Extracts from

The Wellington Journal


Shrewsbury News




relating to Broseley and District






Broseley Local History Society


2nd January 1904


ST. MARY’S CHURCH.— At evensong on Sunday a selection of Spinner’s carols was given after the service, which was conducted by the rector.

CHRISTMAS FESTIVITIES, &c. — On Tuesday evening the junior members of the choir were entertained to tea, and games at the Rectory.- The Jackfield charities were distributed by the rector as usual.

CHRISTMAS GIFTS.—Messrs. Maw and Co., Benthall Works, have presented each of their clerks, designers, draughtsmen, foremen, and others with a turkey, goose, fowl, or other seasonable-gifts.

FIRE.- About £50 worth of damage was done at Mr. J. Hearne’s house on Boxing Night, through fire. The members of the household retired to bed as usual, but early on the following morning Mrs. Hearne discovered the house was full of smoke. The occupants were immediately aroused, and on proceeding downstairs the kitchen was found to be all ablaze. The alarm was soon given and willing workers were busy on the scene, with the result that the fire was soon subdued. It appeared that the fire originated through a cinder falling from the fire on to a rug, which subsequently ignited the wooden floor. A lot of the furniture was burnt as well as clothes, boots, and other goods.



Before Councillor F. G. Beddoes (mayor), Colonel J. A. Anstice, Alderman J. Bodenham, and Councillor T. Cooke.

DRUNKENNESS.—Edward Tench sweep, Broseley, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Broseley. Police-constable Davies proved the case, and defendant was fined £1 and costs.

ADULTERATED GIN.— Elizabeth Millward, landlady of the Albion Inn, Broseley, was charged with selling adulterated gin, with 4 per cent of added water, 39 degrees below proof. - Sergeant Wilson stated that he visited the Albion Inn, and purchased a pint of gin from defendant’s daughter. He paid 2s. for it, and divided it into three parts, one of which was sent to the county analyst. Witness then produced the certificate.—Defendant’s daughter said she could not account for the adulteration, unless it was owing to the cork being drawn—Defendant was fined £2 11s., including costs.


The new Housing for the Working Classes Act., which came into operation yesterday will (says the “Local Government Journal”) enable local authorities to extend their housing schemes, and provide accommodation for the working classes at reasonable rent which has hitherto been practically impossible owing to the restriction which the Act removes.  By extending the period for repayment of loans for sites to 80 years and for buildings to 60 years the local authorities will be able to reduce the present scale of rents by at least sixpence, and in some instances a shilling per week.


9th January 1904


WESLEY GUILD.— The annual party in connection with this guild was held in the Wesleyan Schoolroom on New Year’s Eve. About 30 sat down to a first-class tea, after which numerous games of an interesting and amusing character were heartily indulged in until 11 p.m., when they proceeded to the watch-night service in the chapel.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.—Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors E. G. Exley, W. E. Southorn, T. Doughty, P. Jones, Lord Forester, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), Geo. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), and J. Dixon (collector).— Mr. Dixon said he had collected £493 8s. 6d. on the general district rate account, and about £300 had yet to be collected.—The Chairman said there was a balance in hand of £337 3s. 3d., and cheques were to be signed that day for £154, which would reduce the balance to £382 4s. 9d. They had to pay Dr. Gepp £4 for taking five samples of water, which he had condemned.—A member remarked that he was very pleased to hear this statement.— In reply to a question by the chairman, Mr. Dixon said he had collected £299 15s. 6d. of the water-rate. He presented a list of the defaulters, which represented £10. He said he had taken out seven summonses, but he hoped the defaulters would pay up.—The Chairman said it was unfortunate they had to take out those summonses, but they had done so because there was no other course open. He went on to remark that the extension of the water supply to the Tuckies, Jackfield, would cost £45, and the revenue would amount to 10 per cent.— Mr. Southorn proposed that the work he done.—Lord Forester seconded this, and the motion was carried.—The Chairman said he was of opinion that they should protect Jackfield from fire; and he suggested that they should hire the hose and travelling stand-pipe at one of the works.— Mr. Doughty was asked to make the necessary arrangements.—The Chairman said the public at Broseley ought to know where to go for the stand-pipe in case of fire; and he suggested that new plates, with the word “Fireman”, be fixed to the houses of the members of the fire brigade.—The suggestion was agreed to.—Mr. Herbert reported a fatal case of diphtheria at Broseley.—Mr. Doughty asked if the water-rate. would help the general district rate.—The Chairman said the scheme was yet young, and he was of the opinion that the first thing they should do would be to put by a reserve fund.—Mr. Exley said this would certainly assist the rates at some future period.—This concluded the business.


SUPPER.— A supper was given to the adult members of the choir at the Rectory on Thursday, when an enjoyable time was spent.

PRIZE DISTRIBUTION.— This took place in the schools, when the Rector, on behalf of the superintendents and the teachers, presented Miss S. J. Smallwood, a teacher in the day and Sunday Schools, with a handsomely-bound Bible, as a token of their esteem, and on the occasion of her leaving the parish to enter upon her work as a teacher in Edgmond school. Special prizes for making every attendance and for obtaining the maximum of marks were given by the Rector to Misses Laura Bowen, Minnie Pryce, and Amy Smallwood. In the Girls’ School 15 prizes were given, and in the Boys’ School 17. The Rector and superintendents (Messrs. H. D. Hughes and P. Price) addressed words of encouragement to the scholars.

OLD PEOPLES TEA.— This was held in the Schools on New Year’s Eve, when about 70 in all, including the “mothers”, sat down to tea, given by the Rector. Many of the aged and infirm were unable to attend owing to illness. The interval between the tea and entertainment was filled up by a reading, recitation by Mrs. Cleobury, and songs by Mr. Weaver. The first part of the entertainment was given by a Nigger Minstrel Troupe, whose performance afforded much pleasure and amusement, and secured rounds of applause. The second part consisted of a miscellaneous programme of carols by members of the G.F.S., songs, glees, and a pianoforte solo and duet. Songs were given by Misses L. Austin, J. Bowen, A. Cleobury, M. Pryce, and Mr. P. Price. Encores were given to Miss M. Pryce and Mr. P. Price, and also for the men’s part songs, and every item was greeted with rounds of applause.

16th Jan 1904


RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION:— On Tuesday a committee meeting in connection with this association was held in the Town Hall. The president (Mr. J. Nicklin) occupied the chair, and there was a good attendance. The Chairman congratulated the meeting upon the prospects of the association, which he considered were very good, and he trusted that the result of the canvass undertaken through Broseley and Jackfield would add considerably to the membership, stability, and usefulness of the association. He wished it to be distinctly understood that the association was strictly non-political; but that it was formed solely to watch over the interests of the ratepayers generally. He had pleasure in stating that he had “captured” the chairman of the Broseley District Council, who was present to answer any questions they might put to him. He proposed that Mr. Prestage be a member of the committee.— This was carried unanimously, and Mr. Prestage, in expressing thanks for his election, said he did not view the association as in any way antagonistic to him, but rather welcomed it as an evidence that the ratepayers were beginning to look after their own interests, for it was absolutely necessary that there should be supervision if they were to be properly represented.— Mr. J. Morgan said he considered the increase of salary given to a certain teacher in a local school was excessive. The salary had been raised from £70 to £85. The average attendance was 100 and the hours five; whilst there were in addition to the teacher he had mentioned two assistant teachers.— Mr. Prestage said he was not on the Education Committee. He was proposed, but he gave way for Lord Forester, who was a large landowner; but he believed the school teachers were paid according to their qualifications. High salaries had to be paid in order to retain their services, as they were better remunerated in the large towns.— It was resolved to engage a reporter to attend the Council meetings in the interests of the association.— Mr. Prestage spoke at some length on the water question, throwing light on various points which the ratepayers hitherto had been ignorant of, and which the committee highly appreciated. He attributed a great deal of the extra cost to the interference of the Local Government Board, who insisted on alterations to their plant, whereas if they had been allowed to follow out the plan of their engineer a considerable saving would have been effected.— A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mr. Prestage for his presence there that evening, and for his able and exhaustive speech.



Before Councillor P. G. Beddoes (mayor), Alderman A. B. Dyas, Messrs. W. G. Norris, and P. R. Smith.

A “BLACK LISTER”. —Francis Smith, labourer, Broseley, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Broseley, and also with being an habitual drunkard.—Police-constable Davies proved the case.—The Mayor said this was a sad case. Defendant had been convicted 39 times, and he would now he sent to gaol for one month’s hard labour as an habitual drunkard, and be put on the “black list” for three years. It was the first case in the borough, and he hoped it would be the last.—Defendant, who left the box smiling, said he was willing to go to a home.

BROSELEY WATER RATE. — Edwin Davies, grocer, Broseley, was summoned for non-payment of his water rate, £1 11s. 3d. Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk) represented the Town Council.- Considerable interest was taken in the proceedings, the court being filled with influential ratepayers, including the chairman of the Broseley Council.—Defendant said he never refused the rate, but he objected to pay the arrears.—Mr. Potts contended that there were no arrears. The rate was laid at 1s. 3d. in the pound, and was for five quarters. They were suing for the first three quarters. The whole of the rate for the three quarters had been collected, with the exception of four cases; and he maintained it was not fair to the other ratepayers that less should be accepted from those who left it till last.—Mr. Norris: The rate-book distinctly states arrears.— Mr. Potts: It is a clerical error, although stated an arrear.— John Dixon, rate collector said he was instructed to collect the rate, but defendant only offered to pay a portion.—Defendant said he objected to pay the arrears for the simple reason that no rate was then made.—Mr. Smith said there was no doubt everyone would like to have the water for nothing.—The Chairman said there was not only a legal question, but an equitable one. They were trying the legal point, and it was a question of how far the legal point could be met or arranged.—Mr. Potts said the rate as appeared in the book was for five quartets, and they were entitled to the money.—Mr. Norris: That is the equitable point.—Mr. Davies: It is the legal point I am working on.—Mr. Potts said it was an unfortunate thing that the sealing of the rate should be inconsistent with the book. The people had had the use of the water, and with four exceptions all had paid; he maintained it was an ungracious act on the part of those ratepayers in refusing to pay the rate on a technical question.—The Bench retired, and, on returning, the Chairman said they would, adjourn their decision for a fortnight.—Three other cases were held over.  The Mayor and Alderman Dyas did not adjudicate in the case.


30th January 1904


*       The Famous Humber Light Car, 5 h.p., price 125 guineas will take you out and bring you back. Repairs and Accessories Sole District Agent, JAMES DAVIES, Broseley.

WESLEY GUILD.—The members of this guild held their usual meeting on Tuesday in the Wesleyan Schoolroom. Mr, J. E. Hartshorne presided, and there was a fair attendance.

SACRED CANTATA.— On Wednesday the members’ of the Broseley Congregational Church choir gave a fine interpretation of the cantata, “A Day with our Lord” (T. Mee Pattison), with orchestral accompaniment, in the chapel. The solos were ably undertaken by Mr. A. Evans (bass), Mr. T. Minton (tenor), Miss Kate Broadhurst (soprano), and the Misses May Bunnagar and Florrie Williams (contralto), and the artistes performed their allotted portions admirably. There was a large audience. The proceeds are to be devoted to the choir fund,


Before Councillor F. G. Beddoes (Mayor), Alderman A. B. Dyas, Messrs. W. G. Norris, and P. R. Smith.

VOTE OF CONDOLENCE.—The Mayor said since the last Petty Sessions he was sorry to say they had sustained a very serious loss to their Bench, and not only to the Bench but to the community at large. He alluded to the sad and sudden death of their respected friend, Mr. W. Y. Owen. He was sure that all who knew that gentleman could not speak too highly of him. He was a man who did in a thorough manner whatever he undertook to do. He was respected by rich and poor, and whatever be was called upon to do he did it with zeal and care. He (the speaker) was sure he was echoing the feelings of his brother magistrates and the officials of their Court, and also the solicitors practising in the court, when he expressed his very deep sympathy with the bereaved widow. He proposed that they send a vote of condolence to Mrs. Owen in her sad bereavement.—Mr. Norris endorsed the Mayor’s remarks, and added that he had known the deceased gentleman for a long period of years, and always had a great regard for him.—Mr. Spender also spoke, and the motion was carried.

BROSELEY WATER RATE..—In the case of Edwin Davis, grocer, Broseley, who was summoned at the last Court for the non-payment of the Broseley Water Rate, Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk) informed the Bench that he had no more to say than what he did at the last Court. — Mr. W. G. Norris: We decline to make an order for the payment of the amount demanded as water rate, and accordingly dismiss the summons. No authority has been produced to us for making the demand for an amount from January 1st to March 31st, 1903. The rate book purporting to set out a rate of 1s. 3d. in the pound for the year ending March, 1904, under date 11th day of February, 1903, appears to us to be bad on the face of it.— Mr. Potts:- With regard to the other three cases, I ask for the summonses to be withdrawn.— Mr. Norris: We have no objection; it rests with you. Whatever costs there are they must be paid.

DRUNKENNESS.— Abraham Birch, drover, was charged with being drunk and disorderly at Much Wenlock.—Police-constable Roberts proved the case, and defendant was fined £1, including costs.

SCHOOL CASES.— The following persons were summoned for not sending their children regularly to school:— Emma Matthews, Broseley, fined £1; Eliza Harris, Madeley, £1: Joseph Thomas, Madeley, £1; Henry Smallshaw, Broseley Wood, 10s.; Mary A. Dorsett, Benthall, 10s. Mr. T. James (school officer) proved the cases.


6th February 1904


WESLEYAN HOME MISSION.— The annual meeting in connection with this mission was held in the chapel on Wednesday, under the presidency of Mr. Lingard of Iron-Bridge. Collections were taken in aid of the mission.

RENT AUDIT.— Lord Forester’s rent audit was held on Thursday at the Lion Hotel. The rents having been received by Mr. A. G. Lascelles (agent) the tenants sat down to a splendid bill of fare. The cloth removed, the usual toasts were duly honoured, and that of “Lord Forester and his Lady” was enthusiastically drunk.

SPECIAL SERVICES.— On Sunday two excellent sermons were preached in the Broseley Congregational Church by Mr. R. D. Baldwin of Shrewsbury. The anthem, “Arise, shine, for thy light is come”, was rendered with excellent taste and expression by the choir. There was a good attendance at each service, and collections were taken in aid of the church funds.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— The Inspector reported a case of nuisance at Cape Street, which was ordered to be abated. He said there were no more cases of diphtheria.— Mr. Dixon said he had collected £101 18s. 6d. on the general district rate, which left £219 to be collected.— The Chairman said there was a balance of £484 3s. 3d. in hand, but there were several cheques to be drawn. There were the instalment of the Harrington water loan account (£278 5s. 4d.) and income tax (£14 18s, 10d.).—The Chairman said after meeting the various bills £140 19s. 1d. would be still in hand.- Mr. Dixon said he had collected the first instalment of the water rate, with four exceptions. He had collected £301 0s. 7d.— The Chairman remarked that since the last meeting they issued summonses to seven defaulters; three out of the seven paid, and four went into court and defended the cases. One test case went against them, and they withdrew the summonses in the other cases, and the reason it was given against them was that the sealing of the rate book did not correspond with the book itself. It was the joint fault of the late clerk and themselves, because they did not find the matter out before they went into court. — Mr. Oakes said he did from the first take exception to the arrears.—The Chairman—That was where the mistake was.—Mr. Southorn: They will have to pay the rest of the rate?—The Chairman: Yes.—Mr. Oakes considered the magistrates were quite right in their decision.—The Clerk: They could not do anything else. They were bound to go into court after others had paid it, although we knew we stood no chance.—Mr. Doughty thought they should give credit for one quarter on the next demand note, and on the motion of Mr. Exley it was resolved in collecting the second instalment of the water rate credit be given to those who paid excess in the first instalment.—A claim was read from Mr. N. T. Hartshorne (one who was summoned) for 12s. for loss of time in attending the Police Courts.- The Chairman said they could not deal with a matter of that sort.—Mr. Exley: We might have other applications.—The Clerk said the matter would have to be dealt with by the magistrates.—The Chairman said he instructed the town clerk to watch the cases, and his fee was five guineas, which he proposed should he paid.- Mr. Exley seconded the motion, which was unanimously carried.—The Clerk here produced his estimate of expenditure for the year ending March, 1905, which was £1,559, including £103 for salaries, £400 roads, sewerage, and scavenging, £230 gas and loans £826. The probable balance at the end of March would leave £1,295 to be raised by a rate. The Chairman suggested that £200 collected on the water rate be handed over to the General District Rate.—Mr. Oakes did not think it was scarcely an equitable way of doing it.-The Chairman thought everyone should have a benefit.- It was taking out of one pocket and going into the other.—Mr. Oakes said he should stick to his opinion.—The Chairman said those who paid heavy rates and got nothing at all were, he thought entitled to a little relief in a case of this sort.—Mr. Oakes: What about a reserve?—The Chairman said he had found out that the ratepayers did not all agree with a reserve fund. They were doing a great deal for the next generation—they were piling up a valuable property for their successors.- Mr. Oakes: You might have a sudden collapse.—The Chairman: I quite see that. If it was an ordinary repair we could do it out of the water rate, but if a large one they would have to do it out of the General District Rate.- Mr. Oakes: It was a point you mentioned a week ago.— The Chairman said with reference Shifnal their scheme was £42 13s. 6d., and if they took £200 out of the water account there would be more than £100 left. No doubt the ratepayers were looking forward to some relief, and justly so. Their full water rate for the year was £440. It was decided to take £200 out of the water account, which left £1,095 to be raised by a rate.- Mr. Doughty proposed, and Mr. Oakes mentioned the fact that some people were carry-Rate of 2s. 2d. in the pound, which was 1s less than last year.—The motion was carried unanimously.— Mr. Oakes mentioned the fact that some people were carrying water from the conduits who had a water meter.—The Chairman said the Joint Water Committee should deal with the matter. He thought those people should he made to pay both ways. They were liable to a penalty of £5.— Some of the members pointed out the shocking condition of several of the by-roads in the district, and the surveyor was requested to make an improvement in the places mentioned.


