man. The presents were
numerous and useful, including a clock from the employees of Broseley Tileries
COUNCIL, Wednesday.— Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors
T Doughty, J. Nicklin, A. A. Exley, T. L. Griffiths, and G. Keay, Messrs. P. H.
Potts (clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), G.
Oakes (rate collector), and E. Abberley (water inspector).— Mr. Doughty
proposed that Alderman Prestage be re-elected chairman for the ensuing year. He
was certain they could not have a better gentleman for the position. (Hear,
hear.)— Mr. Griffiths, in seconding the motion, remarked that Alderman Prestage
was the hardest worked man is Broseley.— Mr. Nicklin supported the motion,
which was unanimously carried.— Mr. Prestage promised to do all he could for
the Council, and hoped they would pull together in the future as they had done
in the past.— The committees were then re-elected- Mr. Herbert said there was
no notifiable infectious disease in the district, and that there was only one
nuisance, which was ordered to be abated.- After some discussion it was decided
to light two lamps at Jackfield, and four at Broseley with incandescent lights,
on the motion of Mr. Doughty, seconded by Mr. Exley.— It was also decided, on
the motion of Mr. Nicklin, to fix a public lamp at Swan Lane near the Hand and
Tankard.— The Surveyor presented his accounts for the past month, which was
passed.— The Clerk reported there was a balance in hand on the general district
account of £341, and £209 was required to meet liabilities.— Mr. Oakes stated
that he had collected £225 on the general account.— Mr. Abberley said he had
inspected the water mains throughout Jackfield and Broseley, and found them in
good working order.
On Friday last week a pleasing function took place at the Liberal and Labour
Club the occasion being the presentation of a Gladstone bag by the members of
the club, to Mr. E. R. Hartshorne on his leaving
17th December 1910
Williams’ Stores, 84, High Street,
large stock High-class Christmas Goods. Inspection invited. Everything guaranteed.
INQUEST.- On Thursday Mr. Coroner F. H. Potts held an inquiry on the newly-born female child of Eliza Pope, single woman, residing at Foundry Lane.- Mrs. Pope (grandmother) stated that on Wednesday her daughter complained of being ill. She went for two midwives, who refused to go, and when witness returned she discovered her daughter had been confined of a female child, and it was dead.- Dr. Fox Edwards said that, acting under the instruction of the coroner, he had made a post mortem examination, and found the child was still born, and the jury returned a verdict in accordance with the medical evidence.
24th December 1910
DEAD IN BED.— On Monday Mr. Coroner F. H. Potts held an inquiry concerning the
death of Thomas Campbell (73), a coal dealer.— George Hurdley, clerk, Broseley,
who identified the body, stated that deceased was unmarried, and had lived by
himself. In consequence of what he had heard, witness went to deceased’s house
on Saturday, and found the place locked up. He then sent for Police-constable
Edwards, who broke into the house and found Campbell dead in bed.— Mary Preece,
a little girl, stated that she went on errand for deceased on Wednesday
afternoon.— Dr. Boon stated that he had attended deceased on and off for some
years until three months ago. On Saturday-night he went to deceased’s house,
and found him in bed dead. He was of opinion that deceased had been dead about
two days, and that he died from heart failure.— Police-constable Edwards stated
that, acting under the instructions of Mr. Hurdley, he broke into the residence
of deceased, and discovered the dead body of deceased. He also found 5s. in
money in the window. There was a quantity of food in the house, and nothing had
been disturbed.— A verdict of “Death from heart failure” was returned.