13th February 1904



LICENSING REPORT.— Superintendent Walters presented his annual report, which stated that during the past year 28 persons had been prosecuted for drunkenness, &c., viz., 73 males and 5 females; of these 68 males and 5 females were convicted, and 5 males were discharged. The prosecutions under this heading for the previous 5 years were:— In 1902, 96; 1901, 88; 1900, 54; 1899, 76; and 1898, 88. One habitual drunkard had been placed on the “Black List”. The license of the off-beerhouse, called the “Pear Tree”, at Brockholes, Madeley Wood, had lapsed, no application for renewal having been made for the license at the last Brewster Sessions. The only conviction against any of the license holders was that of Mrs. Elizabeth Millward of the Albion Inn, Broseley, who had been fined £1 and costs for selling adulterated gin. Therefore he considered the whole of the houses had during the year been satisfactorily conducted. Under the Food and Drugs Act, 11 samples of spirits had been taken for analysis, and with the one exception already named they had been found to be genuine. There had been 15 transfers of licenses during the year, He attached a return showing the houses and premises to which he considered attention was required.—The Mayor said the whole of the licenses in the division would be renewed without any reference to the plans. They had no time to go through them carefully; but there was no doubt alterations would be required when they did go through them.

DISMISSED.— Henry Reynolds, Broseley, was charged with keeping a refreshment-house without a license. M. W. Mowney (supervisor) prosecuted on behalf of the Inland Revenue Office, and Mr. F. R. Spender defended.—Police-constable Davies stated that he saw four young men go into defendant’s shop at a quarter-past 11 at night. Two were supplied with chip potatoes, the other two purchased, and came away. He went to speak to the defendant, but the door was closed in his face, and bolted. The house, door was opened at a quarter to 12, and he went in, and saw Owen Bate, Alfred Fletcher, and Alfred Nicklin present. —Defendant stated that he had no refreshment license because he required none. On the date in question he closed the shop a few minutes before 11. The men above-mentioned came in to see his new organ, and no chip potatoes were sold. Nothing was eaten, and nothing was paid for.—Alfred Fletcher, fitter, Broseley; Alfred Nicklin, draughtsman; and Owen Bate, insurance agent, gave corroborative evidence.— The case was dismissed.

ROBBING HIS EMPLOYER.— Allen D. Ball, engine driver, Broseley, was charged with stealing 64lb. weight of coal, value 4d., the property of his employers, the Broseley Tileries Company, Limited.—Sergeant Owen said he saw the defendant returning from his work, with a frail on his back, which appeared bulky. He had coal in his pockets, which witness took possession of.—Defendant pleaded guilty.—Mr. Cook (representing the company) said they did not wish to press the case.—Defendant was fined £1 4s., including costs, or 14 days’ imprisonment.

GAME TRESPASS.— Thomas Aston and Noah Oakley, labourers, Broseley, were charged with trespassing on Lord Forester’s property in pursuit of game.—Police constable Davies proved the case.— Aston was fined 10s. and costs, and Oakley 2s. 6d. and costs.

SCHOOL CASES.—The following parents were summoned for failing to send their children regularly to school :—Eliza Aston, Broseley, fined 10s.; Thomas Hill, Broseley, 5s.; Herbert Davies, Aqueduct, 5s.; William Griffiths, Broseley, £1,—Mr. T, Jones (attendance officer) proved the cases.


13th February 1904


WESLEY GUILD.—On Tuesday the members of this guild held a social in the Wesleyan Schoolroom. Light refreshments were handed round during the evening, and a very pleasant time was spent.

ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH.—On Sunday evening the duet, “Love Divine”, was rendered by Mr. W. Anstice and Masters H. Wase and W. Oakley in this church, and the choir gave the anthem, “See what love hath the Father”. There was a large congregation.

WESLEYAN CHAPEL.— On Monday a temperance festival was held in this chapel, under the presidency of Mr. J. E. Hartshorne, who made a forcible speech in support of temperance principles, and spoke strongly against the Licensing Bill recently introduced into the House of Commons. Mr. G. Whittaker (Madeley) and Mr. H. Williams (Coalport) also delivered addresses. Mr. Theo. Trevor (organist at Madeley Wood Wesleyan Church) gave an organ recital in masterly style. Miss Hetha Richards received quite an ovation in each of her songs, “Nobody Else” and “A Song of Temperance”, and the recitation “Becalmed”. There was a large audience

RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION.— A somewhat protracted committee meeting was held on Tuesday evening, under the presidency of Mr. J. Nicklin. There was a good attendance, which included Alderman Prestage (chairman of Broseley District Council). As a result of the recent canvass, the names of 33 persons were submitted to the meeting, and were duly enrolled as members of the association.—The Secretary read a letter from Mr. Lascelles (Lord Forester’s agent) expressing the pleasure he should have in becoming a member of the association.—On the proposition of Mr. N. T. Hartshorne, seconded by Mr. A. Evans, the report of the last meeting of the Broseley District Council as published in the “Journal” was read by the Secretary, and created considerable discussion.—Mr. N T. Hartshorne said he was one of those who were summoned for non-payment of the water-rate; he had offered the collector the amount (less the arrears), but he refused to accept it, so he had fought the case out and won. He said the rate-book had not been properly sealed yet, as he had inspected the same at the collector’s office.—Mr. E. R. Hartshorne asked in such a case how could the next rate be levied.—Alderman Prestage said the matter was having attention.—Mr. E. R. Hartshorne asked why four persons were summoned when one would have been sufficient as a test case, and would have saved expense.—In regard to Mr. Potts’s fee. Alderman Prestage did not think it excessive, especially when the fact that Mr. Potts had done a great deal of work for the borough without having received a single penny for it. He (the speaker) took exception to the report in the “Journal” in regard to the statement attributed to Mr, Potts. He did not believe he made such a statement.—Mr. P. Stephan did not impugn the character of Mr. Potts in any way when he said that he considered it was the duty of the town clerk to give all legal advice required by the various Councils, for he was paid as their legal adviser as well clerk. He took his stand upon the report published in the “Journal”, and said it was monstrous for the town clerk to be paid for cases which he knew before going into court would not stand.—Mr. N. T. Hartshorne proposed, and Mr. A. Evans seconded, the following resolution:— “That this meeting of the executive of the Broseley Ratepayers’ Association most strongly condemns the proposal of the Broseley Sanitary Authority to reduce the general district rate in the sum of 1s. in the pound, and carrying from the water-rate fund the amount required to make up the, deficiency necessary to meet the estimated expenditure for the year ending March, 1905, as legislating to benefit the pockets of the manufacturers at the expense of the householders. This executive is of opinion that the repayment of all loans and interest thereon should he paid solely from the general district rate. And that a water-rate should be levied to meet the estimated working and wear and tear expenses only. That no portion of this fund should be carried to any other fund. Thus every assessment would share the burden”.— This was carried; three dissentients only.— Alderman Prestage considered those large ratepayers who had contributed so much to the water scheme should have some relief given them.— The Chairman concurred in his view, and thought the committee took too narrow a view of the matter; although the manufacturers paid no water rate they had incurred considerable expense in providing water for themselves.— Mr. W. Benbow said the manufacturers did not pay one penny more than the householders; and Mr. A. Evans said all ratepayers paid their quota of the general district rate, and if the manufacturers were to be relieved, why not the shopkeepers?— Mr. T. Legge (secretary) proposed, and Mr. N. T. Hartshorne seconded, the following resolution:— “That the meeting of the members of the Broseley Ratepayers’ Association request the members of the Council to consider the advisability of holding their Council meetings in the evening, instead of the afternoon for the purpose of enabling any ratepayer to attend”, which was carried unanimously.


13th February 1904

Letters to the Editor


Sir,—It would appear from your report of the Broseley District Council’s meeting of last week that the members thereof are like the Premier suffering from “unsettled convictions”, and are in a quandary just now, owing to the adverse decision of the magistrates in connection with the water-rate, who declared it to be “bad on the face of it”, and the Town Clerk quite coincided with the same; in fact, he says he knew it before the cases were entered, but they were bound to go into court after others had paid their rates. There are several keen men of business on the Council, whose memory appears to have failed them entirely. There have been several similar cases reported, in the public press lately, and they appear to be on the increase; how to account for them I do not know, except for a lack of interest in matters appertaining to the welfare of he public generally, or they would have ascertained the legality or otherwise of the action they were about to take. The Chairman said, in reply to an inquiry, that the rate (less arrears) would have to be paid. If a rate is illegally laid I fail to see how any part of it can be enforced. Again, I am told that certain manufacturers use the water at their works gratis. Matters are evidently coming to a crisis, and it is hoped that the ratepayers are preparing to relieve the strain bearing so heavily upon the members of Broseley District Council.



20th February 1904


RATES for the following parishes were then levied: - Barrow 1s. 6d. in the pound; Broseley, 2s 6d.; Madeley 2s. 11d.; and Much Wenlock, 2s. 9d.

ISOLATION HOSPITAL.- Mr. Prestage reported that they had carried out the work of erecting an isolation hospital, at a cost of £733 5s., which was below the original estimate. The site covered two acres, which they had on a 21 years’ lease. They were compelled to take the whole of the field, nine acres, and the committee asked the Council to remunerate Mr. Herbert for plans and extra work in the sum of five guineas. They recommended the painting of the exterior of the hospital to help to preserve the corrugated iron. The arrangements for the upkeep of the hospital they placed in the hands of the Council. He moved that the report be adopted.— Mr. Lascelles seconded.—The Mayor said he went over the hospital last week, and he could say the committee had done their work splendidly. It was an ideal spot for a hospital, but he hoped it would not be required in the way of an isolation hospital—(hear, hear)—but at the time it was absolutely necessary for them to have one. The only regret was that the committee could not use it for some other purpose.— Mr. Maddox took exception to the five guineas to be paid the inspector. The ratepayers constantly asked the question why there were these extras, and in the Council Chamber that day he asked the same question.—Col. Anstice said he considered it a most business-like report, and it was adopted.

MONEY FOR EDUCATION.—Mr. Dyas moved that the borough seal be affixed to the mortgage deed for £1,000 to be advanced by way of overdraft by the treasurer of the Education Committee.—Mr. Cooke, in seconding the resolution, referred to a letter in last week’s “Journal”, adding that, if people read the various reports of the district meetings reported in the “Journal” they would have all the information they required. He thought it much better to have an over-draft at the bank, for which they paid interest day by day, than to go and ask the ratepayers for a big sum of money, which would be lying idle. The rates were already high enough. They were not borrowing the money with a light heart; £200 would be paid back every year for five years, and he considered it the most business-like and sensible arrangement they could have made in the matter.—Mr. Maddox asked if it was not a fact that the Act declined to allow them to have an overdraft at the bank.—The Clerk explained that this Act was passed subsequent to the Education Act, for the purpose of enabling bodies to borrow the money for a working balance.—Mr. Maddox contended that a permanent loan would be less hurtful to the ratepayers then paying back £200 a year.—Mr. Dyas said they were bound to pay it off in so many years.—The Clerk said the Local Government Board fixed the date.—The Mayor said the matter had been gone into thoroughly by the committee and Council.—The motion was carried.

HEALTH.—Dr. Gepp presented his annual report, which showed that the death rate was down 15 per cent. It was 3 per cent. lower than the year before, and 2 per cent. lower than the average, thus showing an exceptionally wet year an exceptionally healthy year. For the first time since he had been in office there had been no cases of enteric or typhoid.


27th February 1904


 * The Famous Humber Light Car, 5 h.p., price 125 guineas, will take you out and bring you back. Repairs and Accessories. Sole District Agent, JAMES DAVIES, Broseley.

RATE.— The district rate levied at the Wenlock Town Council meeting last week was 2s. 2d. in the pound, and not 2s. 6d. as reported.

WESLEY GUILD.—On Monday a well-attended devotional meeting in connection with the guild was held in the Wesleyan Schoolroom. Mr. W. Edge, sen., presided. Several interesting replies to the queries, “Why am I a Christian” and “Amusements: Where shall I draw the line”? were read; after which several of the members addressed the meeting on the same topics.

THE FUNERAL OF MRS. STEVENS, wife of Mr. George Stevens of the Duke of Cumberland, took place on Monday at the cemetery, and during the obsequies every shop in the town was partially closed, for the deceased was highly esteemed. The Rev. G. F. Lamb (rector) conducted the service. The mourners and friends were:— Messrs. G. Stevens (husband), S. Hill (brother), G. Harrison, Peake, J. Oswell, G. Moore, W. Harrison, P. Jones, E. Oakes, J. Dickson, J. Nicklin, A. Pumford, and Dr. Dyson. The coffin was covered with wreaths contributed by the husband and many friends. The arrangements were well carried out by Mr. J. Davies.


SNOWSTORM.— A heavy snowstorm visited this district yesterday, the snow being two feet deep in most places, and greatly interfered with vehicular traffic. The schools were closed in the afternoon


12th March 1904



GAME TRESPASS.— Henry Potts, labourer, Jackfield, was charged with trespassing on Lord Forester’s land in search of game. S. A. Powell (farmer) and William Kean proved the case, and defendant was fined £5 5s., including costs, or two months’ imprisonment.

WIFE ASSAULT.— Ernest James Howes, landlord of the Bridge Inn, Coalport, was charged with assaulting his wife, Maria. Mr. F. R. Spender defended.—Prosecutrix stated that she had been married four years to her husband, who was formerly a school-master, and she was the daughter of a licensed victualler. After the customers had left the house one night she and her husband had a few words, and be punched her on the back of the head and face, which caused a black eye. She had lived an unhappy life, and had had “heaps” of blows.—Defendant denied ever striking his wife, and accounted for the black eye through a struggle with a chair. He said she had often thrown articles at him. The quarrels were generally concerning his going back to school life, which she detested. To oblige her he gave up a school for a public-house. He was leaving the Bridge Inn, and he would never have another.—Defendant was fined 30s., including costs, or 21 days’ hard labour.

9th April 1904


OLD BAPTIST CHAPEL.— On Sunday two sermons were preached by the Rev. R. Wilson (pastor).—On Monday a public tea was held in the chapel on behalf of the Renovation Fund, which proved a great success, the tables being presided over by the following ladies:—Mrs. H. Legge, Mrs. Wilson, Mrs. White, Mrs. Boden, Miss Pugh, and Miss Meredith. A meeting was afterwards held, under the presidency of the pastor, who, together with the Rev. D. M. Davies (Shrewsbury), Mr. J. J. Young (Broseley), and Mr. Hamer (Madeley), delivered excellent addresses. Mrs. Wilson gave a good rendering of the solos, “The Model Church” and “Little News Boy”, and Miss P. Beddow sang “My voice shalt than hear” in good style. The recitations by Mr. J. J. Young and B. Wilson were highly appreciated. Mr. R. Tonkiss presided at the harmonium on each occasion.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday. —Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors E. G. Exley, W. E. Southorn, R. A. Instone, P. Jones, and Messrs. E. H. Potts (town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), and H. Herbert (inspector).—The Chairman said the second instalment of the general district rate, £817 175. 4d., was cleared up, and he was pleased to say they had no occasion to take any extreme measures.—The Inspector reported two cases of scarlet fever at the Werps, and one at Lloyds Head. He also reported several nuisances, which were ordered to be abated. — The Clerk reported a balance of £301 19s. 10d. in hand, and a cheque of £40, including the cost of rebuilding Simpson’s wall, was drawn in favour of the surveyor.—The Chairman observed that the reason there was such a large balance in hand was that they had not yet had to make the hospital drain. He informed the meeting that he Harrington Joint Water Committee recommended that they should levy a water-rate of 1s. 3d. in the pound, and Mr. Southorn proposed that the resolution carried at the last meeting, that a water-rate of 2s. in the pound be levied, be now rescinded, and that they confirm the levying of a rate of 1s. 3d. in the pound as arranged.—Mr. Exley seconded the motion, which was carried.—The Chairman said he was afraid a 1s. 3d. rate would not go very far towards their expenses; £500 would have to be found out of the general district rate. He considered that better arrangements should be made in the future.—Mr. Exley proposed that Mr. E. Oakes (formerly a councillor) be appointed general district and water-rate collector, at a salary of £35 a year.—Mr. Jones seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.—The security was fixed at £250.—The Clerk reported that Mr. Oakes had sent in his resignation as councillor.—The Chairman said they were sorry to lose his services as a member of the Council; but they were glad he was retained in another way.—Mr. Oakes said he was extremely obliged to them for their consideration and appointment, and expressed a hope that good feeling would always exist between them. He trusted he should give satisfaction.—The Chairman remarked that Mr. Dixon had prepared the general district rate book, and naturally he wanted paying. He proposed that they give him 50s. for the work done.—This was seconded by Mr. Exley, and carried.

21st April 1904


* BICYCLES by best makers; Motor Cycles by Humbers, Clement Garrard, &c. ; Motor Cars by Wolseleys, Sunbeams, Humbers, &c. ; Spares & Repairs.—James Davies, Broseley.

ENTERTAINMENT.—On Tuesday evening a very successful entertainment was given by the members of the Broseley Wesleyan Band of Hope, assisted by a few friends, in the Schoolroom, under the presidency of Mr. Lingard of Iron-Bridge, when an excellent programme was capitally rendered. Miss Adah Jones proved herself a capable accompanist, and Mr. J. A. Hartshorne, who conducted, is to be congratulated upon the result of his training, the children giving unmistakable evidence of unremitting attention during their tuition. Those taking part in the entertainment were Miss Adah Jones, Miss Blackford, Miss Sallie Hartley, Miss Evershed, Miss Katie Gainham, Mr. Lingard, and the children.

PARISH MEETING. Monday evening the adjourned vestry meeting was held in the Town Hall. The Rev. G. Fleming Lamb, M.A. (rector), occupied the chair,, and there were also present:— Messrs. F. H. Potts, A. E. Wiggins (churchwardens), W. Francis (newly elected rector’s warden), R. A. Instone, Edwin Davis, Edward Oakes, Thomas Jones, and Joseph Jones. The churchwardens submitted the church and town hall accounts for the past year, which were duly audited and passed. The church accounts showed receipts £220 18s. 11d., and expenditure £230 4s. 6d., being a deficit of £9 5s. 7d. due to bank. The town hall accounts showed receipts £86 5s., and expenditure £72 16s. 9d.; leaving a balance of £13 8s. 3d. in hand.

READING ROOM AND LIBRARY.—The annual meeting of the members of this institution was held on Tuesday, Mr. E. G. Exley in the chair. The accounts were presented and passed, showing an adverse balance of £7 8s. 8d. The president (Lord Forester) was re-elected, and also the following vice-presidents:— Rev. G. F. Lamb, M. A., Messrs. E. B. Potts, F. H. Potts, E. W. Shorting, and Messrs. R. Bateman and Heywood were elected, subject to their consent being obtained, together with a working committee. Mr. F. H. Martin having, through ill-health, resigned the office of secretary and treasurer, it was proposed by Mr. H. E. Clark, and seconded by Mr. Dixon, that the resignation be accepted with very great regret, and that the sympathy of the meeting be tendered to Mr. Martin in his illness, also its best thanks for the valuable services he had voluntarily rendered to the institution for a number of years; that an effort be made to repay the amount advanced by him on behalf of the institution, and that he be elected a permanent honorary member. Messrs. R. Smitheman and Walter Davies kindly consented to fill jointly the vacant office of secretary and treasurer, and were elected accordingly; whilst Messrs. E. and W. Price were appointed joint librarians. The meeting concluded with a vote of thanks to the chairman.

30th April 1904


A RARITY.— A mare belonging to Mr. M. Davis, butcher, on Saturday brought two colts, and each is doing well.

PLEASURE FAIR.— This annual event took place en Tuesday, and was largely attended, especially in the evening, when there was an extensive influx of visitors from the surrounding district.

MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS.—Mr. E. Oakes having been I appointed rate collector for the district, he resigned his seat on the Borough Council; consequently there was a vacancy in the ward, and yesterday week there was a contest for the seat, the candidates being Mr. Chas. T. Smith (builder) and Mr. J. Nicklin (chairman of the Ratepayers’ and Electors’ Association). There were two polling stations—one at Jackfield, presided over by Mr. Geo. Potts, and the other at, Broseley, presided over by Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk). There are 802 voters on the list, and out of this number 622 went to the poll. A little after nine o’clock Captain D. L. Prestage (returning officer) made known the result as follows:-Smith 331 votes, Nicklin 287; a majority of 44 in Mr. Smith’s favour, who was declared duly elected. There were four spoilt papers. The contest over, Mr. Smith proposed a vote of thanks to the returning officer, and also to the town clerk, for the excellent manner in which the arrangements were carried out.—Mr. Nicklin seconded the proposition; and Mr. Prestage, in acknowledging the compliment, said he was pleased to note the good feeling between the candidates and supporters.

COURT LEET.—On Tuesday, the occasion of the annual pleasure fair, the anniversary of this institution, one of the oldest in the country, was celebrated in the form of a dinner. Precisely at one o’clock the jury met at the Old Court House, the residence of Mr. N. T. Hartshorne, and when sworn in, Mr. E. B. Potts, who has been steward for more than 40 years, presented the accounts, which were passed, and after the constables had been re-appointed, an adjournment was made to the Lion Hotel, where a capital dinner was served to a large company. As usual the repast was given by Lord Forester. Mr. Geo. Potts presided, and Mr. H. Roberts occupied the vice-chair.— On the removal of the cloths, the Chairman submitted the loyal toasts, which were enthusiastically honoured.—Mr. H. Roberts proposed the health of Lord Forester. He said they assembled once a year to render him assistance in looking after the rights of the commoners.— The toast was enthusiastically drunk. — Mr. W. Roberts, in proposing “Success to the Town and Trade of Broseley”, said he was pleased to find that the trade had increased during the last few months.—Messrs. T. Francis and W. H. Harrison responded.—The Chairman proposed “The Army, Navy, and Auxiliary Forces”, which was responded to by Messrs. H. Roberts, G. Groom, and C. Tildsley.—The other toasts were “The Chairman” (proposed by Mr. H. Roberts, and responded to by Mr. G. Potts), “The Vice-Chairman” (proposed by Mr. T. Francis, and responded to by Mr. H. Roberts), and “The Host”. During the evening songs were contributed by several of the company.     

7th May 1904


JACKFIELD BRASS BAND.— On Saturday the members of this band, attired in their recently-donned uniform, paid a visit to Broseley, and played a selection of music in excellent style, under the able direction of Mr. George Aston.

DISTRICT COUNCIL.— The monthly meeting was held on Wednesday. The inspector reported a fatal case of diphtheria at Jackfield. He also reported several nuisances which were ordered to be abated.—The Clerk reported a balance of £185 6s. 2d. in hand. There was no other business of public interest.

SPECIAL SERVICES.— On Sunday two excellent sermons were preached in the Wesleyan Chapel by the Rev. T. Champness of Lutterworth. The musical portion of the services, including the anthem, “The Lord is your Keeper”, was capitally rendered by the choir. There were good congregations, and collections were taken in aid of the trust fund.

SERIOUS ACCIDENT.—On Saturday afternoon, as Mr. Henry Roberts, Barber’s Street, was assisting to remove a boiler from its position at Messrs. Davies’s brick and tile works, the packing upon which it rested suddenly collapsed, and the boiler fell upon Roberts, causing a severe cut on one thigh, extending down the inside of the leg; besides which he was badly bruised upon other parts of his body. He is now progressing as well as can be expected.

RE-OPENING SERVICES.—The Broseley Congregational Chapel has been re-seated and thoroughly renovated, and the lighting arrangements improved. The work of re-seating has been creditably done by Messrs. Addison and Co., Ltd., Wellington. The chapel was re-opened on Sunday, when two excellent sermons were preached by the Rev. Herbert Merchant, B.A., A.T.S., of Wem. The musical portion of the services was admirably rendered by the choir. The anthem in the morning was “Rock of Ages”, Miss Broadhurst undertaking the soprano solo with marked taste and precision; and in the evening “O clap your hands” was effectively given. Collections were taken in aid of the renovation fund.

LECTURE.— Under the auspices of Broseley Young Men’s Mutual Improvement Society, a lecture on “Bees” was given in the Congregational Schoolroom on Tuesday evening by Mr. P. Scott, expert B.B.K.A. Mr. Aquila Evans occupied the chair, and there was a fairly good attendance. The Lecturer dealt with his subject (which was beautifully illustrated by means of a magic lantern, the slides being skilfully manipulated by Messrs. T. Legge and G. Tonkiss) in a very lucid and able manner. Referring to the anatomy of bees, he said they had five eyes, which were so arranged they could see in all directions; they were also very nervous, and felt the least vibration. The queen bee was capable of laying from 2,000 to 3,000 eggs per day. Reference was also made to the different kinds of bees, and their treatment. A very interesting description of the comb was also given, each comb being made up of hundreds of cells. 42,000lb. of honey was said to have been imported from foreign countries last year, chiefly America, Germany, and France, but, said the lecturer, the quality was poor compared with English. The lecturer excited the risibility of the audience somewhat by recommending the sting of a bee as a remedy for rheumatism. He also sought to further elucidate his subject by exhibiting various hives and other appliances used in bee-keeping and several charts, and explaining the same.—On the motion of the Chairman, seconded by Mr. P. Legge, a vote of thanks was accorded the lecturer.

Phillips & Co. have been specialists in fine teas for over 50 years, and Phillips & Co. state emphatically that no firm can sell the finest tea productions of India and Ceylon under 2s. per lb.—(Advt.)


14th May 1904


An enquiry was held by Mr. F. H. Potts on Saturday touching the death of Charles Henry Miles; aged 15 months, who had died suddenly on the 5th inst.—Dr. Boon stated that death was due to bronchial pneumonia.—Verdict accordingly.

BAND OF HOPE.—Yesterday week the members of the Broseley Wesleyan Band of Hope had their annual treat in the Schoolroom, when they were regaled with tea, cake, &c., ad libitum, after which games were indulged in, and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The following, having attended every meeting during the season, were presented with the “Round O” Prize, viz:— Madge Jones, Lily Jones, and Florence Lister. Mr. J. A, Hartshorne suitably addressed the members.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— The re-opening service in connection with this church were continued on Sunday last, when two sermons were delivered by the Rev. H. J. Huffadine, A.T.S., of Wrexham. The musical portion of the service was rendered by the choir. The anthem in the morning was the “Teo Deum”, and in the evening “Rock of ages”, when Miss Broadhurst again undertook the solo. Mr. Aquila Evans (choirmaster) conducted, and Mr. George Tonkiss presided at the organ. There were good congregations at the services, and collections were taken in aid of the Renovation Fund.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— On Wednesday a sale of work was held in the schoolroom in aid of the renovation fund connected with this church, and was a great success. The schoolroom was tastefully decorated for the occasion by a band of willing workers connected with the cause. The stalls were nicely arranged, presenting a picturesque and unique appearance, and were laden with a variety of useful and fancy articles, the gift of the following ladies, who presided at the various stalls:—Mrs. Henry Bunnagar, Mrs. Gilbert, Mrs. Howells, Mrs. Hurdley, Mrs. A. Williams, Mrs. Hall, Mrs. Williams, Mrs. Harrison, Miss Morgans, Miss Roden, Miss K. Broadhurst, Miss L. Williams, Miss A. Shaw, Miss L. Bunnagar, Miss N. Bunnagar, Miss J. Denstone, Miss E. Howells, Miss E. Denstone, Mrs. Powell, Mrs. Evans, and Miss Evans. The electric battery was in the capable hands of Mr. H. Bunnagar jun.; and the Misses M. Bunnagar and F. Williams had charge of the bran-tub, which caused great amusement. The gramophone kindly lent by Mr. James Davies of King Street proved a great attraction. Mr. A. Evans was chairman of the committee, and the secretarial duties devolved upon Mr. W. H. Bunnagar, who carried them out in a satisfactory manner.

RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION.— On Tuesday evening the usual monthly meeting of the Executive Committee in connection with this association was held in the Town Hail. The president (Mr. J, Nicklin) occupied the chair, and there was a fairly good attendance.—Mr. P. Stephan, in an effective speech, referred to the action of the members of the committee at the recent election in the Broseley Ward, who, after promising to support the candidate chosen, worked for the opposing candidates.— Mr. J. Morgan said he was also at a loss to understand the action taken by the persons referred to, and the Chairman said he considered it was owing to their defection and what they had said concerning him that he was defeated. He certainly should not have become their candidate had he not relied upon the support of the association.—Mr. W. Benbow contended that the association was formed to combat the manufacturing element, and when he found out that Mr. Nicklin was a manufacturer, he declined to give him his support, and threw, his energies in furtherance of the candidature of Mr. Smith. He was of opinion that there were too many manufacturers on the Council already. The association was not conducted upon proper lines, and the members of the executive dare not vote contrary to the expressed wish of the manufacturers. He concluded by asking the chairman if it was not a fact that the matter was discussed and decided upon, that Mr. Nicklin was to come forward as a candidate at the recent election, and in November next resign in favour of a certain other gentleman. — Mr. N. T. Hartshorne said the compact spoken of and the inequality of the rates was his reason for not supporting Mr. Nicklin.—The Chairman said he was surprised to hear Mr. Benbow say that he was unaware of his being a manufacturer until he saw his address out. He was born and bred in the town, and was well known. He had promised if he had been returned as a councillor for Broseley Ward that he would do his best to promote the interests of the ratepayers generally, both great and small, but he would have nothing to do with any clique of whatever nature, but those who deserted him at the last moment evidently did not believe in his sincerity.— Mr. George Hurdley proposed, and Mr. C. R. Jones seconded that the three members of the Executive Committee, whose disloyalty to the association had been proved, be expelled therefrom, which was carried unanimously, —Mrs. Nicklin of Barratt’s Hill, Broseley, was elected a member of the association.

4th June 1904


BIRCH MEADOW SUNDAY SCHOOL— In the report of the anniversary of this school was stated to be the 19th anniversary; it should have been the 90th.

BURIAL BOARD, Wednesday. —Alderman D. L. Prestage presided.—The Clerk (Mr. F. H. Potts) reported a balance in hand of £39 11s. 1d.; and the Chairman remarked that the fees since the last meeting had covered the expenses.-The business transacted was of a purely formal character.

UNITED OPEN-AIR MISSION.— The second of a series of meetings in connection with this mission was held on Sunday at Ferney Bank. Mr. J. E. Hartshorne presided. Mr. A. T. Hartshorne gave an interesting address on “Salvation”. Mr. F. Preston also took part in the service. There was a good attendance.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.— Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors P. Jones, T. Doughty, R. A. Instone, and C. T. Smith, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), Geo. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), and E. Oakes (collector).—The Inspector reported a case of scarlet fever at Jackfield. — The Clerk reported a balance of £370 15s. 5d. in had and bills amounting to £165 were ordered to be paid, which would still leave £205 11s. 2d. in hand.—Mr. Oakes said he had collected £198 on the new general district rate, but he had made no start with the water rate.—The Clerk said Mr. Groves (Iron-Bridge) had written him a letter to the effect that he had not been paid any acknowledgment for the use of the ashpit on his property in Foundry Lane. He also asked for the wall to be repaired.—The Surveyor reminded the Council that it was private property.—It was eventually decided to pay an acknowledgment, and to repair the wall.—Mr. Smith asked if any thing had been done in the matter of the fire brigade.- The Chairman said he was afraid that it had not yet been properly organised, although Taylor was nominally in charge.—Mr. Smith said they had no rules, and they had not had any practice.—The Chairman considered that a committee should be appointed to take the, matter up.—Mr. Doughty was of opinion that they should pay the men at the same rate that Madeley did.—Messrs. Smith and Doughty were asked to form a committee, with the view of placing the brigade on a proper footing. — Mr. Smith was elected on the Finance Committee, in place of Mr. Oakes.


Before Messrs. F. G. Beddoes (mayor), E. W. Shorting, D. L. Prestage, and W. J. Legge.

A WARNING.— William Cadwallader Benbow, auctioneers’ clerk, Broseley, was charged with keeping a dog without a license.—W. S. Waters, inland revenue officer, said he visited defendant’s house, and saw a dog, and knowing Benbow’s name was not on the record he spoke to him about it. Defendant replied that it was his nephew’s dog, and that he would see about it. The license had since been taken out in the name of the step-son.—Defendant said he never kept a dog.—The Mayor said it appeared that one or the other was trying to defy the law, and defendant would be fined 2s. 6d. and costs.

GAME TRESPASS.— William James, labourer, Broseley, was charged with trespassing on Lord Forester’s land in search of game.—Fred Thompson said when he was standing by the Dean Corner on a Sunday he saw five men rabbiting. He followed them, and saw defendant with a dog go down another field. When he spoke to him, defendant made use of abusive and threatening language.—James was fined 14s., including costs.

CONTEMPT OF COURT.— Richard Reynolds, labourer, Jackfield, was summoned for failing to pay certain arrears for maintenance.—The Mayor said it appeared that defendant would not pay, and he would be sentenced to 28 days’ imprisonment.

ILLEGAL FISHING.— Robert Smith, moulder, Coalbrookdale was charged with a breach of the Severn Fishery By-laws.—William Cumpstone, water bailiff for the Board of Conservators, deposed that he saw the defendant in a coracle on the Severn at the bottom of Coalbrookdale, laying night-lines, and the next morning witness concealed himself in some bushes, and saw defendant pull out five night-lines. Several eels were caught. Defendant gave witness a wrong name, and asked him not to do anything.—Defendant pleaded guilty, and was fined 14s., including costs.—The Mayor did not adjudicate in this case.

11th June 1904


REV. G. CAMPBELL MORGAN, D.D.— This popular preacher is announced by advertisement to preach and lecture at Broseley Wesleyan Church on Thursday next.

UNITED OPEN-AIR MISSION.— On Sunday evening the third of a series of meetings in connection with this mission was held in Foundry Lane. Mr. E. R. Hartshorne delivered an earnest address on “Universal Redemption”. Mr. A. T. Hartshorne also took part in the service. There was a good attendance.

FUNERAL OF A FORESTER.— The remains of the late Mr. William Aston of Quarry Road were interred in Benthall Churchyard on the 1st inst. The Rev. W. A. Terry (vicar) was the officiating clergyman. Deceased, who was 40 years of age, had been a member of the Ancient Order of Foresters, Court “Rose of the Green”, Broseley, and 12 of the members attended the funeral attired in the usual regalia. The address prescribed by the Order was read both at the late residence of the deceased and at the graveside by Mr. Henry Bunnagar, jun., C.R. Several beautiful wreaths were sent by relatives and friends.

RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION, Tuesday. — The President (Mr. J. Nicklin) occupied the chair.— Several matters of importance were brought forward for discussion, including the £50 bonus which was suggested at the last meeting of the Wenlock Council that the town clerk should receive. Whilst several of the members were quite willing to admit that there had been a large amount of extra work for the present town clerk, yet at the same time they asked how had this been brought about. Had the members of the Council done their duty? The question was asked how could the auditor have passed the books if the late clerk had not done his duty; and it was thought by the Executive Committee that the ratepayers having already paid for the work it was very unfair that they should be called upon to pay again.- Mr. C .R. Jones mentioned the desirability of fixing a notice near the “Seven Stars” directing strangers the way to Iron-Bridge, a number of people being continually taking the wrong turn. It was decided to ask the Broseley District Council to consider the advisability of fixing the same.—The question also arose as to whether the Broseley water supply would be affected by the defects in the Madeley Tank mentioned by the Madeley Council at their meeting, as they considered it would be very serious for the public if there was any failure in the water supply.—Several new members of the association were enrolled.


18th June 1904



Before Messrs. F. G. Beddoes (mayor), T. Cooke, F. R. Smith, E. W. Shorting, J. Bodenham, and G. D. Collins.

HEAVY PENALTY.— Samuel Davies, proprietor of the Dunge Clay Pit, Broseley, was charged with a breach of the Coal Mines’ Regulation Act.—Mr. B. A. Ashmall (Hanley), who represented the Home Secretary, stated that there were 11 summonses issued on account of a variation in the charges made, but really there were only three offences, which were that the boiler had not been examined every 14 months according to the rules, nor had it been inspected every 24 hours, and again that, no record-book was kept. Defendant pleaded “Guilty under exceptional circumstances”.—John Cadman, assistant inspector to the mines in North Staffordshire and Shropshire, said he visited the Dunge Clay Pit. He saw a man named Morris at the boiler, and then Davies at the office. He saw the safety valve with two bricks on it, and he could see that there was too high a pressure for the boiler; also the boiler was in a very dangerous state. He asked Morris the reason of the bricks, and he replied that it was through the excessive pressure, and that they were just put on to keep the water down. Witness’ subsequently asked defendant what pressure he permitted the boiler to be worked at, and he replied 35 deg., but it was working about 50 deg. Witness asked to see the books regarding the special rules, and defendant replied that they had no books, and that no inspection had been made. He added that the boiler had been working night and day, which was the reason he did not comply with the rule. In witness’s opinion the boiler was being worked at considerable danger and risk.—W. H. Atkinson, chief inspector, said he reported the matter to the Home Office, who ordered the proceedings. A competent person should have examined the boiler.—Defendant said, with reference to rule 8, the water had been so great that they could not allow the boiler to stand to get it thoroughly examined. About 12 months ago they were “drowned out”. In connection with rule 34, they did have the boiler examined; again, - he did not think the rule applied to this particular boiler, which only supplied steam for pumping. The man who looked after it was not an engineman. Again, he did not think there was any necessity in having the boiler examined every day, because there were no lives at stake. He regretted to admit that they overlooked rule 36, but the boiler was sometimes cleaned every fortnight. He knew there were other manufacturers who did not comply with the rule.—Defendant was fined £7 2s. 6d., including costs.


9th July 1904


PROMENADE CONCERT.— On Sunday evening the Jackfield Brass Band, conducted by Mr. George Aston, gave a concert in New Road. A large number of people were present, and thoroughly appreciated the rendering of a capital programme.

THE EDUCATION QUESTION.— On Tuesday evening Mr. J. Bayley (principal of Wellington College) will deliver an address in the Town Hall, as announced by advertisement, on “The Education Question”. Mr. C. S. Henry (prospective Liberal candidate for the Wellington Division) will preside.

CHOIR OUTING.— On Monday the choir of All Saints’ Church had their annual outing, the venue selected this year being Southport. Availing themselves of Mr. Smart’s excursion, they arrived at their destination about 9 a.m., and an enjoyable day was spent. The necessary arrangements were carried out by the people’s warden (Mr. A. E. Wiggins).

DISTRICT COUNCIL Wednesday.—Present:— Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors W. E. Southorn, B. G. Exley, R. A. Instone, T. Doughty, P. Jones, Messrs. Sparrow (for the town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (sanitary inspector), and E. Oakes (collector). The Chairman said he had received a letter from Mr. Chas. Smith, who was unable to be present owing to a family bereavement. Mr. F. H. Potts was also unavoidably absent.— The Inspector reported the district free from any infectious disease. He reported a building in Fox Lane to be unfit for habitation;-it was in a dilapidated condition, and he suggested that they obtain an order from the magistrates to have it demolished. The strange part of it, however, was that he could not find any owner of the property. (Laughter.) After some discussion, the officer was instructed to find out the owner, and to serve at notice to put the place in proper repair.—The Deputy Clerk reported a balance of £403 2s. 7d. in hand.—Mr. Oakes reported that he had collected £398 19s. 8d. on the general rate, and the balance to be collected amounted to £165 0s. 5d.—In reply to the Chairman, the Collector said he had not yet started on the water rate.—With reference to the fire brigade, Messrs. Doughty and Smith reported that a meeting had been held in the Town Hall when it was decided that the uniform should be supplied by the Council, to be paid for out of the rates, and not by private subscription. They deemed it advisable to have a captain at Broseley and a lieutenant at Jackfield. To provide the necessary material it would cost £80, and the yearly maintenance would be £10. They suggested that the men should be paid 1s. for every practice. Mr. Exley said he did not think the money should come out of the district rate without they had a fire engine. He considered it should come out of the water rate. The Chairman said they had to pay enough out of the rates. They found it would take £700 a year to pay off the loan. If they put the cost on the general district rate many would have to pay without receiving any advantage in return. Mr. Exley observed that the people would grumble at having to pay it out of the district rate. The Chairman said that to cover the charges the water rate ought to be 2s. or 3s. in the pound. He was not inclined to spend £30 out of the rates. Mr. Doughty: It could be spread over a couple of years. The Chairman said he thought if they adopted a penny rate the Fire Brigade Committee should raise the rest by subscription. Mr. Doughty remarked that he did not believe in paying double. Eventually Mr. Doughty was instructed to report to the committee that the Council did not feel justified in voting £30 out of the rates, but they did not mind paying one half and also for the upkeep.—A letter was read from the Broseley Ratepayers’ Association asking the committee to fix a post by the Seven Stars Inn, directing the people to Iron-Bridge. The matter was left with the surveyor.—The Chairman said the total cost of the Harrington waterworks was £34,834 9s. 11d., and was apportioned by Mr. Stooke (engineer) as follows :—Broseley’s share £13,089, and Madeley’s £24,745. They had already raised a loan for £7,373, which left them with £5,716 to raise. They would have to pay £700 a year for thirty years, which was something for them to look forward to.— At the suggestion of Mr. Southorn, it was decided to fix a standpipe near Mr. Penson’s house in Broseley Wood.

16th July 1904


A SACRED CONCERT was given in Mr. M. Davies’s field on Sunday night by the Iron-Bridge Volunteer Band, and the various selections were much appreciated by a large musical audience. Mr. Geo. Beard-Shaw conducted.

SUDDEN DEATH—Early on Saturday morning Mr. George Maiden of Fox Lane, Broseley, died suddenly, apparently in his sleep, for when his wife woke he was dead and cold. The deceased felt unwell on Thursday, and saw the doctor in the evening, who prescribed for him; feeling better the next morning he went to work as usual, but was taken worse, and had to return home. He was 56 years of age, and was greatly respected by a large circle of friends, as was attested by their presence at the obsequies. He had been in the employ of Messrs. Maw & Co., Ltd., Jackfield, upwards of 30 years, and was one of the oldest and most active members of Court “Rose of the Green”, A.O.F., having passed through all the offices connected with that court. A large number of his fellow-workmen (and Mr. J. Nicklin, managing director, representing the firm) and brother Foresters attended the funeral, the letter attired in the usual regalia. His remains were laid to rest in the graveyard attached to Birch Meadow Baptist Chapel, on Monday, and the Rev. George Banks of Willenhall conducted the service. The address prescribed by the Order was read by Mr. John Cleobury. On entering the chapel, Mr. George Taylor played the “Dead March”, and on leaving “I know that my Redeemer liveth”. A number of beautiful wreaths were contributed.

FUNERAL OF THE LATE MRS. CHAS. SMITH.— After a prolonged and lingering illness, the wife of Mr. Chas. T. Smith, builder, expired last week, at the age of 49 years, and yesterday week her remains were interred in the Cemetery. During the obsequies every shop in the town was practically closed and blinds were drawn at private houses, an indication of how much the deceased was respected. The mourners were, —Messrs. Chas. T. Smith (husband), J. Lucas (father), G. Lucas (brother), H. J. Durrant (son-in-law), W. Perry (uncle), Chas. Smith, W. E. Smith, A. Smith, E. Smith (nephews), T. Chamberlain (cousin), Wm. Adams (cousin), W. Tranter (nephew), St. Clare Adams (cousin), and E. Oakes. Friends: Dr. Boon, Messrs. R. A. Instone, E. Instone, H. Broadhurst, W. Benbow, J. B. Ibbotson, G. Eggleston, E. Hodgkinson, Alf. Corfield (Iron-Bridge), T. Instone, E. Davis, W. Francis, H. Rushton, J. Morgan, H. Onions, A. Barnett, T. Shingler, A. G. Roberts, H. Lloyd, J. Pountney, J. Hayward, W. Harrison, R. Evans, H. Wase, J. Davies, R. D. Haughton, H. Rowe, G. Moore, J. Leadbetter, J. Garbett, S. Hill, J. Mears, G. Preston, W. Andrews, and T. Oakes. The Rev. G. F. Lamb (rector) impressively performed the service, at which several ladies attended. Miss Watkis played the air “O rest in the Lord” and the “Dead March”. The coffin was covered with wreaths contributed by the following friends:— Husband and daughter, son-in-law, Harry, Miss L. A. Beard, father, sister Annie, and brother George, Mrs. F. Davies, Mrs. Cuthbertson Fenwick, Pollie and Minnie, Emily, Miss A. L. Rimmer, T. Instone and family, S. Hill and family, Mr. and Mrs. A. Wilde, Mrs. Jones and family, H. and E. Broadhurst. Geo. and C. Hurdley, B. Powner, Maria and Dad, T. Instone and family, Charlie, Alice, and Fred, Mary Haycocks, Will and Alice, Mr. and Mrs. H. Wase, J. Thorn and his gardener, E. Jones, Midgie, Mrs. W. Mear, J. H. and E. C. Onions, Harry, Florrie, and Olive Ashwood, Hy. Harper, Mr. and Mrs. T. Evans, employees joinery department, Will and Annie (Coalport), Mr. and Mrs. W. Andrews, friends at the Deanery, Mrs. F. Davies, W. H. Smith and family (Jackfield), a sincere friend, and P. Moore.

6th August 1904


THE DEATH of John Brown, farm bailiff, at Willey, on the 28th inst., at the ripe old age of 84, writes a correspondent, recalls to memory two notable men of a type we seldom meet with nowadays, who were looked up to throughout the county as agricultural leaders. I refer to the second Lord Forester of Willey and Squire Wolryche Whitmore of Dudmaston, both of them keen, practical farmers, always on the lookout for any advance in agricultural methods or machinery, which they could put to practical test upon farms kept in hand for the purpose, so that their tenants might personally judge of the merits of each. John Brown was much to the fore with both of them in these experiments. He was born at Coupar, in Fifeshire. As a boy, he worked on a farm, only going to school when work was slack. Notwithstanding this, he took his little learning kindly, and became a good scholar, which stood him in good service in after life. Scotch bailiffs were very much in fashion, and Squire Whitmore was never behind, so Brown came to Quatt Farm on the Dudmaston estate as bailiff in 1853, after having held a similar situation at Lillington, near Leamington, for six years. Lord Forester, who met with him there, engaged him in 1856 to manage the Dean Farm, on the Willey estate. At that time the team work on the farm was principally done by bullock teams. John Brown was at Willey for 47 years, and served under four Lord Foresters. He was an intelligent, upright, honest, and very capable servant, thoroughly trusted by his noble employers, and when the farms were given up, lighter work was found for him, which he attended to till about a year ago. His latter days were contentedly spent with his daughter in the cottage where he had so long lived, and near the Home Farm he dearly loved. Most of his former friends and fellow servants had passed away. He was one of the few remaining of a notable band of trusted workers by whom John George Lord Forester was surrounded when he died in October, 1874.


NEARLY DROWNED.- A lad named Maiden had a narrow escape from being drowned the other day.  He was bathing in the Severn and got out of this depth, but his life was saved through the bravery of another lad named Davies, who rushed into the river and safely brought him to land.


10th August 1904



At Wednesday’s meeting of the Broseley District Council there were present Councillors E. G. Exley (chairman), P. Jones, R. A. Instone, T. Doughty, C. Smith, E. Southorn with Messrs, F. H. Potts (town clerk), George Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector and F. Oakes (rate collector). The inspector reported that the house in Fox Lane had been boarded up, and made Secure.— It was decided to accept the Gas Company’s tender of 29s. 6d. a lamp for 1,000 hours, which was the same price as at Madeley and Iron-Bridge.— Mr. Doughty presented a report concerning the formation of a fire brigade, for the town and Jackfield. He estimated the equipment for each man was £5, and the total expenditure was £70 4s., that the maintenance would be £10 a year.— Mr. Southorn asked how the money would be raised.— The Chairman did not think it should come out of the rates, for the reason that a good many people would not benefit by it.— Mr. Doughty remarked that the same thing applied to the lighting.— Mr. Smith did not think they should take a one-sided view of it.— The Chairman said it was what the general public would think about it.— Mr. Smith was of opinion that the money most be taken out of the rates or abandon the scheme altogether.— Mr. Jones said it would be less trouble in getting it out of the rates.— Mr. Smith observed that it would be utterly impossible to raise the money by subscription.— Mr. Instone said the bulk of ratepayers would derive the benefit. Mr. Doughty said they had carefully gone into the matter, and he moved that the report be adopted, and that the expenses came out of the general district rate.— Mr. P. Jones seconded the motion, which was carried.- Dr. Gepp (medical officer) reported that he had analysed the water at the Bridge Inn, and Great Western Railway Station, Coalport, and found it was good spring water, suitable for domestic purposes. The water at the Half Moon Inn, Jackfield, he reported was not fit for domestic use, and Mr. Oakes was instructed to collect the water rate.— The Clerk reported a balance in hand of £474 16s. 1d.. and  £182 6s, 1d. on the water rate account.— The Collector presented a long list of rate defaulters, and he was instructed to take the usual proceedings for the recovery of the rate.—The Surveyor reported the expenditure on the roads for the last month was £13 3s. 4d, and a cheque for £20 was drawn in his favour-.—Mr. Herbert reported a batch of nuisances, which were ordered to be abated.




At Madeley County Court, on Wednesday, before Mr. Registrar Potts, Caroline Davies and John James Young, drapers, High Street, Broseley, appeared for public examination in bankruptcy. Their liabilities were stated to be £1,011 14s. 10d., and the assets £693 10s. 2d. They attributed their failure to bad trade, owing to depression in the iron and brick industries; interest on borrowed money; and money expended for the benefit of the Park Farm, Willey. — Young was examined first, and in reply to Mr. F. Cariss (assistant official receiver), said he was formerly a draper’s assistant in Wolverhampton, but in September, 1898, at the request of his sister-in-law (Miss Caroline Davies) he went to Broseley to manage the business she then carried on. From that time Miss Davies ceased to take any active part in the business, and went to live at the Park Farm, and although she constantly came to the shop she gave him clearly to understand that subject to his paying her brothers certain money they had lent for the business it was to be his own. He never regarded Miss Davies as a partner in the proper sense of the word, although she had filed the petition with him as a partner, and had been described as one. The business was carried on in the name of “C. Davies” for a time, then “C. Davies and Co.”, and finally “Davies and Young”. The two names were used purely as a business title. Debtor, his wife, and her brothers and sisters practically lived as one family. Goods from the shop went to the farm, and produce from the farm went to the shop, and no accounts were ever kept of the transaction. He had stated that one of the causes of the failure was money expended on the farm, but on subsequent consideration he wished to withdraw that statement, as he thought that the shop was indebted to the farm, not the farm to the shop. Debtor did not consider himself to be in difficulty till about six months ago, when he was rather tightly pressed by creditors. He drew up a balance sheet in March, 1903, just for the purpose of seeing how the business stood, and he showed that to one or two people. It showed his stock to be worth £747, and after allowing for the debts there remained a capital of about £335 in the business. So far as debtor knew that was a true statement.- Mr. Cariss: Did it include the £75 you owed to Lloyds Bank.—Debtor: I cannot say for certain; it is a long time ago.—Mr. Caries: There (produced) is the balance-sheet. Is that amount included?—Debtor: No.- Cariss: Why did you make out a false balance-sheet? -Debtor: I did not make out a false balance-sheet.— Mr. Cariss: Then why did not you give the information regarding the £75?—Debtor I thought had I done so. It was an oversight.—Mr. Cariss: Did you put in the balance-sheet the money you owed your brothers-in-law?—Debtor: No.—Mr. Cariss Why? Debtor: They were all in the family.—Mr. Caries: They claim against the estate now?—Debtor: Yes, all along; but I did not think it necessary to put them in.—Mr. Caries: Was it a misleading document? —Debtor: I did not intend it to be misleading.—Debtor went on to admit that he showed the statement to a firm of drapers, who thereupon allowed him credit for goods, to the amount of £25, of which he had not paid one farthing. To meet pressing claims about three months ago he sold stock of the value at cost price of £103 for £68; and only part of the stock had been paid for. They were goods for which he could get no customers. Up to January last his banking account was kept at the Birmingham District and Counties Bank, and there then existed a debit balance of £66. They were pressing him, and in order to pay them off, and to transfer their account, he applied for a loan from the North and South Wales Bank. He showed them the figures from which the 1903 balance-sheet was prepared, and he would not swear that he did not tell them it represented the affairs as they stood in 1904. He had no intention to deceive anyone; and it was his intention to pay every-body all he owed.- Mr. Cariss: Your intentions are very fine.—Debtor: I am not coming here to take the oath and tell a lot of deliberate lies.—Mr. Cariss: I did not say you had.—Debtor: You insinuated it.—Mr. Cariss: I do insinuate that you told deliberate falsehoods to the bank.—Debtor went on to say that he had recourse to money lenders early in 1904, and borrowed sums at interest ranging from 50 to 100 per cent. There were four of them, and he now owed them £138 13.s. He never told Miss Davies of these transactions, nor of his business with the North and South Wales Bank. One of the money lenders was named Bernstein of Birmingham. Debtor paid one of his instalments by cheque, and the bank manager was suspicious over the name to which the cheque was made, out, and he drew debtor’s attention to it. He asked debtor if Bernstein was a money lender, and debtor said he was not. He would admit that that was wrong.-The examination was adjourned; and debtor was ordered to furnish (within 14 days) an account showing his cash receipts and payments for two years before the receiving order.


Richard Dutton Houghton of the Lion Hotel, Broseley, also appeared for public examination. His debts were said to be £847 2s. 10d., and the assets £373 8s. 2d. Mr. S. M. Morris represented the trustee (Mr F. J. Harper), Mr. J. T. Carrane appeared for debtor.-Questioned by Mr. Cariss, debtor said he had for some time been the lessee of the Lion Hotel, Broseley, and had also carried on tileries at Jackfield since 1884. They were called the Holly Grove Tile Works. He attributed his failure to his being unable to dispose of those works, and bad trade at the Lion. The works had never been a very profitable concern; but the hotel paid fairly well until lately. When debtor took the Tile Works (which were on Lord Forester’s property) he had an agreement as to the area over which he could go for clay, but that had gone from his possession, and he had been unable to get it back. His mother died in 1902, but for several years previous to that he had assisted her in the business at the Lion Hotel. He was not in partnership with her, but at one time the license was in both their names. Later on, when the time for renewal came, it was pointed out that that could not be allowed and the license was granted to his mother, although the business was continued in the name of “E Houghton and Son”, and all goods were ordered in the name of “E. Houghton and Son”. When debtor’s mother died she left a will under which he took a share of the estate. He was one of the executors, and in pursuance of an option to purchase (given to him under the will), he intended, by the sale of the Tile Works, to have exercised such option and to have paid out the shares of his brothers and sisters. Debtor derived no profit from the hotel during his mother’s life, except that he had his board and lodging there, and the money that was made was passed over to his mother. None of the hotel transactions passed through his own works’ banking account. There was no actual partnership between himself and his mother, and he had no interest in the concern beyond looking after it for her. After his mother’s death debtor had an account prepared in connection with her estate, which was as follows:- Eight shares Lloyd Bank, £268; interest, &c., due to date on death, £7 14s.; on deposit at Lloyds Bank, £64 4s. 6d.; deceased’s share in personal property as partner in the firm of E. Houghton and Son, as per balance-sheet signed by the surviving partner, £156 0s. 6d.; less debts and funeral expenses, £15s 0s. 6d.-Mr. Cariss: That says “Her share as partner in the firm of E. Houghton and Son”. Was she a partner? -Debtor: No.-Mr. Cariss: She was the sole owner of the concern?-Debtor: A lot of the furniture there belonged to me, but beyond that she was the sole owner.-Mr. Cariss: In getting out this statement you took a valuation of the effects and divided it by two?-Debtor: Yes.-Mr Cariss: That statement was not prepared by a solicitor. - Mr. Cariss (to debtor): You paid duty on the one-half?- Debtor: Yes. - Mr. Cariss: Why was that?- Debtor: I considered my furniture would equalise it.-Mr. Cariss: Was it true that your mother was entitled to only one-half?-Debtor: No.-Mr. Cariss: Was it made out like that to avoid paying the full duty to the Inland’ Revenue?-Debtor : No; I did not think about that.-Proceeding, debtor stated that his furniture was still at the Lion, and belonged absolutely to himself. He had lost money at the Lion during the last two years, and that accounted for the debts he owed for liquors, &c. Since his mother’s death he had paid several bills which were owing during her lifetime; but he had not brought his charge on that amount as an asset in his own estate. Debtor had been going on for 2½, years hoping to sell the Tile Works and clear off all liabilities, and negotiations took place in June last for the sale of the works. An agreement was drawn up, and the sum to be paid for the works was £875, but it was provisional upon the boundary transferred being to the satisfaction of the purchasers. Debtor considered the boundary was satisfactory, but the prospective purchasers did not, and the negotiation fell through.-Debtor was cross-examined by Mr. Morris with reference to a large quantity of tiles which were carried away on the morning he filed his petition, and he said they were goods which had been made over some time before, on account of money lent and coal supplied. Debtor at that time had no idea of filing his petition, and the man who had the goods did not know he had filed his petition till the day afterwards, and he then told him that he thought he ought to return the tiles to avoid any complication. He did not know that the tiles were going to be taken away on the Friday, nor did he give permission for them to be taken on that particular day; but he was aware that the man was stacking them from the Monday till the Thursday.-The examination was closed.


17th September 1904


On Sunday afternoon the 9th annual church parade of the Broseley and District Friendly Societies was held. A procession was formed near Broseley Wood School, and marched through the principal streets to Broseley Parish Church, in the following order—Jackfield Brass Band (ably conducted by Mr. George Aston), who gave their services gratuitously, and played an excellent selection of music in grand style; Iron-Bridge Fire Brigade; Ambulance Brigade (under the command of Captain J. W. White, D.T.); Church Lads’ Brigade (under the command of Lieut. E. S. White); Mayor of Wenlock (Mr. F. G. Beddoes), wearing his chain of office; town clerk (Mr. F. H. Potts); honorary members; Order of Modern Masons; Order of Oddfellows; Order of Foresters, &c. At 3 pm. Divine service was held in All Saints’ Church, and a very earnest and practical sermon preached by the Rev. Isaac Hawker of Iron-Bridge, in the course of which he dealt at some length on the object and principles of friendly societies. Some people, said the preacher, seem to imagine that friendly societies were comparatively of recent growth, whereas in his opinion the first friendly society was formed by Adam and Eve, and had more members than those of the present day. Referring to the necessity of unity (without which no society could prosper), he said it was one of the cardinal principles of friendly societies, and where there was a real union of hearts the result was mutual sympathy and brotherly feeling. Did not they profess to be and call themselves brethren? But did they always act as such? From his own experience he could say they did not. They frequently followed with measured steps and solemn vein the remains of a departed brother to the grave, but did the conduct of many of them after leaving the sacred spot correspond with their profession of brotherhood? In conclusion, he appealed for a liberal collection on behalf of suffering humanity. The lesson was read by Mr. J. Nicklin. Special hymns were well rendered by the choir, in which the congregation heartily joined. Miss Watkis presided at the organ. The church was well filled with an attentive congregation, and the following gentlemen kindly undertook the collection therein :—Messrs. E. B. Potts, F. H. Potts, E.W. Shorting, J. A. Downes, T. Griffiths, Dr. Dyson, Dr. Wiltshire, and the churchwardens. The following ladies and gentlemen collected en route to church:—The Misses G. Preston, M. Jones, Davies (2), M. Oakes, E. Oakley, E. Howells, G. Bagley, Matthews (2), M. Challinor, L. Morgan, N. Bill, and E. Adams, Messrs. G. Pearce, W. White, G. Maiden, T. Evans, H. Mason, W. E. G. Pearce, G. C. Bagley, and E. Whitmore. At the close of the service the procession re-formed, and proceeded in the same order as before to the front of the Town Hall, where they dispersed. The day being beautifully fine, the streets were lined with a large concourse of spectators. The huge procession was skilfully marshalled by Messrs. W. H. Harrison, T. Roper, T. Jones, and G. P. Bagley. The total collections from boxes, street and church, is about £41. The committee, of which Mr. S. Davis was chairman, Mr. W. H. Harrison (vice-chairman), Mr. J. Morgan (treasurer), and Mr. G. P. Bagley (secretary) are to be congratulated upon the success attending their united efforts in so laudable an undertaking. The collections are to be devoted to Salop Infirmary, Eye and Ear Hospital, and Iron-Bridge Dispensary.


17th September 1905


PRESENTATION.— Amongst the numerous presents sent to the courteous and obliging Fred Kitson on his recent marriage were a handsome marble timepiece from Captain the Hon. G. Forester, Master of the Willey Beagles; a very chaste set of china and plate from a few of the followers of the beagles, promoted by the Messrs. Potts and Mr. T. Griffiths; and china tete-a-tete set, and Doulton mug from “ Old Sport”.

DINNER AND PRESENTATION.— A substantial dinner in connection with the Broseley Wood Potato Show took place on Saturday in Mr. M. Davies’s premises. The dinner was very generously given by Mr. and Mrs. M. Davies and Mr. G. Stevens, and was thoroughly enjoyed. Mr. Peter Scott occupied the chair, and Mr. S. Tomkins the vice-chair.—As soon as the cloth was removed, the loyal and patriotic toasts were duly honoured.—The other toasts submitted by the Chairman were “Mr. and Mrs. Davies”, “Success  to Broseley Wood Potato Show, “Mr. Stevens, promoter of the Show”, who responded; ‘The Judges”, and “The Prize-givers”, the latter toast being responded to by Mr. Hyman.—In flattering terms, Mr. Stevens proposed the health of the chairman, which was received with musical honours. During the evening Mr. Gough, the able secretary, was presented with a case of pipes, subscribed by the committee and friends. The Chairman suitably made the presentation, and the recipient appropriately responded. Those who contributed towards the harmony of the evening were:—Messrs. T. Boden, J. Green, R. Blud, J. Garbett, F. Lloyds E. Ledbetter (sen.), H. Cornish, J. McCoy, W. Gough, E. Jones, J. Tonkins, W. Page, and M. Davies.

RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION.— The annual meeting of this association was held on Tuesday, under the presidency of Mr. J. Nicklin, who briefly reviewed the work of the association from its inception, in the course of which he made some valuable suggestions for the consideration of the members. He said he considered they had done some good, steady work for so young an association; in fact, if they had done no more than rouse the attention of the ratepayers to their position, they had justified their existence as an association, and they claimed that they had to a certain extent succeeded in that direction. He hoped, however, the members would continue their exertions with still greater energy, until the association had become an assured success.—Mr. H. Wase (treasurer) having read the statement of accounts for the past year, showing a balance on the right side, the chairman said it was quite evident they were not dead yet, to which Mr. Morgan replied, “No, nor buried, as has been prophesied”. “No”, said the chairman, “and if we were, I gather from the tone of this meeting there would soon be a resurrection”.— Messrs. J. E. Hartshorne, H. Hughes, A. Evans, J. Morgan, A. Malpass, C. E. Jones, J. Wilde, B. H. Hartshone, T. Legge, G. Hurdley, and others also addressed the meeting, each and all concurring in the opinion that a good educational work had been accomplished by means of the association, and they pledged themselves to do all in their power to still further extend its influence and success.— An executive committee was also formed, and the following officers re-elected for the ensuing year, with thanks for their past services to Mr. J. Nicklin (president), Messrs. Cook and Evans (vice-president), Mr. H. Wase (treasurer), and Mr T. Legge (secretary).— The Chairman, in eulogistic terms, proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. J. Jones for services rendered by him to the association as correspondent of the “Journal”. He knew for a fact that the reports of their meetings were very mach appreciated, not only by members of the association, but by the public generally.— Mr. A. Evans having seconded the proposition, it was carried unanimously, and Mr. Jones suitably responded.

17th September 1904

Letters to the Editor


Sir,- I am pleased to hear that the inhabitants of Broseley will be able to boast a public hall-the first and only public building in the town which we shall be able to say is unsectarian and non-political. It is to be for the benefit of the public generally, and I trust that the public will avail themselves of this noble gift. But we lack local patriotism.  If all the money which is spent out of the district could be spent in it (or the greater part), the all round gain would be enormous, and it would be a great stimulus. Tilemakers, bricklayers, joiners &c., and every industry, would share in the grain, the district would rapidly develop, and the public improvements so much needed would be easier of accomplishment.  Money spent out of the town retards its growth, and either prevents the district enjoying the advantages of other towns or else postpones this for many years.



24th September 1904


A case of anthrax broke out at Willey Lodge Farm, near Broseley, the residence of Mr. W. Smith, yesterday week, when the victim was a young heifer. The fact having been reported to the proper quarters, the animal was cremated on Monday by the Indian method. The work was carried out by Sergt. Noakes (Much Wenlock), Police-constable Davies (Broseley), and Police-constable Humphreys (Wellington), under the direction of Inspector Hamlet (Iron-Bridge). The cremation was watched from the road by a number of people. Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk) and Mr. A. G. Lascelles (Lord Forester’s agent) afterwards visited the premises, and expressed themselves highly satisfied with the manner in which the premises were disinfected.


24th September 1904


FANCIERS’ SHOW.— This annual show, which takes place on Wednesday next promises to be the best show yet held, as regards the numbers of entries and names of exhibitors.

SOCIAL EVENING.— On Monday a very pleasant evening was spent in the Town Hall. Through the kindness of Miss Patty Hartshorne (late of Benthall), upwards of 60 of her old friends were invited to spend a few hours with her, previous to her returning to Chicago. Dancing was kept up with spirit until midnight to the music of a string band, the duties of M.C. being undertaken by Mr. J. Watkins. Several songs were introduced to make the event as bright as possible. Miss Hartshorne and her sister sailed from Liverpool to Chicago on Wednesday.

LONDON CITY MISSION.— On Monday evening a meeting of the Broseley Auxiliary (of which Mrs. Bathurst is hon. sec.) in connection with this excellent mission was held in the Boys’ Schoolroom, under the presidency of Rev. W. A. Terry (vicar of Benthall). Mr. O. Siden (one of the missionaries among the omnibus men) gave a glowing account of the work done by the 450 missionaries employed by this great society, in the course of which he related some thrilling scenes of London slum life as experienced by himself. There was a good attendance, and a collection was taken in said of the mission.

A MISSIONARY EXHIBITION precisely the same as at Coalbrookdale, was held on Wednesday at the Town Hall, to a crowded audience; in fact many people were unable to obtain admittance, for which the Rev. J. R. Younghusband apologised. Mr. J. W. White was again in charge of the general stage arrangements, and the stage, properties were kindly lent by Mrs. Potts, Mrs. Ledger, Mrs. White, Mrs. Felton, and Mr. Clarke. The stage was decorated and transformed into an Eastern Land by Messrs. Ledger, Felton, and Van. Homryhu. The ladies in charge of the stalls were Misses Potts, Miss Instone, Miss Davies, Misses Exley, Miss Oakes, Miss Dixon, Miss Preston, Miss Lister, Miss Pountney, and Miss Jones. The, various tableaux were pleasantly explained by Mr. B. C. Perry, as at Coalbrookdale. The native melodies were also sung by the Iron-Bridge and Coalbrookdale children. The Rev. G. F. Lamb (rector) presided ever the proceedings, which were in aid of the S.P.G.

RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION.— A somewhat protracted meeting of the executive committee was held in the Town Hall on Tuesday. In the absence of the president, Mr. A. Evans occupied the chair. A discussion ensued as to the advisability or otherwise of running a candidate at the municipal election in November. It was decided in the affirmative, and the names of several gentlemen were submitted to the meeting, but the selection was held over for the present. Mr. T. Legge referred to the bad state of the roads, speaking more particularly of Quarry Road, which, he said, was in a shocking state. Mr. P. Stephan confirmed the statement made by the previous speaker respecting Quarry Road, and proposed that the secretary write to the Broseley District Council drawing their attention to the same, which was seconded by Mr. George Taylor, and carried unanimously. Mr. Alfred Malpass spoke of the bad state of the road from the Sycamore to the Primitive Methodist Chapel, characterising the stench omitted from the drains or culverts as something horrible. He proposed, and Mr. Thomas Garbett seconded, that the secretary mention this matter in his letter to the District Council, which was carried unanimously. Mention was again made of the dilapidated tenement in Fox Lane, which the meeting considered was in a very dangerous condition.


Letters to the editor


Sir,— I was pleased to hear from your correspondent, “A Working Man”, in your last issue of the “Journal”, that the Victoria Hall, recently purchased by subscriptions received from the general public at the late Queen’s Jubilee, and as I am informed handed over to the town (though no notification of the fact has been made public), is of a non-sectarian character. If such is the case, it will certainty be a new departure for Broseley, and augurs well for the future.

It would be interesting to know the names of the Trustees and Committee of Management, because if the correspondent is correct, they must be of a very representative character. I may say that in my opinion the hall will supply a long-felt want in Broseley, and it is hoped that the various friendly societies of the town will avail themselves of this rapacious and in every way suitable building to hold their meetings, and thus secure the youths of the rising generation from the temptation attending the holding of their meetings at public-houses.                                   PATRIOT.


1st October 1904


*  BICYCLES by best makers; Motor Cycles by Humbers, Clement, Garrard, &c.; Motor Cars by Wolseleys, Sunbeams, Humbers, &c.; Spares and Repairs.—James Davies, Broseley.

ESCAPE FROM BICTON Asylum.— On Monday afternoon Henry Price, a native of Broseley, made his escape from Bicton Asylum, where he was an inmate.

HARVEST SERVICES.— Thanksgiving services were held (morning and evening) on Sunday in the Congregational Chapel, when the Rev. W. Smith of Dawley preached two interesting and instructive sermons. Harvest hymns together with the anthems, “How manifold are Thy works” and “The glory of the Lord”, were well rendered by the choir, under the direction of Mr. A. Evans. The sacred edifice was decorated with fruit, vegetables, and flowers, tastefully arranged by the Misses N. and M. Bunnagar, Morgan, Williams, Humphries, Hall, Messrs. Legge, and R. and W. H. Bunnagar. There were good congregations, and the collections taken during the day were in aid of the Chapel Renovation Fund.

SALE OF WORK.— On Monday a successful sale of work and rummage was held in the Congregational Schoolroom. The various stalls were laden with a large assortment of useful and fancy articles, including fruit and vegetables used in the chapel at the harvest festival, most tastefully and temptingly displayed thereon. The following presided at the stalls:— Mrs. Evans, Mrs. H. Bunnagar, Mrs. R. Bunnagar, Miss Evans (Wrexham), Miss M. Evans, Mrs. Howells, Miss E. Howells, Mr. M Bunnagar, and Mr. R. Bunnagar. The secretarial duties were ably discharged by Mr. W. H. Bunnagar. There was a large attendance, and the various articles obtained a ready and quick sale. The proceeds are to be devoted to the chapel renovation fund.

FUNERAL.— On Thursday the remains of the late Mrs. Susannah Jones, wife of Mr. C. R. Jones of Broseley Wood, were laid to rest in the family vault in the churchyard, and there was a large number of friends present. Prior to leaving the late residence of the deceased the hymn, “Give me the wings of faith to rise” was sung, after which the usual burial service was held in the Wesleyan Chapel by the Revs. R. L. Jones and F. Bobby (circuit ministers), who also conducted the service in the churchyard. On the procession entering the chapel Mr. J. A. Hartshorne played “O rest in the Lord”, and on leaving the Dead March” in “Saul”. Deceased had been a consistent member of the Wesleyan Church for some years, and being of a kind and generous disposition was greatly respected by a large circle of friends. A large number of beautiful wreaths were sent by relatives and friends, including one of a very fine description from the congregation of the Wesleyan Chapel.

OBITUARY.— On Thursday the remains of the late Mr. James Sinclair Adams, eldest son of Mr. Sinclair Adams of Barber’s Street were interred in the cemetery. The service was conducted by the Rev. G. F. Lamb, M.A. (rector). Deceased was 34 years of age, and had been employed as a clerk in the offices of Messrs. Maw and Co., Ltd., Jackfield, for 21 years. As a mark of respect, therefore, Mr. J. Nicklin (managing director), representing the firm, and Messrs. A. Scott, P. Scott, G. Hurdley, and G. Moore, representing the offices, attended the funeral. A contingent from Court “Rose of the Green”, A.O.F., of which deceased had been a member for 18 years, were also present, attired in the usual regalia. The funeral oration prescribed by the Order was read by Mr. J. Nicklin at the graveside. A large number of beautiful wreaths were sent by relatives and friends.


The annual show of poultry, pigeons, rabbits, cage birds, cats, and cavies in connection with the Broseley and District Fanciers’ Society was held on Wednesday in a large marquee in the Memorial Green, when a highly creditable collection of the various “fur and feather” varieties was brought together. There were 22 classes less this year, but the entries numbered 665. The class for pigeons was well patronised, and the winners are all birds of good class, in fact the judge remarked that they were good enough to compete in any show in England. The poultry section was a strong one, as also was that for rabbits. In the cage birds class Mr. A. C. Brotherhood, Newport, exhibited his champion Cornish chough, “Dusky Monarch”, a fine bird which has won prizes all over England. There was also a good show of cats, but one of the prizewinners did not like his confinement, and three times took his departure. The China Challenge Cup given by the Coalport China Company for the best bird (poultry section) in the show was won by Mr. Chas. Preston, Dewsbury, and the Challenge Cup, value 6gs., given by Mr. E. K. Thompson for members only for the best cockerel or pullet of any pure breed was secured by Mr. R. Anthony, Chorley. Mr. A. Maitland, Chester, won the Challenge Cup for the best pigeon in the show. Although the weather was all that could he desired, the show was badly patronised, especially in the afternoon. The judges, Messrs. G. Furness and R. Bowker, appeared to have were given every satisfaction, whilst the secretarial duties were courteously discharged by Messrs. J. B. Ibbetson and W. Edge, who were backed up with a strong committee. The Right. Hon. Lord Forester is patron, Mr. F. H. Potts president, and the Mayor (Councillor F. G. Beddoes) one of the vice-presidents, Mr. Geo. Potts carrying out the duties of treasurer.

Appended are the prize winners:-


OPEN—1 and special H. Kerry, 2 R. Anthony, 3 Mrs. W. A. Marrian. Duck—1 R. Anthony, 2 H. Derry, 3 Hon. Gerald S. C. Hill. Indian game (cock)— 1, 2, and special Harry S. Hassell, 3 Samuel Griffiths. Indian game (hen) —1 and 2 Harry S. Hassell, 3 Robert H. Lingwood. Game (cock)— 1 and special T. H. Edwards, 2 Harry S. Hasail, 3 Edgar Wight. Game (hen)— 1 Henry Tanner, 2 Daniel John, 3 Gornall Bros. Sliver Wyandotte (cock)—1 Charles Preston. 2 Miss Heathcote, 3 George Holtom. Silver Wyandotte (hen)—1 and special Charles Preston, 2 W. Yoxall, 3 Mrs. Wilkinson. Partridge Wyandotte (cock)— 1 and special H. Bonny, 2 R. Brindley Wood, 3 Sam Shields. Pertridge Wyandotte (hen)—1 Sam Shields, 2 Hugh Gunn, 3 Colonel Sandbach. Wyandotte (any other variety, cock)— 1 H. C. Wood and Son, 2 R. Anthony, 3 Charles Preston. Wyandotte (any other variety, hen)—1 and special R. Anthony, 2 Charles Preston, 3 E. Sherratt. Buff Orpington (cock) 1 and special Rev. T. W. Sturges, 2 W. Cook and Sons (not for sale), 3 R. Anthony. Buff Orpington (hen)—1 R. Anthony, 2 Colonel Sandbach. 3 William Provost. Orpington (cock, any other variety)—1 and special Charles Preston, 2 W. Cook and Sons, 3 Col. Sandbach. Orpington (hen, any other variety)—1 Charles Preston, 2 Capt. W. H. Palmer, 3 W. Cook and Sons. Leghorn (cock)—1 R. Anthony, 2 E. Orme, 3 J. Clarkson (junr). Leghorn (hen)—1 and special R. Anthony, 2 W. Shingler, 3 Captain W. H. Palmer. Cochin (cock)—1, 2, and special Robert H. Lingwood, 3 Rowland A. Felton. Cochin (hen)—1 Robert H. Lingwood, 2 Charles Preston, 3 William Kean. Silver Campine (cock) — 1 J. H. Jowitt, 2 Thomas B. Bracken, 3 H. Boulton. Silver Campine (hen)—1 and special Thomas B. Bracken, 2 H. Boulton, 3 J. H. Jowitt. Plymouth Rock (cock)—1 Charles Preston, 2 R. Lawton, 3 A. E. Keightley. Plymouth Rock (hen) -1 and special Charles Preston, 2 Harries Bros., 3 R. Lawton. Minorca (cock)—1 J. Hickton and Son, 2 R. Anthony, 3 W. J. Nickolls. Minorca (hen)-1 and special R. Anthony, 2 J. Hickton and Son, 3 W. 3. Nicholls. Any other variety (cock)—1 and special R. Anthony, 2 Charles Preston, 3 Harry S. Hassan. Any other variety (hen)—1 Charles Preston, 2 Harry S. Hassall, 3 Miss Markey. Selling, limit £1. (cock or hen)—1 R. Anthony, 2 Stephen Hill, 3 Harry S. Hassan. Selling, limit 10s. (cock or hen)—2 Chas. Preston, 2 R. Anthony, 3 William Kean. Bantam, old English game, (cock)—1 and special Harry S. Hassall, 2 Geoffrey Joyce, 3 F. Payne. Bantam, old English game (hen)—1 Harry S. Hassall, 2 G. dews), 3 W. Sharpe. Bantam, game cock (modern) 1 and special J. Sherwin, 2 T. Ii. Edwards, 3 H. S. Heaton. Bantam, game hen (modern)—1 J. Burford, 2 Elkins and Howarth, 3 Gower Y. Williams- Bantam, any other variety (cock)—1 and special Miss Markey, 2 Harry S. Hassall, 3 A. D. V. Shinn, Bantam, any other variety (hen)—1 F. Brown, 2 R. Anthony, 3 Harry S. Hassell. Gift class—1 Miss Markey, 2 R. Anthony, 3 A. E. Lawrence.

LOCAL CLASSES.—Any variety, pure bred (cock)—1, 2, and special Stephen Hil1,3 R. H. Trevor. Any variety, pure bred (hen)—1 and special G. Woodroffe, 2 W. Polling, 3 S. A. Powell. Bantam, any variety (cock or hen)-1, 3, and special W. Gulling, 2 W. S. Reynolds. Cock or hen (cross-bred)—1 and special Miss Jane J. Thorn, 2 Exley and Son, 3 Mrs. Mear. Dressed fowls or ducks—1 and special J. E. Milner, 2 and 3 H. J. Norgrove. Hen eggs—1 J. R. Morgan, 2 J. E. Thomas, 3 J. E. Milner.


OPEN.—Flying homer (cock)—1 and special J. R. Billington, 2 John Price. Flying homer (hen)—1 H. A. and C. Lakin, 2 J. R. Billington, 3 J. E. Jones. Flying homer (cock, 1904)—1 W. Parker, 2 Shallcross and Hill, 3 A. Fisher. Flying homer (hen, 1904)—1 and special John Price, 2 Hallam, 3 W. J. Murfleet. Show homer (cock or hen)—1 and special A. Maitland, 2 Mr. Bosworth. Show homer (cock or hen, 1904)—1 Mr. Bosworth, 2 Carl J. Hoffmann, 3 W. H. Bretell. Dragoon (cock or hen)—1 and special Edwin Lee, 2 W. Richards. 3 G. Field. Tumbler (cock or hen)—1 J. Parratt, 2 J. W. Dumbleton. 3 W. Barnett, jun. Magpie (cock or hen)—1 A. G. Petler, 2 C. B. Kings, 3 A. E. Lawrence. Any other variety pigeon (cock)—1 A. Fisher, 2 J. W. Empson, jun., 3 A. Fisher. Any other variety pigeon (hen)—1 J. Wilson, jun., 2 H. H. Powell, 3 A. Fisher. Selling (limit 10s.)-1 H. Green, 2 E. Lee, 3 R. H. Embrey.

LOCAL CLASSES.—Working homer (cock or hen)—1 and 2 J. R. Hawthorne, 3 W, Parker.


8th October 1904


ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH.— A harvest thanksgiving service was held in this church yesterday week. The service, which was fully choral, was taken by the Rev. G F. Lamb (rector), and the lessons were read by the Rev. J. Marsden Edwards (rector of Jackfield) and the Rev. W. A. Terry (vicar of Benthall). The preacher was the Rev. T. L. Williams (rector of Billingsley). The musical portion of the service was admirably rendered by the choir, especially the anthem, “Praise the Lord, O Jerusalem”. The sacred edifice was artistically decorated, and reflected the greatest credit upon the executants:— Miss Potts, the Misses Lister, Miss Instone, Miss Martin, Miss Powner, and Miss O. Jones. There was a large congregation, and a collection, amounting to £6 2s. 4d., was taken in aid of the Salop Eye, Ear, and Throat Hospital.— The festival was continued on Sunday, when the Rector preached an excellent sermon in the morning, and took the service in the evening. Mr. H. E. Clarke read the lessons. At the close, of the evening service an organ recital was given by Dr. Corbett of Wellington. The choir also rendered the choruses, “Lift up your heads” and “Hallelujah”. The offertory, amounting to £12 7s. 9d., will be devoted to the choir boys’ Christmas fund.

RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION.— On Tuesday a meeting of the Executive Committee was held in the Town Hall, the president (Mr. J. Nicklin) occupying the chair The Chairman said the chief business of the meeting was to elect a candidate to contest one of the vacant seats on the Broseley District Council in November.—Mr. G. Stevens asked who bore the expense of such election, and what was the cost.—The Chairman said the official expenses were paid by the borough, but the private expenses of the candidate were defrayed by himself. He did not know the actual cost, but he thought it would be from £20 to £30.— Mr. Stevens said he did not think it wise to burden the ratepayers with additional expense if it could be avoided. Had they, he asked, any fault to find with the retiring members?— Several of those present said they did not consider the interests of the ratepayers were properly looked after by their present representatives—no voice was ever raised by any of them against the reckless expenditure, and one of them insolently requested that a communication sent from this association to the Broseley District Council be laid upon the table.—One gentleman declared that he should not rest satisfied until they had a member of their own on the Council.—It was unanimously decided that Mr. J. Nicklin be the association candidate at the forthcoming election, and that every effort be put forth to secure his return at the head of the poll.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.-Present:-Councillors E. G. Exley (chairman), P. Jones, R. A. Instone, C. T. Smith, P. Doughty, W. E. Southern, and Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), G. Stevenson (surveyor). H. Herbert (inspector), and E. Oakes (collector).—Mr. Instone remarked that the Pheasant Hotel wall was still in a dangerous condition. The Surveyor said notice had been given the agent to the Property owner to take down the wall, and rebuild it. Mr. Smith said it was dangerous to the children, and that there might he a mishap at any time. The clerk was instructed to call the agent’s attention to the matter.—The Clerk reported there was a balance in hand on the general district rate of £47 12s. 9d., and on the water rate account of £193 2s. 10d. He said the general district rate was closed.—A letter was read from the Broseley Ratepayers’ Association, calling the Council’s attention to the shocking state of Quarry and Sycamore Roads, Broseley Wood, and the surveyor was instructed to do what was necessary.—The Surveyor reported that he had spent during the month on the roads the sum of £17 4s. 10d., and a cheque for £35 was drawn in his favour.—The Inspector said he had only to report one mild case of diphtheria in Broseley. He had no nuisances to report.—Mr. Atterley reported that it would cost £14 to convey the water to the Station Hotel.- The other business was of a routine character.


DRUNKENNESS.— William Hotchkiss was charged with being drunk at Coalbrookdale.—Police-constable Price proved the case, and defendant was fined 15s., including costs.

WARNING To PARENTS.- Samuel Morris, moulder, Coalbrookdale, was charged with being drunk when in charge of a child under the age of seven years.—Police-constable Price deposed that he saw defendant in a drunken condition at Dale End. He had a child, three years of age in his charge. Defendant fell down and cut his face badly.—Defendant said he did not have the child five minutes.—The Mayor said this was a very serious matter. It was the first case in the borough taken under the New Act, which, he considered a good one, and one that was passed to protect young children. He would only be fined 5s. and costs, but future offenders would be more severely dealt with.

THE RESULT OF DRINK.—James Thompson, miner, Broseley Wood, was charged by the Madeley Guardians with permitting his wife and three children to become chargeable to the common fund of the Madeley Union.—William Edge (relieving officer) stated that defendant turned his wife and three children out of doors. They were taken to the workhouse, and there maintained at a cost of 10s. He fetched them again a few days years.—Police-constable Davies said the husband and wife were addicted to drink, which was the cause of all the trouble.—Defendant was fined £1 2s. 6d., including costs.


15th October 1904


FUNERAL.— Amidst every manifestation of respect, the remains of the late Mr. Richard Dutton Haughton (who passed away on Saturday) were interred in the cemetery on Tuesday. The Rev. J. Marsden Edwards (rector of Jackfield) was the officiating clergyman. The deceased was 49 years of age, and had been co-partner with his mother at the Lion Hotel, and also a brick and tile manufacturer for some years. He had been a member of the “Rose of Sharon” Lodge of Oddfellows M.U., for some considerable time, and a contingent of his fellow-members, attired in regalia, accompanied his remains to their last resting-place. The address prescribed by the Order was read at the graveside by Mr. W. Woof of “St. Milburgha” Lodge, Much Wenlock. There was a large and representative gathering to witness the obsequies, including the tradesmen and brick and tile manufacturers of the town and district. The whole of the Broseley tradesmen suspended business during the interment, and blinds were drawn at most of the private houses en route to the cemetery. There was a large number of wreaths from relatives and friends.

DEATH OF AN OCTOGENARIAN.—There has just quietly passed away one of the oldest inhabitants of Broseley in the person of Mr. John Morgan, senior, Simpson’s Lane, Broseley Wood. Deceased was in his 88th year, and had been a consistent member of Broseley Congregational Church for 52 years. He was the last connecting link between the early and latter days of that church. He had been in the employ of Messrs. W. Southern and Co., Broseley, for 45 years, during which time he had been a devoted and faithful servant.—On Saturday his remains were laid to rest in the graveyard adjoining Broseley Congregational Chapel, within whose walls it was his delight to worship. At the special request of the deceased the Rev. Henry Gardiner of Tettenhall conducted the service in the chapel and at the graveside. Appropriate hymns were rendered by the choir, that sung at the graveside being “Now the labourer’s task is o’er”. As evidence of the respect entertained for the deceased a large concourse of people were present to witness the obsequies. A large number of beautiful wreaths were sent by relatives and friends, including one of a very choice description from Lancashire.- On Sunday evening the organist (Mr. G. Tonkiss) gave an excellent rendering of the “Dead March”, the congregation standing.

A DRAPER’S BANKRUPTCY.-At Madeley County Court Offices, on Wednesday, before Mr. Registrar Potts, John James Young, draper, Broseley, appeared for adjourned examination in bankruptcy. At the previous Court, the debtor (whose deficiency amounted to £318) was ordered to furnish a statement showing his cash receipts and payments for two years prior to the data of the receiving order.—Mr. Cariss (Assistant Official Receiver) said debtor had lodged an account which showed the receipts to have been £2,357 5s. 4d., and the payments £2,296 5s. 6d. It gave amounts paid to the bank, but did not disclose the sums paid to individual creditors. Debtor must have paid away a great deal more than he paid into the bank, because there was an overdraft of over £100. Apart from this there was a deficiency of over £90 on the payment side of the statement now submitted.—Debtor said he found it impossible to put down all the payments he had made, because many were made over the counter, and no record had been kept.—Debtor was then closely questioned by Mr. Caries with reference to particular items in the statement, and after hearing his explanations, Mr. Cariss said it was doubtful whether the statement was such a one as could be held to comply with the order of the Court. It certainly did not convey the information the creditors desired to have.—Debtor was further pressed as to balance sheets he submitted to the bank, and to wholesale tradesmen early in 1904, when he was applying for loans and goods on credit, and he admitted they were mainly made up by guess-work, and that while they showed a surplus capital of over £500, it now appeared that debtor was insolvent at that time. He, however, affirmed that he had no intention of deceiving anybody, but had acted in ignorance of his actual circumstances.—Mr. Caries several times re-marked that debtor did not appear to realise the seriousness of his position; and it was a question whether some other course would not have to be adopted to get information from him.—Mr. Potts said many of debtor’s answers were exceedingly unsatisfactory.—Mr. J. Vine (trustee) concurred, but said it was doubtful whether (if the examination were further adjourned) debtor would furnish an amended statement which could be relied upon.—The examination was closed, but Mr. Cariss said that would not affect any subsequent proceedings which may have to be taken.


22nd October 1904


SPECIAL SERVICES.— Sunday being a day set apart for the Salop Congregational Sunday School Union in the interest of the young people, special services were held in Broseley Congregational Chapel, by Mr. Sidney B. Allen of Wrexham, who preached two excellent sermons. Mr. Allen also delivered an interesting and instructive address in the afternoon.

FUNERAL — On Thursday the remains of the late Mr. William Moore of Barratt’s Hill, Broseley, were quietly laid to rest in the family vault at Birch Meadow Baptist Chapel, Broseley, in the presence of a goodly number of sympathetic witnesses. The funeral service was conducted in a very impressive manner by the Rev. Arthur Shinn of Northampton (late pastor of this church). Numerous choice wreaths were sent by relatives and friends.

CONGREGATIONALISM.— At the invitation of the Broseley Congregational Church the Shropshire Congregational District Association held their quarterly meeting in the chapel last week. The Rev. Rhys Lewis of Dorrington was re-elected secretary for 1905. Business being over a capital tea was partaken of in the schoolroom, to which a goodly number sat down.

In the evening a public meeting was held, and addresses delivered by the Rev. F. Franks, M.A. (Shrewsbury), Rev. A. J. Gardiner (London), and Rev. Rhys Lewis (Dorrington).

HARVEST FESTIVAL.— On Sunday thanksgiving services were held in Broseley Wesleyan Chapel, when sermons were preached by the Rev. F. H. Eva of Handsworth College, Birmingham. The anthem, “All Thy works praise Thee, O Lord” (Calcott), was rendered with excellent taste by the choir. The sacred edifice was beautifully and artistically adorned with flowers, ferns, fruit, a monster loaf, and a sheaf of corn, reflecting the highest credit upon the executants, Mrs. E. R. Hartshorne, Mrs. J. A. Hartshorne, the Misses Evershed and Leadbetter, Messrs. E. R. Hartshorne, B. Jones, G. Gittins, and C. Jones. There were good congregations at each service. Collections were taken in aid of the trust funds.


29th October 1904


FUNERAL, OF MR. DOUGHTY.- On Wednesday there were laid to rest in the family vault in Broseley Churchyard the remains of the late Mr. William L. Doughty. The deceased, who had been in failing health for a long time, passed away at his brother’s residence, the Tuckies, on Sunday. After finishing his education at Ardington College, he entered the Mercantile Marine, in which he remained until ill-health compelled him to give up, some two years ago. The deceased was very popular with all classes, as was testified by the numerous evidences of respect en route to the churchyard. The funeral service was conducted by the Revs. G. F. Lamb and J. Marsden Edwards. A number of beautiful wreaths were sent by sympathising friends and relatives. The cortege was in the following order:—Bearers; hearse, containing the body; first coach, Mr. T. Doughty (brother), Mr. G. Gray (brother-in-law); second coach, Mr. T. R. Burroughs (brother-in-law), Mr. J. Reginald Burroughs (nephew); friends and workmen from his brother’s tile works. Amongst the many who joined at the graveside were:—Dr. Wiltshire, Mr. W. J. White, Mr. George Eggleston. Mr. C. T. Smith. &c.



MUNICIPAL ELECTION.- The Following gentlemen have been nominated as councillors for the Wenlock Town Council:- Barrow Ward- William Bishop, farmer, Much Wenlock. Broseley- W. E. Southorn, pipe manufacturer, Broseley; Thomas Doughty, brick and tile manufacturer, Broseley; Joseph Nicklin, encaustic tile manufacturer, Broseley. There will be contests in the Broseley and Madeley Wards.  Mr Bishop takes the place of Mr W. Allen, who does not seek re-election.

4th November 1904


BROSELEY WARD.- Result:- Nicklin 348, Doughty 342, Southorn 244.  There were two polling stations-one in the Town Hall, Broseley, over which Mr. Geo. Potts, was preceding officer and Mr. Sparrow poll clerk, and one in the National Schoolroom, Jackfield, Mr Harold Potts was presiding officer and Mr James Britton poll clerk. 677 persons voted, being the largest poll on record in the Broseley Ward.  The polling was somewhat slow during the day, but became very brisk in the evening. Alderman Prestage read the result in front of the Town Hall about nine o’clock, which was received with deafening cheers.  The two first name candidates were declared elected.


PRESENTATION.— On Tuesday a meeting was held in Broseley Reading Room to present Mr. F. H. Martin, with a timepiece on the occasion of his resigning the secretaryship of that institution, after a term of office extending over several years. The presentation was made by Mr. H. E. Clarke, chairman of the meeting, on behalf of the members of the institution, and the friends who had subscribed towards the purchase of the clock. Mr. Martin feelingly acknowledged the gift, and thanked the members of the institution and all subscribers for their handsome present, which be prized as an expression of the good feeling that had always been shown to him during the lengthy period he had acted as secretary, and as a token that his services had been appreciated.

DISTRICT COUNCIL, Wednesday.—Present:—Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman), Councillors P. Jones, E. G. Exley, W. E. Southern, T. Doughty R. A. Instone, C. T. Smith, and Messrs F. H. Pots (clerk), Geo. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (inspector), and E. Oakes (collector).-The Inspector reported a mild case of erysipelas in the town, which was the only infectious disease in the district. He added that there was a peculiar epidemic of sore throats and headaches. There were 160 cases affected in the schools, and there was no doubt it was infectious because it had spread through whole households. There had been no fatal cases. It was an epidemic nearly approaching diphtheria. There had been 250 cases, and the epidemic was subsiding.—With reference to the nuisance on Mr. Jones’s property the inspector suggested the property owners be asked if they would contribute towards the cost of a sewer, which would be for their sole advantage.—Mr. Smith considered it a waste of money to put in a drain of 70 yards under the present circumstances. They must know what was awaiting them in the near future. It’s considered they should make the best possible terms. The inspector’s suggestion was agreed to.—After some conversation the inspector was instructed to serve a notice on Mr. Geo. Higgins Broseley Wood, to provide a proper and efficient means of drainage on his property.—The Clerk reported that the Pheasant wall was not yet repaired.—The clerk was instructed to write Lord Forester’s agent to the effect that if the wall was not repaired in 14 days the Council would do the work and charge him with it.—The Clerk reported a balance in hand of £438 19s. 8d., and £192 0s. 10d. on the water rate.—The collector said the first portion of the water rate was completed.—An application was received from Mr. Arthur Exley asking for the Harrington water to be taken to the Rock House. It was decided to ask Mr. Abberley to give an estimate at the next meeting for taking the water to this place.—A lengthy discussion ensued as to the drainage on the proposed new Forester hospital, but nothing definite was decided.—A cheque for £100 was ordered to be drawn in favour of the surveyor to meet current expenses.—The Chairman expressed his regret that Mr. Southorn was leaving the committee, and thanked him for his valuable services to the Council. (Hear, hear.)—Mr. Southorn thanked the Chairman for his-kind remarks, and added that the people were “rattling good promises, but bad performers”. (Laughter.).


12th November 1904

Letters to the Editor


Sir,- In reading the report of the Broseley District Council meeting in the last week’s “Journal” I notice the Inspector stated there was a peculiar epidemic of sore throats and headaches in the town, of which 250 cases had occurred.  No one at the meeting seemed to take any notice of this, in all probably because they had not been (like myself) one of the sufferers. The peculiar epidemic is caused by the peculiar way the sanitation of the town is looked after.  The drainage is in a most part defective condition in many parts the slops running down the side of the streets.  Dirty paper, &c. litter every street, and some of the cottages are not fit for human habitation. Considering the way officers’ salaries are from time to time raised, one would think the town was in such a perfect condition that there was nothing else to spend money on.



12th November 1904


WEDNESDAY. — Present :—Councillor F. G. Beddoes (Mayor), Aldermen J. A. Anstice, J. Bodenham, A. B. Dyas, G. Lloyd, W. J. Legge, D. L. Prestage, Councillors R. F. Ayre, A. G. Lascelles, E. G. Exley, F. F. Groves, T. Morris, T. J. Barnett, T. Cooke. T. Doughty, J. Davies, W. G. Dyas, W. Bishop, T. Dorsett, C. T. Smith, P. Jones, J. Nicklin, F. J. Hart, B. Maddox, W. Roberts, C. Edwards, Messrs. F. H. Potts (town clerk), A. H. Thorn-Pudsey (magistrates’ clerk), J. W. White (borough treasurer), G. Stevenson (surveyor), H. Herbert (Inspector), and E. Oakes (collector).

ELECTION OF MAYOR.— Mr. Cooke proposed that the Mayor for the ensuing year be Councillor Davies. He said the past Mayor had worthily kept up the traditions of the ancient borough, and in Mr. Davies he thought the late Mayor would have a worthy follower. Councillor Davies was a keen economist. (Applause.) He would not spend a penny where a half-penny would do. It was most essential to have a man of that description as Mayor. (Applause.) His personal character eminently fitted him to hold the position of chief magistrate of the borough- (Applause.) The work of the Council had increased daring the last few years, but Councillor Davies was a gentleman who would tackle it well and do it to the best of his ability.—Mr. Ayre said he had pleasure in seconding the motion because the Barrow Ward had not supplied a mayor for the last 15 years. Broseley Ward had also been somewhat lacking.—Mr. Beddoes supported the motion, which was carried unanimously.—Councillor Davies, replying, said he was fully alive to the great responsibility attached to the office; but he should rely on the help of his brother councillors and the officials, and he should do his duty to the best of his ability. He missed one familiar face, that of Alderman Thursfield, who had been a member for 30 years; he had been alderman 20 years, and had served as Mayor four times. (Applause.) He also regretted the absence of Mr. Allen, who had been a councillor from the formation of the Barrow Ward, 15 years ago. Whilst he regretted the loss of those members, he welcomed that day in their midst several new members.—Lord Forester, Messrs. J. Bodenham, G. Lloyd, and W. J. Legge were re-elected alderman for six years.- Mr. Maddox proposed a vote of thanks to Mr. Beddoes for fulfilling the office of Mayor during the past year with such credit. He had proved an ideal Mayor, and had undoubtedly given entire satisfaction to the great majority of the electors in the borough. (Applause.)—Mr. Dyas seconded the motion, and it was unanimously carried.—Mr. Thursfleld’s seat having been declared vacant for the Barrow Ward, Mr. J. Davies was unanimously elected Alderman in his place.— The Mayor thanked them for the second honour they had conferred upon him that day.—Mr. F. G. Beddoes was appointed the Mayor’s deputy. — The usual Standing Committees were then appointed.

BOROUGH RATE. Mr. Beddoes said the Finance Committee had gone into the various accounts very thoroughly that morning, and the total amount of the quarterly bills, including the education rate, was £1,341 17s. 3d. There was a sum of £137 16s. 9d. in hand, and the amount to be raised by rate was £1,204 0s. 6d. A rate of 5½d. in the pound would bring in £1,300; and he therefore moved that they levy a rate of that amount. He was sorry it was so high, but 4d. of it was for educational purposes. He reminded them that if they had elections they must pay for them; an election meant a ½d. rate in each ward. — Alderman Dyas, in seconding the motion, said he was sorry it was so much, but they would have to pay.— The motion was carried.

ASYLUM VISITOR. — Colonel Anstice was re-elected visitor to the asylum for the next 12 months.

THE MAIN ROADS.- Colonel Anstice presented the report of the Main Roads Committee, which recommended the Council to accept from the County Council the sum of £1,550 per annum for a term of three years towards the maintenance of the main roads in the borough. He said the sum of money used to be £1,200 a year, and then they had £1,500; but the committee considered that was not sufficient. They asked for £1,800, but the County Council would not give them more than they recommended them to accept that day. He proposed the adoption of the report.—Alderman Dyas, in seconding the motion, said they accepted the County Council terms under a strong protest.— The motion was carried.

EDUCATIONAL MATTERS.—The Mayor said the next business was to receive the report of the Higher Education Committee and to consider the advisability of exercising the concurrent powers conferred upon the Council by Section 3 of the Education Act, 1902, and if deemed advisable to make a scheme for the establishment of an Education Committee thereunder, and to appoint an advisory committee for the purpose should the Council think fit.—Mr. T. Cooke proposed that the report, which had been read at the Education Committee, be adopted.—Mr. Maddox, in seconding, said there was no place in the county that stood in need of a secondary school more than Iron-Bridge. (Applause.)—Colonel Anstice said if the report was adopted they pledged themselves to a 1d. rate for higher education. Anyhow, he agreed with the report. The Higher Education Committee of the County Council, of which he was chairman, would soon visit various places in the county, and hold inquiries as to the need of secondary schools, and the visit to Iron-Bridge would not long be postponed. (Applause.) He assured them they were not allowing the grass to grow under their feet; but whatever they did he feared it would be a large expenditure of public money, but he hoped good results would arise from that expenditure. (Applause.)—The report was adopted.

RESIGNATIONS.— Mr. Beddoes said he had received a letter from Mr. A. J. Maw, who resigned his office as representative manager of the Jackfield National School, owing to a pressure of business.— Mr. C.. Smith was appointed manager in his place.—Mr. W. Evans, in a letter, resigned his seat on the Council, and enclosed a cheque for £25.—Alderman Dyas proposed that the resignation be accepted, and the cheque returned.—Mr. Edwards seconded the motion, which was carried.

SLAUGHTERHOUSES.— A memorial from the butchers residing in the borough of Wenlock was read concerning the proposed by-laws regarding slaughterhouses, which they contended were not suitable for the district or the borough of Wenlock. They asked the Council not to adopt them.—Mr. Maddox moved that the proposed by-laws be held in abeyance for six months. He considered they would not be workable, and that it would cost that particular trade extra expense.—Mr. Dorsett seconded the motion. He said he voted against the by-laws when they were first discussed at the meetings. He, however, hoped they would not go in for a public slaughterhouse.— Alderman Dyas said he was not surprised they had received this memorial. The by-laws would cause considerable expense, and would practically annihilate the trade. He hoped they would not adopt the by-laws at all.—Messrs. Maddox and Dorsett agreed to that suggestion.—Mr. Roberts said a committee had been appointed to go into this question of by-laws, and they concluded that for the safety of the general public it was best to adopt them. They had passed other by-laws, and had received no memorial from other trades. He moved as an amendment that there be a time limit—say two years—to this particular by-law. — The Clerk said before they did anything they would have to rescind the resolution passed at a previous meeting.— This was agreed to, and will take place at the neat meeting.


The usual banquet was held after the meeting at the Raven Hotel, when the Mayor (Alderman J. Davies) presided, and besides those mentioned above there were also present :—Mr. Rowland Hunt, M.P., Capt. Geo. Forester, Rev. F. R. Ellis (vicar), Rev. H. Bunting (Dawley), Messrs. Milnes Gaskell, F. Horne (Liberal candidate for Ludlow Division), R. Bateman, F. R. Smith, J.P., J. E. Boulton, J. H. Gurnhill T. P. Davies, &c.—As soon as the cloth was removed the loyal toasts were submitted by the Mayor, and drunk. — Mr. T. P. Davies appropriately proposed “The Bishop and Clergy and the Ministers of Religion”, which was acknowledged by the Revs. F. R. Ellis and H. Bunting.—Alderman A. B. Dyas submitted “The Army, Navy, and Imperial Forces”, and Capt. Forester and Capt. Prestage responded.—Mr. R. Bateman proposed -”The Members for the County and the Borough Representatives on the County Council”. Colonel Anstice and Councillor Cooke, he added, had done their work well on that Council. (Hear, hear.) — Mr. Rowland Hunt, M.P., who was received with prolonged applause, said that on an occasion like that he did not think he could say much, for, as they knew, politics was barred. Whether they thought he was right or wrong in political opinions, he hoped he should not make any promises that lie was unable to carry out. (Applause.) They might depend upon it, he should do his best to serve their interests, whatever their political opinions might be. (Applause.)—Mr. Cooke, responding, said the work of the County Council was done very efficiently, and that the members always looked carefully after the interests of the ratepayers. (Applause.) He thought the time had come when they should do what they could to retrench, but unfortunately there was so much work put on them from headquarters that it was almost impossible to retrench.—Mr. T. Cooke, in proposing the health of “The Mayor”, said he was just the sort of man they wanted, and he hoped he would have a very pleasant year of office. (Applause.)—Responding, the Mayor said it was some years since a bona-fide farmer occupied the position of Mayor in that borough. When he came into the district 16 years ago the district rate for Barrow was 4d. in the pound, but today it was 1s. 6d., and some of them “thanked their stars” they were living in the Barrow Ward. (Laughter.) The Mayor here filled the loving cup with champagne, when his health was heartily drunk. — Alderman Dyas proposed the health of the “Ex-Mayor”. He said they never had a Mayor who filled the position so thoroughly.—Mr. Beddoes, responding, said he had had a very pleasant year of office.—Mr. Milnes Gaskell proposed “Prosperity to the Corporation”. He wished the Council a year of peace and consolidation.- Messrs. W. G. Dyas and W. Bishop suitably responded.-  Alderman Bodenham proposed “The Recorder and Borough Magistrates”, which was responded to by Mr. Prestage.- Mr. Beddoes submitted the health of “The Borough Officials”, which was acknowledged by Mr. F. H. Potts (town clerk).- Dr. Hart, in proposing “The Town and Trade and Agricultural Interest”, observed that the trade of the town was reviving.- The Mayor and Mr. J. R. Boulton responded.


12th November 1904


MISSIONARY SERVICES.—On Sunday two appropriate sermons were preached in the Broseley Wesleyan Chapel, by the Rev. F. H. Bobby, and in the afternoon Mr. Bobby gave an interesting address to the children. The choir acquitted themselves with their usual ability. There were good congregations, and collections were taken in aid of the Wesleyan Foreign Missions.

FOREIGN MISSIONS.— On Thursday evening the annual missionary meeting was held in the Wesleyan Chapel, under the presidency of Mr. W. H. Southhouse. Excellent addresses were delivered by the Chairman Revs. R. L. Jones and F. H. Bobby, and the Rev. H. Bunting from West Indies, who gave a deeply interesting account of the Labours in Jamaica. A collection was taken at the close.

RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION, Tuesday.—The President (Councillor J. Nicklin) occupied the chair, and expressed his thanks for the honour conferred upon him since they last met, for he considered that it was mainly through the strenuous efforts of the Executive that he now held a seat on the Broseley District Council.—Mr. Henry Hughes of Jackfield said he had every confidence in Mr. Nicklin, and he had no doubt whatever as to his endeavours to do the very best he could in the interests of the borough and the Broseley Ward in particular. The late election had taught them one important lesson—the value of unity, and he hoped the members of the association would bear it in mind, and do all they can to promote the same and increase the membership. — Mr. John Morgan referred to the stoppage of a public footpath leading to the Lily pump and said that unless the public bestirred themselves they would lose their right both to the road and the pump. The matter was eventually left in the hands of Councillor Nicklin.— Another member asked how it was that the water rate was claimed in advance, and whether it could be legally demanded in 14 days after receiving the demand note; the answer to the last question was in the negative.


19th November 1904


On Thursday an inquest was held by Mr Coroner Potts on the body of a little girl named Stephan, the daughter of Mr G. Stephan, landlord of the General Gordon Inn, who had died form the effects of burns.  On Monday morning, during the momentary absence of the mother, the child’s clothing caught fire, and although medical aid was obtained, she died from the effects of the burns and shock.  The verdict of the Jury was one of “Accidental death”.


19th November 1904

Letters to the Editor


SIR.- Having read the report of the Broseley Ratepayers’ Association’s last meeting in the “Journal” I was pleased to notice that Mr. Morgan had made mention of one particular case of encroachment of public ground by an individual ratepayer. As an old inhabitant of Broseley I should like to further state for the information of the public and our Council that this road to what is known as Lily Pump Road has been a public road for 57 years, and no steps have been taken by a private person to lay claim to it during that period, and it has been put in repair many times by the Council at the ratepayers’ expense when the water was used, and I trust that our Council will prevent any ratepayer placing a building upon the road.


26th November 1904


A NARROW ESCAPE.- This week when Mrs Wale (widow) was taking her grandchildren across the river in the ferry, near the Royal Albert Bridge, the boat got away from her with the children.  Mrs Wale fortunately had the presence of mind to cling to the wire, and although her whole body was in the water, she also succeeded in reaching shore-a marvellous escape.  The children were landed safely.

THE WEATHER.- In consequence of the severity of the weather all out-door work at the brick and tile manufactories is suspended, which will affect scores of families.  Tobogganing and skating are the popular pastimes now.  The market yesterday was poorly attended, a fact attributed to the weather. Yesterday morning Alderman Legge’s men were conveying to the station a wagon load of tiles, and on descending Madeley Hill, the horses slipped, and overturned the waggon.  The tile, waggon, and horses were damaged, whilst the men had narrow escapes.

10th December 1904


WEDNESDAY.—Present:—Alderman D. L. Prestage (chairman) Councillors E. G. Exley, P. Jones, R. A. Instone, T. Doughty, C. T. Smith, J. Nicklin, Messrs F. H. Potts (town clerk), H. Herbert (inspector), Wiltshire (Government surveyor), E. Oakes (rate collector), and Abberley (water inspector).—As this was the first meeting of the new Council, Mr. Exley proposed that Mr. Prestage be re-elected chairman for the ensuing year. Mr. Prestage had, he said, conducted the business in a highly-creditable manner. Mr Doughty seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously, and Mr. Prestage replied. — The Chairman here heartily welcomed the new member (Mr Nicklin), and expressed a hope that he would help them in the business of the town. Mr. Nicklin, in reply, said he appreciated the remarks, and added that he had always heard that the Broseley Council were a very happy family, and he hoped he should not break the harmony. (Laughter.)—The various committees were appointed.—Mr. Herbert reported a mild case of scarlet fever in King Street, Broseley. The officer also reported that the epidemic he mentioned at the last meeting was dying out. Some of the cases had been severe. In reply to the chairman the Officer said he did not think it was due to the schools. One gentleman, he added, attributed it to the dry summer. There had been no similar cases in any other part of the borough.—With reference to a nuisance on certain property, the inspector said it would cost £25 to put town the necessary sewer pipes. After some conversation the inspector was ordered to visit the place, and make another report at the next meeting.—  It was decided to take proceed against a certain person if he failed to abate a nuisance on his property in seven days—Mr. Doughty moved that the meetings be held as three o’clock in the afternoon, and Mr. Jones seconded this. Mr. Nicklin muted as an amendment that the meetings be held at five o’clock, and this was seconded by Mr. Instone but on being put to the meeting, the amendment was lost.— The Clerk reported a balance of £699 18s. 2d. in hand. Mr. Oakes reported that he had collected £372 in the second instalment of the rate. The Chairman said there was £198 11s. to be collected. He was pleased to find they were getting in the rate well. The balance on the water rate was reported to be £272 15s 5d. The collector said he had been somewhat deterred in the collection of the rate by a remark made at the Ratepayers’ Association meeting. The question was how it was the water rate was claimed in advance, and whether it could be legally demanded in 14 days after receiving the demand note. The answer was in the negative. Mr. Oakes said he should like the clerk’s opinion to go before the public Mr. Nicklin said the question was not properly reported. They all knew it was the custom of many people to defer payment till the last moment. The Chairman said he believed the demand for the water rate could be made on the 1st day of each quarter, and if it was not paid within 14 days they could recover it by the usual process of law. They collected the rate in two instalments instead of four, which was entirely in favour of the ratepayers. Mr. Oakes said there was a very great impression that these rates were not due until the end of the term. The Chairman: That is quite wrong. The Clerk said that, under the Water-works Clauses Act, the water rate was payable quarterly in advance. Both rates were payable in advance.—Mr. Abberley presented a scheme for conveying the Harrington water to the Rock, a distance of 780 yards. A three-inch pipe, with fire-plugs, &c., would cost £160, and a two-inch pipe £85. The Chairman said the revenue was only £10 a year. Mr. Exley said he was of opinion that a two-inch pipe would be sufficient. The question was deferred a month.—Mr. Doughty suggested that they apply to the Postmaster-General to fix a letter-box at the bottom end of Jackfield; and the clerk was instructed to make the application necessary.— Mr. Nicklin brought up the question of the encroachment on the road to the Lily Well pump. The Clerk stated it was not a public road. The Council paid an acknowledgment every year, but since the introduction of the new water supply they had given up the Lily Well.


To celebrate the opening of the Victoria Institute a very successful concert was given in the large and spacious hall an Monday. The building had been thoroughly renovated, the painting and decorating having been entrusted to Mr. James Mason of High Street, who has executed the same to the entire satisfaction of the committee. The committee, too, had been at no little pains to adorn the walls with various flags, &c., and on the platform were some very choice plants, and overhanging the same was the motto, “Success to the Victoria Institute”, and a framed portrait of her late Majesty, Queen Victoria. Alderman Prestage presided over a large and fashionable assembly, among wham were the Mayor and Mayoress of Wenlock (Aldermen and Mrs. Davies), and the elite of the town and district. The violin solos (with pianoforte accompaniment by Miss Owen) were executed in good style by Mr. J. H. Rawlings. Mr. Norman Sparrow (Shrewsbury), who possesses a fine tenor voice, gave a splendid rendering of the songs, “Romany Lass” and “Scent of the Lilies”, the latter receiving a well-merited encore. The part songs, “ Alice, where art thou”? and “A Stream of Silver Moonlight”, by the Broseley Glee Party (Messrs. H. Wase, W. A. Garbett, H. Bartlam, and W. E. Davies), were given with great taste and finish, the former being re-demanded. Miss Evershed sustained her well-known reputation by her songs, “The Dear Homeland” and “ The Valley by the Sea”, the former obtaining a well-deserved encore. The Mayor of Wenlock gave an excellent rendering of the song, “The Death of Nelson”, which was enthusiastically re-demanded. The pianoforte solos “Elude” (Rubenstein) and “Scherzo in C sharp minor” (Chopin) were a rich musical treat. Mr. F. C. Youden, who possess a powerful baritone voice of considerable compass, was heard to great advantage in his songs, “The Parting” and “Freebooters’ Songs”—(a) “Son of Mine” and (b) “Up in the Saddle”. Miss N. Clarke was loudly applauded in her song, “The Refuge of the Soul”. The musical sketches, “ Singers and Songs” and “Our Musical Comedy”, by Mr. W. Felton, were as “catching” as ever, the audience being fairly convulsed with laughter; as a matter of course, each item was re-demanded, and generously responded to. The artistes kindly gave their services gratuitously. Mr. W. E. Davies proved himself an efficient accompanist. — During the interval between the first and second parts the Chairman explained the lines upon which the Institute be worked. He said that it would be remembered that the funds used in the purchase of that hall were originally intended to be used in the erection of a “ Nurses’ Home” in commemoration of the late Queen’s Jubilee, but since then a Forester Hospital in Broseley had become almost an accomplished fact, thus obviating such a necessity. The erection of that hall cost the late Mr. J. H. Maw £1,100, and they had bought it for £410. He hoped they were pleased with the transaction, as it would not only be a permanent commemoration of Queen Victoria’s Diamond Jubilee, but of her entire reign, as was testified by the two tablets on the outside of the building.  A trust deed had been drawn up, and Mr. E. W. Shorting. Dr. Collins, Messrs. R. A. Instone, E. G. Exley, and D. L. Prestage were the trustees. Lord Forester had been appointed president of the Institute, and the Hon. Captain George Forester, Messrs. E. B. Potts, Dr. Boon, and others vice-presidents. The members of the committee were:— Messrs. J. Nicklin, A. Scott, H. E. Clark, W. Edge, sen., W. Francis, E. Oakes, and W. Edge, jun.; the hon. secretary. Mr. T. Jones: and the hon. treasurer, Mr. J. A. Downes. The Institute was non-sectarian and non-political. A billiard table, chess, draughts, dominoes, and newspapers were provided, and the committee heartily invited all the young men of the town to become members. The sum of £150 was still required to put the Institute in proper working order. A large number of honorary members had been enrolled, so that a good start had been made.




10th December 1904

Letters to the Editor


Sir,—Will you allow me space in your valuable journal to call attention to the road from Iron-Bridge to Broseley? Some portion of this road has recently been repaired, but it is very noticeable that the work has not been efficiently done. The flat apposite the Rock House has for months been entirely neglected and still remains so. It is really in a disgraceful and dangerous condition, and reflects much discredit upon those who are responsible for this portion of the road. In wet weather the water remains in the road owing to the bolstering up of the tramway, and cannot possibly run off. The consequence is that pedestrians have at times to wade through it ankle-deep, and there in no way of escaping it. At present the road here is several feet below its original and proper level.

Any improvement would be much welcomed and appreciated by those who have to use this part of the road.



17th December 1904


ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH.— At the evening service on Sunday the choir of Broseley Parish Church gave a very pleasing rendering of the anthem, “Lord, for Thy mercies’ sake” (Farrant), without organ accompaniment. Mr. W. H. Griffiths ably conducted.

ACCIDENT.— On Tuesday morning a serious accident occurred to James Pope of Hockley, Broseley, whilst following his usual occupation in a clay pit belonging to Messrs. George Davies and Co. The unfortunate man sustained a bad fracture to one of his legs, necessitating his removal to the Forester Hospital, Much Wenlock.

DEATH OF MRS. E. DAVIES.— After intense suffering, borne with great fortitude for a long time, there quietly passed away on Tuesday morning Mrs. Elizabeth Davies, wife of Mr. James Davies, draper, &c., King Street, Broseley. Deceased was about 35 years of age. Her kindliness of disposition endeared her to all with whom she came in contact. Great sympathy is expressed for the bereaved husband and son.

CONGREGATIONAL CHURCH.— On Sunday two excellent sermons were preached in this church by Mr. Leonard Banner of Wednesbury. The subject in the morning was— “Christ’s Mission to the Poor”, and in the evening—”The Soul’s Awakening unto God”. Special hymns, together with the anthem, “We bow in prayer”, were admirably rendered by the choir, under the direction of Mr. A. Evans (choirmaster). Miss Lucy Bunnagar presided at the organ. A collection was taken at the close of each service on behalf of London Missionary Society.

RATEPAYERS’ ASSOCIATION.— At Tuesday’s meeting, Councillor J. Nicklin presided, and there was a good attendance.—Several questions of public interest were asked and replied to.—The “bad and unhealthy” state of the road from the Sycamore Tree to the Primitive Methodist Chapel, was again referred to, nothing having been done in the matter.—The road from Broseley Wood to Iron-Bridge Road, by way of Nash’s Yard Mount, was also mentioned, and the “benighted state” of Broseley Wood generally was strongly animadverted upon. — The “preferential treatment” bestowed upon High Street, Broseley, from the church to the Cape Inn, during the late heavy fall of snow, was also one of the topics of the evening.— The road near the Calcutt’s rails, Jackfield, was considered a standing danger to the public consequent on mining operations, more especially to vehicular traffic. It was said to be a private road, and thereupon the question arose—If a private road, why did the Broseley District Council repair and light the same?—One of the members referred to a case which he considered was a maladministration of the Poor-Law; and the secretary was instructed to write to Mr. J. E. Hartshorne, a member of Madeley Board of Guardians, asking him to kindly look the matter up.


17th December 1904


As soon as it became known that Mr. A. G. Lascelles was leaving the services of Lord Forester a meeting of the tenantry and others was called at Broseley, when it was unanimously decided not to allow him to leave the district without making him a presentation, as a recognition of the valuable services which he had rendered to the town, &c. Subscriptions rolled in, and several friends who wished to join were unable to do so, as the list had to be closed early. The presentation took the form of an illuminated address (on which were inscribed more than 180 names) and a silver plate, a canteen of silver, and also a silver entree dish, &c. The silver was engraved with Mr. Lascelles’s crest and initials, and was supplied by Mr. H. Wells, High Street, Shrewsbury, whilst Messrs. Adnitt and Naunton, Shrewsbury, furnished the splendid address. The ceremony took place on Saturday evening, privately, at the Dunge, the residence of Mr. Lascelles, and those in attendance were: — Mr. W. Bishop (chairman), Captain Hon. George Forester, Mr. J. A. Downes, Mr. W. Allen, Mr. T. Griffiths, Mr. Walker, Mr. Norgrove, Mr. Chas. E. Ainsworth, Mr. John Davies, Mr. H. A. Instone, Mr. D. L. Prestage, and Mr. Hodgkinson. Mr. Bishop, in making the presentation, said how they all deeply regretted his (Mr. Lascelles’s) departure from the district, and thanked him for his invariable courtesy in all his dealings with the tenantry and others. They could not allow him to leave the district without first asking him to receive the beautiful illuminated address and plate of silver, which he then handed to him amid cheers.— Mr. Lascelles expressed himself deeply grateful for the kind remarks Mr. Bishop had made, and also for the very handsome presents, which, he said, he should value very much, and which, he added, were most useful. (Applause.)—Captain Forester expressed his regret at Mr. Lascelles leaving, who would undoubtedly be a missed man. He also wished to express his high appreciation of Mr. Lascelles’s many good qualities, and concluded by hoping he would sometimes see him among them again. (Applause.)—The party then adjourned to the Lion Hotel, when the Chairman (Mr. W. Bishop), in a neat speech, presented Mr. E. Hodgkinson with a purse containing a Cheque.—Captain Forester and Mr. Lascelles supported the presentation.—The recipient suitably responded.


31st December 1904


OLD BAPTIST CHAPEL.— Special services were held in this place of worship on Christmas Day, when an able address was delivered by Mr. Clive Wilson of Southsea. Christmas hymns were sung.

ALL SAINTS’ CHURCH.— The services on Christmas Day were of a bright and cheerful character, and were conducted by the Rector (the Rev. G. Fleming Lamb, M.A.), who also preached morning and evening. The musical portion of the services was admirably rendered by the choir.

DANCE.-This annual event, in aid of the Broseley Albion Football Club funds, was held on Monday in the Town Hall, which was tastefully decorated for the occasion by members of the committee. Then were about 70 persons present. Mr. H. Russell proved himself an efficient M.C.

WESLEYAN BAND OF HOPE.— On the evening of the 23rd inst. a very interesting lantern lecture was giver in the Wesleyan Schoolroom. Splendid views of London were thrown upon the canvas, the slides being skilfully manipulated by Mr. J. A. Hartshorne. Mr A. T. Hartshorne described the various places of interest in the Metropolis in a graphic and lucid manner.

PRIZE DISTRIBUTION.— On Tuesday the annual distribution of prizes to the scholars attending the Congregational Sunday School took place. The teacher and children met in the Schoolroom, and indulged in various games until tea was announced, when they sat down to an excellent repast, after which the games were resumed. Later, hymns were sung, and prizes consisting of interesting and valuable books, were distributed by Mr. R. Bunnagar (superintendent) Effie Goodall and William and John Hall received special prize each, having made every possible attendance, and having never been late during the year. The following made 70 or more attendances during the year:—Elsie Goodall, Ellen Aston, Edith Tristham, Lilly Pearce, May Hartshorne, Dora Hartshorne, Idabel Williams, Lilly Garbett, Dorothy Penson, Nellie Fox, Florence Milward, Edgar Williams, Ernest Hartshorne, Evan Pearce, Walter Williams, Benjamin Pope, Thomas Goodall, Harry Hill, and Harold Overhand. During the evening biscuits and sweets were handed round, and each scholar was presented with mince pie before leaving for home.

WESLEYAN CHAPEL.— On Christmas Day two sermons were preached here, that in the morning by Mr. C R. Bartlam, and in the evening by Mr. Arthur Jones. Christmas hymns were sung by the choir, who also gave an admirable rendering of the anthem, “Hark what mean those holy voices’” in the evening Mr J. A. Hartshorne presided at the organ. In the afternoon the annual distribution of prizes to the scholars attending the Sunday School took place, the awards being in proportion to attendances made and for general good conduct. A special prize, called the, “Round 0”, was given to those children who have been regular and punctual in their attendance during the year, every time the school was opened. The attendances last year were higher than the preceding year. Round 0, 1904, 10; 100 and over, 27; 75 and over, 14; 50 and over, 14; total 65. Owing to sickness the school was only opened 82 times last year, this year it was opened 101 times. The following children received prizes at the hands of the superintendent (Messrs. W. Edge, sen., and J. E. Hartshorne), who delivered interesting and appropriate addresses:-”Round 0” prizes, Madge Jones, Daisy Aston, Florrie Ball, Marjorie Taylor, Elsie Davis, Cecil Davis, Wm Jones, Arthur Davis, Harry Ball, Norman Ball: 100 attendances and over, Lily Jones, May Mason, Edith Oakley, Popsy Oakley, Ethel Roberts, Alberta Roberts Chris. Mason, Sydney Blackford, Chas. Davis, Harry Britton, Chas. Price, Harold Britton, Norman Taylor, Edward Evans, Arthur Evans, Archie Davis, Dick Jones; 75 attendances and over, but under 100, Hilda Wood, Edith Wood, Millie Evans, Greville Aston, Arthur Harris, Abram Harries, Fred. Jones, Fred Harris, James Evans, Leonard Harris, Jack Wood Leslie Garbett, Wilfred Garbett, Agnes Gough; 50 attendances and over, but not 75, May Britton, Ada Meredith, Annie Gough, Maud Boden, Gertie Beaman, Stephen Jones, Richard Whitmore, Tom Meredith, Albert Nock, Herbert Price, Owen Jones, Waiter Jesse, Sydney Garbett, Sissie Jones. The majority of the prizes consisted of the new Wesleyan Hymn-book. On leaving for home each of the children received a beautifully-illustrated card with mottoes for the year inscribed thereon.


Before Messrs. J. Davies (mayor), A. B. Dyas, D. L Prestage, E. W. Shorting, G.. D. Collings, and F. G Beddoes.

ADJOURNED.—George Higgins, Broseley Wood, was summoned by the Broseley District Council for failing to abate a nuisance on his premises, caused by defective drains and an accumulation of sewage.—Mr F. H. Potts (town clerk), who appeared for the Council, said there appeared to be a personal question between defendant and a neighbour, and Mr. F. G Morris (Shrewsbury), who represented the defendant gave an undertaking that the notice would be complied with, and he asked for the matter to be adjourned a fortnight in order to arrange terms.- The application was granted.